Can America Survive?

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[Music] on july the 4th 1776 56 men gathered in pennsylvania's state house to draw up a declaration of independence from we the people of the united states to king george and to england it was a fortunate hour in our nation's history it was one of those rare occasions when we had greatness to spare there were no white house scandals there were no witch hunts trying to destroy the president there were no ungodly theatrical productions in new york about the assassination of our national leaders there was no sick and corrupt media poisoning the minds of americans with fake news [Applause] no one was betraying our military those 56 men who birthed the america were our founding fathers they were righteous god-fearing bible-believing christ adoring christians and i say that because the educators in america's colleges and universities today present them as greedy malicious self-serving people that is a bald-faced lie well let history speak for itself john hancock said and i quote we recognize no sovereign but god and no king but jesus end of quote [Applause] benjamin russ signer of the declaration of independence said my only hope of salvation is in the infinite love of god manifested to the world by the death of his son jesus christ on the cross nothing but his blood will wash away my sins i rely exclusively upon that come lord jesus even so come quickly amen end of quote sound like a christian to me [Applause] patrick henry it cannot be emphasized too clearly and too often that this nation was founded not by religionists that means people who believe anything not by religionists but by christians not on religion but on the gospel of jesus christ period end quote patrick henry john jay the first supreme court chief justice quote providence is given to our people the choice of their ruler that means elections which means if you are a respectable citizen in america you go vote on election day providence has given to our people the choice of their ruler and it is the duty as well as the privilege of our christian nation listen to select and prefer christians for their rulers period end of quote so much for political correctness charles carroll signer of the declaration of independence without morals or republic cannot subsist at any length those who are decrying the christian religion whose morality is so pure or undermining the solid foundations of morals the best security for the duration of our nation is morality end of quote what was the best security for america the solid foundation of morality king david writes in psalms the 11th chapter the third verse read with me if you will 11 3 for if the foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do let us examine today the spiritual and moral foundations of america and ask ourselves if the foundations are being destroyed and if they are can america survive i will assure you that america is in a fight for its existence and we the people must come back to the god of our fathers heavenly father we gather here today to worship you and to celebrate america its freedom its liberty and justice for all in jesus name we pray and all of god's children said praise the lord you may be seated the question does america have righteous leaders today the answer is absolutely yes they're not in the majority but we have some wonderful people in washington right now working for the preservation of america hear me america there's a serious united effort to bring our government down by the media the liberal media is at war with the american people for the survival of our constitutional government and don't you forget it how can you help you can pray to the god of heaven who has all power in heaven and on earth prayer changes things say that with me prayer changes things say it again prayer changes things we can pray for our righteous leaders we can pray against the enemies of liberty that they be exposed that they be brought to confusion that they be brought to chaos that they be brought to financial destruction i'm describing spiritual warfare put praying for the post-nasal drip of your parakeet god's not concerned about that get in the arena and start fighting for the soul of this nation [Applause] what you bind on earth is bound in heaven what you loose on earth is loosed in heaven we are not helpless we have access to god almighty when we pray the angels listen and come and hasten to come to the earth let us go to war for the soul of this nation let us fight the good fight let us be salt and light let us win this victory america must have a righteous revolution psalms 11 7 says the lord loves righteousness say that with me the lord loves righteousness the bible says blessed is the nation whose god is the lord the bible says all nations that forget god are turned into hell one of those translations is hell on earth america is trying desperately to forget god our colleges and universities are teaching our children in america that we're no longer a christian nation the bible is not true that there is no god that there is no absolute truth that there are no moral absolutes if it feels good to you just do it i beg to differ there are moral absolutes i hold in my hand the magna carta of moral absolutes what part of this book that says thou shall not don't you get i hold in my hand the torch of truth that has birthed the freedom that this nation enjoys i hold in my hand the inerrant infallible eternal holy spirit inspired word of god who's from everlasting to everlasting the grass withers and the flower fades but the word of god shall stand forever this is our foundation this is our foundation in god we still trust we are still one nation under god give him praise in the house this book says nothing is impossible to those that believe and are called according to the purposes of god god has sent you a fedex in this book call upon me and i will answer you and show you great and mighty things that you know not when you understand the power of united prayer you'll shut off the television and start talking to god because god can do something about it this book says whom the son sets free is free indeed we are free from the slavery of sin and satan we are free from the chains of misery and habit that have enslaved us in the times past we are free from anger from bitterness from the rejection and resentment that you experienced in your childhood or in your marriage we are free from the greed and pride planted in our soul by the prince of darkness