Max Holloway and Family take over Kelly Slaters Surf Ranch | The Holloways

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[Music] I don't know how this Lithuanian drives yeah buckle up to Michael everybody buck up Michael out here catching stays I could have been a country singer back in the day out back in the day yeah back in the day brother back in the hey day hey yo back in my day back in my day young fell you all were just a little world's a shame I can be AB for him don't know what to do every time Love YouTube [Music] what up guys we're here in LaMore California we got in late last night shout out to my man come on come on shout out to my man shout out to my man rvy doing all the driving the man that M the legend we're just chilling we're supposed to be surfing tomorrow at the surf Ranch but we got an update that today we can go and surf so we're out there our first meal that we did did today was where we went we actually had in and out forgot about that oh in- and out was the first one you got do when in California it's always in and out where we went right now Chipotle Rush was excited for the Chipotle yeah I know why you saw Chipotle Chipotle Chipotle Chipotle Chipotle guys come on Chipotle this guy's more so excited the camera come on he's all he's like s is gone get inside come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] Surfers really want Surfers Chocolate Factory [Music] we're here at the surf Ranch and uh Welcome to My Crib as you can see my Impala what it's the one and only d [Music] this is Kayla all right all right she's number one spons I'm going to cry so bad don't record why why are you going to cry cuz I'm so happy I thought this was never going to happen my dream has come true one drink have to get all the 2 hours later just to feel more [Music] relaxed what you going to do tell me what you going to do you going do his opening video oh oh no yeah you do watch it he loves it it's not it's not 78 yeah no way yeah no way yeah I'm going to be cold sitting my ass in the water yeah r f soon F Su like just sitting there and the wind is hitting you I'm going to be cold [Music] oh my God look at [Music] [Applause] [Music] that one down [Music] [Applause] what's up guys day two here at the surf Ranch freaking pretty confident today yesterday we got the bonus round in of Surfing so today is just you know picking up where we left off having fun having a great time I think the goat Kelly might be in the water with us if not we're going have colani Robin us another goat exciting time the the gray hairs on the neck tattoos continuity baby rush rush needs to be just like you know the real thing over [Music] here so our first Carnage of the yeah I still haven't seen what it looks like cuz it look like a little vagina yeah you do which way is it going this way or that way the right way got Street CR stre you look like Harry Potter Benji got excited Max was on a good one you know Max was about to come out Benji tried to Benji tried to drop in on Max and then you know just one kicked in you know Instinct Dro in on it doesn't matter if it's a west side or Kelly's Way Pool guys are going to get dirty lck Benji got dirty lickens today that's [Music] terrible kind of breaking neutral kind of forward breaking neutral forward and it's in between this do not look down if your head is like this that's how I get that's how I when my head is yeah cuz cuz your head it weighs a lot so you want to keep your head like this it won't fall over keep freaking and put same thing that's the same fundamentals [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] go go you like if you're out running the barrel go kind of towards the shore in front of the wave and just turn and stay low don't go up the face low part of the face [Music] you [Music] I got I gotta wave Kelly St you said it looks so sick the way you jumped in oh yeah cuz I get like a my jump is basically bottom yeah he said he said you jump right through [ __ ] hit a turn yeah you can go straight off you can go put the board down just straight onto it and it's like you're already into a turn that's then I don't have to find speed ski gave me speed not going to allow it to come out problems I know I like how many Portugues you take to get off of wet suit well let's go shower day one was great we got a little a little taste of what today was going to be like so I'm glad we got that one hour session and today already started out great Rush got barreled Max got barreled I got a few in so we're chilling at this point it's just all [Music] fun it's about 11:15 earlier this morning left was coming through a little bit of crumble on it so it's not as easy and not as perfect but man was it a perfect Barrel this one's going to go to Alysa right there [Applause] [Music] W um so I was on tour for 3 years and honestly this is the best thing that I've ever experienced in my life um I just want to say thank you so much Kelly uh the you made my son so happy today like he's brothing so much I don't even know where he is right now he's still out there he's not he's probably doing the hot shower hot shower a remote control surer yeah he's doing something and then um I got to see my husband get Barrel today my dad owes me $100 cuz I got barreled wait why does he owe you $100 cuz cuz I got Barrel got Barrel what was the barrel feeling like um not even wet while you're on top of the wave that's how I felt like subscribe to the channel and if we get a million views my Dad gives me $100 again n n I'm joking I'm joking I'm joking I'm joking it worked out man oh brother I was so Stu thank you again thank you [Music] again Daniel Daniel what I was I was really I was really like a My Level expectation of where you Australian and you did competition was really up here now you're kind of down here I'm like bro did you say me at the end though oh my God I did you didn't even make it out of that one what do you mean you should have got out we need to go [Laughter] back I'm just joking meing the little bringing out your minding the money I was like for real deal deal deal bro deal bet is a bet that's funny though that's the only wave you got out of he yeah he does you know what I going to be like Hixon if you win you get one gift if you lose you get two um best thing about this trip was doing the Kelly sler wave pool and meeting celebrities or Pro Surfers the BET was if I got barreled I would get $100 no no if you got out the bar if I got out the barrel I would get $100 and you got out and I got out roll a clip because that claim was just next level like you won the lottery or something cuz I did no $100 not the lottery from the lottery dad not fighting anymore let's see let's go let's go see I'm see sa going
Channel: Max Holloway
Views: 188,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Max Holloway, Max Holloway KO, Max Holloway BMF, BMF UFC 300, UFC, UFC 300, Blessed man forever, Max Holloway UFC 300, Alessa Quizon, Kelly Slater Surf Ranch, Kelly Slater, Kalani Robb, The Holloways
Id: xZ1J1N0dS3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2024
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