Massive Companies Unite to Prevent AI Takeover

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it's been an interesting week in the AI world and I don't want to waste your time so let's just get right to [Music] it starting with the fact that Time Magazine released their best inventions of 2023 and in it they had a whole section on AI and among the AI tools they listed 12 different products adobe's generative Phill gp4 Runway Gen 2 feature print Dr Drone meta seamless m4t soit VC alert California and calfire AI Wildfire detector stable audio Trail guard AI Dolly 3 Project Gutenberg audio shake and Humane AI pin while I agree with most of these that they should be on there there's definitely some snubbed products like maybe mid Journey version 5 I mean they listed Dolly 3 but mid journey is way better at making realistic images and it's a lot less censored than dolly3 they also included stable audio which to me is weird weird cuz I didn't find the outputs of stable audio that great but then you have tools likeo which did a really good job of making AI music and Google's music LM is also much better than stable audio's output soit's SVC is definitely good if you've heard like the AI Drake song or the AI Kanye songs or any of those songs that went viral they most likely used sovit SVC behind the scenes to actually get that singing voice to sound like that person however it's a very convoluted difficult process so that's also surprising and the biggest shock on here is the Humane AI pin which yes we got a preview of it at a TED Talk and there was also some like runway show where people were wearing it but most of the world hasn't seen it yet and if you really want to know how biased time is check this out let's click into the Humane AI pin interesting investors in Humane include time co-chairs and owners Mark and Lynn benof hat tip to Nick St Pierre on Twitter for actually pointing that out to me also the biggest clear Omission obviously Future tools website I mean come on also this week mid Journey rolled out the beta version of their new long awaited website now while we can't actually generate images on the new website yet mid Journey claims that feature should be available probably next month but mid Journey does sometimes have a habit of underestimating when something is actually going to go live however the website they do have is actually really cool the search functionality up here is actually lightening fast if I click search Halloween and hit enter look how quickly it pulled up images that other people have generated related to Halloween that was almost instant you might think I sped up the video but I didn't and if I look into my images you can see I have a zoomed out view of all of the images I've generated so I can quickly hone in on the exact image I'm looking for and the search works just as well in this area so if I type robot you can see all the images I created that had the word robot somewhere in the prom ped you can also click on a specific image and press the numbers 1 through four to rate it four being the highest rating so if I press four you can see down in the bottom right it just gave it the hearty ey Emoji here and when I go back to my search I can actually filter it down to just the ones that I rated a four and you can see all of the images that I've given that high rating to so it's another way to sort and filter all of the images that you've generated but quite honestly we're all just waiting for that generation inside the website so we get the heck out of Discord this week if you use shutter stock they actually integrated a feature that allows you to edit images using AI including Magic Brush creating variations expanding images smart resizing background removing and an AI image generator which was actually launched earlier but now you can hone in and get the exact image you're looking for in fact on their website it says craft Picture Perfect content with a pallet of creative AI features to design and edit any shutter stock image generated or stock so if you find a stock image that you really like but it's missing just one little touch you can do some sort of generative fill in it or remove the background or remove an element of it although if I'm totally honest I really don't understand why people wouldn't just go generate the exact image they're looking for and then use generative fill or one of the existing inpainting tools to get the exact image they're looking for Amazon's getting into the AI image generation game as well they rolled out an AI powered image generation tool to help advertisers deliver a better ad experience for customer customers so Amazon sellers that are advertising their products can now take a generic image and have ai apply a specific background to it to make the ads for their products stand out a little bit better and draw people's attention to them but as AI images become more prolific companies like Google are trying to help people better detect what's Ai and what's not this week Google announced tools to help users fact check images Google is going to allow people to view an image's history metadata and the context users used it with on different sites so Google announced in about this image feature so that users can understand when the image was first seen by Google's search it's also going to help people understand