What Does Soft Tissue in Dinosaur Bones Mean for Evolution? - Dr. Kevin Anderson

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You should see SFT's interview with Mark on refuting critics. It happened maybe a week ago.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/SaggysHealthAlt 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

This is just a big a problem for old earthers as light time travel is for young earthers; but in reality it's a much bigger one because the evolutionists don't want to invoke the possibility of supernatural events. Simply put, organic material doesn't last long enough for evolution to be true.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

Wanted to put together a place for various sources for more reading here. Armitage's own channel (where this video is from) has multiple videos on this same topic. I think he has 4 at least on iron specifically

"Toast" Method: https://www.icr.org/article/soft-tissue-fossils-preserved-by-toasting

Iron: https://creation.com/dinosaur-soft-tissue



Carbon/General: https://creation.com/dinosaur-blood-fuz-rana





On calcium phosphate and pyritization and carbonaceous compression: Had to look into this as these aren't often brought up. The short answer is that those papers discuss mineral replacement as "preservation." In other words, over time, the shapes of soft tissues is preserved but the original biological molecules have been replaced with hard mineral precipitates. This is morphological preservation or preservation of shapes and associations ONLY in tissues that later turn to stone. So they are stone. The dino cells are soft...just see armitage's dstri.org

What we're dealing with are soft tissues from inside dinosaur bones that are liberated after we dissolve the bone minerals away with EDTA a weak acid. The blood vessels, cells, veins, nerves, valves, etc. those like Armitage at DSTRI.org are finding are NOT REPLACED. They are ORIGINAL soft tissue elements as Dr. Schweitzer and her team have pounded into the reluctant minds of deep time devotees

So, yeah, everybody is still searching for a "preservation of original biomaterials" theory and iron is insufficient. It only crosslinks every 3rd or 4th amino acid in these long elastin and collagen proteins...so that means 66-75% of the elastin has not been crosslnked and stabilized, so why have they not decayed away over 68MY????

Maybe the answer is the most obvious one…soft tissue doesn't last millions of years. And the evolutionists god-of-the-gaps called "more time" isn't going to help you; it'll simply make you look foolish

EDIT: even more on iron:

