How to pass the Salesforce exam. My Story.

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hello there beautiful people joe here from vox victoria today i'm going to tell you how i passed the salesforce certification exam and i am not going to make you wait till the end of the video i'm going to tell you right now the way i passed the salesforce certification exam was i took the exam and i failed it in the process of taking the exam and failing it i did get to see the questions and i regrouped and re-studied and two weeks later i passed the exam so that's how i passed the salesforce certification exam now if you wouldn't mind hanging out with me a few more minutes i can give you an in-depth explanation around that answer because there's actually a lot more to it and what i'd like to do with this video is offer you some guidelines and some suggestions and tell you a little bit about what happened to me and my story as i was trying to pass the salesforce certification exam so years and years ago i was struggling with my career and i was working at a supermarket for ten dollars an hour and then i got a slightly better job um at a telemarketing company where i was making 80 cold calls a day that was the job now i want to make it clear that i was grateful to have both of those jobs at the time um one thing i want to mention though is that despite having an mba in marketing i couldn't get a job anywhere else so i have a very good friend who some of you may know uh he's very very famous and familiar in the salesforce community uh i'm not going to mention his name right now because i haven't talked to him yet to let him know i'm making this video but um he's very famous he is one of the top answerers on the success salesforce channel and he's from boston and he likes to get paid in beer if you help him so maybe you know who that is he's my great childhood friend my brother one of my best friends and i love him very much so we were having dinner one night years ago and i was completely in the dumps about my career and he said to me you know why don't you just learn salesforce you know and he had been telling me that for years so i decided to do that now here's what i want you to know that if you decide to go for the salesforce certification exam um and if you're like me i didn't have any exposure to salesforce at all i had never used it i used it very little so i had to really start from zero so what i did my strategy was to take two hours every night and dedicate myself to studying and learning salesforce and eventually i had a goal of passing the exam now i want to tell you it took me nine months of that approach before i felt comfortable to set up an appointment and take the exam when i got to the exam i realized within the first 10 questions that i was going to fail the exam and it had been a lot of effort put into that point and it was a very very devastating uh low sinking feeling to be sitting in that exam knowing that all the work i had put into leading up to this was not going to carry me to the finish line in the way i had hoped i'm telling you this because i want you to know that you probably won't fail the exam but if you do don't worry actually failing the exam can be part of the process that you could use to pass the exam one of the things i learned while i was studying i had multiple sources i was googling i was all over the internet i was trying to refine my study materials but one person said if you feel you're failing the exam spend the remainder of that time in the exam trying to memorize as many of the questions as you can memorize the questions memorize the topics memorize some of the answers and for me i got into the exam and i realized i am not familiar with any of these questions they were not on any of my practice exams i'm not familiar with any of these topics or these concepts or some of these buzzwords so despite having a very emotional reaction in that moment i realized that this was my opportunity to pass the exam in that i was actually seeing the questions the real questions that are on the exam so after the exam um i went through it i did the best i could i failed the exam and i ran out to my car because i had taken the exam at an off-site location i didn't take it at home and i wrote down as many questions as i could remember and as many concepts as i could remember and as many buzzwords that weren't familiar to me up until taking the exam and then i went home and i allowed myself to have 24 hours to feel absolutely horrible about failing that exam because it was going to change my life and it was supposed to be the thing that was going to deliver me out of my current doldrums for work into a much better career and i will tell you that passing the exam did that for me eventually i passed and it did change my life and put me on the correct path and it allowed me to have a better job the job i have now depends a lot on sales force and they are looking for people who have salesforce certification so yeah it's real but what this video is about is helping those people who've yet to pass the exam here's what i want you to do i want you to go online and do everything that everyone always does google everything look at everything be careful about scams there are people online who will offer you if you send them money they'll send you the questions i didn't do that if you decide to do that that's up to you but i wouldn't recommend that actually so anyway there are other free practice exams you can take one thing i did that i want to mention is that i joined a site called certified on demand a guy named john runs that so it's certified on demand and i'll put a link to that in the description in the video it's fifty dollars for a lifetime membership uh i am not affiliated with him i don't know him personally he's not sponsoring this so it's it's none of that but that site was the site that taught me really how to use salesforce so there's two separate things here yes you're going to pass the exam eventually but studying to the exam to try to figure out what the questions are and passing the exam is different than knowing how to use salesforce so certified on demand is something that's a small investment for life that is going to teach you how to use sales force so let's say you get in a situation where you pass the exam and you have a job interview and someone says to you can you do the following in salesforce you would like to say yes you wouldn't want to say no i have no experience in salesforce and you might not have any paid experience in salesforce but if you join the site like certified on demand you're going to go through all the course curriculum you're going to learn how to use salesforce and then you will understand how to use salesforce okay so that's an important piece that i recommend you do i still have my membership on that site i still go to that site john keeps it updated it's a blessing believe me um along with that you would want to look at the sales force recommendations for practicing for the exam you would want to take the trailhead modules of course because those are going to help you understand salesforce too and you'd want to do as many practice exams as you can but you really want to take those from a legitimate source again you want to be careful about paying money for the questions i i never did that as i said and i don't know what you would get so be careful if you decide to do that um so my approach to study for the exam was as i mentioned over the course of nine months i signed up for certified on demand i was getting a hundred percent on all those exams i felt very comfortable i had done other practice exams outside of that as well i had done some salesforce trailhead modules and but ultimately when i got into the exam i realized that the topics i had studied and the