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blades of glory [Music] what's up everyone we're here today at fremont skate park and we have a box [Music] what is this we got it quick trucks braille grip tape but you look on the other side what is going on here what's this what is this get a close-up of this mo you may be wondering what are these and i will let you know that i am wondering that exact same thing leave it in the comments below with your guests what do you think these are i think i have someone that can answer that but we're gonna hold off on introducing him what else we got in here oh dang we got the nicest trucks i've ever seen in my life but what is going on with these rick what's what's happening here it looks like an extra layer what what's what what there's something weird going on here this looks a little interesting all right you got anything else in here oh oh we got a note whoa all right here we go let's read this note it says hey ricky and gabe and all the rest of the braille team enjoy the click system i've included two extra sets of truck plates for you guys to get creative with other setups the click system is extra tight when new so use your muscles sadly i don't have any of those uh have fun eric ricky got muscles for me uh yeah and then uh we got the other click mount system right there and then uh in here oh here we go look at this that looks crazy that looks absolutely insane i know you guys are all wondering what these are and i'm still wondering myself so leave it in the comments below okay all right well now let me uh get rid of this box and let me introduce you all to eric the founder of these wonderful creative trucks can you go and introduce yourself and let us know what we're all about here yeah you bet what up guys this is eric johnson with quick trucks and we're here with uh the braille team and i'm going to show you what's up with our click system it's a quick release truck mounting system and who better to operate something of this magnitude than uh mr ricky yeah who messaged me this week unknowingly dude i thought that was like a publicity switch did you really yeah i i wanted some i saw it i seen it on tick-tock and then i was trying to remember what the name was and then i was looking in my messages and stuff and i was like dang what is it and then i posted a video on tiktok and i said hey skate tiktok can you help me find this truck and then boom it worked perfectly so these are the standard trucks and um obviously they click in and when they're all the way in you can see the dot on that eye they're locked in they will not come out we have tried and tried and tried to destroy these done crazy testing you skate them just like a regular truck okay obviously here in fact ricky you want to show them how they work just as a regular skateboard first t always but since you guys are braille you get to do what i mean like i'm old i'm like nearly 50 years old so i suck at skating now but you can put any truck and you guys have all these crazy trucks with ice skates and off-road wheels and you name it so um i was hoping you guys would do a game of skate today we just get nuts we will do a crazy game of skate but i want to see this guy's reaction real quick this is the quick truck click system look at this what never gets old hold up wait and then you just so with one hand press here and with the other hand hit it really hard to get it off we got to press both those bolts at the same time with one hand oh hold on go underneath underneath so you guys got to get a new one thanks that is like the this the coolest concept honestly that's amazing boards we skated how easy it would be if we just had one of these mounts on every single weird board here can i let me there's a good opportunity to show you if you don't you know i have little like eight-year-olds on my team and so they can get these in and you can just smack it in with your foot but if you don't have if you don't have the strength show them what you showed me yes you can do it like this and just go and knock it off like smack it into the appreciate this so yours are tight they wear in and they get a little easier but they stay tight but when they're brand new like you got to have some muscles so that is so sweet but i invented it because i like you know i like riding different shape boards and so like i wanted like an 80s board i wanted a zip zinger i wanted a popsicle and then from there it just went nuts like zig zaggers from crooked you know it's really fun to be able to change your setup i got one more question yeah did did you buy this yeah what the heck we got to send this man a new board we can't have you buying this we'll send you a new one all right i didn't even notice that i know all right well let's get it going i think we should pick some trucks to use and then we will indeed play the gnarliest game of skate possible one other thing that we forgot to talk about a really good reason to have this is um mcnugget showed it yesterday he cracked his board in half and so if you have another deck just waiting set up with these he could have just popped his trucks on and kept skating so in a contest or you know anything you could just keep going you never have to change your hardware if you had two setups you know you got to break in the trucks as well but if it's the same trucks then you don't have to break it in at all as you see before you we have a vast array of different trucks that we can use today we got the all-terrain we got the soft trucks we got the mini penny trucks what are these those are just cruiser wheels like if somebody wants a bigger softer wheel okay we got the gold wings and we also got the ice skate lines as well so i think we should for sure do these two and sean snow street genius brought this for one truck tricks so if somebody wants to do a one truck trick you slap this in and then you know you're not gonna mess up your deck oh well i think we should do these two for sure okay cool all right we're gonna get these all set up and then we're gonna get this game of skate started i'm also offering that zigzagger it's a 10.75 to use in the game as well if somebody wants to use a boardwalk all right everyone so we have all the trucks set up we're going to show you exactly which ones that we have up first oh whoa up first we got the mini trucks with the cruiser wheels these are about half the size of a normal truck so these will be interesting right here we just got some standard independent trucks with some cruiser wheels on them again will