What Actually Happened at Mount St. Helens? - Dr. Steve Austin

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Is that a waterfall up there? Yeah, a big one. And that's a couple hundred feet high. And the whole canyon is 600 feet deep. You've been up there? Yeah, that's a cool place. You can see everything around the volcano. And all of it's just scoured. Steve, it's absolutely beautiful here. Just the peaceful quiet and almost overwhelming beauty. And yet it wasn't always that way. On May 18th 1980, a catastrophic geologic event occurred that not only shocked the world because of its explosive power, but it challenged the way we're thinking about the origin of the earth at its very foundation. That event is the eruption of this mountain here in Washington state 35 years ago. So, Steve, tell us about that. What happened on that day? The eruption on May 18th was really a nine-hour event. If you think about that nine-hour event, there were seven different sub-events that were going on during that big event on May 18th. 17 seconds after 8:32 in the morning there was a big earthquake, magnitude 5.1. It shook the north slope of the mountain. The oversteeped and cracked north slope began to slide. It formed this gigantic rock fall that became mixed with atmosphere and gas and dispersed. It became a debris avalanche. This debris avalanche overtopped this ridge and went 10 miles from the volcano. And then behind that avalanche, the pressure inside the volcano released. Super hot liquid water in the neck of the volcano expanded to steam, and it created this gigantic steam explosion equivalent to 20,000 tons of TNT blast energy. That was directed not up, but northward, over the landscape. And then we had the debris avalanche going into Spirit Lake. The avalanche displaced the water of the lake up to 860 feet, creating this enormous water wave on the lake. And then following that were mudflows. The heat of the explosion melted the snow and the ice around the volcano. And we had mudflows on six major rivers downstream. Then we had pyroclastic flows, especially on the afternoon of May 18th. The volcano erupted episodically. These frothy, liquid flows that came out. And then what followed over the rest of the day was airfall debris. We call that the pumice that fell out of the atmosphere, or airfall tephra. So that's kind of the story of the nine-hour eruption on May 18th. There was a lot going on that day. Steven, while we were walking up here, you were telling me that before 1980, if we looked down there, we would see a lush forest. But it's a whole lot lower than what we see. This has all been filled in. What happened? How did all the material get here? And what do we learn from it? Well, we have a lot of deposits don't we? There's up to 600 feet of deposits here in this valley. It was sky before the eruption, and now look what's going on down there. Okay, that is an amazing thing to be thinking about. So we’ve got a lot of the deposition, up to 600 feet of deposits. And then, the way the erosion occurred in this area allowed the layers to be exposed so we can see the sequence of events that formed not just this ridge, but the valley. Some of these events occurred as much as two or three years after the 1980 eruption. So every event left a fingerprint of something here on the landscape. So we have earth’s newest landscape, and we have all the knowledge from eyewitnesses and photographs to put together the sequence of events here at the volcano. So we have mudflows. We have pyroclastic flows. We have these explosion pits. We have erosion. And we look out here and see that there’s a lot of character to this land. But it all occurred rapidly through these catastrophic events. What does that tell a geologist who now moves their vision from what happened here at Mount St. Helens, and then begins to look at the geological formations we have around the world. That's my story! I came here and I'm looking around elsewhere, and I see the application of erosion and deposition and those kinds of processes that are here at the volcano to many other features of the earth’s surface. I have studied strata. Rapid strata formation here indicates rapid strata formation elsewhere. Rapid erosion features here are like erosion features that we thought require millions of years. We thought that layers formed slowly and gradually, but here at the volcano they form rapidly. What's the primary difference between your observations as you see here, and the standard geological story. And what is that? The standard geologic story is “the present is the key to the past. ” We look at the present day process of slow and gradual, and then we think that applies to geologic features of the earth generally. But it really isn't the story. It's not “the present is the key to the past,” it's “the catastrophic event is the key to the past. ” And so Mount St. Helens is a window to help us understand the catastrophic formations elsewhere on the earth. So the present is not the key to the past, the catastrophic event that we're seeing is the key to the past. Well, Steve, thanks for making me a hike down here. This is an awesome place. Where are we? We're on the north fork of the Toutle river, upstream near the crater of Mount St. Helens. We're in this area that's been