we are free from the fear of tomorrow we are free from the power of sickness and disease for by his stripes we are healed we are free from poverty and want for it is the lord that gives you the power to get wealth we are free from the powers and principalities of darkness we are free from the guilt of the past we are free from the lack of self-confidence if god be for you who can be against you we are free from personal insecurity of your ability to accomplish great things for nothing is impossible to those that believe and are called according to the purposes of god dream your dream and you and god make it happen give him praise in the house of god for you are a holy people to the lord your god a special treasure above all peoples on the face of the earth god chose israel as a light unto all nations so that through them the whole world might be saved will you join hagee ministries in praying for israel for jerusalem's sake we will not remain silent for your gift in support of israel hagee ministries would like to send you a jerusalem keychain the living word from israel message and the healing and living word devotional for your generous gift of 200 or more you will also receive our pray for the peace of jerusalem tao and a prayer shawl made in jerusalem our god is faithful and he has promised to bless those who bless the nation of israel send your gift today call the number on your screen or visit chosen [Music] [Applause] america's trying to forget god how did we get this far off course our founding father said we recognize no sovereign but god and no king but jesus today our floundering fathers mock the beliefs of the founding fathers they mock the word of god they mock common decency they mock morality they celebrate the murder of the unborn as if it's social progress where do we start the spiritual revolution it starts with you why because everyone thinks about changing the world but the fact but the fact is the only thing you can really change is you you let's consider the foundations of america who were our founding fathers and the sacrifices they made for you and for me listen to history these men had something to lose 24 were outstanding lawyers nine were wealthy plantation owners 23 remaining were all men of distinction they had a great deal to lose they pledged to each other our lives our fortunes and our sacred honor in the theater of your mind can you see hillary clinton pledging her sacred honor to the american people thomas jefferson finished a draft of this mighty document in 17 days congress adopted it july the 4th 1776. what is it that congress has accomplished in 17 days in the last 50 years yeah the declaration of independence said we're free from king george and taxation without representation so they had a boston tea party because why the tax on t had been raised one half of one cent oh that america had that spunk again now we're being taxed 40 and hoping they'll spare us and that's what you get when you don't go vote [Applause] [Music] king george iii denounced all americans as traitors the punishment was hanging by the neck until dead john hancock signed his name very large he said so the king george can read my name without his glasses their prospects if they won the war there was going to be years of hardship in the development of a new nation if they lost they were going to be hung by the neck until dead because king george immediately declared that they were all traitors they signed with ink and they paid with their blood they fought they bled and they died for your freedom and mind what happened to those 56 men carter braxton of virginia a wealthy planter and trader saw his ship swept from the seven seas to pay his debts he lost his home he lost all properties and he died in rides he pledged his life his fortune and his sacred honor he kept his honor he lost his fortune he lost his life for your freedom and for mine [Applause] [Music] thomas lynch jr third generation rice farmer aristocrat a large plantation owner after he had signed his health failed with his wife he set out for france to regain his health the ship never arrived in france he was never heard from again thomas mckeon of delaware was so harassed by the british he was forced to move his family five times in five months he served congress without pay his family lived in poverty and in hiding and he did all of that for you and me and your children and your children children that freedom might be born vandals looted and burned all of the properties of elder clymer hall gwinnett walton hayward rutledge middleton they sacrificed everything they had they lost it all that freedom might be born in america thomas nelson junior of virginia raised two million dollars on his own signature to provision the fighting troops of george washington after the war he personally paid back the loans which wiped out his entire estate he was never reimbursed by our government in the final battle at yorktown nelson urged general george washington to fire on his own house why because it was occupied by the british general cornwallis his home was totally destroyed nelson died bankrupt and was buried in an unmarked grave he gave his life his fortune and his sacred honor he pledged everything for your freedom john hart was driven by the british from his wife's bedside while she was dying their 13 children fled in all directions from the house as the british were approaching his fills and grass mills were laid waste for more than a year he lived in a forest and cave he rehears he returned home after the war to find his wife dead his children gone his property is gone he died a few weeks later of a broken heart he pledged his life his fortune and his sacred honor the point these 56 men paid a price for liberty and freedom they were not poor hungry wild-eyed pirates in desperation they were men of means they enjoyed luxury and ease in their personal lives they had much to lose but they gave it up gladly for your freedom and for my freedom freedom was born july 4 1776 and the united states of america became a reality hallelujah and thank you god [Applause] [Music] during the battle of valley forge there were people who were calling for the resignation of george washington because remember the army of the american revolution were farmers with pitchforks they were up against the best army in the world the british army they were starving most of them didn't have a contract with the government to stay more than six weeks george washington gave each of them a coin that said victory