be interesting here we got the side grinder side winders double decker trucks we know all about these here we got the ice blade trucks they will slice your arm off so don't uh don't do that right here we got the old terrain check those out very nice and last but not least soft trucks these are the mvp favorites right here and we just got the standard tensor lows right here these are just regular skate trucks but they look pretty good um but we gotta come over here and see what's going on because we're having a full switch tray off going down let's go knock this out let's go no leave it in come on come on oozy [Applause] i only accept defeat from you man all right moggle you ready to get this game of skate started i'm warmed up after a switch tray battle that took all of us out except for chris all right i'm glad you achieved your mission good sir it was the ugliest switch trey reaver in my life but you know what it's okay aaron will be crashing progression all right gentlemen as you can see we have a vast array of trucks all of these trucks are fair game they can all be used during your offensive set as long as you call it i got something to say first second second third third third i'll get in fourth fourth okay are you playing can i just go now whoever's setting offensively has to go okay rick you win this or no since i don't know how this works and i want to get a feel for it i'm going to leave the i'm going to do a trick with the ones that are on right now okay first trick you better call it it's the whole park right yeah my team over here hey hey hey hey what's up hey hey hey what's no what's the one thing that you used to say most what is it you know i used to be an author but now i'm no no you are you are the author of your own story and these guys they're going to throw curve balls at you but you ultimately write your own destiny right now so if you want to nollie flip into that grass you go nollie flip into that grass right now you know what i don't want to do that all right i was just gonna do that to be fair switch straight over the gap i was gonna save it for ender but you know what they want it you can do whatever variation you want any trucks i'm going with this i ain't gonna lie to you this board feels good nice and light how i like it should i save the tea trick or should i go for the tea tree which trick tray that's right yeah i think you waited a little too long to find what trucks do i want to use let's switch it up oh the mini trucks the minis i'm gonna do mini trucks pressure foot it didn't work at all can i do another one just for fun i'm gonna do the big old board with big old wheels all-terrain big board all-terrain i'm gonna do a three shove i'm gonna try it in the grass might as well with all terrain all terrain oh my god it's heavy what have i done oh you're up nigel we're playing whole park they're boards and skate whatever board you want any variation it is full yep [Music] nigel said should i just body everyone said if you want he did i'd like to thank nigel ryan jones for my shot of adrenaline today all right everyone else takes a letter yeah i might look at it oh okay think about it scary take a gander how can it be if you believe you can achieve oh that's heavy pretty scary man it is pretty sketchy ready that is everyone it's my turn i'm going to take a letter business decision five ollie ollie okay with the mini trucks mini truck ollie oh look at that look at how inconveniencing that is whoa what you got if he lands it first try the correct answer was high five mowgli he he wasn't ready i was ready he was he just look at it [Applause] that was insane all right mr jones what you got what set up you're using over here oh okay we got the grip meister 5000 i'm gonna try back 180. dang all right does that sound cool sounds amazing it looked like it could have worked i got some rocks is that a rock for me yeah dude thank you no problem that's such a nice rock i know get it out of here hey i don't know what the order is but i've been going after you i don't think i'm is it rick's turning no it's i'm fifth you're sixth the order kind of got reworked so whatever if you want to go you can just go it's rick's it is supposed to go last and i think rick hasn't wait yet well then i'll go again since he can't figure it out right all right i know what everyone is wanting right now with the normal oh that clicked good yes finally i've been waiting for it oh dang that's a death trap waiting to happen drop in would be what do you think drop in and then off the drop oh you're gonna like manny drop it gotta like keep it yeah oh oh no way oh we need washers do the same thing but with this puck we're going to make some for sean so that will work that way you can do one two i will allow [Music] you're up next okay so chris is last but i'm after him what yeah what do you mean i'm laster all right let's see what we got do any combination that you want yeah i want to do like two different ones for sure i like the green so these just slide right in you gotta kick it's like an alien what do you guys want to see whatever you want how about a caveman board slide the five rail all right kind of awkward with like the front truck it's like way higher so landing is like super weird it's fun funny right it's like a weird can you give me any pointers yeah don't fall hey that was three seconds that's a letter ooze who's the it was the double decker trucks they got and they got you something happened that was wild oh a lot of them can't wait till it's my turn all right it's okay for you mom but a regular skateboarding skateboard oh nice [Music] oh it's good leave it in the comments below you should yeah you could be mad at me all you want i don't care i didn't say from the top i just said caveman board slides all right we're going with this one because i just think it's the sickest board ever ripped his pants yeah thank you let's do it do it on the truck instead thank you there's like this gap over here i don't know if it's going to work i just want to see i just want to launch so i was looking at this bank over here and i thought it'd be sick to just go really fast and launch to the grass wow should i try it yeah good luck getting the speed for that brother let me let me roll up all right let's get it send it oh hey i almost made it dude that was amazing i cannot believe you did this dude when i was in the air i'm like i did not go fast enough all right it's your turn i'm happy with that attempt i'm gonna try to hit this massive ooh ollie the monster truck gap