How To Be LIKEABLE In An Interview | How To Sell Yourself In A Job Interview

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hey everybody you know in a job interview many candidates meet all the technical requirements for the job and often when we look at the candidate that gets selected and hired they're usually the most likable candidate being likable will sell you in a job interview see your goal is to get them to want to interact with you more to want to talk to you for longer so let's talk about how to be more likeable in a job interview i'm going to give you three and a half tips on how to do this okay tip number one this sounds so basic but it's super important it's to smile now before you turn the video off okay let me explain when i say smile i don't mean you know like this i mean do what i'm trying to do right now you look pleasant you look approachable right you look like you're accommodating and you look friendly right that's that's what i mean by smiling now um you know if you were in a room and a stranger walked in okay someone you don't know and you don't know their name you don't know anything about them but you look at their facial expression and they look like this would you want to interact with that person probably not i mean okay if if you're if you're a sociopath and you're uh up for a challenge you know that might be one thing but if you're a normal well-adjusted human being you would probably not want to go up and talk to that person because you probably feel that the odds of you having a pleasant experience are below average okay so you know this seems so trivial like i said but this is very important we don't know anything about that person but we already know that we don't want to go and talk to them okay that's the power this has so when it comes to making a first impression in a job interview this is super important now let's be honest okay in a job interview most of us are not feeling very pleasant we're probably worried we're nervous and uh we're desperately trying to remember the preparation that we did and maybe our minds are going blank right and unless you're careful your facial expression will reflect how you feel and that doesn't make for that good first impression that ends up being more like the uh the stranger that we talked about okay so this is very important tip number one is to smile is to just look pleasant approachable accommodating and friendly okay that's tip number one tip number two this is the throw a compliment people love compliments now this is not very original a lot of people have said this okay they say throw a compliment but i feel that the way that they say this they they don't quite get it right okay when i say throw a compliment i don't mean you pick some random thing and then you say a compliment that's probably not genuine it's probably bogus and it feels awkward and it's forced that's not what i'm talking about okay i'm talking about saying something genuine to them that you genuinely appreciate okay that's relevant so whenever they tell you something whenever they do something for you whenever they provide you with something or they offer you something okay you compliment on them on that you don't have to keep doing this maybe one good compliment towards the beginning of the job interview that makes a very good first impression for example let's say that the job interview started on time okay so right when the uh the meeting was supposed to start they call you into the room you know you could say hey you know uh you guys are really punctual that's a sign of professionalism right i mean that's that's a compliment and when they hear that they'll probably think like you know yeah yeah you know i try to be professional um that's what i'm talking about it's not something disgenuous it's something true and it's based on something they just did or something you just noticed about them okay let's face it in this life you know it's not a super common thing for someone to come up to us and say hey you know that thing that you're doing you're doing a great job you know way to go keep that up you know that's not very often that that happens and when it does happen it tends to have a big impact on us it makes us feel really good about ourselves and more importantly it makes us like the other person that's giving us that compliment and that's why we want to do this okay there's nothing disingenuous about this you find something that they're doing that you think is good and you tell them that that's tip number two okay tip number three and this is to say thank you now you'd be surprised at how many people don't do this okay now speaking from the experience of being a hiring manager and i've hired you people you know when you when you have known a candidate less than a minute okay and they say to you you know hey thank you very much for giving me this opportunity you know i'm just glad to be here you know that really goes a long way that makes a good first impression i think wow this is probably going to go well because they seem to genuinely want this job they genuinely feel appreciative of the opportunity so that's a great start you know it's it's much better than doing the opposite where you know you feel kind of a little bit uh you know too cool for them you know oh yeah you know you're bringing me and i'm clearly the best candidate i'm this superbly talented person way up here you know um and you know people sometimes get fooled into uh into acting like that because they're trying to play the part of someone that has a lot of value and in the process of doing that they can seem too stuck up you know um they seem like oh i don't really need this job i've got a lot of other options open to me and unfortunately that's a huge turn off for the hiring manager and presumably for recruiters too so don't do that show your appreciation it goes a long way now so that's tip number three now the third and a half tip that i have here the reason why it's not a full-blown tip number four is because it's not always possible to do in a job interview but this is a very powerful way to be likable in general and that is to be agreeable and positive if they ask you a question you know they say can you tell us about this you say sure yeah no problem whatever you're looking for right you're accommodating you don't uh say no you don't find fault with anything you don't take offense to anything you know you're just positive and you're accommodating and um this is a good thing now the footnote here and this is a big footnote is that um in a job interview you can't be too accommodating because as you guys probably know from my channel if you see my other videos a lot of the job interview questions are trying to get you to reveal something about yourself that could be negative and so you don't want to be too accommodating you want to be well rehearsed you want to know the answers to common job interview questions but with the assumption that you're doing that you want to have a demeanor of just being accommodating and pleasant and positive and being agreeable that will go a long way so those are my three and a half tips now as i said these these seem so trivial but they have a huge huge impact a lot of people realize this a lot of the more extroverted people out there you guys realize this a lot of the more introverted people or some of some of the technical people uh may not realize this and i'm talking to you engineers accountants locomotive maintenance technicians i see you this is super powerful if you don't believe me on this ask any successful salesperson how important this stuff actually is okay might be an eye opener um thank you very much for your attention and watching this along don't forget to subscribe you guys are awesome and more than that every single one of you has the potential to be a superstar if you follow these tips and a lot of other tips like these okay your career will take off things will go well very important thank you very much i'll see you on the next video [Music]
Channel: The Companies Expert
Views: 99,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: people skills, communication skills, interpersonal skills, be more likeable, be more likable, likeable, likable, management skills, career, how to be more likeable, CEO, former CEO, career development, further your career, How to be likeable, how to be likeable in an interview, likeability, how to be more social, how to have conversations, how to be more likeable at work, conversation starters business, best conversation starters, how to sell yourself in a job interview
Id: 5G6kDDsqFBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Tue May 11 2021
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