The Most Important Thing to Say in a Job Interview that GETS YOU HIRED (from former CEO)

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hey everybody welcome to q a so today jason link asks what's the best thing you can say in a job interview that gets you hired excellent question jason there is actually something that you could say something you could do that has a huge impact in the job interview and that is for you to tell the interviewer i want this job now let me explain for a second because there's a bit of an explanation here there is a standard job interview question where they ask you why do you want this job okay that's a standard interview question it is another form of them saying why should we hire you okay now i've already done a video on how to answer that question i'll put a link in the description long story short if they ask you you know why do you want this job you say well as i understand it you're looking for somebody who and then you go down the list of job requirements saying how you speak to each one okay how you satisfy each one okay that's the short answer for how to answer that question but this is something else i'm talking about now okay this is not you answering a question this is you unprompted telling them i want this job okay it's a statement and um it's very powerful and here's why when you interview as a candidate most interviewers whether they are recruiters or hiring managers especially hiring managers they will make the assumption that you want this job in the sense that you want a job because you need money but that you're not particularly hell-bent or passionate about this particular job like doing these duties and having these responsibilities and working here okay they're gonna make this assumption about you that um that's the case now for a lot of candidates that's true okay but for other candidates it's not you know you are particularly attached to this job and you're passionate about it and if that's the case you need to say this line you need to communicate this to them okay because that's what they're looking for they're looking for hiring managers and recruiters they are looking for a candidate who is not only qualified to do the job there are quite a few of those but they're looking for someone who's qualified and they're passionate okay about doing this particular job that's what they're looking for okay so if that's what you are you need to communicate that okay um maybe i can just tell a bit of a personal story here to illustrate this i've been on both sides of this question uh in my career and the last time that i was a candidate and this kind of came up was a few years ago i was interviewing with the company they flew me out to toronto canada to do an interview with the ceo of the company and it wasn't in an office this was in a public place this was in a restaurant in a convention center in toronto so i went to toronto i met the ceo i did this job interview and just so you know this does happen a lot a lot of job interviews do happen in public places and so it's about an hour long and they asked me a lot of the kind of standard job interview questions and a few other things and one of the questions that they asked me my answer turned into a bit of a two-way exchange you know like a conversation and so i said to them listen you know i want to tell you something very important and i want to make sure you're listening are you listening and they said you know yeah i'm i'm listening go ahead so i said okay i want this job [Music] i'm very suited to what you're looking for here and i'm very passionate about doing this kind of work and this is a tremendous opportunity for me so i just want you to know that i really want this job and they said something like you know okay uh you know okay gotcha you know thanks for sharing uh and i got the job now this was a surprise to me because i knew that i was up against a few other candidates who were probably more qualified than i was i mean i was qualified but they had more years of experience and maybe better qualifications than i did and they were kind of as far as i was concerned they were probably going to get it but what i suspect happened was that although they were more qualified technically they probably didn't communicate how passionate they were about it okay so in my case a little bit of passion made up for perhaps slightly less qualifications but i was still qualified okay so that illustrates the power that this this can have and it's a very general thing so it works in i believe most situations this is going to work or it's going to have an effect anyway so hopefully this was helpful thank you for sending in this intelligent question keep sending me intelligent questions i love to read them and i like to respond to them um you know you guys are awesome never ever forget that don't forget to subscribe and i will see you on the next one take care
Channel: The Companies Expert
Views: 284,179
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Keywords: Everything You Need To Know To Get Hired, A Job Interview Tip Guaranteed to Get You Hired, do this to get hired, The most important thing to do in an interview, things to say to pass an interview, what to say in an interview, job search tips, job interview, interview questions and answers, interview tips, interview preparation, interview questions, get hired, how to answer interview questions, the most important thing to say in job interview that gets you hired from former CEO
Id: wmvRfeav5WU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 1sec (361 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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