profoundly impacted by the deposition and erosion associated with the volcanic eruption of 1980. So are you saying that the ground we are standing on was not here 40 years ago? Yeah. This was the sky before the eruption in 1980. So up to 600 feet of deposits have formed here. We just see the upper hundred feet of layers. But it's now been carved out for us so that we can look at it, you know? We can see some of those layers. What do we see? What are we looking at? Well, we're looking at mostly the bottom of the cliff over here. We're looking at the airfall deposit from May 18th. Is that the lower level that we see? Yeah, the lower level. It’s kind of a massive and fragmental deposit. That's what was falling out of the atmosphere from the volcano late in the afternoon of May 18. Right around 4 o'clock in the afternoon is when the eruption subsided, and so the top of that layer there about halfway up the cliff is the last airfall debris from May 18 1980. And then this area was impacted by buried ice. Underneath us was large glacial ice buried in the debris avalanche. Then what happens is steam is reaming a hole to the surface, and we're seeing a steam explosion occur in the coarse debris right about halfway up the cliff. How long did that happen after May 18th? In the first week or so, there was a big pit here. It was a hundred feet deep, reamed out by steam. It was 2,000 feet long and a thousand feet wide. And then into that pit came the next deposits. On June 12, 1980, about 9 p.m. to midnight, there was a big eruption of Mount St. Helens. Another big eruption. And during that three-hour period, there were enormous pyroclastic flows. These were slurries of high-density, very hot slurries of volcanic ash that came out of the crater. This lahar in the pit collected those volcanic ash layers. So we see behind us, about halfway to three-quarters of the way up the cliff, a 25-foot thickness of layered volcanic ash. That’s the pyroclastic flow deposit from June 12, 1980. And it formed just in the three hours there, late in the evening. Then this pit sat here with the landslide debris and other kinds of debris and volcanic ash all around it. And on March 19th of 1982, that came down here at 90 miles an hour! It filled in this low area, the pit, with mud. You’re seeing the residue of the mud of about 25 feet in thickness there at the top of the cliff. As the mud came into this pit, it actually filled the pit with a hundred-foot thickness of mud. The pit was filled. Then what happened was mud overtopped the debris dam that was downstream of here and then it cut a spillway over the top of that dam, which cut back through here and gouged out the bottom of this pit and released the mud downstream. And so the canyon formed in a day, on March 19th, 1982, by the drainage of the mud in this big pit through the debris avalanche. So you sit here, and you look at the complexity of the geological formations. If we blindfolded someone, it would be easy to bring them down here, take their blindfold off and have them look around and think, as a lot of people do, “Man, this is really, really old! Look at all these different layers, and all of the stuff that's going on. ” And yet, all each of these layers is laid down rapidly within a day, and breached within a day. That’s amazing! So although it’s spread out over a two-year period, each of those individual events happens in just minutes or hours. So we end up having a very complex geological formation here that was all done rapidly. Yeah. You know when I see thin layers, I think of slow and gradual sedimentation. One sand grain at a time. That was my normal way of thinking. But here at the volcano, I learned that grains can segregate rapidly in layers by hurricanes, essentially. Those pyroclastic flows make thin layers in just seconds. Mudflows can move very fast, 90 miles an hour, and bring big boulders and lots of debris. And of course, they're very erosive. So we see the power of these agents, and the speed of these agents. Fortunately, because of Mount St. Helens, I can understand those processes, and I can go elsewhere and see if I see the same thing. So you go around the world, and you see those complex geological formations. It's easy to see how rapidly they could have formed as well. Is that right? Rapid stratification. Rapid erosion. That's the story at Mount St. Helens, and it's the story around the world. I think there's plenty of application here to other geologic features of the earth. It’s a wonderful laboratory for studying catastrophic processes. Steve, this is kind of an interesting place. What do we see here? And where did it come from? We're on the north fork of the Toutle River. We're looking upstream toward Mount St. Helens, and we see this major alluvial, or mudflow, deposit in this valley. This mudflow deposit ripped loose logs and all kinds of material that was in the valley, cut it down, and then filled it back up with mud. So where did it come from originally? The mud is up from the blast zone, essentially, There's 150 square miles of blown-down trees up there and ash in the sediment debris that was ripped loose. There was a major source of sediment, not just volcanic ash, but also the landscape itself is very erosive, and erodible. Here we are tens of miles away from the base