What Are The Chances? | Chrishan | Hillsong East Coast

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hillsong east coast welcome to church this sunday morning it is so good that you're with us and if you're new your first time with us today online we are so glad that you are here we're believing that you're going to have an incredible service today and we want to encourage you to text welcome to 84 000 because church is about doing life together and that will help us our team get in contact with you and help you get connected into the life of church that's right and right now if you are watching i would want to encourage you to get in the chat our team is in the chat right now drop a prayer request chat with us there our team would love to be able to connect with you and uh it's one of the best ways just to have a little bit of community online on a sunday in church every single week we spend time in worship which is my favorite part of church and we're gonna do that right now so maybe stand up encourage you to lift up your hands just get ready to receive from jesus this morning and before we do that we're gonna pray so jesus we thank you we pray right now god that you would have your way in this moment of worship god we're gonna dedicate this these next few moments for you we're gonna you know turn off our phones focus on you right now god and do what you need to do in and through our hearts we love you jesus so much let's worship church [Music] breathe [Music] me [Music] i need your grace [Music] jesus forever [Music] my fears [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] my [Music] how great is the one whose hope lines the horizons just when it feels [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] all praises [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] worship [Music] [Music] please [Music] surrendering home [Music] lord as you draw me i'm desperate for you i'm desperate for you [Music] [Music] so [Music] is [Music] is [Music] speak to me [Music] [Music] no is [Music] [Music] is [Music] in me [Music] lord have you read [Music] me [Music] is [Music] so [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] me [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] draw me closer [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] i'm desperate to know you more [Music] amen father we thank you lord that we get together today in church and lord we thank you that as we worship father that you inhabit our praises and today lord if people are in this place in their in their in their houses in their lounge rooms on the subway in their cars wherever people are tuning into to today look god we pray that you would be with them that you would strengthen them and that the service today would impact them profoundly thank you that your presence is with us always in jesus name amen amen we love you church we're so glad that you're with us today and every single week we love to take time to pray for the needs of our family our church family whatever is going on in your world and and here i hold a whole bunch of different needs uh you guys our family asking for god to intervene to bring miracles and maybe you want to put your prayer requests in the chat right now or you can text prayer to 84 000 because we have a whole bunch of pastors and team that would love to be able to come alongside and pray and together we're going to pray as well today i know someone's praying for for their wife and going for an interview someone's believing for um for absolute a miracle with their ivf journey we're standing with you praying for healing from covert people praying for our family reconciliation a whole bunch of different needs and can i tell you church our god cares and he knows he is a personal god and he loves us even though we may feel far from him at times he is with us and we can cast our cares our anxieties our needs on him because he truly loves us so if you have a need even where you are now maybe you're at home would you open your hands to him pop your prayer requests in the chat and we're going to pray father we thank you right now that you are with us lord all of these needs father you know every individual every family lord you know our hearts desires we pray for the families that are believing for their miracle that are on the ivf journey we pray for those that are believing for employment we pray for those that are believing for marriages to be reconciled for families to return to come back together we thank you that that you are able you are a miracle-working god and today we ask of you lord that you would come and that you would work mightily in our midst in jesus name and we all said together amen and amen why don't you say amen in the chat i love that i love that we get to pray for the requests that are happening in our church and on the back end of those prayer requests we get to delight in the praise of our people you our family our church and the things that are happening in your life and i get the opportunity to read that aloud to our church to encourage you that your prayer requests are not unanswered that god is still making a way we have lucia here who's praising god um that he protected her during a surgery which is awesome hopefully that you continue to recover um we have someone else just praising god that they have received financial breakthrough which is always a good thing i love that for you and uh this is my favorite we have susan here who is praising god that her daughter came to christ um i know my mom was a praying woman always going when is my son gonna come back home to jesus and i'm just super excited that your daughter found right relationship with jesus susan that is exciting