What are the Best Dashes??? | Hades Guides, Tips and Tricks

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[Music] greetings friends dallas paul here in the interest of taking a deep dive into haiti's content and providing some more of my thoughts and opinions i'm going to be raiding a number of different boons over the next few weeks today we're starting with the dash boons i'm going to be ranking the dashes from most useful to the least useful and talking about any specific powerful combinations available i'll just say again as i have in most of my other ranking videos that all of these dashboards are viable and most of them have very cool builds available to them also these are just my opinions based on how i play the game you may prefer other boons it's all good you do you i'm rating the dashes on several different criteria the first consideration is the damage the dash provides the second consideration is whether it provides any damage mitigation and the last is utility all right let's get into it these are my thoughts on the dashboards and we'll start with the bottom of the pile in eighth place we have dionysus dash the main issue with dionysus dash is the low damage output compared with the other dashes the damage comes out very slowly it does provide a curse for privileged status so it isn't terrible and can be useful we did try and make dodash a primary damage ability with the pig pen build but it had limited success in seventh place we have zeus thunderdash thunderdash has had a storied history throughout the development of hades receiving many many nerfs before ending up where it is today it's possible for this dash to be decent with the right build and with enough tier 2 zeus boons but you don't always find double strike and without it this dash really suffers compared with other offerings in sixth place we have artemis dash all right don't get me wrong in the right build artemis dash is an incredible tool and not to be ignored and may be essential for a build to work however it tends to be a key part of certain builds and is completely worthless for many others the bonus attack damage is truly incredible with some builds but it's got very niche uses in my opinion [Music] in fifth place we have ares dash aries dash leaves a blade rift behind you where you dashed from this can be pretty effective as a way to punish enemies that leap at you or follow you it works well with kiting builds like with the bow or the rail and the spear somewhat it can be buffed with aries tier 2 boons which can be quite good for this the main problem is the lack of curse potential and the lack of any crowd control or damage mitigation however its lack of cc or a curse is made up by the large amounts of damage and some cc can be found with engulfing vortex i had written this dash off entirely until i tried it in a dash only run recently and it could be pretty effective in fourth place we have demeter dash this dash gets an edge over some of the other dashes due to its status effect and the duration that it lingers it can be difficult to tell the range of the dash as well as how long the cloud lingers but it's a fairly long duration the chill effect has a lot of benefits and can be buffed with tier 2 boons to cause damage as well in third place with a podium finish is aphrodite dash this gets a slight edge over aries because it applies a nice curse effect which activates privilege status as well as several duo boons which really benefit from the weak curse low tolerance heartbreak crit duo etc additionally they recently buffed the palm scaling for this dash it's definitely less effective on range builds though it's a lot that's a lot in second place i have to give this to poseidon dash poseidon dash provides so much area damage and that it trivializes most of sticks the dash even has the potential to provide all necessary damage by itself in a run you can combine it with c-storm and you end up with one ability that completely wrecks the game for speed running this would be in the number one spot for sure cater to people who don't want to be spoiled but i i do i do what i don't right like i care about it but i also just want to play the game and in first place is athena dash is anyone really surprised athena's dash provides additional iframes and deflects projectiles back to enemies because of the deflect athena dash always provides incredible value it doesn't provide much damage but what it lacks in damage it more than makes up for it for increased survivability what is happening it's the worst that's going to do it for today's video if you enjoyed this one let me know by leaving a like i'm sure there are a lot of opinions out there about this one so let me know how you would rank the dashboards in the comments below also i would love to invite you to catch one of my streams i stream on saturday at 8am central 8pm central and then again on tuesday at 8pm central time and that's at twitch.tv slash jawless paul good luck in your escapes and we'll catch you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Jawless Paul
Views: 77,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jawlesspaul, hades, hades game, hades build, hades tips, hades 1.0 release, hades full release!, hades out of early access, build ideas, jawlesspaul hades, hades heat, run, build, jawless paul hades, pact of punishment, zeus dash, lightning dash, dash build, game, stream, highlight, gilgamesh fist, hades dash, dash guide, hades guide, hades dash guide, hades tips and tricks, tips and tricks, hades rating, dash boon ranking, what's the best dash boons
Id: qXF2BTxiBxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 38sec (338 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2020
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