What are Rollup Summary Fields in Salesforce | How to create and when to use Roll Up Summary fields

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here comes another video on the basics of this folder that is role of somebody peed in this video I am going to use three things first what is roller somebody field and pain to use it second how to create it in the third point that you need to remember in creating a rule of summary field let us first have a look at the basic definition of role of some regimes role of some of these three is summarized data drawn a set of related detail records and automatically displays output on a master record so explain this definition I take a simple example imagine there are two objects a and B and these two of these are related to each other in which a is on a one set of the relationships and B here on the many side of the relationship you want that are like this they can be multiple B records associated to a single a record and a objects record in that situation what you want is you want to summarize a field value on all the tile record and display that field without that summarization on to the master record in that situation you will create a role of somebody field roll up summary field as a laconic you will to like summarize the data of the all of all the tile record and display the information on the master record this summarized operation includes four operations you can choose any other one and like you if you want even killing multiple role of so many fields with different operations also I will explain it to you for this these several operations are like there are four types of summarized operation loaded first is sum of a field value on child records what that means is that there is a the of this a and there is object B there is a record of object in a record in there are multiple records of object B B is what one P you go to bills or three like this and you want that you are new on the disappearance B of this called a stumper or amount you want to aggregate that around you wanna sum all the amount anticipate of the master record which is a record of B record one not like be record ones among B records to amount bigger stream on you want to sum all these amounts and displayed on the a record in that situation you create a role of some refill select operation as some what why one okay and they click on second operation nice to know maximum move field value on which I'll record what that actually means is that let us take the same example they record be record one be record to be record three you will like taste that or you wanna display the maximum value of the amount on liquid it on that because DJ records or the child record in that digital creator roller summary field and select original maximum the maximum amount like whichever it is on the B inverse B record one on the PD code 202 P record three whichever it is it will be displayed on the master record which is a record and the third one has minimum of field value on the child of difficult Ida object because in that situation you will get the minimum value minimum value of that amount speeds on whichever record it is of the be object and the fourth one is important is count of child records on a master record all it actually means is that if you want to get the number of child records is related to a master then you will create a rule of summary field and in that role of summery feeling like the operation has found in that situation you do not have to select an expiry to aggregate you will simply get the count of child records associated to a single master record that is it and now if you are still confused on it is still didn't got that or throw some repeats is and like going to use it I'm going to tell you a simple example to explain it very clearly after that we'll be able to get a look from the future don't worry stay tuned and yes I forget to tell you that this relationship should always be a master detail relationship with is noticeably fields can only be created on a one side object that is a master in a marketed relationship you cannot create roll-up summary fields on a detail object or on a child object all based on the lookup relationships field so you need to make sure this point that role of somebody fields can only be created on a master of the Mashti relationships that's it so there is an example that will explain you completely that what is the rule of thumb we feel and then do you need to create it so let us take a simple example a desert two objects in our one is account then you can consider as a bank account in which we are storing the information of a particular person's account and deposits in deposits we are just storing the information of deposit the amount which is deposited into a particular account and obviously a thing of maragon can have multiple deposits that is the reason we have created a relationship field over this in which accounted on the one side and deposit is enough many types because you can deposit electric bill they can be multiple deposits record for single around yes and this relationship field is a much deeper relationship field because we cannot create a role of summary fields and lookup relish on the basis of lookup relationship we can only create a role of summary fields on the master record inhomogeneous relationship so this one is the master object and this one is a leading object and now we are going to create a role of somebody feed on account object to like get the Argos and get aggregated information of the child records on that particular account so let's take an example here three account records first one is of John's account first one John's account second is Mark's account third one is Paul's account in John's around there are three deposits d1 d2 and d4 even is of thousand rupees or you can say USD dollar or like Tito is of $505,000.00 d4 is of $4,000 whereas in marks account there are also three deposits d3 d5 and d6 VIII's of $8,000 d5 is of $10,000 and d6 of $3,000 in Paul's account there are only two deposits which are equal in d7 d 4 is of $5,000 and the terms of $9,000 so here is a simple example we will simply create a role of summary field on the accounts of this to aggregate the information on the child records for example if we create a role of summary field and select operation as some this is what you want happen in John's around there are three deposits d1 d2 and d4 here it is thousand headed and 5,000 here it is 4,000 so after creating a roll up summary field and selecting the operation as some there will be a field