exciting exciting um everyone if you are excited for those praise reports put your favorite emoji in the chat right now what's your favorite emoji the fire one you got me on the spot yeah like the fire one it's always fun when you go on your phone and you go what's your your frequently used ones yeah the fire one is always there for me mine was like the hands up one all the time hands up i don't know why i just like it i like it so you would have used that hands up for these praise reports totally hands up hands up i love that church like i said i'm seeing all the emojis being dropped right now which i love and uh right now i am going to encourage us as we give in our tithes and offering um it is the easiest way right now um to be able to do that just text give to 84 000 or you could click on the link in the description but i want to encourage us out of first corinthians chapter 12 and it's this awesome little description of the body of christ um who we are what the the part that we get to play in the body of christ and what jesus is trying to do here on earth and there's this awesome scripture on verse 26 and this is what it says if one part suffers every part suffers with it and if one part is honored every part rejoices with it and i love that uh if one bad thing happens it happens to everything we all feel it but if when great things happen we all feel that as well and a few weeks ago i know that the basketball season has ended but i was at a nets game for game seven the brooklyn nets versus the milwaukee bucks and it was a tense moment the nets were losing and things were not looking good and all you see in the stands are just people just feeling down and out and that atmosphere started to just trickle down into the stands and onto the players and you could just feel it and all of a sudden you just see one person in the stands get up and they're like you know what i'm going to be encouraging i'm going to give my voice i'm going to give my body and wail it around because i want to see my team win that one person encouraged another person before you know it the whole stadium is standing on their feet encouraging the brooklyn nets as they come back to force in overtime i say all that to say this church as we give right now in this moment at times it could be hard with what's happening within culture with covid and the financial just breakdown of what's happening in society right now but i want to encourage you in this moment let's be people like the the fans in the brooklyn net stadium that we could see one person giving and we're going you know what i could also do it too you know what my city needs this because i know there are people on the other side of my giving that actually can't feed their family there are people on the other side of my giving that actually cannot do the things that i'm doing and because of my giving i'm able to actually help the home team i'm actually able to help new york city as we continue to rebuild our city as we continue to rebuild our church i want to encourage you church let's let's band together let's see the other person that we go to church was going you know what i'm going to step up in this moment i'm actually gonna do my part i'm gonna do my part i'm gonna do my part and before we know it we have a church full of people excited to do their part when it comes to this offering and our generosity and next thing you know we see a city changed before our eyes because we decided to play a part for the home team i'm encouraged by this scripture because we're able to rejoice and praise one another within that and we as the body of christ we feel that we feel the tangibleness of what is happening in these moments as we give church so hopefully that encouraged you and i'm gonna pray for our offering right now as we give it to jesus for him to do with it how he pleases to build his church in this beautiful city jesus i pray that you have your way god that you would take this offering jesus from us to you god and that you would split it up in how many different ways that you see fit for us to be able to impact our cities jesus that we would see a shift in new york that we would see a shift in boston in new jersey and connecticut god we're trusting you with our finances knowing that you're going to make a way for the church to be the church god we know that that's your plan for humanity and we get to be a part of that pray that you would bless this offering bless the families and the people who are giving this week in jesus name amen amen amen church right now i am so excited to introduce our lead pastor kashan who's going to be bringing the word from boston big shout out to all our bostonians from hillsong boston excited that krishan is there right now and i'm excited because chryshan has been bringing these life giving messages over the past few months and i know his heart is just oozing out for all of our cities right now so please get your pens get your notebooks tune in take notes it's going to be a great message and we'll see you right back here in a little bit hi church what a joy to be in boston this place is a vibe let me tell you that uh we have a break in the weather right now my uncle was telling me that it's going to be raining all day he said it's called fred and i was like i've never lived in a place where we name the rain but that is where we are right now the rain has a name or the storm associated with the rain has a name but we have a break in the weather and i'm so glad that we have this opportunity to be connected because this particular piece of the country means a whole lot to me and we're gonna get to that years ago my family had just moved to australia and my mom was and dad and we