areas that i had studied were not the ones that were on the exam at least not enough of them for me to pass the exam so but my mind was in a place where i was in the sales force environment and i was comfortable studying and i had great momentum going there and so giving myself that day that 24 hours to feel absolutely miserable and by the way you know if you live with other people just let them know you're feeling bad about failing the exam and it's nothing to do with them so you know don't be too hard on yourself and do be hard on the people around you it is a big exam people pin a lot to it uh and justifiably so it can change lives so um but then get yourself back into studying before you lose that momentum so if you fail plan to study for two weeks and take the exam just find those topics that you had remembered from the exam that you hadn't studied previously and brush up on those and try to find as many practice exams on different sites that you can and talk to other people who've passed the exam and asked them you know how did they study what did they do but again there's so many great resources online famous people and wonderful people who are trying to help others pass so it's my goal with this video to help that way again my strategy was study study study i overstudied but in the act of over studying i learned how to do salesforce which was a benefit to me when i was going on job interviews but i had also passed the exam finally so what i'm trying to say is that just because you pass the exam doesn't mean you know how to use salesforce so salesforce is the kind of thing that you have to live in it every day what you're going to need to find is someone who is appreciative that you did take the time to pass the exam and they'll give you a chance really that's what needs to happen so in fact that happened to me i passed the exam i had a bit of a struggle finding a job because i had passed but i didn't have a whole lot of practical experience in salesforce and eventually i did run into someone who was kind enough to give me a chance and give me some real world sales force experience so don't get discouraged there it is a process but once you get through the exam then i would recommend learning as much about salesforce as you can go on to the answers community and read the posts read the answers that's what i did my friend is one of the top question answerers and i simply read his questions and answers and by doing that i was gaining an understanding of salesforce that isn't written down anywhere so the success community for salesforce is wonderful as well but just try to focus like um you want to pass the exam have a structured study pattern of two hours every night maybe you take fridays off maybe you take sundays off but you need to really steep yourself in it before you get to the exam and then do as many practice tests as you can from various places do your trailhead modules and then if you get to the exam and you feel that you're not familiar with the material take a breath calm down and realize that this is actually your opportunity to see the real questions and go in with a clear mind make sure you eat something before you go make sure you have plenty of water before you go and be as rested as you can be kind of like an athlete you have to approach this as an athlete this is an important test and when you get there this is the moment so you need to be prepared for that um if you get in there and you're feel comfortable with it still go slow make sure you're you're answering correctly because some of the questions are more than one answer so they may give you a bunch of questions that say pick all that apply or something like that note that you don't get partial credit for answering part of the question correctly so if there are three correct answers and you pick two of them correct and one wrong you don't get two-thirds of a point you get zero so the test is really quite severe um and unlike anything i had ever experienced once i got in and saw the questions so um so that was my strategy for passing the exam i had to take it and fail it and see the questions and regroup and i think the biggest challenge there was not to have some kind of an emotional breakdown or push away or run away from it that was really hard i had to realize that this was my opportunity and i had to stick with it and refocus my study so please do that the other part of this video that i wanted to share with you is that again [Music] just because you pass the exam doesn't necessarily mean you know how to use sales force and on the other side of that there are people who know how to use salesforce extraordinarily well who struggle with the exam i know three or four people like that my friend who i mentioned earlier who lives in boston who's famous in the salesforce community he doesn't have a whole lot of certifications but he knows salesforce better than probably anyone on the planet maybe there are three or four people who know it better than him what he does particularly so that's the lesson you know keep your wits about you try to pass the exam if you don't don't worry just learn salesforce find someone who'll give you an opportunity to learn it and dig in and learn it and immerse yourself salesforce is an enormous sprawling software it's like the city of los angeles there are many neighborhoods and places and hills and valleys and rivers and roads not one person knows all of it but what you can do is learn a portion of it and learn that well and that's where it will benefit you so check out certified on demand make sure you go to the salesforce certification site and read the pdfs that they offer there for the certification exam there are some practice examples in there that was a good um actually one of those questions for me in my case years ago was actually on the exam so there was one that i knew um but yeah it can change your life um i just wanted to give you encouragement i wanted you to know that i think you should try to do this but you should be careful if you don't pass it that's okay it's fine you can try again i'll share something with you that um [Music] i failed the dev one exam twice now so it was really another test i wanted really a difficult test i did not pass that one excuse me i passed it i failed it twice so still happening to me still the process of trying to learn how to do these things and i have great friends who are brilliant in salesforce um i know two people who went in having studied for maybe two weeks and they passed the test right away that's just because they see it in a different way and their minds work differently and there are some people who will go in and find it easy to pass that's not me and the people i wanted to talk to today you may be in the same situation there are companies that are rightly or wrongly pinning a lot of weight on people passing these exams i don't really think that's the best way to approach new hires but again you may hire someone who has the exam and they are not great sales force or you may find a person who is a fantastic person to hire they just struggle passing the test so for employers i would say you know look with an optimistic eye and weigh the scales there and see what this person can offer and i think that's just going to be about it for this video kind of a short one today but i wanted to offer my thoughts on how to pass the salesforce exam so study for it sign up for it take it you
Channel: Vox Pictoria
Views: 2,277
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Keywords: Salesforce Exam, Salesforce, Vox Pictoria, How to pass Salesforce, Salesforce Admin
Id: FR58-If6u98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 6sec (1266 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 09 2021
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