or death i see it valley forge an american patriot his head is stained with blood he has no shoes his feet are wrapped in rags he's hungry from starvation because they hadn't had food in days he's standing in the snow leaning on his musket looking back at this audience and he's saying i stood in the snows of valley forge without shoes to give you the right to vote and you stay home on election day because the weather is bad i hear the echo from valley forge i left my family destitute so that you could have freedom of speech and you remain silent because it might be bad for business or politically incorrect i hear the echo from valley forge i orphaned my children to give you a government to serve you and through neglect you permitted government to become your master and the master of your children and the master of your grandchildren ladies and gentlemen of the 21st century it's time for we the people to stand up and to speak up until there is a revival of righteousness until there is a revival of morality until there is a revival of truth until there is a revival of patriotism from sea to shining sea let freedom ring [Applause] if you have served in the military past or present i would like for you to stand [Applause] god bless you god bless you god bless you remain standing remain standing this is a tribute to you to those who have fault to those who will fight because freedom is the gift of the soldier it is the soldier not the preacher that has given us the freedom of religion because if you and those who came before you had not beat the tyrants down we wouldn't be able to assemble here today to worship god it is the soldier not the reporter who has given us the freedom of the press it is the soldier not the poet who has given us the freedom of speech it is the soldier not the university professor who has given us the freedom to protest it is the soldier not the lawyer who has given us the right to a free trial it is the soldier not the politician who has given us the right to vote it is the soldier who salutes the flag who serves beneath the flag and whose coffin is draped by the flag that makes freedom possible for those who live beneath that flag may god bless you those who came before you and those who will come after you to secure life liberty and the pursuit of happiness for the american people now and forever god bless you all i close with the acknowledgement of our forefathers george washington that would be the father of our nation for those of you who have never taken american history george washington said it is impossible to rightly govern the world without god in the bible do not let anyone claim to be a true american patriot if they ever attempt to separate religion from politics end of quote that statement would include some recent presidents we've had president john quincy adams said so great is my veneration for the bible that the earlier my children began to read it the more confident will be my hope that they will prove useful citizens of their country and respectable members of society i have for many years made it a practice to read the bible through once every year end of quote president john quincy adams abraham lincoln history calls him the greatest president because he held america together in the great civil war and produced the 13th amendment that forever removes slavery god bless his sacred memory [Applause] abraham lincoln said i believe the bible is the best gift god ever gave to man end of quote the bible says when the righteous are in authority the people rejoice but when the wicked rule the people mourn america is in mourning caused by political corruption we must return to the god of our fathers we must return to righteousness we must return to prayer and patriotism let us return to the message printed on every coin in your pocket and every dollar in your wallet in god we trust say it with me in god we trust say it again in god we trust if the foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do hold high the tortured freedom be salt and light to our generation refuse to compromise to the forces of evil we recognize no sovereign but god and no king but jesus can i get a witness becoming a legacy partner with hagee ministries allows you to make a difference in the lives of millions of people all over the world technology is allowing us to connect with so many people through the use of online platforms and social media you can now watch live services and on-demand content from hagee ministries at become a part of a lasting legacy call the number on the screen or go to partner [Music] absolute power can transform every one of your problems into an opportunity for success absolute power will make the impossible possible sorrow becomes joy defeat becomes victory stress becomes peace and doubt becomes faith in god available at or you're watching hagee ministries if you need prayer call our prayer line or visit our website looking for more content to help you in your daily walk listen to our podcast or subscribe to hagee ministries on youtube and now pastors john and matt hagee it's time for us to stop relying on fake news for answers it's time to look to god's word for truth and direction in all that we do it's time to start loving one another praying for one another and supporting those that show god's love to our legacy partners we thank you for being faithful to the cause of christ the bible says those who bless israel will be blessed through your faithful giving and prayers you play a very significant role in blessing the nation of israel here and now at this time pastor hagee is coming with a blessing for you and your entire household and now may the lord bless you and may the lord keep you and may the lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you giving you his peace may you be committed to seek out the will of god for your life and to do it with all of your heart soul mind and body may you bless the house of israel and the jewish people on every occasion that god gives you as you bless israel may you see the blessing of god rest upon you upon your house upon your business and upon all those that you love for god promises that those who bless israel shall be blessed in the authority of jesus name receive this blessing amen and amen you
Channel: Hagee Ministries
Views: 307,148
Rating: 4.8819537 out of 5
Id: FkdccAIsDnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 45sec (1725 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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