Shield and Bow Aspects Guide & Tier Ranking | Hades Tips and Tricks

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[Music] greetings friends jolis paul here welcome back to the channel we're back we're back at it with some more weapon uh aspect discussions and rankings we'll be ranking them s through f although truthfully um we don't really have very many that that go too low supergiant did a pretty good job of balancing these so we don't have a huge range of a variance in them i think the lowest that anything comes to is like a c or something today we're gonna do the shield and the bow so we'll start off with the aspect of zagreus as usual um attack and dash strike damage plus 15. okay so this is a very uh very straightforward uh bonus it's just 15 extra damage on your attack and 15 extra damage on your dash attack this is a pretty nice bonus when you when you add raw damage to a weapon it's it's pretty good because a lot of those multipliers they're if they're applied to a larger number obviously they do more they do more damage and then there's also a couple really good hammer upgrades for this so there's one that makes your attack a double attack but you don't knock those back and then another that makes your dash strike even bigger it's also notable that the bulrush is not affected at all so they don't consider that an attack um it's got the exact statement of wallets wasn't fully fully charged is 40. so they don't consider that to be part of the attack some good combinations would just be anything that gives a percentage increase to attack damage so basically anything but zeus aries and dionysus the rest of them all have percentage increases to your attack so those should all be very very good for this weapon i think that it's very strong i always give it a high b tier moving on to aspect of chaos after you bull rush your next special throws multiple shields this is this is a beloved weapon a weapon beloved of many as you can see you can you can shotgun these shields the other thing that's nice about this is just the the sequence of bulrush and special is a very safe way to play it's a very defensive and offensive at the same time in a very nice way so um if if say you're fighting a boss and you're doing your your rotation of a bull rush and special or russian special and suddenly oh they're charging up a big attack we'll just hold your hold your bull rush and you'll block anything coming from that direction it's incredible and then the special throwing off multiple shields obviously if you can if you can put some bonuses on the special you get some wonderful wonderful effects um the zeus zeus on the special is is well beloved but honestly i think i think just about anything is very very good ares is one where you wouldn't shotgun but you can throw it and just like delete the screen much like we saw with the others uh shield run that i did um you can just apply doom to everyone and that's very very nice you notice that it doesn't it doesn't bounce as much so that that's something to be to note it it might be different in that way but just the sequence of bull rushing and specialing is very very solid and the shotgunning effect is very very nice um s tier for sure it admit that may seem like a bit of a you know for for people who haven't used this very much that may seem kind of crazy but just believe me when you get when you start playing with aspect of chaos and you get into that rhythm of bull rushing and specialing you kind of feel invulnerable in some ways and you're also you have a very good clear speed as well a lot of high heat runs are done with the aspect of chaos shield it's just very solid next we have aspect of zeus your special becomes blitz disk blitz disk based damage per hit sturdy so blitz disc you throw out your special and it kind of hovers in place and while it's hovering you can still attack you can still bull rush dash attack everything and then after a amount of time it comes right back to you or alternately you can throw it out and then hold the or push special again for it to start coming after you and it's it's kind of a nice combination where you just dash around the screen and this thing just follows you like uh i don't know not a push lawn mower but like a pool lawnmower is there is there such a thing i'm sure there is you know tractors pulling those giant lawn mowers anyway um it's very very nice and it does 30 damage and it does it fairly quickly right you can get some high numbers so as you can imagine percentages increases with this are very nice but pretty much everything is good with this i i would say the only thing that maybe isn't the strongest would be like aries on the special because unless you've got the boon that lets the dooms stack in which case that's great but if you don't have that then it it's maybe a little bit maybe some of the damage is left on the table i like this aspect very very much um a lot of people find this to be the most the the worst shield aspect they don't they don't like the way it works they don't like the way the special works i have found that sometimes i act differently when i'm when i'm playing this and i act i do dumb things and get take damage that i shouldn't because it's just so fun to watch that thing do damage and so you end up doing just doing dumb things that being said i think it's very strong i give it an a it's got a lot of potential for damage and i think it's just fun as heck um a tier there's maybe not a lot of special hammers that are really good for