What Are Some Unexapected Secrets About Your Inudustry? (r/AskReddit)

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what is a dirty little or big secret about an industry that you have worked in that people outside the industry really ought to know Starbucks corporate makes us have those recycling bins in the lobby to present this green image but most of the time all of the garbage ends up going to the dump anyway because the facility doesn't have recycling the only place I other work that actually sent crap to get recycled is when I had a temp job at a community college at stores that magical back room where you can just go and pick up anything is actually a huge mess where things go missing all the time if the system tells me I have one of something in stock there's a good chance I'm giving up looking after a couple minutes because I don't believe it's accurate for most everyone and the TV and film industry is winging it I know I have Netflix businesses offer rebates rather than cash discounts because they know the odds of you going to the trouble of mailing and a rebate coupon are minimal then they don't pay the first time because they know the odds of you complaining about it are infinitesimal but they usually will pay off if you complain they underestimate how stubborn I am half of technical support going on in the background of major platforms is convincing the developers to care about the issue enough to fix it also every platform that interacts in any way with Facebook hates Facebook it's so fricking broken I work with kids at a daycare and we see babies take their first steps sometimes but we never tell the parents because we don't want them to feel bad about missing it my kid got potty-trained at preschool I don't care what the heck else happened where they potty-trained my kid the official policy for customer dissatisfaction at a particular Canadian coffee franchise I worked at was offer them free stuff until they stop complaining dude that's most Kusum disservice nowadays no one wants to spend the time or money dealing and paying a Kusum to service rep to handle an irate customer just gets them to shut up and keep moving so they can serve more people the amount of toilet paper random items and bills used as bookmarks that are left in returned library books terrible and illegal things go on in every strip club owners only hire people for upper management who they have trusted for years because they all know this ah Queensland cost of a legitimate brothel license dollar sign dollar sign dollar sign dollar sign dollar sign dollar sign dollar sign plus regulations inspections and testing cost of a strip club license dollar sign dollar sign maybe the cops show up once a year yep you can see where this goes when renting a storage unit who do not need to get the insurance they offer even if they say it's mandatory it's illegal to force you to get insurance also the rent will increase yearly forever my homeowner's insurance actually covers storage units my agent told me that most policies do most subscription services will raise their prices over time because they expect you to just suck it up if this applies to phone bills cable packages internet service insurance plans call up politely complain about the price skip the canned well the price has gone up because inflation rising costs aged end of promotion and continue to politely say it's too much your budget can't handle all your outgoings and you may need to drop service either you are speaking to someone who can reduce the price or they can put you through to a personal thighs to reduce the price being polite is key to this though as you don't want to be stonewalled by a jaded agent or otherwise sent into a transfer loop to nowhere useful unable to afford the service found that cheaper deal with a competitor or questioning what you're really getting for the service works wonders demands declarations of long-term loyalty read exactly the reason the company can raise the price on you and disregard for those handling your call will serve to waste your time special bonus if at first you don't succeed call back tomorrow chances are you will get a different agent who may have a different approach there ain't a company of any great size where everyone in customer service will give exactly the same response and assist it's edit as some have pointed out insurance with a capital I may not work out this way for you but insurance cover can why mnv funeral homes our businesses and funeral directors will absolutely take advantage of grieving people the most offensive to me are the cremation boxes that iterally just big cardboard boxes and should cost less than $100 but they also make really expensive boxes and directors will say things like grandma would be more comfortable in this no she won't because she's dead some of these boxes reach $1,000 and of course are all just burned I used car as price based on what it will sell for bit the margin is calculated by how deep they're into it so if a car was just traded in and they haven't detailed it or advertised to yet you can pay thousands less if you ask and so a car dealerships have reward systems based on numbers for the salesman and the dealer and management so if you are there at the end of the month you can sometimes get to screaming good deal because even at zero profit the sale bumps them up to a big bonus can confirm have this happen at a dealer timing was just dumb luck on our part but it was worth it mobile homes are cheaply made and mass-produced by people making 9 bucks an hour and don't give a crap if it's up to code or safe hundreds of people in a factory with little supervision and the main goal is to get as many made as possible with little care to protocol codes and far stopping I got hired as a HUD admin ended up doing inspections so we could stop getting fined by the fire marshal and the amount of crap that is overlooked and not cared about is infuriating ETA mobile homes as in manufactured homes single wides double wides act anywhere from $50 K up to $150 K at this particular Factory it's hard for the employees to care when the plant manager doesn't the more that roll out the more