oh my god dude you and chris just had back to back the best tries hey you going for what i think you're going for oh stair set okay wait what i'm a hollywood ollie yeah baby take him out to dinner [Music] wow hey you know what trick i think would be really good on this night what's your trick you think would be really good on this front smith brother smith smith hey wait till he gets to my turn that's right oh better i knew those trucks are too loose for me i was gonna try to holly into the set all right call your trick mowgli front smith whoa that makes me nervous oh wow ricky i you just realized this is your final letter huh the chuck says he lose for rick's weight oh smith is like the scariest grind for me [Applause] i almost i got my truck there but i was just not on it right prior to myself the look of focus on his face oh god sir because i turned up to you it is yours i think i'm gonna need my wrist brace for this someone else can go you go get your wrist brace on on my normal skateboard i can't even front smith so mowgli's trying to send me to some place i don't want to be sent so you know what sometimes it's okay to take the letter i'm a man i'll man up to it i'll take the letter oh i took a letter i'm out good luck let's go over here you gotta make it from this crack to this crack and it's a nose manny nolly shove it manny oh okay oh who's that nigel jones hey you did say you were gonna get back to your turn i know i told you i was gonna get back to my friend um oh yeah the ice skates are gone talking about now i don't told you to get off of my property i told you brother if i ever see you on these parts of town again it would be real messy for you my ears are not prepared for the pain they were about to go through yes kick flip oh oh no that was the hardest thing to pop down hold on what about your hand all right yeah blades of glory oh you're gonna throw those on yeah i want to try that gap again i gotta be careful hitting that one out look how easy that is love it love it that's right that's not there you go that's the word oh dang it don't talk to me here now me i'm just kidding i'm just kidding mowgli it is back to you oh no and then a little dot on the eye yeah when those are visible then you know it's there okay what's going on um i need to warm up so i'm gonna do front lip fakie on this [Music] [Applause] i can't get my first letter on that though technically you haven't tried it yet i can't get my first letter on that i know you could listen i know like a lip slide you could just you could just do it oh my god i kind of want to get nigel a letter cause then i i know chris will land this one and then i'll have them both on the k and then i yeah you already knew shots fired good at crips though yeah but i don't skate this all right i'll do one i want a taco did you see that yeah dang we're all tied up now what do you have we all we should i just do it to him what do you do should i just do it to him what well he said should i just do it to him you do whatever you want big tyler oh you're not gonna try i'm out [Music] you knew there was a chance if you missed that that this was coming i wanted to miss [Applause] i'll try i don't even know what that means anymore oh you land this next one i'll let you stay in the game yeah i'll let you stay in the game this one right here this is for all the people watching leave it in the comments below if you've ever used i'll try to get out of a skate trick that was a beautiful game oh it is smoking smoking yeah [Applause] i hope mcnug tries it me too i had my second trick lined up we were gonna go to the bowl oh no way you just did that that was insane we need your gap oh what do you think i said all right back by popular demand the gap of doom is this thing the bowser mobile i don't know i'm not done yet there we go am i in am i in the right mindset to do this though yes i am oh dude you almost went right into my camera really it looked insane all right finally built up enough experience points to make the right level to make that gap i'm stoked that felt so good so solid no fear it was great hey baby air oh they almost landed in the creek i'm posting that right now can i can you make me a collaborator oh yeah yeah i've tried that one for sure yep hey look how bad i feel about this oh okay all right [Music] [Applause] how many tries is it gonna take ricky to land this truck knockoff to manual leave it in those comments below [Music] oh [Music] hey that was cool that's how you roll away when you're trying to land a skate trick at noon but your truck falls off the homies got to help you out dude that was sick all right everyone we are currently waiting for our game of skate winner nigel ryan jones to come and take us out of this video but before we do that we just want to give one final huge thanks to quick trucks for hooking it up these seriously surpassed every expectation i had they're a lot of fun they're really convenient and seriously i think you're going to be seeing a lot more fun interesting clips on our youtube channel with these trucks that's how we do it the champ has arrived this is what happens when you become the champ man you just grow you take your hat off your hair just grow it's been a while whoa it's been a while since i've been in the first place podium this feels good you're welcome thank you for what do you mean thank you because i had to take chris out what you talking about like i couldn't have you know what leave it in the comments below if we got to do another game right here in the comments below what version of nigel do you like regular nigel or afro jones the funk is alive all right i'm out of here brother oh no we're getting out of here thank you guys for watching this video to my left like subscribe leave a comment below and we will see you in the next adventure go grab a skateboard and learn how to skate and make sure you check out quick trucks the links will be in the description below right there
Channel: Braille Skateboarding
Views: 433,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skate, skateboard, skater, skateboarding, skateboarder, skateboarders, skating, sk8, sk8ing, learn to skateboard, how to skateboard, secrets of skateboarding, aaron, kyro, braille, how to skate, braille skateboarding, aaron kyro, qwik trucks, you make it we skate it, you make it we skate it braille
Id: 5gBBfW9gbZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 17sec (1697 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 19 2022
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