Create a Popup Window in Power BI

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- Yooo! What's up? This is Patrick, from Guy in a Cube. And in this video, I'm gonna show you how to create a pop-up window in Power BI. I created one in a video I did recently, and people in the comments were like, how did you do that? So I decided to do a video, stay tuned. (upbeat music) If you find this for the very first time, be sure to hit that subscribe button, to stay up to date from all the videos from both Adam, and this guy. Okay, so, uh oh, gotta be careful. All right, so I created this little popup window in a video I did, and people were like, "Patrick, how did you do that?" So in this video, I decided to show you. So enough of all this talking, you guys know I would like to do, let's do what? Let's head over to my laptop. So I start with a port that looks just like this. And the first thing I like to do is create a blank page. And I actually build the pop-up window on this page. So I'm gonna go Insert and insert a shape. And there's lots of shapes to choose from I'm gonna choose the rounded rectangle. Make it the size that you want it to be when it pops up. And then what I'm gonna do is change the field color to white. You format this however you wanna format this, in the outline I wanna increase the thickness, kind of pronounce it a little bit, and I'm gonna turn off my background. I'm gonna collapse this, click away and get my visuals back. And then what I'm gonna do is add core because there's something I wanna display. Now you display whatever you want, in that particular video, I was displaying Dumbfilter context for a particular page so that's what I'm gonna do here. So I'm gonna drag this, drop it right here. So now it's there and your format this up. So I'm gonna go turn off the Category label and turn on my title, sinner it. And I'm gonna simply call this Filter Context For This Page. The last thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna add a button. So I'm gonna go here, I'm gonna add a blank button. All I'm doing right here, I'm gonna turn this on, turn the Outline off and simply put an X, in there, increase the font size, and then change the font to go Bold to kind of pronounce it a little bit. This button is gonna be used to close our pop-up window. And I'm gonna put it over here. And then I select everything on the page, right-click and group it. So now I just built the window that's gonna pop up. And I'd like to do it on a separate page because it gives me more real aesthetic and a different place to work with so I'm not dealing with all the visuals that I have on the other page, that's step one. The next thing, is make sure I have the group selected, copy it, and over to the page where I wanna use this and I'm simply gonna paste it on that page. And then I'll move it to the location where I want it to pop up. And so you can see it's already picking up the context. If I open up the Slicer panel, you can see that I have these years selected. If I uncheck it, you know, it changes and it's working the way I want it to work. And then if I go over to my filter pane, you can see I have one filter on the United States, perfect. But now what I wanna do, is I wanna make sure that it opens up when the user wants to see it and close when they don't wanna see it. So let's get all that wired up. Go to View, I'm gonna show the Selection pane and the Bookmark pane. And I'm gonna create two bookmarks, I'm gonna say, add this bookmark, and this is gonna be Pop Up Open. And then I'm gonna add another bookmark and I'm gonna call that one, Pop Up Close. I'm gonna choose this one, what I'm gonna do is hide this, let's update that. And then I'm gonna choose Pop Up Open, and I'm gonna unhide that group and then I'm gonna update that. And now let's toggle to make sure they're working, my two bookmarks are working. I'm gonna do another test before I start wiring things up. Let's show my pop-up window and let's open up this, and now let's change some stuff, still picking up my years. You can see that it's including 2013. If I undo that one, it's including in 2015. Now, let's close this window, and now let's open it back up. Something strange happened here. You gotta be careful when you create your bookmarks and things like this, because there's some options on the bookmarks that you need to do if you wanna persist the data, if you don't wanna select the other visuals. Adam did a really good video about all these features, and you should go check them out. I'm gonna kind of go through them a little bit, but Adam goes really in-depth in his video. Let me show you what I'm talking about. I wanna keep the data I don't wanna mess with the data in the Slicers, so on both of those bookmarks, I'll go here and uncheck Data, and then I'll click this bookmark, it'll go away and I'm gonna uncheck Data. Cause I don't wanna affect the data. I'm gonna open my Slicer panel back up, I'm gonna choose 2013, 2016 and get rid of 2011. And then I close this and then I'm gonna open up my Slicer panel. Boom, so now the data is handled, but I noticed something interesting. Watch this, I'm gonna close my pop-up window, open up the Slicer panel, and then I'm gonna open my window, but the Slicer panel goes away. I wanna key that Slicer panel there. When I'm interacting with this pop-up window, I don't want the bookmarks that's associated with these things to affect the other elements. So there's another option that I need to uncheck or actually switch it to a different option, let me show you what I'm talking about. Make sure that element is selected, make sure it's Grey. Go over to that bookmark, click on the ellipsis, instead of All Visuals choose Selected Visuals and then update your bookmark. Then we're gonna switch over here to Pop Up Close. Make sure we select it, switch from All Visuals to Selected Visuals and then update. Now we'll toggle open, close, open, close, but watch this, if I open the Slicer panel, interact with it. Now, if I close, a pop up, the Slicer panel stays. Those are two important options and there are some other options when that little fly out window that opens up when you click the ellipsis, you should take a look at those and definitely go watch Adam's video. So let me show you how I wired all this up. So I'm gonna insert a button on the page. So we're gonna insert this button, blank button, drag it over here, span it out a little bit. Open up the Format option for that button. And then you just type some texts in here. I'm just gonna simply say build to context for this page. Now we have two buttons, so I'm gonna click this button. Let's go to the Action, turn it on. And we're gonna say, this is a bookmark and this button is actually gonna open it up. So when I click this, now it opens it. And so you see this button right here, the Action, I'm gonna turn it on and this is gonna be to close. So now when I click this it close it, when I click that, it opens it. I can close this, notice how it's not interacting. So I click this, there we go. If I click this one and I say, you know what? I want also, California, it updates this, I close that, it keeps California and I can close this and it all works. All right, what do you guys think? Done anything with pop up windows before? Kinda cool things you need to think about when you're setting them up, those bookmark options, you definitely need to think about those and how you wanna handle the data and all the visuals on the page. All right, you guys got any questions, got any comments, you know what to do, let's continue to conversation, where? In the comments below. It's your first time visiting the Guy In A Cube channel, hit that Subscribe button. You liked my video, pick thumbs up. And as always from Adam and myself, thanks for watching. See you in the next video.
Channel: Guy in a Cube
Views: 122,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: power bi, power bi bookmarks, power bi bookmarks and buttons, power bi bookmarks tutorial, power bi dashboard, power bi demo, power bi desktop, power bi desktop tutorial, power bi for beginners, power bi pop up visual, power bi reports, power bi training, power bi tutorial, power bi tutorial for beginners, learn power bi, what is power bi, business analytics, business intelligence
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 33sec (393 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 03 2021
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