What are record types in Salesforce ? | How to create record types ? | Benefits of Record Types

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hello and welcome to the census and today I'm going to tell you record types and I'm going to divide this talking into four points that are what is required type ii what purpose do this all third how to create and use them the fourth important points to remember while creating a record type let's see how does it work record sighs let's see what is the definition of record types record types control page layouts and thickness values of an object which will be visible or available to different users while creating a record of that particular object what that means is that we can assign different record types for different types of users based on the profile and whenever those users if you create a record of that particular object you'll see different picklist values based on the profile or based on the record type on which they are assigned and also they can see different pages outs so let's have a look over is at a block diagram of record type of objects X overhead this record the political spectrum two things biggest values and peace dreams let's say I mean we have to pick list fields on object X we will see one and Google is sealed - we have different values it perfectly - field one and we have different - a value set for previous field to what this means is like whenever user who is assigned to this record type he will see only those values which are present over here in this values it not the other versions which are present is a master pick list which is actually the big list values it so you can control the picklist values it on like on the record type and for every picklist field on that particular object same goes with the page loads we can have different filters assigned to different profiles on a single recording so we can control both of these things on a single recording now let's see what purposes it's all so for that I have taken an example over here so let me tell you something now imagine you are a bank let you're managing Tiswas wall of a bank and there is an object called bank account opposite this requirement that employees can resisted for her like I mean saving general savings minor savings in a record only whereas only managers can register for current account of a current falling accountant all sorts of things so for that what you'll do is you'll create two record types one is for the manager and another one is for the employees and over there you control both the things that are like big lists value 6 and the phased out let me tell you how does it works so first of all let's have a look at the manager record right over here we have a link on this account of the background object we have account type picklist field and this big list field has five values which are setting general settings - having seen in current Jordan recurrent forage manager can register for all types of accounts so we have like in this value set we have added all the values whereas in the like employee record type they are added only three values because the employee can register only for these three values that are saving general savings minor and savings signatures and we have managed the page layout manager page level does not have initial balance field required what that means is that managers are not required to enter the initial balance where as employees are required to enter the clinician balance whenever they are adjusting a bank account so when the employee page layout we have created another page layout of this bank account object that is employing wisdom and the like master one or the first one is manager base do so in the second employee page layout what we have done is we have made initial values visa required also we have remove the current a Forex account fields over there like we have here like we haven't placed those fields on that page layout because I mean obviously they are not registering for the current the corner for the Forex account like but valid I need to show the fields of current account and Forex account on their page 0 so we have they made those fields hidden and we have made initial balance field also required now this record type is assigned to manager profile and in this manager profile we have to uses John and Paul and get there is in this record type employee record type we have assigned the temporal cortex to employ PROFIBUS English we have to use as Marc and Anthony whenever Paul will create a record of bank account object he'll not have initial balance field required because it is not required on the page layout also he'll see all the type of they call any register any account type or then you can make a bank account record of saving general savings - setting serious current during current forwards you can create a car like bank account record using any of these picklist values whereas whenever Marc will create a record using the employee record pipe he'll only see these three values and he will also require to handle funny I mean to enter initial field because it is required on his page there and we're not able to see the current and Pawlak account fees on in space there because we haven't assigned it to that and this becomes a scenario like if John or Paul wants to create I mean a bank account record with the help of employee recorded it is also possible how is English and time this record type to this profile also now John and Paul will have choices that they want to create with manager record type all they want it with employee record safe instance choose it as that they wanna create a record with manager record pain they'll have all these piglets feelings and the manager pays Leo but whenever they choose they like they want to create a bank account recorded employee record date then only have these three values but over here also they'll have manager page they are only that means they'll know they'll not be required to attend initial value balance like it doesn't matter from which record type they are creating if they are creating with employee record time also then also initial balance field is not required for them while because you can set different page layouts for different profiles