aspect of zeus explosive return is one but explosive return is good for everyone um there's not a there's not a shield that that doesn't love explosive return next aspect of beowulf this is our legendary you have niggling niggling's board but take plus 10 damage dragon rush bonus damage in area is 100 so this it's a cast weapon um with with a nice move set on top of it so as you can see your ball rush is enormous and at the end of the bull rush all of your cast stones go off um and as you'll see they don't stick in enemies what's nice about that is that you can get your stones back right away and that's very very nice for any cast build you know getting your stones back in some way is is extremely beneficial some fun combinations for this one would be like dionysus you get a nice big uh explosion area area explosion and then it's made even bigger and even more damage so actually i should mention that all of the casts their name changes they change from um being a cast to being a flare so like for instance aries so aries cast is usually slicing shot but with um with the aspect of beowulf it's slicing flare and your cast sends a large blade rift hurling your head for a brief time so it's a larger blade rift but it's a shorter amount of time that it's there um and it does 30 damage per hit versus 20. so something to keep in mind you you may want to check some of the casts that you might be interested in to see if they are different i really like artemis artemis has you know nice crits on her cast which are a lot of fun and it's a large area burst so you're doing area critical damage it feels great the 10 damage is notable i mean that's that's certainly not nothing but i wouldn't say it's a huge downside you can still you can still block attacks with your bulrush it's also it's notable that the cast will explode at the end of your dash so for instance there it missed skelly because i passed through him and and ended it over here and then the the it went off there so you kind of have to time your bulrush correctly to get it to land he has a a different throw as well and it does more damage as you can see but it's maybe it's slower to wind up and it doesn't bounce as much but you can buff it up with some of the same hammers that you normally would it has its own special hammer upgrade that makes it so after you use dragon rush you are sturdy for a few seconds this is very very good sturdy is an amazing effect it's damage straight damage reduction and then in a addition to that you cannot be stunned when you're charging up that's that's exactly what you want because if you get hit while you're charging a weapon attack a lot of times you get stunned out of it s tier honestly it just it's so much damage the fact that it changes a lot of the casts to be different or to function differently it's good and it's bad right sometimes it sometimes it's a bonus and sometimes it's a little bit of a little bit of a nerf but basically any of those um any of those casts that were normally a projectile just become an explosion i like the weapon a lot it's a lot of fun let's move on let's talk about the bow aspect of zagreus your critical chance plus ten percent okay there's a lot of different ways to look at this some people really like this i i would say that the effect is fine you know 10 10 crit is is great like i like i said before crit is very very nice to have i would just say though that the kit of the bow is a little bit awkward there are some really great hammers for the bow though they've they've made a lot of cool ones i'll list a few that i think are just awesome in general it'll be on the screen here but you've got like a power shot that gives gives you extra damage your dash attack basically all it does is it makes the power shot be active faster whereas like normally you have to wait that long but with the dash attack it comes a lot quicker but the special is terrible you can shotgun the special but then you've lost all of your range ability um aspect of zagreus the critical chance effect is neat i wouldn't say that it's it's terribly effective and just the fact that the base kit of the bow is a little bit weak i'm gonna put it down in c c tier crit being amazing is all that really keeps it out of like even lower territory anything that affects the attack by percentage is gonna get the nice crit crit bonus on it like i've said just anything but dionysus zeus and aries should work aphrodite being the highest percentage potential right she has the highest possible number that you can get aspect of chiron your special automatically seeks the foe last struck by your attack it reduces the number of shots in your special from nine to seven that's not very many to to lose the truth is you don't typically hit with all of your special arrows as it is right like the odds of you hitting with all your special arrows with the base you know attack is very very low so this is a very nice attack as you can see it lasts for about three specials before the the tag goes away there's some really great combinations with this for instance um if you get dionysus on your special and aphrodite on your attack you can get that duo boom between aphrodite and dionysus makes you be able to stack up to eight uh poison on an enemy and all those arrows are hitting so you're getting all eight stack well seven stacks that being said um there's there's a few hammers like there's a hammer that increases the number of special arrows that you get so it goes from seven to i think it'd be eleven