Prof Matthew Collins, a world authority on biogeochemistry and biomolecular archaeology at University of York (UK), is very sceptical that iron from haemoglobin could have done the magic required: “I have yet to hear a plausible explanation for how soft tissues can be preserved for this long … for me they’re defying basic chemistry and physics. … Iron may slow down the decay process but it’s not clear how it could be arrested altogether.” He was also quoted in the leading journal Science: “Proteins decay in an orderly fashion. We can slow it down, but not by a lot.” These dinosaur soft tissues and biomolecules, while extremely challenging to the evolutionary paradigm, perfectly fit a historical global Flood, thousands of years ago.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Footballthoughts 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2020 🗫︎ replies
Well, we were looking at dinosaur fossils of the bones that have been fossilized from dinosaurs and these honestly look more like rocks to me, but there what do you have here? What do you say - Well this actually is not a bone. These are fragments of a triceratops horn. Okay. In 2012, the Creation Research Society sponsored Mark Armitage and I to go to the Hell Creek Formation in Montana, which is a very popular place for finding dinosaur bones, and we instead dug out a triceratops brow horn. Now it's just in crumbled pieces now, so we can't really, you know, put it together and show you a horn, and what we've done of course is have to work with it where you actually destroy portions of it, but you have to recognize that inside that rock looking structure are tissue, cells and protein, still there. All right, so let's go back for a second, because if this horn, or part of a dinosaur, had been buried for millions and millions of years, you would not expect to still be able to see tissue, but are you saying that's what we're finding? That is absolutely what we're finding. In fact, in a nature communication paper in 2015, they referred to it as common. So is this - is this unusual for those who have followed the traditional paradigm associated with when dinosaurs lived and when they died? It would certainly be not at the least expected. In fact Mary Schweitzer, who was the first one to really make this popularized, and was the first one to really get discoveries that were noticed by a wide range of scientists, she comments in interviews that she had her technicians repeat the study over, and over, and over again, simply because it's so difficult to understand how you could have this material still in a dinosaur fossil that is supposed to be 65, 70, 75, 80 million years of age, because any competent biochemist knows that tissue, cells, proteins break down. They don't just - they're not concrete, they don't just exist for eons of time, they break down, and in fact they tend to break down fairly quickly depending upon the conditions, and certainly in Hell Creek, the conditions would be warm up, cool down, warm up, cool down. We found this horn, for example, just a mere one foot below the surface. Now it was in very solid sandstone, so we had to chisel it out, but it was just below the surface, so there was no thermal protection by being deep in the ground. So it would have been very much subjected to fluctuations of hot and cold, and hot and cold, and any biochemist can tell you that is the fastest way to destroy material. It's difficult enough to envision it surviving for four or five thousand years, but 60 million years 70 million years? See, that really becomes very difficult to make any kind of biochemical basis for how it could have survived. Okay, well let's talk now about what you do with these, okay? You've got these here, what would be your standard process of wanting to then examine? Well, as you can see, these look like a rock. So what you have to do is you have to literally dissolve the rock away. So what we do is, we soak the fossil material in a solution called EDTA. It's a very mild acid that will grab the calcium ions out of the fossil. And so you just literally dissolve the fossil, and what you'll have after you've dissolved the fossils, the tissue will be remaining because the EDTA won't dissolve the tissue. So where are you now in this process? What would be your next step? Well, some of these have just started, but the next step would be, then, we would take and we'd pour off the solution, Okay. Right now I'm not worried about what's in here, I will collect that and analyze it at some point later. But right now I'm just wanting to look at this. What's left there. Right. So then I'll bring this over to what we call a dissection microscope. As you can see, what we see is this is, in essence, dissolved Triceratops horn magnified. Well, Kevin, what did you find then? When you were looking at the sample and you actually found some tissue? Okay. Here's what we found. Here we have a piece of the horn that has been decalcified, like what I just showed you over on the bench. Mark Armitage was our microscopist working on this, and Mark then took a piece of the decalcified horn and put it in our microscope. See the fibrous material there? That's part of the composition of the bone matrix itself, but what's really of interest is, see the white material here on the surface swaying back and forth? That's actual dinosaur tissue on the surface. See, this is not a solid fossil. This has got tissue characteristic to it. See, notice how it flexes back. That's of course very interesting, how you pull on it, flexes back, pull on it, flexes back. That's characteristic of tissue. That's what tissue would do. Now, Mark then was able to extract some very thin layers of elastic material away from the inner core of the horn, but he didn't have to decalcify the horn in order to do this. You can see it's stretchy, it's flexible, in fact look, notice. See how it's stretching, it's stretching almost to twice its original size of what it was. See this again is original dinosaur tissue that he's peeled directly from the fossil. There was no decalcification that he did first. See, this is how accessible this tissue was. He didn't have to remove any fossilized bone to get to this tissue. Okay, now. Here is a light microscope picture of the tissue itself. You can see the texture of it, and in fact, see notice the arrows, they're pointing to cells. These cells specifically are what we call osteocytes. Those are bone cells. They're involved in making bone. Because even though we think a bone as a rock, bone is tissue. Bone is not a rock. In fact in our bodies, bone is replaced about