all moved together and we were living in a little apartment and in the midst of this apartment in the middle of a brand new country we had no friends we knew nobody we had no related relatives we had no one around and we made friends with uh a couple that lived next door doug and jenny they were our only friends in the world and or not in the world at least in the country doug and jenny uh hung out with us one of my earliest memories in life is sitting in their washing basket i don't know why but that's what i remember it must have been some good times i remember about a year later doug and jenny moved away we completely lost contact with them and another year down the track after not speaking to them not seeing them my family is planning a move to a suburb and one of the outer suburbs of sydney called falcom hills now my mom gets on a train and she happens to get on the same train and the same train carriage at the same time in the middle of a city of four million people that doug steps into the same carriage what are the chances right and doug and my mom start having this conversation doug says i'm so sorry we lost touch uh we've moved out to a suburb called balcom hills my mom says to doug you wouldn't believe it we are about to move to balcom hills doug says well when you get there you have to visit this church called hills christian life center it's amazing it's changed our lives and you have to check it out now my mom tells the story that we would never have gone to a church that was in a warehouse it just wasn't what we would have expected of a church and so we find ourselves there we're in the middle of this warehouse we're having church and my dad my parents they love it they're like this makes sense for my monday not just for my sunday and we plant ourselves and have been a part of our church ever since going on 35 years now i met my wife at our church i discovered calling at my church i was connected in the community at our church i studied at our college my kids in the part of our kids ministry now our youth ministry are serving in our church themselves our lives and the generations have been utterly transformed by what we've experienced in our church and none of that takes place without doug happening to get onto a train at the same time as my mom and encouraging her to come to church what are the chances if you're looking for a title today it's simply this what are the chances what are the chances not just that i happened to walk into that church at a young age what are the chances that you happen to be connected with us today we're going to have a look at the book of esther today there is an incredible woman by the name of esther who we discover in the bible and in esther chapter 2 we discover that esther's uncle mordecai has been brought into a new land in fact his grandparents had his great grandfather had and it says in esther chapter 2 verses 5 to 7 now there was a jew in the citadel of souza whose name was mordecai son of jair son of shemay son of kish of benjamin kish had been carried away from jerusalem among the captives we discover that mordecai and esther are benjamites and generations ago they were brought to this new land and now this is where they live and as the story progresses we discover that mordecai ends up playing this really key role in the city he's one of the king's servants and what we find is that mordecai as a servant of the king uncovers a whole lot of things and releases a whole lot of things for esther to step into all that she is called to be you see the king had a queen her name was vashti and vashti and the king were having banquets the king was celebrating with all of his friends vashti was celebrating with all of her friends the king calls for vashti to be brought before him and she refuses long story short the king has a short fuse his friends fire him up about the queen disrespecting him and now the queen lays down the law vashti is banished from his presence and they decide let's have a competition to find the newest queen now the way that i look at it this is like the very first episode of the bachelor in recorded history this is persian bachelor season one this is the og bachelor now i have never watched the bachelor i've i've heard about it and it has been on in the room while i have been there doing other things and every now and then while my wife has been watching the bachelor i have glanced up and paid some attention to the screen but i've never actually watched the bachelor myself which is an important distinction i think but this is like the very first episode of the bachelor there are women from around the whole empire that are brought in to compete for the love of the king and of all the women in the entire persian empire esther is chosen what are the chances what are the chances that a young jewish girl who has been orphaned is being raised by her uncle is now risen to the most powerful place in the kingdom next to the king queen esther this story has so much to it there's so many ways in which we could go but we want to pause for a moment and consider a few things that we need to learn from what esther did and from what esther was a part of you see as with story untold we discover that there is a man named haman halen is the royal vizier i mean if you don't know royal vizier just think about jafar from aladdin that is haman and haman is giving all kinds of advice to the king now haman happens to be walking through the court and the king has elevated his stature and haman is told everyone is told you need to bow down before haman now mordecai we come back to mordecai mordecai refuses to bow down when all the other servants of the king are bowing down mordecai refuses