What are the deployment Pipelines in Power BI? | A complete walkthrough | Power BI Premium | 4K

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hello everyone welcome to ba consulting pro in today's video we are going to discuss about deployment pipelines in power bi i'm sure you have heard about it a lot of times but in today's video i'm gonna show you what are the different features in this and how we can use them as well as what can be the limitations so stay tuned till the end of this video [Music] what is a deployment pipeline well we all are aware about that in general in our organizations we have the different environments where we push the codes and then finally we released it into the production environment the deployment pipelines tool enables bi creators to manage the life cycle of organizational content it's an efficient and reusable tool for creators in an enterprise with premium capacity deployment pipelines enables creators to develop and test power bay content before the content is consumed by end users the content types include reports dashboards and data sets so generally there are three stages that is dow test and production in dev this stage is used to design build and upload new content with fellow creators this is the first stage in deployment pipelines once the content has been deployed in doubt after that we need to test that so in order to test it there are testers in organizations or sometimes the bi guys also do the same in test environment you are ready to enter the test stage after you have made all the needed changes to your content you upload the modified content so it can be moved to this test stage for examples you can share content with testers and reviewers you can load and run test with larger volumes of data and also in test you can test your app to see how it look for the end users now we come to the prod or the production after testing the content use the production stage to share the final version of your content with business users across the organization so in pro we finally released our content where it's generally available for the end users now let's discuss about the deployment pipeline process how can we achieve the same so the very first is we have to create a pipeline and once we created our pipeline then we have to assign a workspace but before moving into this part you should know that you can only assign a power bi premium capacity workspace into this you cannot use your normal workspaces that you generally creates with your power bi pro account so you have to have your workspace which is based on the premium capacity thirdly you develop and test your content that is you deploy your content into the dev and then subsequently in test and production and at last you share with your end users your content via app or why reports it's up to you now before moving forward we should also discuss the prerequisites for deployment pipelines in power bi the very first is that you should be a power bi pro user and you belong to an organization that has a premium capacity if you are using a power bi pro license and you do not have a premium capacity then you cannot use this feature it's a premium feature you can also have a power vapor user license which microsoft recently released and it's in the preview right now pricing has not been announced yet but it is somewhere between the pro and the premium so there you will get this advanced feature where you can utilize it secondly you should be an admin of a new workspace experience otherwise you cannot create deployment pipelines how it works so for that we have to see a demo and in the demo i'm gonna show you how to actually achieve the deployment pipeline so let's head over to my rba desktop application first so here you can see this is my power bi desktop application where i have downloaded a sample report from microsoft website which is a sales and return and this report is already made by microsoft it's for the demonstration purpose or for your own learning so if you want to download it you can also download from the microsoft website and you can start utilizing this i'm going to publish this report into my premium workspace and before that i'm also going to show you how to create your premium workspace for that first we have to open our browser and we need to login into our power base service account you need to sign into your power bi service account once you are over here you will see on your left hand side there are the workspaces you need to click over here and then you can create your workspace once again i would like to highlight this point that you should have power be a premium per user or power bi premium capacity based license only then you can utilize this feature otherwise you cannot so let's create a workspace i'm gonna give it a name deployment pipeline demo [Music] if you want to mention any description you can give it over here otherwise no need to and you have to then go in the advanced options over here and here we can define okay what would be the contact list right now it's this one and now there's a feature down the line you'll see premium capacity which is off currently then we have to switch it on and then you have to select your region from where you want to create this premium capacity based workspace if you want to change the default storage mode you can also do that and there is a small data set storage format and large data set storage format so i'll go with the small only because it's just for demo purpose i don't need anything else and there's an option as well where you can develop a template app if you would like to so i'm gonna just click on save button it would take some time and now you can see that deployment pipeline demo workspace is over here and this is icon for premium per user because my account is based on the premium per user license which is right now in the preview feature now on your left hand side again you will see there is a deployment pipelines once i'll click over here you will get this window which is kind of briefly going to explain you what is the actually the process how to create it and once you are over here i'm going to click on this create a pipeline and i'm going to give it a name demo pipeline optionally you can also describe it you can provide your description over here and then click create and after a couple of seconds you will see this kind of layout is going to appear in front of you where you can see what is the deployment test and production basically these are the three different environments