in recorded I repeat you can set a print page layouts for different profiles in a single recording this is what we have done over here we have assigned employees will hopefully improve profiles and we have set manager pager for manager profile what that means is that whenever impudence of employee profile is created record using this record time they'll see employee basis but whenever user of employees are like manager profile will create a recorded using the employee record type then see the math is a victim that means on a single record site you can set different page layouts for different types of users page of the profile hope you have understood but let me remind you that whenever John or Paul will create a record using employee record type then only see these three piglets values not falsified it does not matter in picklist values are only dependent on the record types not on the base layer and one more thing there is also different purpose that record type shows that is you cannot assign to page layouts for single profile in Salesforce but that is possible with the appropriate context how you just have to set same picklist values it's for both the record types but you can change the page layouts on that how does how this possible let's see that like I mean we won like to require types and we want two different pages to be accessed by a single group I will create two record types on both the recorders will keep the big list values same but will change the page layout assigned to all the users of to a particular profile and assign both the record size to a particular profile in that situation the users of that program will have a choices they want to create a record with that this pager or that bedroom this is also purpose that is Saltburn content now let's take this example through the workplace and see how will you create a record I might use it hello so now I'm going to explain you that how to create a record type and how to use it so we'll take the same example of the band without object is explained earlier like we have a band around object in one read two types of our link we wanted to record type so that employees can make it be able to create only I mean account of saving general savings minor and savings of senior where our managers can create all right so account so let us first see that what account objects hides so to see that account object will simply go to setup then type in object over here you can see its bank account and here's some piece which we have created order our first is account holders at rest then account holders contact number and email then it's names and account type O then Denisha says balance all these fields will be available on both the page layouts like on the employees level so and on the manager is there also ferd account type like this is the big list field which I was talking about as a reduced savings account general savings account - it's from senior creditor longitude for accountant team at account all these like these are the thickest values of this account type with list field and here is the initial balance Quileute I was talking about and this field will be required on the magnetic please like on the employee page note but we not be required on the manager page layout and then the registered date it will be on both the page layouts and then there comes trading limited D'Amato current record this field with only the visible on the manager filter because only manager can create a likely might account or current account so this field will be visible on the Manta phase of movie not on the employee page layout so let's just see it like what payloads have like depth retailers over their bank account layout employee page layout and manager page World Bank on load is this like master page layout which gets created whenever you are creating an object and let's see what is in there in the employee and manager phased out his employee page load over here ability initial balance field is required and all other fields which are required are also there but you cannot see looks like a pair trading limits he is over there in this employee base rail now let us go and see manager pays out its manager please go and in the manager page their initial balance visas our initial balance is not required because we haven't created it required on this page and there is also field trading Liberty motto current upon which was not there in the employee pays well so this is the basic difference this is the basic difference between the page which we are gonna tie into two different record types so now let's see the profiles which we have as explained earlier that we have two profile manager and employee overhead so let's see the relation not here it is employee profile and here it is Monica profiles now let's see that which user is assigned to which profile so that we have gone to setup then users and over here you can see Paul Davidson is a fine - manager profile whereas Marc Edwards in signed - employee profile and system administrator is like social ion and I am a system admin searcher of this car now let's create a record let's create a bank account record from like any of one currently I am at stage result that means administrator is logged in an admission is trying to create a record it will go to the bag accounts and click on new then this simply type in the name like say then account type savings account changes then email is then registered it and all sorts of things so like I mean the banner this is the bank account layout which is a master layout so minimal admission is creating we are using that which there is no such record type yet because we haven't created it for our created one will simply save it and this is how the account of an account record books like now let's go to Paul here is the I mean or Bach or like it's the user account of Paulo Davidson which is assigned to the manager profile and he also has access to bank account records and whenever he is trying to create a new record he is also seeing the same record and in same page their account holder name account type all the previous values of their registered date and account holder in is exactly same page layout but whenever we'll go to the mask user user account like first