every 10 years to keep it all fresh in the new matrix laid down and such, so it - it's constantly being changed, and that's what those cells do. And if you look at them, then, at a closer magnification, well we see then this is using scanning electron microscopy, you see the extreme detail of the cells. See how well that's preserved, I mean that doesn't speak for something that has been degrading or something that has just been in a non pristine condition for 65, 70 million years. We would not expect - begin to expect to see such enormous and elaborate detail. I mean, these structures are incredibly small. You know, this is our 20 micron bar here, and see how small these structures are, still intact. And yet, see, that kind of detail then, obviously the preservation process is surprising, really to everybody. But I think, as creationists, we have a lot less to explain than someone trying to suggest that this is you know, 65, 70 million years of age. Well, let me ask you this first, because I mean, this is an incredible picture, and I just want to make sure we're not looking at fossilized material here, or fossilized tissue that's been replaced by calcium. These are the cells. These are real cells. Correct. Well, Kevin, I understand you published all of this work. Yes, this work has been published. We've actually made the cover of American Laboratory. We also published in a journal called ACTA Histochemica, and that's a more technical article. It goes through and explains, then, what we did, how we processed the horn, and then of course draws some conclusions from that, particularly the conclusions are that, even though it's a horn, which is different from a bone, it still had tissue, even though it was wet when we pulled it out of the ground, it had what we call matrix, which is another word for mud, it still had tissue, so just a different specimen than what had been analyzed before, no one had done a horn before. Now, we start getting closer, and what you're going to see then is, you're gonna see little pieces of tissue there, and that's what you're gonna pick off, and then put under the higher powered microscope, okay, and then under the higher power microscope, see, now we look at the tissue itself, and there's the cells. Okay, and there's another, that - and like I say, those are very specific osteocytes. Now those osteocytes have a very unique structure. Okay, now we're coming into some of the texture of the horn itself, and see, this would be a blood vessel, and if you look, see, this is dissolved away. This would be the interior of the horn, and you can see all the detail that'd be left in there after you take the calcium away. And then there, of course, is an osteocyte. So that has to have shaken up the scientific community. What's been the response of all of this? The initial response, when Dr. Schweitzer first published her work, which is what became very popularized in 2005. It generated a lot of response the previous papers had not generated. And there's kind of a question of exactly why it generated so much response, but in 2005, it was - her paper was published in the journal Science, which is a very broad distributed journal, very highly respected journal, color pictures, you know, you can't minimize the impact of color pictures. So, you had people that would be more biochemistry and biology backgrounds that, maybe for the first time, paid attention to this. So that generated I think some - not only publicity for it, but certainly some controversy. And so, initially, some of the reaction was rejection. Oh, it's contamination, you know, those are - that's not really dinosaur, it's microscopic artifact, it's bacteria, because bacteria can look kind of strange sometimes, so you had a lot of proposals of what it could be, and to her credit, Dr. Schweitzer did more work, which is what science is. She did more analytical work, dug deeper. They began to find protein. You break open some of these cells, you look in the - at the matrix these cells are attached to, and they're protein. Particularly, one of the common proteins they've found is called collagen. Now, collagen is the most common protein in any vertebrate, vertebrate meaning those animals that have spinal columns. Collagen is the most dominant protein. It's a hearty protein, but there was no reason based on any kind of biochemistry known about collagen, any kind of biochemistry of how collagen degrades, there was no reason to think that collagen could naturally, easily, survive for 65, 70 million years. And all of that research, did it lead towards the conclusion that it's not bacteria, it's not something that - It very much did. Right. That - you can dismiss the bacteria idea, you can dismiss the contamination idea, it is real dinosaur tissue, real dinosaur cells, and real dinosaur protein. Okay, so once that is understood - Yes. - then what happens? Now this is shaking it up, I guess. That becomes part of the controversy, because clearly, you're now faced with how could you explain the survival of this. The pristine survival of this, not only for so long, but in very un-pristine conditions. There's nothing pristine about Hell Creek, Montana, for example. It's not permafrost, it's not like these were in a deep freeze for millions of years. Like we mentioned before, the temperature fluctuations, water, you know, water will degrade proteins when we pulled the horn out of the ground, it had water underneath it, just from the seepage of rain water. That's why, when we first dug the horn out, we thought there's nothing gonna be in there. And there was. So these are not dry, they're not sealed in some kind of, you know, stainless steel vault. They're subjected to all kinds of conditions that would degrade this stuff. And so then, the controversy has been, how do you explain it? And if you read some of the literature, there's almost, like, desperation of, would you guys please explain this, because they recognized what the implications of this could be. Now, some people would claim, well it means nothing, because we know how old they are, and therefore it just means that it survived somehow, big deal. But how do you know how old they are? Well, you use methods, supposed methods of dating. Well, this is a method of dating. The tissue itself can't be discounted as part of a method of dating. So why do you say that doesn't count, but this does count? Well it's all the paradigm drives your conclusions. The paradigm is, it has to be old, therefore, methods that give us an old fossil are what we choose. Something that doesn't give us an old fossil, like tissue, we