money he makes his idea was to roll as many doubt as possible take a huge bonus let the company eat the fines when the fire marshal caught something they don't check every home and if you got a house with the furnace not fire stopped Oh other academics will steal your work for themselves and publish it under their name research assistant here today I caught the PhD student claimed a strain in our database one that I had constructed for a paper in which we share authorship I not only changed his name back to mine but told him I was doing so because I had made the strain this crap happens all the time The Cook's do all the drugs and always have the best drugs - in academia you create content for privately owned journals like science and nature but still you have to pay them also scientists who review journals articles for the peer-review process do it for free if you don't participate in this process you can't get papers and if you don't have papers you don't get funding and subsequently starve and die I don't know that this is a secret but flight attendants and pilots don't get paid while boarding deplaning and delays so when you're delayed and angry so are we we're not making money and still have to be there I worked at a game store a couple years ago and the lowest we could give for a trade-in was 10 cents as everyone knows when you trade a game in you're getting way less than you paid and way less than what it would be sold for well for the Nintendo Wii systems the way the pose was set up if someone came to trade in the system itself without and controllers or cables they would get 10 cents and not quite a secret but honestly it's worth just keeping your systems and playing with em again on five years when you miss the game I recently sold my xbox 360 after keeping it in my closet for quite a while when I brought it into the store the cashier told me the amount I would get from it would be the same whether or not I had the console what they wanted was the power break the console itself had no value at a hospital the straight cash price discount for men in outpatient tests MRI CT x-ray ultrasound labs etc can often be cheaper than using insurance and dealing with deductibles co-pays coinsurance and on and on I've seen tests billed for thousands of dollars to insurance cost - paying patient less than $400 it's insane I'm just looking through the comments to find an employee of big glitter I just want to know daycare workers say rude things about your family usually just the parents and not the kids we also hear all your dirty secrets from your children I've heard about parents using handcuffs on each other and wrestling naked just this past week people always joke that most psychologists become psychologists because they are crazy I've worked in close proximity to a bunch of forensic Sykes for the last few years it is true you're not gonna lie the main reason I want to be a psych is because I want to be the person I needed when all my mental illness is kitten as a kid I make super expensive stuff that is bought by several governments and some high-end consumer product manufacturers one of the machines that every bit of product has to go through only works right if you stand there and poke at it with a stick we don't even have a special stick it's just a metal rod that fell off of another piece of equipments that we wrapped some tape around to make a handle we always make the new guy do it because it is super boring I once took a field trip to a nuclear reactor used for imaging with radiation and the reactor itself had a helium leak that was too expensive to fix so there's just leaking helium forever and they just replace a helium every so often but seemed pretty janky for alleged nuclear rector in a call center there are lines where management can listen to the customer while he/she is navigating the phone tree or waiting on hold it's used for quality control we hear every line of profanity racist sexist remark and muttered expletive also many live chat sessions allow the associate to see you typing in live time a lot of horrible things get typed out then redacted before pressing send engaging with customer service brings out the worst in people especially when they think it's in private is this question covered by the whistleblower act asking for a friend number answering for a friend for most every registered nurse has what is called a blacklist of doctors she or he would not want even remotely near them should they need emergency services people need to take better care and precaution of where they choose to accept as their doctor this is so true I can't think of three doctors that I don't like on a personal level and two on a professional credit companies will raise your interest rate for no reason and wait for you to call and complain to get it lowered check your statements and review all notices that come with your bill in the same vein Comcast will randomly up your bill by a tiny amount they expect people won't call and complain over seventy cents but if they do it till enough people then its millions of dollars hotels are held together by more super glue and duct tape than you know doesn't matter how nice they are unless you're talking about ultra rich type places the comforters in hotel rooms almost never get washed they are nasty comforters I am a Romanian who has worked for a US military contractor the DoD doesn't care about the price of the things the military is buying I once sold a bag of 240 hex nuts for nine thousand dollars it's not a typo which I got for $25 the spending the DoD does is really as bad as you might have heard of the more they spent the better it is actually scary how much money they throw away I worked at a Dairy Queen when I was 16 and found roaches I got fired because I was too slow when I was cleaning when in reality I was actually scrubbing crap down because everyone else half-ass a bit that being said don't go to Dairy Queen in an auto shop what your mechanic tells you may not be in your best interest but instead what is most convenient and what is the least amount of work to do hospitals are not clean the only really clean place in the hospital is the operating room