because he only would bow to god and so he refuses to bow down before haman haman gets upset and decides you know what i'm not just gonna wipe out mordecai i'm gonna wipe out the entire jewish people when this word goes out through the whole empire man the jews are destroyed they're devastated they're they're in mourning they're in sackcloth they're in ashes it says this which is interesting about the decree that was given it says letters were sent in esther 3 13 to couriers to all the king's provinces giving orders to destroy to kill and to annihilate all jews young and old women and children and to plunder their goods to destroy to kill to annihilate and to plunder or to steal all their goods mordecai is in sackcloth and in ashes and he finds himself at the king's gate esther hears about it she gets distressed she sends messages to mordecai what's wrong here's some clothes good daughter mordecai says this is what's happened this is what the king has decreed and you can do something about this esther you can make a difference here and esther says i haven't been called before the king for 30 days how am i going to do anything about this and mordechai says these words that have echoed through history to us today perhaps you have come to the kingdom or for royal position for such a time as this mordecai says to esther what are the chances what are the chances that you happen to be positioned right where you are at exactly this moment in history at exactly this moment when the lives of every single jewish person through the entire empire is being threatened one of the chances that you happen to be the one who is positioned with the ear with proximity with access to the king i believe that when we consider our own lives when we think about where we are when we consider about the times that we are living in the places that we are called to the people that are surrounding us that we are living in it for such a time as this moment what are the chances that you happen to be positioned just where you're just where you are in your family that is facing those challenges what are the chances what are the chances that of all the places that you could be living in the midst of a pandemic god has you exactly where you are now what are the chances with all that's going on in the lives of those people that are in your world sometimes the people that frustrate us what are the chances i believe it's no coincidence that god knows the times and the places in which he has appointed for us to live and fulfill his calling you are here for such a time as this there are a few things that stand out in esther's response that i think can help us today and the first is this god is at work god is at work see sometimes we can think it's all just chance sometimes we can think it's just happenstance but god is at work god is at work you see the curious thing about the book of esther is that god's never mentioned god has never mentioned i mean for me it's a miracle that this is even a book in the bible how do you have a book in the bible that doesn't mention god at all and that is what we discover in the book of esther a book that doesn't mention god so what is this story telling us you see esther when she finally decides yeah i'm going to do that i'm going to follow through i'm going to approach the king but before i do she says let's all fast call all the people to fast through the whole land see esther doesn't just rely on herself in this moment esther decides i'm going to rely on god i'm going to rely on a community of faith and what we discover is that even though god is not mentioned he is at work what are the chances that it is esther who is positioned as the queen it's god who has been at work what are the chances that a young offman girl who is adopted by her uncle who is living in a foreign empire who is among those who are marginalized is positioned in the throne room what are the chances that that is taking place what are the chances in your life despite everything that you have felt has come against you despite everything that you have felt that would that would remove you from being used by god what are the chances in the midst of everything that seems like it's impossible that god could use you because that's what we find in esther what are the chances not only that what are the chances when we look at this story that mordecai has positioned where he's positioned i mean what are the chances that mordecai overhears a plot to kill the king and brings it before the king the king is thankful the king hasn't written down in a book but nothing is done to reward mordecai what are the chances what are the chances just as esther says to the king i want you to come to a banquet that i'm holding that that very night he can't sleep that that very night he brings his administrators to read to him from the book that that very night they happened to open the book to exactly the place where it says what mordecai has done for him and he begins to listen and he asks the question what was done for this man and they say nothing what are the chances that this is all playing out at exactly the same time what are the chances that mordecai plays a role in setting esther up to be queen in setting the king up to live what are the chances you know god has been at work right throughout the story of esther even though he isn't mentioned by name and i don't know what kind of season you find yourself in and i don't know if it feels like god is present and at work and you feel close and you feel near or if you feel distant and it feels silent and it feels like he has not been present i want to let you know regardless of how you feel god is at work god is at work he is moving he is orchestrating