that's very nice for it but you really want to get in my opinion you want to get um speed or you know speed on the special so hermes if you can get hermes special speed upgrade that's going to help you out a ton on this one because you're specially a lot and the special is kind of slow chiron bow i give it an a very very solid um very very solid weapon i like it a lot there's lots of cool combos honestly you can get artemis on the special that just that that's just fun too it just shreds enemies we can get lightning on the special you can go for like sea storm on the special it's great it's a lot of fun okay next we have aspect of herod your cast loads your stones into your next attack firing on impact and then the bloodstone drop time is five seconds so this is one of the one of the best one point wonders in the game i'd say you put one point into this and the only thing you lose out on by only having one point is the bloodstone drop time isn't as low so the idea with aspect of hera is um always hold on i didn't actually choose it um is you load load your casts into you into your shot and then they all go off on the enemy that's hit by the cast or by the the shot so you can get some very nice burst very early in the game so that was 200 for one shot but if you get um like dionysus cast you can get a large area burst and it's some of the best some of the the highest burst in the game i believe if you get a power shot and you get like dionysus cast it's great it's super super fun and then there's a fun there's a fun build that you can use with haribo where you get dionysus cast and then you also get zeus the zeus dionysus duo and you've got lightning storms it's one of it's one of my favorite builds to use it's just it just is spectacular so that's haribo i give it a high a if not if not an s i mean it's it's it's got potential to be s tier um it just it doesn't seem like that amazing of an effect all by itself right you there's no damage bonuses on this but the fact that you load your casts in has just such a nice effect um especially with some of the some of the casts that have like area damage those are very very nice i wouldn't recommend it with like slicing shot it seems to work strangely and i wouldn't recommend it too much with aphrodite although there are some people who they're able to do they're able to release their attack early enough so that all the aphrodite casts do hit the enemy i can't seem to get it to work uh consistently but that is that is possible as well next we have aspect of rama you have celestial sharanga which can cause shared suffering um shared suffering basically the way this works is you tag an enemy and then the next attack that you hit has that additional 60 percent of your attack damage on top but the nice thing is that the special bounces and so it can tag multiple enemies and they will all take that 60 damage you see that little teal number that's the number that is taken by all the enemies that get hit so it's a slower charge of time as you can see but a wider um a wider arrow or shock wave i guess you could call it doesn't even look like an arrow anymore obviously if you get like the percentage bonuses on your attack that's very very good because it affects the shared suffering as well and it's just kind of like you're double dipping on your damage that can be very very nice and then i like to put like dionysus or zeus on the special because it hits lots of enemies so you can get the whole room poisoned with one special it's great there is a a specific hammer for this one that makes it so when you're charging up because it takes longer to charge up sometimes you're i mean you're left vulnerable a little bit but this one makes creates a blast with so it sends enemies away from you very very nice to have how do i feel about the aspect of rama i so some people feel like it's a little clunky um just because of how you know how long it takes to charge up and whatnot however i think that it's got so much damage potential and room clear potential that i have to put in a nest here i know that i put a lot of the a lot of the uh legendaries and s here but i mean they're legendary right there they're in there for a reason they take a little bit more skill to play effectively but once you do kind of figure them out and uh kind of get the build rolling they they are super fun and super powerful so that is the aspect of rama i hope that that all makes sense to you if you have questions about any of these please let me know i'm i'm excited to to move on to the claw and the rail as soon as i can but for now thank you for watching this video if you liked it please like the video that helps the video get seen and subscribe to the channel if you want to see more stuff i really appreciate it take it easy we'll catch you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Jawless Paul
Views: 261,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hades, hades weapons guide, hades weapon aspects guide, hades best weapon aspects, hades battle out of hell weapons, hades weapons, hades weapon aspects, hades review, hades weapon discussion, hades weapon ranking, what are the best weapons in hades, hades chiron bow, hades tips and tricks, hades guide, hades how to, hades weapon guide, hades shield, hades bow, hades chaos shield, hades hera bow, chiron bow, rama bow, beowulf shield, legendary shield, legendary bow
Id: xF3NL3f-cTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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