What Are Your Strengths And Weaknesses | How To Answer

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um keita says I'm sure you have a video on this but what answer would you give for what are your strengths and weaknesses okay that is two separate questions really right they're asking about your strengths and they're asking about your weaknesses okay so short answer to answering what are your strengths okay here's the thing a lot of people will have the temptation to say things about themselves that they consider strengths okay here's the problem you have no idea what the interviewer is going to regard as strengths for example let's say you're up for a sales job okay now let's pretend that you are a technical detail-oriented person you take pride in your work you double check everything three times okay or two times three times triple check it you very rarely make a mistake and you're very proud of that okay so you say when they say what are your strengths you say oh you don't have a very meticulous person you know I I make sure that everything is done properly and I take the time necessary meanwhile they don't regard that as a strength they regard that as a weakness they're looking for a salesperson so they don't want someone who's gonna like take four hours over the paperwork they want someone who's gonna do their paperwork quickly and then get out and start talking to customers and enjoy talking to customers that's what they wanted to hear right now you don't know what they want to hear so here's what you do in the job posting where they've said you know we're looking for someone who has this this this this right they've said what they're looking for okay so what you do when you're asked what are your strengths is you say well you go you essentially go down that list well my strengths first of all I have two years experience in this okay uh I also have this skill these are things that they're looking for I also have this educational qualification right all of these enable to be a really good salesperson you know you can you can keep going down that list you say how you satisfy each one now maybe a couple of those you don't actually meet them fully you don't actually have say five years experience in something like they're looking for but you have one year experience so you say well I have one year experience in this now okay I have worked with people that have like 10 years experience in it and uh you know they may have a lot more experience but I but I feel that I could really hold my own when it comes to this I feel totally comfortable doing it so doing that type of activity is not a problem for me right so you're putting their mind at ease that none of the mechanical requirements are going to be an issue for you okay that's how you answer the strength part the weakness part is a little bit different okay recruiters are looking for red flags they're looking for reasons to eliminate you what better question than to say what would be a red flag about you why shouldn't we hire you if there was one reason why we shouldn't hire you what would that be right so they ask you this and you just dish you give it to them ah well first of all I'm an alcoholic secondly you know I've got a very bad temper thirdly I hate doing sales I hate it I will not do any job that requires sales right you know so you say all this stuff and they say oh well thank you very much um you know we'll get back to you and then meanwhile they've eliminated you because you've just you were looking good until you opened your mouth and gave them reasons not to hire you so that's why they love this question okay so how do you answer it well here's what you do you don't actually give any kind of real weakness okay don't listen to recruiters when they tell you that oh the way to answer this question is just to be completely honest and give the recruiter an honest weakness and then say how you're working on it right there maybe are a few recruiters out there that uh actually think like that which is great but I can tell you that the vast majority of recruiters don't think like that they're a lot more Petty and what they'll do is they'll simply when they hear your weakness they'll just eliminate you based on that and say well you're not a fit okay so you answer the question by giving an unavoidable side effect of something that you do that's good okay so you would say something along the lines of look I'm a great salesperson I love doing sales if I have a weakness it's because I enjoy talking to customers and building relationships and unfortunately that can maybe leave a little too little time to do all the paperwork fully and completely okay but it's okay because what I usually what I found is that I can overcome that problem by spending a little time with my boss where I handed my paperwork in person and they have the opportunity to ask me any questions right there and then if they need more information I give it to them verbally they're happy I'm happy and that way I can maintain the high levels of customer interaction that I do and that's what makes me a great salesperson right so it's an unavoidable side effect of doing something good that's what you pass off as a weakness okay um I have done videos on all of these I've given you a lot better explanation in my videos a lot more coherent uh so check out my videos on you know best answer to what is your weakness best answer to what is your strengths um check those out okay but that's in a nutshell how you can answer those good question uh Keto
Channel: The Companies Expert
Views: 42,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best answer, hiring, employment, employers, how to get a job, how to get hired, get hired, career, job interview, job interview question, job interview question and answer, job search, job seeker, jobseeker, interview, job interview questions and answers, what are your strengths, what is your strength, what are your weaknesses, what is your weakness, what are your strengths and weaknesses, what is your strength and weakness, how to answer, strength and weakness, strengths answer
Id: A-XuAWBycew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 58sec (358 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 12 2023
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