he has plans for you that are for good enough for evil to prosper you to give you a future and a hope and he is working to that end in your life esther teaches us that god is at work the second thing that histor teaches us is that there comes a time there comes a time you see esther risks everything if you went before the king and you didn't reach out his scepter and you were uncalled for you risked death that was what was due and esther knows that this is the kind of king who can get angry in a second and banish the queen for not wanting to appear before him she risks her position she risks her reputation she risks her livelihood her lifestyle she risks everything she risks death itself and decides i'm going to go before the king because there comes a time you see for mordechai there came a time where he needed to make a decision i'm not going to bow down to haman like everyone else is there came a time when he had to make a stand for daniel there came a time when he was told he wasn't able to pray to god but he prayed anyway because there came a time when he had to stand up and there came a time for shadrach meshach and abednego there came a time when they had to decide even if we risk being thrown into a fiery furnace we need to make a stand there came a time for all of these people who despite their position needed to stand up in front of the king and for esther there came a time there came a time when she needed to say i've got all of these luxuries but there's something that's more important and i'm going to pursue what god has for me and i'm gonna stand in the gap for the people and perhaps i have come to this place for such a time as this there's only one character in the book of esther that goes by two names that is esther herself we're introduced to her as hadassah and esther we introduced to her by her jewish and her persian name and yet when she first enters the bachelor persia season one when she first steps into that place mordecai tells her don't tell anyone who you are don't tell anyone your identity just that you are esther but there came a time when it wasn't enough for her to just be esther she had to stand up in the fullness of her identity bring all that she was to the table and reveal that she was hadassah there comes a time in our lives i believe we are living in it for such a time as this moment i believe we're living in those times when we are called to make a stand and reveal the love of god to people show people how much god loves them and how much jesus is for them there comes a time and perhaps this is one of those times for you the third thing we find in esther is not only not only is god at work not only there comes a time but we're a part of something that spans generations and geography we're part of something that is bigger than ourselves i mean i know we like to think about how our church or our denomination or our belief system but we're part of something that's so much bigger it is not just us and it is not just our church we are part of the greater church we are a part of something that is so much bigger than ourselves personally so much bigger than our community corporately we're a part of something that has spanned generations that have spanned geographical locations and we are still connected to it when we find this in the book of esther she says to the king she she she comes before the king the king gets in extends his scepter she finds favor he says whatever you want i'll do for you she asks the king can you come back and you come to a banquet i'm going to host a banquet and it's at that banquet that she reveals to the king what has taken place and this is what she says for we have been sold i and my people to be destroyed to be killed and to be annihilated if we had been sold merely as slaves i would have held my peace but no enemy can compensate for this damage to the king it's an odd turn of phrase she repeats what haman had revealed that they would be destroyed and killed and annihilated but she goes on to say if we'd just been sold then at least the king would have had some profit but now we're being killed and there's no profit in that for the king it's an odd turn of phrase and rabbi foreman draws our attention in the book of esther to the connections to judah and benjamin you see judah in the book of genesis joseph has been put by his brothers into a pit and judah comes along and he says these words what prophet is it if we kill our brother and conceal his blood let us sell him and we find an echo of those same words in esther further on esther goes on to talk to the king and says how can i bear to see the calamity that was coming on my people how can i bear to see the destruction of my kindred and in genesis 44 judah says these words how can i go back to my father if the boy is not with me i fear to see the suffering that would come upon my father we have an echo of the same words that judah uses to speak to joseph now esther is using to speak to the king rabbi foreman suggests that this book of esther which is read during the purim time this book of esther that is about remembrance and remembering the time when the jewish people were saved from complete annihilation in the persian empire rabbi format suggests that we our attention is drawn to the story of judah and benjamin judah preserves joseph's life by instead of killing him having him sold into slavery and then we fast forward the story you might know it you might not there ends up being a famine if you've ever seen the the the musical joseph and the technicolor dreamcoat this is the story and joseph is sold into slavery joseph ends up the right hand to the king whole another story whole another message but his brothers