have to reject or explain away. And the big push at the moment is to explain it away, to come up with some explanation of how the tissue survived. There are several ideas out there. The most popular one at the moment is the one that Mary Schweitzer herself has proposed, where she proposed that in red blood cells, you have hemoglobin, which of course is composed of iron, which is what then attracts and binds the oxygen, so that the hemoglobin in the red blood cell can transfer the oxygen around in the body. Okay, what she's proposed is that upon the death of the animal, the red blood cells ruptured, and they released the hemoglobin, which released the iron. In biological systems, iron can catalyze what's called a fenton reaction. And this reaction, in essence, just causes proteins, for example, to crosslink. So it causes reactions of protein so that they actually become more resistant, so in this cross-linked state, microbes don't degrade them as fast, enzymes don't degrade them as fast, they just simply don't compose as fast. And so she's proposed that that, then, explains how they could lasted millions of years. We reject what she's at least proposed so far, because we would say first off, thin reactions are also going to leave signatures. They're gonna leave signatures, and how they're gonna change the chemical state of certain amino acids and in the protein analysis that has been done of, like, the collagen, for example, those amino acids in that protein don't have that altered chemical state that you would expect from a fenton reaction. See, so we're not seeing the footprints that we would expect to see if these reactions were actually causing these massive changes to the proteins that were causing them to be preserved better. We would also say that the models themselves that have been studied take some of this into account. You know, the collagen models, they take into account some of the physical changes that are going to occur to collagen that you would say may make it more resistant to degradation. And yet the studies show that it still doesn't last tens of millions of years. So, there is no physical, chemical evidence that's going to support the idea that proteins, any protein is going to be able to last tens of millions of years. It is just strictly an extrapolation. It must last because we know these are old, and there becomes your conundrum. Again, the paradigm driving the conclusion. We also would challenge that the study that Dr. Schweitzer did, she used ostrich blood vessels, and she soaked them in water, soaked them in solutions of iron from hemoglobin, soaked them in various solutions, and then monitored their degradation, how fast they degrade, and she reported that after two years, those that were exposed to her - to the iron were for the most part un-degraded. But, first, two years at a steady temperature doesn't extrapolate to 65 million years at an unstated temperature. Second, any technician can tell you that we take great pains in laboratories to preserve cells, to preserve protein, to preserve tissue. We freeze it, we deep freeze it, we freeze it, you know, minus 200 degrees in liquid nitrogen. You don't leave it out, you don't expose it to water, you don't expose it to all the things that in all honestly these fossils tended to be exposed to, because everybody knows that accelerates degradation. So in the normal sense, even someone who holds to a very recent creation, that would lead you to believe that this shouldn't be here either, right? Because, even for several thousands of years, you wouldn't expect it. It certainly would not be your first prediction. Even from a creationist position, we know full well that these fossils are exposed to ground level radiation. In fact, you can take almost any dinosaur fossil and put a Geiger counter against it, and it'll light it up, because they've absorbed radiation. So over four thousand years, we say wow, that's still quite a challenge. I think they'd absorb radiation and still - so how are you going to explain 65 million years of exposure to this radiation? And Dr. Schweitzer's iron preservation model doesn't account for that. So as a microbiologist, when you look at this, the two major paradigms that we have before us, and even though this is surprising, there is a paradigm between these two, that better fits the evidence than the other. I think we understand enough about the process, and enough about tissue itself to recognize that the more clear, parsimonious, if you will, the simplest explanation is just simply that the fossils aren't as old as they're being claimed to be and so that, clearly, this is in violation of the dating process. It challenges the entire dating process. If the fossils of dinosaurs have been dated incorrectly, which I would say this is clear evidence they have, then it's very likely the fossils of any organism has been dated incorrectly, and therefore then, the geologic ages themselves are incorrect. And we have to go back and recognize that they use evolution as their control, if you will. It's the filter. If I don't get a date that fits what evolution expects, then the date is rejected. It doesn't make a difference what the date is, it doesn't make a difference how you came about getting the date. If it doesn't fit the filter of evolution, if it doesn't fit what we need, if you have something that is out of the Jurassic, but it's dated at 300 million years, that can't be right. Therefore, it's automatically tossed out. Why can't it be right? Because we have, in evolutionary assumptions, determined that organisms live during the period of the Jurassic are this old. And so, it sets then the interpretation for everything. When you have problems like the soft tissue, say, you either have to reject the entire dating process, or you have to reject the soft tissue. You know, you really can't have both. They're trying to have both, but it clearly is one or the other. You know, either the fossils aren't as old as we think they are, or there's some mysterious, unknown, magical process that preserves them. Well, which is more scientific? What we know today, the tissue can't last that long, therefore the fossils can't be that old, regardless of what other dating methods you claim you've used.
Channel: Is Genesis History?
Views: 184,645
Rating: 4.7965741 out of 5
Keywords: is genesis history, genesis, dinosaur, soft tissue, microbiology, biology, paleontology, fossil, bone, creationism, young earth creationism, microscope
Id: ykwgE9MlNCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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