how people describe the image on the sites to help debunk any false claims so I was going to look at sites where these images appear and give contextual information about what those website said about the image also if an image was generated with one of Google's AI generators the company said that marks all images created by Google AI as well so if I go to Google Images I search for an image of a wolf here let's click on this one if I click these three dots up here we've got this about this image button and this image is at least 5 years old so we know it's probably not AI generated and we can see the web results of where this image appeared to get better context around what was actually said about this image but of course artists still want to protect themselves from their images being trained into AI models so so also this week we saw a new tool rolled out called Nightshade this is a tool that messes up training data in ways that can cause serious damage to image generating AI models a new tool lets artists add invisible changes to the pixels in their art before they upload it online so that if it's scraped into an AI training set it can cause the resulting model to break in chaotic and unpredictable ways here's some examples of what a clean model looks like and with poison samples within that model so here's what a dog looks like with stable diffusion XL here's what it will start to generate if there's 50 poison samples in there 100 poison samples 300 poison samples and you can see how it pretty much destroys what these images look like and starts to shift them to completely wrong images however stuff like this I think is also going to be a Perpetual cat and mouse game I think the people that are training the models are most likely going to figure out ways to circumvent the poisoning of the models as well but I I also believe that there's a constant push towards opin only so future models will likely be more and more just trained on images that permission was given for those images to be trained on so in my opinion the need for tools like this Nightshade are going to be less and less needed as time goes on this week open AI anthropic Google and Microsoft all gave an update about their model Forum they appointed their first executive director Chris meseri now we talked about the Forum in a previous video but just to sort of catch you up the mission of the Forum is to advance AI Safety Research to promote responsible development of Frontier models and minimize potential risks identify safety best practices for Frontier models share knowledge with policy makers academics civil society and others to advance responsible AI development and support efforts to leverage AI to address society's biggest challenges they also announced a $10 million AI safety fund the primary focus of the fund will be supporting the devel development of new model evaluations and techniques for red teaming AI models to help develop and test evaluation techniques for potentially dangerous capability of Frontier systems basically they're funding a team outside of the actual companies themselves that are funding it to find ways to make these tools more secure more private and also to try to break the tools and find vulnerabilities and bugs and issues with the tools open AI also announced an internal team this week that they're calling their preparedness team this preparedness team essentially has the same role as the forum team their goal is to manage the catastrophic risks from Frontier AI by answering questions like how dangerous are Frontier AI systems when put to misuse both now and in the future how can we build a robust framework for monitoring evaluation prediction and protection against the dangerous capabilities of Frontier AI systems and if our Frontier AI model weights were stolen how might malicious actors choose to leverage them they also launched their $25,000 AI preparedness challenge they're looking for 10 submissions of novel ideas to prevent catastrophic issues and if you end up helping them you could end up getting a piece of that $25,000 in API credits and if open AI is doing it Google might as well too so acting on our commitment to safe and secure AI so this week Google announced their bug Bounty program specific to generative AI they released some criteria over on the Google security blog of what sort of things are in scope and out of scope to potentially receive the bounties for helping them find bugs in their AI systems also this week the British prime minister announced that he would establish a new artificial intelligence safety Institute as well as seeking buy in for a new Global expert panel on the emerging technology next week the UK is having their Global AI Summit where they intend to set up a body that will investigate AI risks and share those with Global Partners they also claim that they will make the work of their AI safety Institute available to the world next up I want to tell you about the sponsor of today's video HubSpot they just put out a new guide all about chat GPT it's called The Ultimate Guide for using chat GPT at work and it's available to download for free as we all know AI is rapidly changing the way we work and of course chat GPT is at the front of this revolution it can help you write everything from blog posts to emails to YouTube scripts and AD copy