Deployment Pipelines give you more CONTROL (Power BI Premium)

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yo I was going to Cupid in this video I'm gonna walk you through how you can use deployment pipelines to have a dev test production whole lifecycle inside a power bi stay tuned [Music] if you're finding us for the first time be sure to hit that subscribe button to stay up to date with all the videos from both Patrick and myself boof deployment pipelines we're gonna go through all the ins and outs of this there are some things to be aware of and stick around till the end where I'm gonna call out some of the limitations as well as some tricks for you to really optimize usage of deployment pipelines alright now if all this talking let's head over to my machine and actually see what this looks like alright so I've just got a regular app workspace here one thing you will notice is there is a diamond there this has to be a premium workspace that's one of the first call-outs here is the workspaces that you use for deployment pipeline have to be in this capacity type mode so it can't just be outside of premium so be aware of that it may be something that stops you right now and that's okay but I wanted to call this out this is a power bi premium feature outside of that I've just got you know a dashboard report and data set and then I've also got a secondary data set as well another thing you will notice is over on the left hand side you will now see deployment pipelines so if you have things that line up with this so you've got a workspace with dedicated capacity and you've got a pro license on your end you will see this new deployment pipelines area underneath shared with me when we go and select deployment pipelines we'll get some basic instructions here this is actually I really like the UI for this I think it's very clean I think it's easy to use and let's go ahead and create a new pipeline so we need to give it a name description is optional optional yeah our cubed pipeline and we will hit create alright so now we've got three stages of this pipeline we've got development we've got tests we've got production the way this will work is we'll see from a workspace perspective I've got my dev workspace ignore the embed test I've got my dev workspace I don't have a test and production workspace set up you can only assign one workspace to this pipeline and then as you go through the next stages it will automatically create those workspaces for you so let's go in the in my workspace and select my contoso dev workspace there are a couple different ways that you can come at this so we could start with development we could start with production you could start with tests so there are different things that you can consider in terms of doing this so if you don't plan on having all three maybe you just want like a Devon production or what you would call tests in production you could just have tests and production and ignore dev altogether so if you're just gonna go with two I would say start with either test or production if you're gonna have all three I would say start with either development or production in this case my workspace is I'm gonna consider this my development workspace so I'm gonna start with development but you can start with production and go backwards if that's what you want I'm gonna go ahead and hit a sign and then BAM we get some initial looks at you know data set how many data sets I have reports I can refresh those I can publish an app I can show more which ends up allowing me to individually select items that I could then deploy to the next stage so this is just good heads-up of what's going on now what I want to do now is I want to got my development set up now I want to actually move this into tests and so when we hit deploy to test it's going to create that workspace and copy the contents of the dev workspace to the test workspace we've got it all set up and one thing you'll notice is it shows datasets reports and dashboards doesn't show data flows it doesn't show other like Excel Docs or anything like that so this is really only gonna copy those datasets reports and dashboards over not data flows not those other items so be aware of that that's something that could potentially come down the line but right now that's the current state of where it is at all right and now that we've got it in test I want to do some cleanup things one thing you'll notice is my original workspace was called contoso dev now you'll see that it's got bracket test bracket around it but it still says condo so dev so I can change that right now so let's go ahead and we'll go to workspace settings and I can update the name I'll just call it test I want to be consistent so I will just say test and then save and then you'll see that that gets reflected also if you come over to workspaces now and take a look you'll see that contoso test is there the other cool thing with deployment pipelines this is something I really love you'll see this little lightning bolt up on the top where it says debt IRA where it says test so when I click on that what I can do is I can actually update rules for the data set itself so my dev data set is connecting to my dev database and I also have a file in there as well and that's in a dev location when I go to test I want to have it connect to a different server right so my dev servers got the most minimal amount of data just for development purposes test has a little bit more and so we want to point it to those servers so I'm gonna go ahead and update my adventureworks data set and we're gonna change my data source right now it's pointed to my dev database and we're gonna move it to test it and then parameters I also have a parameter here for my CSV file name it's pointing to my dev folder structure I'm gonna move it to my test folder structure and then I'm gonna hit save and close and then I'm gonna do the same thing for datasets you alright save and close on that so now both of these are setup I've got deployment rules that are configured for the test stage so anytime I deploy from development to test it will go ahead and update those items and we will see here now that everything is green everything's in sync we are good to go so now I can go ahead and say let's deploy this to production now so let's go ahead and do that alright we are good to go and I'm gonna do that same cleanup on the production side except what I'm gonna do here for the workspace name is I'm just gonna call it contoso right because this is my production workspace so this is where everything is gonna be set from so I'm not gonna have the moniker of production next to it I'm only gonna have that for Devon tests that's just my personal preference you can do what you like and what works for you and your organization save that and then I'm gonna set up those same rules for production this time