Interview Preparation | Best Practices (from former CEO)

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hey everyone today i'm going to give you the best way to prepare for a job interview i'm going to share some best practices that will greatly improve your chances of getting hired okay first of all everyone is swayed by appearances and recruiters and hiring managers are no different you need to look like the candidate if you show up looking like the candidate all you have to do is not talk yourself out of a job if you show up not looking like the candidate you now have to change the minds of the interviewers and that's a much harder challenge i've been a hiring manager and i can tell you that for most of the people that i interviewed who didn't get the job i could tell within the first two minutes of the interview that they weren't right if they don't talk act or behave like the person you want in the role most of the time they end up not working out so although there are exceptions to this not looking like you're right for the role is perceived as a big red flag that we want to minimize this issue make sure you research the company or organization particularly the way people in the role dress speak and act chances are this is what the recruiter and particularly the hiring manager have in mind for what they're looking for you'll have a much easier ride if you're compatible with this if you don't just be aware that you probably have an extra challenge to address okay second point speak in their terms often because of differences between industries organizations and locations people often use different words when describing what is essentially the same thing for example if a posted job requirement is for you to have generated twenty thousand dollars profit don't tell the interviewer you've generated over fifty thousand dollars net income no siri bob jim that's a totally real expression see we know that profit and net income mean essentially the same thing however the interviewer especially if they're a recruiter may not be aware of technicalities like this so when you finish your answer the interviewer may write down that they didn't hear any mention of profit so you don't meet the requirements if they're looking for frontline manager experience don't tell them you have lead supervisor experience talk to them about your frontline management experience yeah we both know that in this context those mean the same thing but we don't want any miscommunication no way san jose what so read the job posting carefully noting all the requirements you call them the same thing they call them okay third point obviously you're going to be asked questions during the interview and you need to anticipate and prepare your answers you need to know how to answer traditional job interview questions there's about 10 of these and in addition you're going to be asked behavioral interview questions they vary by company and position for which you're interviewing you're also going to need between 5 and 10 success stories from your previous job experience these have to be on the tip of your memory so you can use them to demonstrate your various abilities incidentally i've made separate videos on each of these giving you good ways to answer them it's going to take a while to learn these and commit them to memory often several days and for higher positions the required preparation time increases now fourth point research the company let me tell you candidates that show up for the job interview not knowing what business the company is in don't get very far not on my watch clarence look at the company's website facebook and linkedin sites google them know their business and their organizational structure like if they have different divisions if you know who will be at the interview find them on linkedin look at their profile and learn their function and their background google image search the company if possible try to get a feel for the company's culture and environment when you show up at the interview and you know this stuff it signals that you're a serious and capable candidate and have a good work ethic it does okay now fifth point do mock interviews this is probably the most useful thing you can do that will have the biggest impact it's basically a pretend interview that you do with a friend family member or hr professional number one you get to rehearse your answers and number two the other person can give you feedback and that second part can be invaluable a lot of executives pay large sums of money to executive hiring coaches to do mock interviews and provide feedback so they end up interviewing well but for most people a friend or a spouse will work just fine as long as you've done your research and learned how to answer the questions if you found this helpful please like subscribe share and hit the bell i'm bill the company's expert thank you for watching my videos you are awesome
Channel: The Companies Expert
Views: 113,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Interview Preparation | Best Practices (from former CEO), job interview questions, best practices, job interview, interview preparation, advice, job interview questions and answers, job interview tips, best way, job interview questions to ask, how to prepare for a job interview, job interview preparation, get hired, interview preparation tips, what to ask in a job interview, prepare for job interview, best method, employment, hiring, job search, get a job, find job, job, HR, jobs
Id: 9Mg7SzIlYaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 41sec (281 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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