Understanding Leads, Accounts, Contact, Opportunities, Products, Pricebooks objects in Sales Cloud

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hello and welcome back to the cell social channel and today we are going to talk about sales cloud I'm going to tell you guys that what sales cloud exactly is as a product of scales was and how it can help a company to boost their productivity so let's begin so first of all let's list out some of the most important objects that you're gonna get as a part of sales cloud so the number one is campaign second lead third account fourth contact fifth opportunity then product and then price book and there are some other like other contract orders some of the objects that you get as a part of sales cloud so first of all let's talk about campaign object so campaign object is basically used to store the information of the campaigns that you do for marketing of your business or to generate new leads or to do some brand building and you want to store that information in your Salesforce CRM or into the sales cloud then in that case you're going to use the campaign standard object instead of any custom object that you can create in your org so this like campaign object is basically used to store the information of the marketing staff or the marketing campaigns that you run to generate the leads and stuff like that now let's talk about the second object that we have in sales cloud that is leads leads is basically used to store the information of the potential customers of your business for example imagine if you're selling a camera then in that situation who will be a potential customer some photographers and videographers or people who are interested into photography or videography right so those people or those companies who can who actually buy or who can buy cameras will be your potential customers and will be stored in the Leaves object in Salesforce so imagine you got Paul as a lead and or you can say digital media company or digital media LLP as your client who wants to buy cameras from you and in that case you'll store their information into leads right and what if they all have purchased a camera from you are their purchase many cameras from you and in that case will you still store the information of Paul that digital media can L LP into your leads or will there be any another object so you guessed it right we store the information of our customers or sometimes our protect professional customers into the third object that is account account is basically an object in which we store the information of our potential customers basically prospects with whom we are working on to a deal to get it closed or to sell something to them so like we store the information of that particular company or that particular individual into accounts if they are prospect or our customers now imagine if you're selling your cameras to this digital media llt then in that case you must be in contact with some of the key executives of the key peoples who are part of this deal so like very will you store the information of those individuals or executives of that company there is an object in sales cloud which is called as contact he'll store the information of these executives working into that particular account into contacts so now I think you understood where to store different different kinds of information and what all objects we already have in Salesforce to store different kinds of stuff so we have like leaves where we can store the information of our potential customers we have account where we can store the information of our customers or our prospects and we have contacts where we can store the information of our what of our key executives or the executives who are working into that particular account with whom we are in touch with or with whom we are communicating but what about deal like where will you store the information of the deal that has happened with that particular account or that like that that has happened or that is about to happen or we are working on to that deal so that we can generate some business from this company or from this customer and we can earn some money or vegans like them rate revenue for our company where to store that information so the object for that is opportunity so opportunity is basically the object where we can store the information of the deals that are happening with our customers or with our prospects or not only happening but also has happened so like imagine you have soul you're trying to sell five canon cameras to your like digital media LLP company and you have already sold 10 Nikon cameras to some other company like let's say vaynermedia so in that situation like you store the information of that particular deal into opportunity objects record this is how you're going to store it or this is like opportunity object is basically used to store the information of the deals that are happening or that has already happened even if we have lost it or even if we have one like one that opportunity we're gonna store the information of every deal into opportunity object I think now you are it so how we store it in an opportunity object is we basically create the record and we like signify the amount that this deal will be of this particular amount and the different stages through which that opportunity can go through like first you provide the code then there is a negotiation that is happening then a review or a presentation of like presentation then the code and different different stages can be there and at the end either you won the deal or you lost 30 so we can stuff like track all of that information with the help of stage field which is present on with the opportunity object but there is one question that is still running into my mind and that is we are selling these Canon cameras we are selling this mic these Nikon cameras with different different customers and we are storing the information of like these deals into opportunity object but what about like we want to store the information of the products that we have in our organization or that are available into the inventory way to store that or way to like I mean like yes store the information of each and every product or each and every service that we are providing to our customers so don't worry there is a standard object for that as well and that standard object is or dot product object is basically used to store the information