come to him in a time of famine not realizing it's joseph and asking him for food and he suggests why don't i hold why don't i hold hostage your youngest son benjamin why don't i hold him hostage why don't i hold him and when you come back with your father and i can verify that what you're saying is true then i will know that i can trust you he's doing that to test his brothers he's testing their motives he's testing to see if they have changed are they willing to sell out his youngest brother like they sold out him and so we find in this story echoes of what takes place next and as joseph is suggesting that benjamin beheld judah says not i've been here before i tried to save my other brother's life by selling him into slavery it destroyed my father and now this is benjamin joseph's brother of the same mother he is my father's everything we don't share a mother but i couldn't bear to see it if this was to happen to my father and now instead of being prepared to sell out benjamin he is deciding take me instead i will stand in the gap for benjamin i will stand in the gap for my brother and what we discover is that judah saves benjamin but in the narrative until this point when does benjamin save judah see the kingdom of judah was all that all that was left after the northern kingdom had fallen and so now judah is then carried off into slavery esther's great great grandfather and esther carried off with them and amongst judah the kingdom of judah are the people of judah and people of benjamin and now we have a benjamite standing before the king making petition on behalf of the entire people of judah who have been scattered throughout the entire persian empire because this is a story of esther remembering that she is a part of something that spans generation that spans geographical locations and that she has been called for such a time as this to play her part in bringing healing to something that began a long time ago we're standing right now in boston and this place is special to me it's the first time that i have been here but i know this that in my family our christian heritage goes back generation after generation after generation after generation five six generations on both sides of my family have faith in the lord jesus at times nominal for faith nonetheless that has been passed down to me that is now being passed on to my children because when you look at it and you track it all the way back there was a point in the mid-1800s when people decided young people college graduates got on fire for the things of god and decided we want to take the gospel into every part of the world and they came to the north of sri lanka where my parents were from and shared the gospel and build hospitals and establish schools and educated women and the heritage of that in my family exists to this day and when we trace back where those people came from there's a town called williamstown just over an hour from where i'm standing right here in massachusetts where young people got together to pray in the middle of a storm and hid underneath a haystack and began to believe that god could move again god could do again what he had done before from that was birthed a movement where young people came to my great great great great great grandparents and shared the good news and the love of jesus in word and indeed what what are the chances what are the chances that 150 years later after those people left this land to go to sri lanka with their families with husbands with wives with children burying their partners burying their kids in that land what are the chances that 150 years later a son of that land comes back to this land to join in and be a part of what god is doing through a community of faith that is still passionate for the things of god and to see his good news shared in word and indeed with people [Music] we're a part of something that spans generations that spans geography that is so much greater than we are and this is about more than just us being where we are it is about a heritage and a legacy that we have that we can trace back regardless of whether your parents and their parents have faith or not that we can trace back through to the faith of abraham we're a part of something that is greater than ourselves we've been called for such a time as this and god is at work when we think about those things that were going to be done to the people that were going to be killed destroyed annihilated and stolen from killed destroyed annihilated and stolen from jesus comes and says this to us in john chapter 10 verse 10 that the enemy comes the thief comes to steal and to kill and to destroy but i have come that you might have life and have it in all its abundance there is still a haman at work there is still a jafar at work there is still an enemy that longs to rob us from stepping into the fullness of all that god has for us and jesus came that we might have life maybe when you think about religion you think well i don't know maybe maybe god's there maybe maybe he's there in a distant way maybe he just watches on maybe he's there in an impersonal way but jesus reveals to us that he's not impersonal he's not watching on from a distance and he's not waiting for us to trip up so he can punish us he came that we might have life and have it in all its abundance he goes on to say i am the good shepherd that lays down my life for the sheep jesus is the real esther that puts his life on the line for us and makes the ultimate sacrifice jesus is the one that stands up when he could have stayed in the comfort of a heavenly throne room jesus came for us i don't know what kind of background with faith you've had i don't know what kind of contact you've had with believers