other than that the place is crawling with germs and whatever else has mutated on the floors and walls went to a nearby hospital for surgery and got fleas while I was there so no they don't clean very well for do book narrators are woefully underpaid we are some of the only recording artists who do not receive royalties for our work and in fact our wages went down by about 66 percent when audible renegotiated the AFT are a contract ten years ago sixty-six percent the rates have been going up incremental e since then but narrators are still treated very poorly many of us now record our own work in addition to being a narrator I am also the director engineer and researcher on nearly every book I work on but no credit is given to me other than full narration and I have to fight to get more money than I will get for just narrating a book in addition narrators are expected to promote the book saver accorded themselves despite the fact that we get no residuals in other words we don't get any of the revenue from the audiobook sales just a flat fee up front a while ago a very popular author wrote to me to congratulate me on the fact that the latest book of his that I narrated was the number one best-selling audio book on audible thanks I said but that means nothing to me because I don't get a dime from sells he was shocked narrating audiobooks is often difficult and usually tedious work that requires an exhausting amount of focus the industry continues to grow in leaps and bounds it is only fair that the co-creators of this work received their just due wha-wha he takes employees pay for mistakes made I had a company-wide corrective a mail sent to me with a picture of a guy that messed up his team leader in the line manager a description of what they did wrong some security issue like sharing a password if I remember correctly as well as the fact that one month's pay has been taken from each of them if you call customer service and the representative does a great job and you want to compliment them please ask for a supervisor specifically if you say you want to make we're awarded feel good service but don't explicitly say you want to talk to someone about it we can't direct you to doing so and when you talk to a supervisor for compliments it really does help improve customer service but those calls are more likely to be useful training new reps and complemented reps get raises - everything is held together with duct tape and baling wire hermit crabs as pets is actually incredibly cruel because they rarely breed in captivity so they have to be taken from the wild then they get their natural shells broken away from them so that they will be forced to adopt colorful man-made shells and hopes kids find them more attractive not to mention the fact that they can live for thirty years when taken care of which is very rare same is true for a lot of aquatic type animals like goldfish for some reason people don't view them as actual animals doctors spend so much time in their specific niche that they know jack crap about anything else same goes for programmers we often try to hide it some bars actually tasks bartenders with stock rates of 104 percent - 110 % this basically means that with every pool that should be 25 milliliters - 50 milliliters they actually tell you to thunder pour on every drink to ensure were actually making back stock on every purchase this also means some bartenders are instructed to make more head-on beers by swirling the glass or intentionally holding it so more head is produced saving more stock I started a job that told me this and quit the next day animator hair it's coming more and more to light lately but big animation studios and game companies treat their employees like crap and pay them barely anything and expects them to work hard because of the love for the job and they can get away with that because there are hundreds of thousands of other creatives who would be more than happy to deal with all of the BS just for a chance to work at a triple-a studio really it's not just animation though the entire entertainment industry is this way the clothes you find at an outlet more often than not are not cast offs or overages from the regular store there's a whole separate entity that designed producers clothes at a lesser quality for outlet prices when working on a patentable idea and proposed construction I was told don't over engineer it you wanted to break some time so they'll have to get a replacement now leave me told him off saying I'd rather do that because it's supposed to help people I wonder how widespread his mindset was edit since this blew up it's for cosmetics and something that we'll have a new version produced pretty much every year ashore so it'll be improved on I simply just don't design things to fail if people prefer the original build then so be it I'm not going to force someone to use a new version if they don't have to everyone cheats on fuel economy and/or emission tests Volkswagen is just the latest to get caught I work in a Vetter if you check the resuscitate box on our form we will absolutely do our best to resuscitate your pet and I mean at least 15 minutes chest compressions intubating and manual breathing heat support and reviving drugs it's an all-hands-on-deck situation and we take it extremely seriously that being said I have never seen it do more than have a pet have a heartbeat and automatic breathing long enough for an owner to say goodbye I have never seen an animal recover basically you shouldn't check that resuscitate box it doesn't do anything but let us fight for your pets life and lose I'm a DNR myself I don't want to go through that and I don't want their staff to go through another unsuccessful attempt like this video and this good boy will play you a nice song if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 59,646
Rating: 4.8114944 out of 5
Keywords: dirty little secret, company secrets, secrets, corporate secrets, company, industry secrets, industry secrets reddit, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: MwK3EvkL_Ks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 25 2020
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