created in John's account and that field will display the sum of these values thousand plus 5,000 plus four thousand that is equal into ten thousand what by going so this is when you can play like if you wanna summarize some in the information of a particular feel like there is a field deposit amount on deposit object and in Henry record this field is required so in t1 it is thousands in d2 it is 5000 in d4 it is four thousand builders summing it up using the role of so many fields operation as some so it will display how's it over it is now let's switch onto the next operation that is maximum same record of same master record and like same detail of technical record of trial records over here will we have created a like role of so many fields and operation of maximum in this situation over here they will get field which is the role of summary field obviously and that we will displace the maximum amount the positivity that is five thousand so this is how a maximum operational role also gives hope and then comes to minimum in minimum are there again the safe deposit time records and the Johnson round only this will display the minimum value of the B 3 so it will be house it yeah so these three operations you can perform in the role of summary field so like I mean on a single skill you can set a single operation you cannot set multiple operations in a single field so if you want all the three things you get you have to take you one some also you want máximos you want them also you will have to get different different over somebody field and in that role of some type you have to select a different operation okay so like let's suppose that we have we have created a roller some retailers or some operation so over here it's like it's giving the value of 10,000 but what happens with marker come on mass account also there will be a field which will display a thousand plus seven thousand well how will that will be eighteen thousand and for the poles account it will be five thousand plus nine thousand that is fourteen thousand in the case of some in the case of maximum it will display nine thousand this will display a thousand and this is this way obviously five thousand riches without shown over over here only and in the case of minimum this will display thousand similar to this and master console displays three thousand and quarter gone to display five thousand and let's see the last operation with this count of the child records Tom does not require any feel to be aggregated it does display the count of child records present on that particular master record so let's say we have created a roll of so many freedoms we have selected an operation has come in that situation it has three child record zones around has three deposits so it will display three the cons of the count of child records present on this master record will be displayed into that overall summary field this is what found operation in rollers only cleans to overhead it will also show three and over there it will show you because there are only two records to child record related to Falls account this is how roll up summary fields work hope you've understood I wanna see how to create it let go now let's see that where do we actually need to create these rule of so many fields and it required them how to create it so I am just personal again earlier example they were bank accounts and deposits in the bank accounts will see all the bank accounts like this and here others also here are all three bank account records which we have listed in the example Jones account for the counted marks account now let's see that order information John's around hands in John's account I am which is account number in email address in school - number address and all this information with the bank needs to store for every bank account holder and like if there is a bandwidth on existing over there there must be deposits made into it - source to see those deposits will simply go to the littlest over here we can find out that like their dusty deposits d1 d2 and d4 and demon has amount deposited as 1,000 and e2 as 5,000 d4 has 4,000 same as it was in the in the example and now what I want is I want here see I want to see a field over here which should display what is the total amount deposited into this particular account so for that I will simply create a role of somebody feels on this bank account object so - like I simply follow like follow the stage to create a role of summary field on the background object and I will take you go to setup over there I will go to object manager I can make good from here also or I can simply type an object then manager and then I will go to bank account and over there Hara fields and relationships I click on it and click on new to create a new field and here is the form to select the data type of that field so where I am going to admit a select role of somebody roll up summary data type is only available on the object which is of the mass which is a in a master detail relationship it is not available on the child records or on the like on the one sided record in a book of relationship it is only available on the one sided record which is on them which is of commercial relationship select a role of summary and then click on next or layer I can type in the field name put the amount deposited in slick on next okay over here and I need to select the summarized object the object of which child records I want to aggregate so I will select deposits if there are multiple child records of multiple detail records of whose master of different bank account then they will list and I can select any of one and there are all the operations which we have discouraged right now found some minimum maximum some minimum maximum you can see that like on some minimal moon this field to our unit is available but on count it is not which is in count it will simply return the total number of child records available on that master record so I'll first like I highlighted some of it as ionic summarize the information of amount field this is available under way or we can say like on the deposit record so I will select amount deposited and some it will simply sum all the amounts on that particular or like on all those style records are related to John's account like d1 d2 and d4 and it will show that some on the master record which is John's bank account record okay and like if I select minimum then it will show the minimum amount deposited field on all the child records and if I sell as Mark Miller it will show all the maximum like the maximum value of from all