maybe you've got a lineage of faith like mine maybe you've never had one but i do know this god has a plan for your life god loves you and he longs to give you a future and a hope we're going to pray a prayer it's a simple but a powerful prayer giving your life over to the lord jesus christ i don't know how you came to be connected with us today maybe someone brought you along maybe someone invited you into their home maybe someone sent you a link and you're connected today maybe it's the very first time you're joining us maybe it's the hundredth time you've been in church but today if you recognize that you need to come back to god or you need to come to god for the very first time we're going to pray it's a prayer giving your life over to the lord jesus christ and the bible says that if we put our faith in jesus in what he has done for us then god himself will come into our life he'll forgive us of everything wrong we've ever done he'll remove the need for us to live under any kind of guilt or shame or condemnation he'll take those things away we'll give you a brand new start today can we pray this prayer together and especially if you're getting your life right with god today dear god right now i give you my life i stop living my own way i want to follow you come and be my lord and my savior and my greatest friend in jesus mighty name amen and amen if you prayed that prayer today then why don't you take a moment and click the link in the description below and let us know so that we can connect with you do anything we can as a church to help make this decision count and help put you in an environment where you can be encouraged into all the plans and purposes that god has for your life or if it's simpler we've set up the number that you can text to it's the number 84 000 and you can text the name above every other name the name jesus every year during purim jewish people remember and esther becomes a story of how we choose to remember do we choose to remember in a way that just highlights everything terrible that has happened and all that riles up within us as a result or do we choose to remember not forget everything negative not forget everything that happened that was bad but remember in a way that brings restoration remember in a way that's redeeming remember in a way that allows god to take everything that's taken place and turn it for good do we remember in a way that allows god to have that kind of powerful work through our life see esther could have just remembered that leah and rachel judah and benjamin's mothers were at odds with one another that one was favored that the other wasn't that that her mother died giving birth she could remember all of that and it's true and she does but she also remembers that judah stands up for benjamin at the point at which he is about to be left behind i pray that we would remember the good the bad and the ways in which god is using everything not bringing everything that we face but able to take it and work good from it restore and redeem and rebuild i want to pray for every person here maybe you find yourself in a season where you're trying to figure out what is it in this moment what is it that god has for me what is it in that in it what is god doing it doesn't seem like he's present i believe that you are here for such a time is this that it is no coincidence where you are positioned and this time in history that god is at work and i want to pray that god would reveal to us all the ways in which he is doing something transformative because we are a part of something that is far greater than ourselves let's pray and then the team are going to come and we're going to worship together father we thank you that you are with us and that you are for us and lord we pray may you open our eyes may we see what you were doing may we recognize your hand at work behind the scenes even when we have not been able to see it god we pray that you would reveal to us what you were doing in the lives of people and those around us our friends and our family what you have called us to why we are here for such a time as this may faith and hope rise up on the inside for all that you have for us and all that you have ahead for us to be a part of holy spirit come in jesus name amen church we love you we're going to linger in worship i'm going to pray a prayer of blessing over your life if you'd love to get in touch with anyone make sure you click the link in the description to talk with a pastor this week but we're praying and believing that you're going to have a phenomenal week full of god's purpose and leading and how good is it to be in boston it's a place man this is a vibe church we love you let's pray god we pray may this week ahead be a week of blessing maybe a week of favor maybe a week of clarity maybe a week of godly wisdom at work in our lives maybe a week of peace in our hearts and in our homes and lord we pray that our eyes would be open to the opportunities all around us to be a blessing and to speak of your goodness and your gospel in jesus name amen and amen church we love you have a phenomenal week let's worship for a moment [Music] lord everywhere [Music] me [Music] [Music] like jesus [Music] is lord [Music] away [Music] jesus [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Hillsong Church East Coast
Views: 4,480
Rating: 4.9555554 out of 5
Keywords: Hillsong, Hillsong NYC, sermons, hillsong worship, Jesus, gospel, church, east coast, christian music, welcome home, Hillsong united, Hillsong East coast
Id: pWFt-VXMf4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 34sec (3994 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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