of the volcano. Some people thought they were safe in the valley this far away from the volcano, but their home was buried in mud. So there's a lot of destruction from this mudflow down even this far. Yeah. On six major rivers downstream on the north fork of the Toutle River, here, and five other major rivers there was significant mudflow damage. Logging camps were overcome. Homes were buried. There were bridges washed away. There was more dollar damage from the mudflows than from the steam blast itself. And so you can imagine the threat of mud and how it's able to radically alter a landscape. Well, other than giving us a healthy fear of mud, what has a geologist learned? What have you learned from this? And especially, what does that then tell you about the rest of the world? Yeah, we've learned how effective, and how mobile, and how easily transported mud is by studying the mudflows in Mount St. Helens and other things. We did not appreciate the way that mud is able to move things. And it's like ketchup. It has a shear thinning rheology. That mud, once it gets moving, is very low friction. It has in itself the ability to overcome barriers and by its momentum just erode things. So this energy that has come back to our discussions of mud has proven very beneficial for the understanding of limestone layers. I can see the effect in limestone, how fossils are buried, sandstones with graded beds and these coarse clastic layers called conglomerates, with large pebbles floating in mud matrix. All of this has tremendous implications from the mudflow angle of looking at it. So when I drive around and I see a lot of these sedimentary layers, I ought to be thinking more about how it used to be mud then the way I used to think of it. Yeah. Now, geologists used to think about dilute flow, you know. The bottom of a creek is a dilute flow that might be 5% sediment during a big flood going by. That type of flow, the sweeping action of the bottom of a creek, is not the major mode of sediment movement in the past, at least, judging from the frequency of mudflows. Now mudflows are 50% sediment and 50% water. It's not a dilute mass. So it has huge energy in just its momentum. So we have a mudflow with a lot of sediment material in it. How do we get from that to the layers? Mud can simply freeze by friction, and dewater. You know, it's only 50% water and 50% sentiment. It's easy, or somewhat easy, for a mudflow to lose its momentum and become a sediment layer very rapidly. That shows up in the fossil record as some of these massive beds. But mud can also go through a process where it deposits sediment, and then becomes a dilute fluid flow. What's observed here at Mount St. Helens is the mudflow goes along and loses sediment at a low place like here, and then the water increases, changing the sediment-to-water ratio. Now we have dilute fluid flows that are very erosive. That creates the familiar sandy layering that we know about in creek beds and other places. Through a process called flow transformation, a mudflow can resurrect itself into a tractive, or sweeping action, current. When that happens, boy, you can make all kinds of sedimentary strata. So the understanding of that has really revolutionized a geologist's understanding of how strata form. When a mudflow itself is still saturated with a lot of that material, can it be erosive itself? It's very erosive, and that's what was observed here. The mudflows came by and they picked up bridges, logs and everything that floats. Even an automobile floats on a mudflow. Mudflows float things along. We chuckle at thinking about how mud moves things, and I'm sure the people involved in the disaster don't like what they're seeing, but it is obvious that we need to think this way about the process. Can a mud flow also cut down, rather than just go through and collect bridges and so forth? Can it also cut down in below? Yes. Now, mud is seen to do that on the slopes of Mount St. Helens. The two canyons on the north slope of the volcano are very deep. Step Canyon is over 600 feet deep and eroded through solid rock made by moving mud after the summer of 1980. And there's another canyon called Lewitt Canyon where it's over a hundred feet deep and eroded through solid rock by a 500-year old lava flow. It didn’t take tens of thousands of years to do that. It was basically mud moving down that channel very rapidly, plucking away and grabbing solid rock and excavating a canyon. There are people that say that today on the ocean floor, the main way that sediment moves is by mudflows. They’re concealed down there. They think that mudflows can go a thousand kilometers under the flat floor of the ocean. So it may be that, even today, mudflows on a more regular basis than we think of at Mount. St. Helens are making significant sedimentary deposits. Our world is more mudflow than ever. That's really interesting.
Channel: Is Genesis History?
Views: 89,425
Rating: 4.7561655 out of 5
Keywords: Mount St Helens, Is Genesis History, steve austin, geology, catastrophism, noahs flood, bible, genesis, creationism, creationscience, flood geology
Id: kjdZ3Gs-PTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 8sec (1268 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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