the turbo codes so and like a currently I will select some and then you can select new home as now about your requirements all counting on final number records and his filter criteria also this filter criteria actually specifies that which record you wanna include in the calculation if you want to include all the records just leave it as it is or the course should be included or if you want to suit you wanna include only certain records this meter particular criteria then you can simply click on this and like static like a day over the hill and after that only those regardless you need this criteria will be included in the calculation currently I do not want to set any of the criteria simply select all the car should be moving with alkylation and click on next then again next and order it simply click on save okay now we are like go to that bank account record of John and we'll see that is that is this field total amount deposited available over there and is it actually showing though like zero one six this is John's account yes it's John's with and like there is the total amount deposited I didn't I need to refresh this page to see it now as you can see that total amount the question is 10000 which is calculated from this he is all all these related child records d1 d2 and d4 1000 dispose of it was 5,000 equal it is equivalent to 10,000 now let's see what happened to like other recalls which are John's and it not John's Paul's and Mark's band account who Paul the total amount of all today is 18,000 Nichols the deposits are seven thousand eight thousand and three thousand that equates to 18,000 and what happened to [Music] Paul's bank account or masked bandit aunt on the mass bank account it's like for these thousand and tile recorder be 79 here nine thousand five thousand nine plus five fourteen this is how role of somebody feels work similarly will create three more role of summary fields one for the maximum of the deposits the Vanek maximum of amount deposited and one for the minimum of home on deposited in a third one to calculate the total number of erectile records on that master record so let's go to the bank account and see what these role of some of these fees actually displaying over here is total amount deposited which we have done right now and here are two more nine goemon deposited and minimum amount deposited and if you want to see like this is lightning so we'll be refresh you want to see them total number of records or total number of deposits also like here total number of requests are three and we'll go to the related list here also total number of deposits are three and if we go to another bank account record with let's say be a 0 0 0 18 of mark and he'll on the related list there are two deposits the total number of deposits is two and minimum is five thousand wherever we can find out that yes five thousand is the minimum and maximum is 9000 9000 and so it is here and it will go to be a zero one seven that is of is Marx or Paul's I guess Paul's bank account record here also there are three total number three deposits let's see the related list yes three and minimum is 3000 maximum is 8000 and the total is 18,000 minimum 3 micro made in total is 18 this is how those are some reason I actually work hope you understood now let's see what points do we need to consider while creating a lot of submitted field the first point is before telling you the first point I just want to recall the point which I told you earlier that roll up summary fields can only be created on the master object in a market a relationship they cannot be created on the detail object or they cannot be created on one side object of a lookup relationship they can only be created on the master object is amassed written relationship but there is an exception to this account with a possibility what that means is that you can create hold up some refills and account for the fields available on opportunity and same goes with champagne with champagne members you can also create Rolo so many prism campaign object to roll up the fields or summarize the piece of champagne members object and then comes the second points operation type of seats available okay so it all assembly fields we have we basically have four operations count some maximum and minimum in count there is no field to aggregate too early and we cannot add any of the field but in some manual minimum we can aggregate fees but which field will be available for the aggregation depends on the operation how's the see in some only numbers currency and percent data right field no other red right field will be available to aggregate so in some given select only these they divert these type of fields from the toilet object to advocate whereas is maximum and minimum we can like obviously we can aggregate these type of fields but then aggregate date and date and time type of fields also using this like I'm using these of roller operations we can find out the maximum state or the maximum date and time or the minimum rate of minimum date in time we can do that and again like to maximum minimum in number correction percent fields also now let's see what the third point is after creating roller so many fields the material relationship cannot be converted into a loop of relationship well firstly a modular relationship cannot be done to curl it converted into lookup relationship once a role of somebody field is created because like they can be rollers only field on like this Dominic of relationship role of some people can only exist in a material relationship so if you still want to convert this multitude relationship into no calculation check first they eat the whole of so many field and then convert it to look of relationship and that's it now let's roll up your skis and get down to your organs implement roller so many fields wherever require and don't forget 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Channel: Salesforce Hulk
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Keywords: What are Rollup Summary Fields in Salesforce? When and how to create it?, What, are, rollup, rollup summary, rollup summary fields, rollup summary fields in salesforce, roll up summary fields salesforce, roll-up, summary, fields, salesforce, salesforce tutorial, shrey sharma, when to use, how to, how to create, how, to, create, Salesforce hulk, Salesforce tutorials, shrey, sharma, basics of salesforce
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 59sec (1319 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2017
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