and it's incredibly easy to use if you know the right way to do it so here's a few ways that HubSpot highlights using chat GPT at work you can generate highquality content quickly and easily because chat GPT can basically write at a human level but it's not a human so it does it a lot faster so you get to spend less time on writing and more time on other important tasks and chat GPT helps you save time and energy by helping you automate repetitive tasks things like research factchecking and even helping you come up with ideas for images within your writing which again frees up your time for the work that's actually important to you so if you're looking for a way to boost your productivity and improve the way you get work done I highly recommend checking out hubspot's guide for chat GPT again chat GPT can help you get a lot more done in a lot less time if you know how to use it correctly and HubSpot wants to help you demystify how to use this powerful tool so if you don't know where to start check out this guide to learn everything you need to know to learn more about this free resource and how it can help you with your work visit the link in the description below and thank you once again to HubSpot for sponsoring this video also this week Amazon is bringing conversational AI to kids with the launch of explore with Alexa this is actually an Alexa conversational experience designed for kids under the age of 13 however it still can be led astray and hallucinate answers however Amazon claims they've put some guard rails in place to address the potential problems if you remember from a few months ago yonic Kure and a entire community of people launched open assistant and it was designed to be a chat GPT alternative that was completely open source and essentially completely built and trained by the people that were using it well this week they decided that they are done working on it now it is still open source it is still openly available people can go and pick up where they left off and continue working on it but the initial team that was building it said that essentially they are happy with where they're leaving off on it and their work here is done essentially they also went on to say that with all of the major companies getting involved the Googles the metas the microsofts the Amazon of the world all getting involved in building large language models they just didn't feel like they were going to be able to build something that was going to be at that level with the resources they had available to him and finally in the last bit of large language Model news for the week there was a little bit of a leak around Gemini and something called stubs now in this medium post that last name essentially leaked screenshots of what Gemini and stubs will look like like now we kind of already know that Google's Palm 2 is going to be replaced by Gemini and if you're wondering well what is this stub that he's talking about it's a feature where you get to build and launch your own AI generated app directly from maker Suite he says that translation between languages will be fully supported in maker suite and Google will provide a sample prompt for translating between Spanish and English when it's out so keep an eye out for that now from the leaked screenshots he claims that this new stubs tool will be like AI generated figma prototypes it won't create full code but rather working AI generated app prototypes you can see in this screenshot here there's a text box and within the text box they wrote make an app that provides pet care instructions he also claims that you'll be able to remix stubs and have your own twist on an idea he then showed off some leak screenshots from Gemini here which shows that it will likely be multimodal it looks like you'll be able to upload images and ask questions about the images and all link to this blog post in the description along with everything else I've talked about in this video today so you can read more about the details yourself but seeing how this is some leaked screenshots and there's been no confirmation from anybody other than bados here still take this information with a grain of salt I mean it feels pretty legitimate but you just never know and speaking of leaks this week there was a leak of the new Snapdragon 8 gen 3 now the Snapdragon is the mobile chip that's in many mobile phones these days here it says the Snapdragon 8 gen 3 its debut in mobile platform designed specifically for generative AI now again since this was a leak and not something that was actually confirmed by one of the companies involved take this with a grain of salt but I mean it's pretty fair to assume that all Next Generation chips are going to be designed with AI in mind so I'd say we can barely confidently assume that this information is correct one thing for sure is that Snapdragon 8 gen 3 will definitely challenge iPhone 15's Ray tracing capability it's a console defying and premium level gen 3 with a ray tracing feature brought to you by Unreal Engine 5.2 and can upscale cutcenes up to 8K now this article is full of technical jargon that quite honestly is over my head but here's the full leaked specs here if you want to pause and take a look quite honestly I don't personally have a frame of reference other than what this article tells me that it's going to give iPhone 15 a