now you will also notice over here there is a button at the bottom of the screen which is saying assign a workspace currently we haven't assigned any workspace over here and if i'll go into my workspace here also you can create your pipelines so if you would like to create from here you can do the same and if you want to create any content you can also do the same over here so let's go back into deployment pipelines i'm over here this is my pipeline that i created if you want to create any new pipeline that you can also create now click on this assign a workspace and my workspace i need to select from the drop down so basically your all the premium workspaces are going to be there so let me select this one and here you will see you want to assign it to either tab test or production so it's up to you if you want to go for the test you can go if you want to go for the production you can also go so likely you can do that if you don't need dab or test but we will go for the dev only and the rest of uh the environments are gonna create automatically so we don't need to do that so let's do that once you are gonna do this so you will see that you have already created this deployment pipeline and you have assigned a workspace to this you will notice their data sets reports and dashboards all are zero because we have not published anything yet in this one let's come to the part where we have to publish our report to the premium workspace for that i'll come over here on my power bi desktop application i'm going to publish this here i can select my workspace where i want to publish this and this is my deployment pipeline demo workspace select this it would take a couple of seconds so either you can click over here or you can just go into your browser again refresh it and now you would notice that you have one data set one report and there is no dashboard right now also you can click on show more it's gonna show you your data sets or your report or even your dashboard and then you will get couple of options settings lineage view the way you want to view it now you can directly either publish this from here directly you can publish into an app or you can deploy this into your test and production one so what i'm gonna do i'm going to deploy this into my test one so that my testers and the viewers can have a look and they can identify if there's any mistake or something is not working as expected so it would take couple of seconds more and once it's done you will see a message over there deployment completed go to workspace so you can come over here in your workspace and you can utilize the report generally the way you utilize this into your obvious pro account but now let's go back over here so there are a couple of things to notice over here this middle icon which is in the green right now so generally you will see in three different colors you can either see red orange or green green means everything is matching between these two workspaces or the environment because it's under one workspace these are just the different environments and if it's orange that means some are matching some are not and if it's in red that means nothing is matching or there now i'm gonna deploy this to production here we go deployment has been completed with every environment you will get an option to publish app so if you would like to publish from any of the environment you can do that but only with production you will get this update app because generally we are going to release our report dashboard data set finally into the production environment and there only you will get this updated option so now i'm in sync with all my all of my environments and there is a green sign over there that means everything is good you will get your date and timing over here plus you will get certain options or here if you want to unassign this workspace you want to brand access to someone onto this workspace you can do that these are just as simple as you used to do into your power bi pro account there is nothing new also if you would like to change the workspace settings you can change it from here you can go to advanced settings and there you have those settings so up to you what you want to change so over here if you would like to change your settings you can do that up to you or if you would like to make any change in your storage also you can do that but it's a preview feature so please don't go with that now i would like to show you what happens if i make any change in my report or the data set so for that we are going to go back to our power bay application and over here what i'm gonna do i'm going to just delete this from here remove so once i saved it i'm gonna publish it again in the same workspace this is my deployment pipeline demo i'm gonna publish it once more it's saying okay it's gonna replace this yes we want to replace it now my report has been published so let's get back over here and here what i'm gonna do i'm gonna refresh this page now you will notice that there is an orange icon over here right now earlier it was green but now it's orange but between test and production it's the green one because there's no change between these two now you can compare after clicking on this compare button and you see there are two items which are different one is your data set another is your report so you can check further by going into your report why it's different why it's not if you think it's the same then you can say okay deploy to test and it's gonna give you the warning two items in the destination workspace will be affected during deployment you say yes okay just close this button and now you will see there is the difference between the test and the protection environment you can again deploy in production and continue close this and now you can publish an app if you want to you can just click on this publish app button then you have to create the app if you don't know how to create an app i have already created a beautiful video on that so please go and check that i'll put the link in the description section you can also provide the access to someone in your team on the deployment pipelines and there are the different accesses you can provide over here whether you want to provide that the admin or viewer or contributor etc so please go with that otherwise there are settings too which you can change like name or the description nothing much now you would notice over here there is an icon over here this lightning icon which is saying the deployment settings so you can create certain