we need to activate because I am using a developer edition off and over there we can how many single I mean only two users active at a time of Salesforce license so I will simply deactivate the account of fall like this you save it and I will activate the count of mark I guess okay now you try to login on like over here only when I am trying to refresh it it automatically got gets lock up and now I log in with the user account of mass market health calm [Music] now when I was mask much even employed and he is also saying like he like he is also seeing the same page layout I thought manager and we really do not want that and he is able to create 4f account beam at account current account of general so we reading to not own that and for that we'll simply create two recordings one manager record type and other one employee record text now let's just see how to create a record types first of all like make this clear whenever you wanna create a record technique simply go to object because object like record types are created on the object so I type in object and here is bank account and here we have record types related list will simply click on new it is asking master master record that exists I like open the same like the master big list values and the master page layout nothing else so users are to simply categorize master and then employee record type like this and like here you are assigning this record type to multiple profiles like users of these profiles will be able to create using this record type so I will simply uncheck all of them and I assign it only to the profiles who to whom I need to give access to this report there so they simply give access of this record type to employee profile what that means in that whenever user often and time to an employee profile will create a bank account click or he is created account using this record type and this is d 4 and currently we have only one record type on this object this is the riddle this is in editable uneditable otherwise you like even set that do you want to make it default or like you're like you do not want to make a default then we'll keep on next I don't know think if you want a manager also to have access to employee profile then you can simply check over here if you haven't done it you're over here then after creating a record I will not be able to do it you'll have to go to the profile of manager over there you can edit the record type but not on the record tech like they are doing over there right now now next and here we are selecting the page layout we have creepy lives and we are getting employee for tech services select employee page layout if we select employee is layout that means employee is out is selected for all the profiles a winner and if you want to change that for this profile you want to use this figure and for this slope I want to use this video then you can simply select this one and set different little videos for different different profiles for example I want manager profile to have access to manage a bit loud even if they are using the employee record type edit eat I want manage users of manager profile to have to use manager page layout or to see manager page note even if they're using employee record type so I set it like this and whether I set employee page layout for the employee profile now it will be click on save and over here you can see the pickiest feeds like I haven't created only one picklist feel of this object that is the reason I'm getting a single field if you want to edit it then simply click on edit and we can remove or add the pick list values you want so one of us remove these say piglets values d-mat current accountant Forex account and the default is if you want to set a default one you can simply set it otherwise if you leave it actors say okay now record type is created it is fine to employ profile and we our user name that mark on employee profile so this is simply go to banks and hedge accounting like it's a user account of mark only this is always a kind employ profile this is click on new hair initial balance is required can you see that yeah and trading lipid field is also not there and when we click on account side only three values this is how record types actually work so now I think if you are understood that how you can create a record type and like assign different different like assign it to different different profiles and assign different different page notes for every profile and like and we have assigned employee wait there only for the end users of employee profile yeah that that is the reason we are getting initial balance as required and we are not seeing trading limit over there and if you want to create a record we can simply create a record like like account holders name let's say it's Patrick and he is opening general account and his initial balance is 5,000 on the sister state and his email is right click at Hull Tom and then we'll see be savoured like this and then every user will open this record please see the same place in there I didn't see the same hit list values as like as present on this before now let's create the Naga record type on the same object which is jealous magnetically there oh sorry Monica recovers our here it is we simply befallen you if you want to clone the existing record that you can simply select the existing one or if you want to create your own without any like without any cloning can simply select master and then manager is our type select active and which flow file you want to assign this record type and this one manager profile to have access to this record time next and I want all the users to have access to manage the page though if they have access to this manager record type I don't want any other page access to and any other page layout by using this record type you can see knowledge our technique Paul this is a sign to manager profile active again for that I need to deactivate mark a and it is fall fall its it even say now whenever I has this click on anything I'll get to drop out because I got my like my mask user upon what we activated over there and fall [Music] here is account football and mineral will click on new we are getting this trading limit fees also and initial balance is also not