run for its money it sounds like YouTube might be trying to make an official way to create AI Drake fakes and I guess not just AI Drake they want to get the rights to use musician songs to train a new AI powered voice replicating Tool YouTube is currently developing an AI powered tool that allows users to replicate the voice of famous musicians while recording audio according to a new report by Bloomberg no deals have yet been signed by any major record label but Bloomberg sources claim that the discussion between parties are currently ongoing not a ton has known about this yet but it sounds like YouTube wants to find a way to work with the music labels to allow people to use AI generated songs but I would assume also fairly compensate the artists and speaking of YouTube YouTube music now lets you make your own playlist art with AI previously YouTube didn't even let you change the cover art of your playlist at all and still it looks like you won't get to upload your own image but you can now make a custom image using generative AI for your playlist nothing mindblowing but since I was on the topic of YouTube figured I might as well mention it late last week SAA nadela from Microsoft wrote his annual letter to the shareholders and well it's a pretty long document so I did what any smart person does who wants to save time and I plugged the long document into Claud and asked it to give me the highlevel bullets of things in the letter that are related to Ai and this is what it told me Microsoft is entering a new era focused on AI including launching co-pilot and every day AI assistant that will be integrated across Microsoft products Microsoft introduced AI capabilities across products like GitHub co-pilot for developers Dynamics 365 co-pilot for business applications and Microsoft 365 co-pilot for productivity Microsoft aims to train and certify 10 million people with digital skills including AI skills by 2025 so far it's helped 8.5 million gain the skills Microsoft believes AI can help address climate change and launch tools like Global Renewables watch to map clean energy sources Microsoft acquired Activision Blizzard and is using AI to improve gaming through recommendations and personalization in Xbox game pass Microsoft launched new AI powered search features in bing including chat and image generation and Microsoft is focused on developing AI responsibly with principles practices and tools to ensure trustworthy and ethical AI something that we also talked about at the beginning of this video so here's something fun several months ago we talked about how there's a new Beatles song coming out and Paul McCartney and Ringo star worked on it but they were also able to use vocals from John lennin using some old recordings that they found combined with AI well we now have a release date of when we can expect this new song the song is called now and then and it drops on November 2nd with a music video debuting on November 3rd so if you're a Beatles fan or an AI fan that's something to look forward to this week Forbes launched a new generative AI Search tool called Adelaide powered by Google Cloud it's basically an AI powered search in engine to help you search the news on Forbes also this week this article came out claiming that Google Maps is becoming more like search thanks to AI Google Maps is getting an AI makeover adding new features like immersive View and making existing features like driving directions easier to follow the biggest takeaway here is that Google wants maps to be more like search a place where people can obviously come get directions or find coffee shops and EV Chargers but also enter vague queries like Fall Foliage latte art or things to do in Tokyo and get a whole bunch of actually useful hitss Google is using neural Radiance Fields AKA Nerfs which is a form of generative AI to sort through billions of images including aerial photos Street imagery and indoor snaps to create 360° experiences traffic information is cull from historical data and filtered through Google's predictive algorithm to help users figure out the best time to get somewhere with the least amount of traffic so to me this sounds like some pretty cool and pretty useful new updates that we're going to be getting inside of Google Maps pretty soon world of Robotics Boston Dynamics put chat GPT inside one of their robots and they're using it as a robot tour guide the robot could walk around look at objects in the environment use vqa or captioning model to describe them and then elaborate on those descriptions using a large language model Additionally the large language model could answer questions from the tour audience and plan what actions the robot should take next this article then goes on to share a lot of the technical details about how this actually works and and it's even using 11 labs to do the text to speech meaning that it probably has a pretty realistic sounding voice I found this to be interesting as well the wayo driverless vehicles are now available through Uber and it's starting in Phoenix so you can actually open up Uber and Order yourself an autonomous weo vehicle and a driverless car will show up pick you up and take you to your destination if you just want to use the weo app straight up you can actually use it in Phoenix San Francisco Los Angeles and pretty soon Austin Texas this