I'm gonna point it to my production database which has everything in there in this case you know my developers I don't want them touching the production database and so I can set up this rule and actually have it kick over when it's deployed alright so we're going to my production adventure works database and then my production file on disk alright everything's green across the board so now what can we do here let's go ahead and we'll go to back to our dev workspace here well notice that you know for adventureworks I've got a report I've got dashboard but for data set - I don't have anything here so what we can do is I can say great report all right so I'm just just for example purposes I'm just gonna say total sales whole sales amount there we go we'll make it a card and let me just go ahead and save this report go and then if we go back now to our workspace will see that now we've got that report there it's a new report we go back to deployment pipelines into my cube pipeline we will now see that there is a difference between my dev and test stage right so it detected that there is something different and if we go to compare we will actually see a moniker here saying hey there is a new report nothing else change just the report so I've got two options I can do here one assuming I'm ready to deploy I can go ahead and just say deploy a test that will deploy everything over to the test workspace the other option I have is I could be selective on this so I could say look I only care about this report I don't want to move anything else because nothing else changed I also have an option of saying hey select related because it will end up sending over the related items as well and then we can say deploy the test now BAM I'm green between development and tests but now I have a mismatch between test and production so the same thing we can see the compare and we can see that the second report is new whereas my production workspace does not have it so I can do the same thing with the Selective or I can just say hey deploy to production and it's going to deploy everything all right and now we are green across the three environments and if we go back over to our production workspace we will now see that we've got our second report and we've got other items as well now what happens here let's go back to our development workspace one more example here we'll go into go ahead and edit our main report here and what I want to do is I want to get rid of this page 1 so we're gonna get rid of that elite and save it alright so I just updated this report we'll go back to deployment pipelines in our queue pipeline and again now we see the pate development and test aren't in sync let's compare and we'll see that the adventureworks report is different between the two so again I can just say hey deployed a test and it's going to replace the report that's in test so just be aware of that and now we see that this difference is in production so again and come in compare and we can see that we can deploy our change to the adventure works report to production and bam now everything is in sync but that is bananas the fact that I can do that and keep these in sync I can just focus on the development workspace get all my changes in there and then we can just go down the line and put it in test get some people QA people maybe go test banging on it make sure that everything is what it needs to be and then when it's really ready I can move it to production couple other things we can do in here let's go ahead and remove our selections here now you'll see this publish app so for each workspace I can have a separate published app and we can go ahead and just say hey publish this bad boy and it'll take me to the ability to publish that assuming I have rights to do so and then we can go ahead and publish or update apps accordingly couple other key things to consider so first off these are three individual workspaces with three separate data sets and three separate reports as a result you'll have to set up scheduled refresh for those items so on and so forth right so treat them as individual elements and they are individual elements but from the deployment pipeline we can make sure that those elements are in not necessarily from a data perspective but from an overall what the structure is and everything else I already called out some limitations that are available as I said this is only for datasets reports and dashboards so this is not or data flows the excel items hopefully will see those things coming down the road but right now it is for those core elements I did mention that this is premium is a premium feature so you have to have premium capacity what ends up being the case is the production workspace has to be in an actual premium capacity so an actual piece q your development and test if you wanted to minimize costs and not necessarily have to pay for a full premium node you could use an a SKU or the power bi embedded on the Azure side or those specific elements so that is allowed for development and tests but for production it has to be an actual premium node the other big question and I know someone's gonna ask us in the comments is that there are no API capabilities so you can't trigger this outside of the UI today hopefully we'll also see those API elements come down the line as a result also if you're using Azure DevOps for your CI CD type operations this doesn't currently plug into Azure DevOps so if that is something that you want make sure you're going to ideas that power bi dot-com and voting that up to let the power bi team know that that's what you want I think that's the natural thought process on this is great we have deployment pipelines I want to integrate this into my normal CI CD type operations maybe you're using Azure DevOps maybe you're using something else you want to plug this in that you have that complete architecture from data to reports that isn't available today alright deployment pipelines have you used it what do you think let me know tell me in the comments below I want to hear this was just a quick overview I want to hear what the rest of your thoughts are on it let's continue the conversation down there if you like this video be sure to give it a big thumbs up smash it if you so desire if it's your first time here hit that subscribe button and as always from both Patrick and myself thank you so much for watching keep being awesome and we'll see you in the next video
Channel: Guy in a Cube
Views: 42,932
Rating: 4.9776535 out of 5
Keywords: power bi premium, power bi premium cost, power bi premium workspace, power bi, power bi deployment best practices, power bi deployment pipeline, power bi deployment process, power bi pro, power bi tutorial, azure power bi embedded
Id: L-rGuFCOn18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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