required and when we will select the account type all the values are present overhead so this is how you can control the picklist values request values and page layout with the help of record types now I will create a record over here I'll simply select like like I am a manager like Paul is a manager and sponsors Paul complete account of a current account or a Forex account and he is not required to add a Venetian balance also garage is required to have email sleep if set the email field and either come as a compass and this is all you'll create a record type now let me tell you a simple thing in that if I want to assign with the employee record type to the manager profile how light is out away so I will simply go to profile and at over here I will simply go to manage a profile over here I have a like section of record type settings over here I have custom ricotta settings bank account I'll simply become addicted and assign this employee record type works and I'll simply save it now when I go to like I and Paul I have switched my account this was the administrator who was editing the record type settings this was huddle and here it is falling with the cycle manager profile and whenever manager is going to click on this new button you get this these two options he'll get to like he'll get an option that using which record type you wanna create this record and he has two options the field select employee record type then he'll see the manager video but the pick list values are still of employee record type only but when in select manager record type the pager is the same but account type Eclipse values of Icarus fields values are different so hope now you have understood that how to create record types how to assign different page layouts to it a page of the different different profiles and a single user or a single profile can have my access to multiple record types so that they can create records of like with the help of two page layouts this is all about record types this is how it works so let's go back again and business important point that you need to consider when creating a record type so here are the points that we need to remember while creating a record type initially before he created a record type the standard fields will be is only for one is created by the kill - modified by third bonus in focus name but after creating record type you have five fields like the oona created by large modified by name and a record type field that is like an extra standard field which stores the information of the recorded with the help like using which record take this record has been seen for example link manager paul has created a record using I mean like employee record type and whenever Polly goes and opens that record which he has created with the help of employee record date he will see the same page layout not the different one which is a sign of the manager recording same goes list like is polarized created a recording with the help of manager record type in substitution you see the same page on the same piglets values how does it happen spigot salesforce tows the information and using which record type this record has been created in the record type standard field now come to the second point same type while assigning record touch to profiles you need to think twice before resigning the page layouts and also the record types to the profiles because once you have created like while you're creating a record you can like it falls like so edit all the assignment of all the echoes of the record type to all the profiles on a single page of the sunnis tick box over this but once you've created the record type in after that if you want edit those Illig assignments of record types over this it will not be visible after that you only have single option that you have to go to every profile and remove the record type assignment from each and every profile that is the tedious starts to think twice before assigning the record type to all the profiles of whatever profiles you are assigning people the third one is when i will be clone a record the new record this record type of clone record what that means is that of the desert ABC records and ABC account if i am under and this ABC account of TBC bank account record is created using the manager record site whenever i will see on this record this KPC bank account record the new record i want to create a CDE that CDE will also be assigned to the same record type as of ABC bank accountable for example it was manager record eggs and the new cddp own record will also be assigned to manage the record size only in France the fourth point these are mainly used to manage different different business processes yes this is the main thing of main place or main they are like this is real I mean all these record types gets used because there are multiple processes leave process solution process I mean like sales process there are multiple things which I will cover in a different video but record text also manages these business processes and majorly they are used for managing different different business processes only in terms of a point only admin users with customized applications can create a record page this point is ready necessary because not all the users can create record types only admins and user with a custom applicant eyes application permission of the profile have the access to create a record so this is all what you need to take care wise for creating a requirement now if you still have any questions towards comments all seditions let me know down in the comments and hit the subscribe button and don't forget to subscribe to this channel by using the link down in the description if you're watching this video on Facebook let's go to the YouTube page and hit the subscribe button and get weekly videos all related since Association LS power ticket
Channel: Salesforce Hulk
Views: 109,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: What, is, record, types, in, Salesforce, What is record types in Salesforce?, What is record type, record types, record type, type
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 56sec (1736 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2017
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