week Bill Gates did an interview with a German newspaper during his interview he said that he thinks that the generative AI is kind of plateauing he said that we shouldn't have very high expectations of GPT 5 he doesn't believe it's going to be much of a leap over GPT 4 and that we've seen most of the significant leaps already that we're going to see at least for a while personally I don't actually believe that I think we haven't seen anything yet we have a little bit of multimodal capability with things like chat GPT we can now have it generate images and we can now upload images but I imagine in future versions we're going to be able to upload audio we're going to be able to have it give us audio back that we can download we're going to be able to upload video and have it actually generate videos for us right now we can't even connect gp4 Vision with Dolly 3 which seems like a no-brainer that they would be able to go back and forth and iterate off of each other pretty soon so I still think we have quite a bit more advancing to do and I can even comprehend what these advancements are and I don't know what I don't know so there's probably advancements coming from these things that I'm not even comprehending yet on this one I kind of got to disagree with Bill Gates but I also don't necessarily know what he knows so who knows that's a lot of knows and finally meta Chief AI scientist says AI won't threaten humans Yan laon the chief AI scientist at meta said that labeling the existential risk of AI is is premature and it's Preposterous that AI might kill off Humanity if you're not familiar with yon laon he is one of the Godfathers of AI he won the touring Award with Jeffrey Hinton and Yoshua Benjo he is one of the people that has been working on this stuff from the early days and well he doesn't necessarily see eye to eye with Yoshua and Jeffrey Hinton anymore because he believes that all of this existential worry that AI is going to kill off humanity is overblown while Yoshua and Hinton are uh sort of on the opposite end of that Spectrum where they're much more cautious and thinking that we should be a little bit more worried than we actually are he says the debate on existential risk is very premature until we have a design for a system that can even rival a cat in terms of learning capabilities which we don't have at the moment he sees AI as more of a Helper and manager of our everyday lives he says everyone's interaction with the digital world will be mediated by AI systems personally I fall somewhere in between I have a healthy amount of fear and some concern over where AI is headed but I also tend to lean fairly optimistic that we're going to figure this out as we go and well I actually have some upcoming videos on that exact topic that I'm really excited to share in the near future I'm really trying to put some polish on them and get my thoughts out clearly on those topics so look for those on the YouTube channel soon and if you haven't already click the button to subscribe to this channel to make sure that that shows up in your YouTube feed that's all the AI news I got for you for this week and I'm recording this on Thursday there might even be new news on Friday that I totally missed in this video and if I did I'll make sure it's in next week's video thank you so much for tuning in if you enjoyed this and you want to see more news like this as well as tutorials and some upcoming video essays on the world of AI again consider subscribing to this Channel and like this video that will make sure more videos like this show up in your YouTube feed and don't forget to check out futur tools. where I curate all of the coolest AI tools that I come across as well as all of the AI news on a daily basis I've also got a free newsletter where I will send you all the cool tools and latest AI news directly to your email inbox you can find it all over at futur tools. thank you once again for tuning in thank you once again to HubSpot for sponsoring this video you really make it so that I get to live my dream and make fun YouTube videos and nerd out about AI all day long so thank you again to HubSpot you guys are rock stars and I appreciate you and I appreciate you watching watching this video because it is so much fun to nerd out with you I am so appreciative of every single person that watches my videos even the ones that make the negative comments I still appreciate you taking the time to watch the video so thank you so much you rock I really appreciate you see you in the next video [Music] bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Matt Wolfe
Views: 75,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI, Artificial Intelligence, FutureTools, Futurism, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Future Tools, Matt Wolfe, AI News, AI Tools, ai news, ai tools, microsoft, openai, ai music, new ai tools, ai tools 2023, ai, chatgpt, openai chatgpt, ai music generator, ai cover, midjourney, matt wolfe, machine learning, chat gpt, chatgpt 4, copilot, ai art, generative ai, ai revolution, artificial intelligence, best ai tools, future of ai, ai uncovered, open ai, ai updates, free ai tools
Id: YHX4gYiM5Uc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 4sec (1504 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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