of the products or services that you are selling as a business and you can include those products into an opportunity let me give you an example so like I just said you that we are selling five Canon cameras to digital media LLP right so will store the like will will get that cannon what whether model number is that product into the opportunity multiplied by the quantity that we are selling to them and with the cameras we are also selling them the lens so we'll include lens and with the particular quantity that that particular business of digital media LLP wants and that amount will automatically be calculated by the amount that you specified onto that particular product multiplied by the quantity and that will be added to the lenses price multiplied by the quantity of lenses that you are selling to them and that will automatically be rolled up to the opportunity so that you can get in complete or clear idea about like what is the amount of this particular deal or what how much revenue we can generate from this deal like if the if this deal can get closed how much revenue we are going to generate or how much revenue can this company generate all of this information can be clearly visible to you with the help of using these all objects and one more thing I want to say over here is we have different different products right so we store the information of different products into products object but what about like we are selling these cameras but we sell to some of our customers at some rate or let's say we if we if if it comes to selling it to a media company then we if we sell it at another price but when it comes to selling it to an individual individual photographer videographer we sell it on a harder price so there are different different prices for the same product as well so what to do about that so for that we have a price book object available and we can use that price book object to store the information of the different different prices that we have for the same product so it is basically a price list list which stores the information of the products and their respective prices which will automatically be shown onto that onto that particular opportunity or which will automatically be included onto that particular opportunity as an amount of that particular product I hope you're getting it right even if you are not then I have a solution for it imagine we sell Canon cameras at X price when there is no discount period but when there is a discount period we sell it on 20% off something like that or at like Y price so we can store both of these in mission in two different different price book so we have a standard try loop in which we store the standard price of it we have a discounted price book in which we store the discounted prices of the discounted price of the same camera and if the customer is buying that camera from us in the discounted period than in that case he or she will get the discounted price automatically we do not have to worry about it and if the customer or the individual is like getting that camera or purchasing that camera to the standard duration where there is no discount available and in that case the amount that will be shown over there will be standard only and will be like will be fetched from the standard price book itself and that all will happen automatically you do not have to care about that or you do not actually have to think about it so how amazing that is isn't it that's all amazing but this is just the beginning believe me you have another objects as well which can help you track different things like let's talk about code so you can provide different different codes for a single D so for that you have a separate object separates an object which is already provided as part of sales cloud and that object is called as what code itself so we can just simply will okay like create the codes over here and there's a button you just need to click the button the code will be automatically generated according to your needs and requirements and we automatically be sent to the customer so that he or she can or they can simply go through it and let you know the details or the feedback on that particular code and for a single D we can have multiple code so it's arranged like that or it's programmed like that that you can have different different codes for a single deal as well using the code standard object congratulations you have got this deal now what what we need to sign a contract right so for that as well you do not have to rely on your email or your Word documents or a PDF documents there is a object in there is an object in sales cloud itself which is called as contract in which you can store the information of the contract and the dates like from this date like this contract is from this day to this date these are the products that we are going to provide at this rate or these are the services that we are going to provide at this rate and this is a charge that the terms and conditions that you were to include into that contract and that all can be stored into your CRM you do not really need to rely on your email or document processing software that's all what you need to understand as a basic of sales cloud now in future I'm gonna create some more videos to give you in-depth understanding of each and every object that you have available so stay tuned to the Salesforce channel and if you haven't said yet subscribe to the stands and please make sure to do so it really means a lot and if you have any suggestions or thoughts onto this or if you want some custom or video or any specific like a video on any specific topic doesn't make sure this - just make sure to comment down over here and let me know and if you're watching this video on LinkedIn or Facebook there's a link down in the description if that's being go to the U channel hit the subscribe button because again that really means a lot thank you so much that's all for now see you next time bye-bye take care
Channel: Salesforce Hulk
Views: 175,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Salesforce, #Salesforcehulk, #SalesCloud, #Account, #Campaign, #Lead, #Contact, #Opportunity, #Product, #PriceBook, #Contract, #Orders, #Salesforce Admin, #What is Sales Cloud in Salesforce, #Price Book, #Sales Cloud in Salesforce, #Learn about Sales Cloud
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 06 2018
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