rules as well that means your data source rule and the parameter rules what happens generally whenever we are deploying from one environment to another we change the connection stream into our data set so our deployment generally gets uh the dev connection settings and our test environment is different for the data and production is different so we can change them over here so what you can do you can come over here you can click on this you will get this okay these are the one data rules configuration you can select okay this one my data set and here you can start adding your rules you can add rules okay this is my path what is this so let's select this one now you can see what is this you can select okay this is the full path and then again you can change like this and there's a parameter rules as well so if you want to go with that you can go with that too and guys if you would like to read further about this i'll provide the link in the description for the microsoft documentation so that you can go and you can read all the content over there you will understand okay what is the parameters and what are the data source rules and if further you have any question and concern please reach out to us and we will help you out asap before ending this session definitely there are some other things to discuss over here like the limitations and there is also a deployment to an empty stage or the backward deployment so yeah i'm i know that you are surprised what is a backward deployment so please make sure you know what is a backward deployment and for that you can check the link in the description as well but i'm gonna tell you what is it actually so let's move over to my presentation once more so let's discuss about the backward deployment you can choose to deploy to a previous stage for example in a scenario where you assign an existing workspace to production stage and then deploy it backwards first to the test stage and then to the deployment stage initially in our demo what we did actually we first deployed into our dev environment then we deploy into test and then we went to the production one but it can also possible that first you assign your workspace directly to the or production one and then you can go backwards like test and dive so this is what is the backward deployment deploying to a previous stage works only if the previous stage is empty otherwise it's not gonna work when deploying to a previous stage you can't select specific items all contents in the stage will be deployed so that means only in forward deployment you will get an option to choose which content you want to deploy but once you are in the backward one you won't get to decide which one you want to deploy or not data set rules any types i have already discussed with you we have two rules data source rules and parameter rules and why we need it also i have explained to you if your report has parameters you can create the rules for them as well if your report has a data source connection strings you can create a rules for them now let's discuss about the limitations as i mentioned previously when we are working on something definitely there are some limitations and for this we have two types of limitations one is the workspace assignment limitations and secondly is the data set rule limitations so in case of workspace assignment limitations the very first the workspace must be a new workspace experience secondly you must be an admin of the workspace thirdly the workspace is not assigned to any other pipeline fourth the workspace must reside on a premium capacity as i mentioned to you earlier and lastly you cannot assign a workspace with power based samples to a pipeline stage here you should know that only workspace that can be used with deployment pipelines will show in the list of workspaces you can select from so you remember when i selected the workspace or when i assign a workspace to a deployment pipeline in the drop down only the premium workspaces were appearing over there now we are going to discuss about the limitations for data set rules so for that first of all you should know that you must be the owner of the data set to create a data set rule secondly data set rules cannot be created in the development stage they can only create it either in the test or the production one if the data source or a parameter defined in a rule are changed or removed from the source data set the rule will not be valid and the deployment will fail so make sure you are either not deleting them or if you are deleting then you should remove them parameter rules cannot be defined for parameters that are of any or binary type if you have any parameter of the type any or binary we cannot define any rules for them also data source rules can only be defined further like azure analysis services is your snaps sql server analysis services azure sql server sql server or data feed oracle sap hana sharepoint and error data only as of now while i'm recording this video maybe in future there would be certain others more but not now so these were the kind of the limitations for the workspaces and the data sets let's move further so what's gonna happen next once you are gonna create your deployment pipelines you have assigned a workspace to them you are using them you have seen in the demo part as well how i achieved this but the real question is when you are going to try this so you should try them try to figure it out the different options available over there and if you would like to know something more if you are facing any issues or you have any concern please do let us know you can contact us via different mediums and also you can likely email us if you have any questions or concerns please do let us know in the comment section and stay tuned for more updates [Music]
Channel: BI Consulting Pro
Views: 23,529
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Keywords: Deployment pipelines in power bi, bi consulting pro, power bi interview questions, da-100 exam preparation, power bi training, power bi tutorial, manage workspaces in power bi, deployment pipeline power bi, how to create an app in power bi, power bi apps, power bi apps tutorial, deployment pipelines in power bi, deployment pipelines power bi premium, backward deployment in Power BI, deployment process in power bi, power bi tutorial from beginner to pro, Power BI, Apps, PL300
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 15sec (1335 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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