The Extraordinary 4-Dimensional Design of DNA - Dr. Robert Carter

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Well, Rob, when we talk about the diversity of life, there are really diverse creatures in this pool. This one little touch tank is filled with amazing things. So each of these kinds, from the Genesis paradigm, each of these were created, and yet there's some similarities between them. Similarities and differences, and that's what we see across the entire realm of life. Similarities and differences. So what makes them different? Well, genetically, they're very similar. They have the same biochemistry. They have a lot of - they share most of their genes in common. But there are developmental genes, they're called Hox genes, that set up these patterns in the animal as it develops. They develop from a single cell, just like you and I do. We - just like my left and right hand are mirror images of one another, it's because there are genes that set up inside of me that did patterns and sequences and timing, such to the point where as I grew my little arm buds, my hands popped out, and they look almost the same. Well for these guys, there are Hox genes that in one of them, they set up a fivefold symmetry, another they set up a ten fold symmetry, another one, they make this long, skinny animal. There are these master computer programs that have a tremendous downstream effect. They control the development of the embryo in these amazing ways. So it's like we have these programs that are creating all this diversity, but there is a master program - almost like an operating system. Absolutely. And an operating system - actually, scientists have compared the operating system of a simple bacterium to the Linux operating system. Which is very, very complex. Very complex, but when we look at it, there's a lot of computer programming in life, and so what we've seen is, just like in our operating systems, life has some master modules, and then has some middle level programs that control all the output - we call that proteins, and sugars, and action. Computer systems, they've got your operating system that controls a lot of middle level managers - you know, do this to the sound card, do this to the video card, that controls all the outputs. But it's really funny, when we look at the way life is structured, it's a lot more optimally designed. You have less high level programs, controlling less middle level programs, controlling a lot more outputs. Our computer programs are top-heavy. We have a lot stuff up here controlling a little bit stuff down here, because we're not quite as smart as God. So what you're saying, when we look at this from a molecular or genetic perspective, what we're finding is really a fascinating design in all of that. Absolutely. And, when you talk about the standard paradigm, the standard evolutionary story, we run into great difficulties when we get to these hox genes, to these master program modules. Because yeah, you can take a starfish like that, and you can change its size a little bit, you might change this color a little bit, but if you want to get that starfish to turn into a radically different organism, you don't tweak these little things, you have to tweak the high level operating system and that usually causes downstream catastrophe. I would imagine if you're - if you're programming a computer, right? You can change a 1 or a 0 in an output, and maybe now your letters are blue instead of white on the screen. Big deal. But if you want to randomly change the core operating system? How many changes are possible that don't cause disaster? I mean, almost all changes would ruin the whole system. From a computer scientist perspective, I can tell you we call that system software sometimes. That's the fundamental heart of that whole system. And if you have a problem down there, that the whole thing breaks down. And when someone wants to change that, how many people have to think for how long to make a simple change to the basic programming? It's - that's tough, because once you start monkeying with that operating system, with that system software, you have to be very careful because you'll upset the whole thing. Yeah. And that's what we see in life. But what we've heard, in the conventional paradigm, the conventional story tells us that it's those random changes that has brought about all of this. Sure. Back in the 1800s, when life was simple, when they didn't know what was happening inside the cell, they didn't know how complex genetics was, you can imagine all sorts of things. I mean you can imagine a cell turning into a square, or a circle, or changing color, or growing a spike, or a hair. No problem. But now that we know what actually happens behind the scenes, the story gets a lot more complicated. You see, the more complex life becomes, the less possible evolutionary theory becomes. It can only work if life is really, really simple, and life is not simple. We've had a revolution in technology just the last ten or fifteen years, that our understanding of life is skyrocketed, and the standard paradigm's ability to explain life has plummeted. So this is that concept of a black box - like Darwin really couldn't see inside that, and so he thought it was simple. But what you're saying is that now, we're finding it's extremely complex. Yes. And it's complex at all levels. Structurally, it's complex, functionally, it's complex, biochemistry is unbelievably complex, genetics is - our understanding of genetics is only getting more complex over time. What are we finding now, as we're studying genetics? What are - are kind of the things that we see now that we didn't see 50 years ago? Well, 50 years ago, they had this simple idea that you have a gene, and a gene makes a protein. That's been blown out of the water. We now know that genes are involved in making dozens, if not hundreds, of proteins, and different pieces of genes are used in different proteins at different times in the cell's cycle, different times in life, under different conditions, in different cells, most of your cells in your body, they produce similar proteins than other cells - but they're different. So your brain cells actually produce different versions of proteins than your liver cells produce. So how's that possible? I mean, how is it - how do they do that? It's dynamic programming. You have a gene, and this piece is used over here, or over there, or over there, and there's little teeny programs inside the DNA that control when and where and how to use that piece. But just recently, I read a paper about actually shifting of the information in the genes. So if you started at letter number one, you can read out this information. If you started reading letter number two, you get a totally different information. How on earth did that evolve like that? I mean, if you think of, um, if you read a story, maybe you're reading a story talking about some swashbuckling pirate. if you start at the second letter, it's a chocolate-chip cookie recipe. We can't write that. We - there's no way we could intelligently program multiple levels of information into the same story. And that's what we see in life. And if we can't do it intelligently, it's not going to happen randomly. We're talking about something that is beyond imagination, in terms of the complexity. Even from the standpoint of the kind of things we've done with software, and we've done some amazing things with software. But that appears to be it's not even close to what you're talking about. I like to say the genome is four dimensional. In software, we write in lines of code. correct. Well, in mathematics, we learned a line is a one-dimensional object. it just has length. So you could actually take a computer program, and just write from left to right for millions of characters. Now on our screens, we put carriage returns in there so we can read it, but the computer doesn't know that, it ignores the carriage returns. It's just a line. Well, DNA is a line. So in the naive concept of DNA, we had a line that had information in it. But it's not simple like that, because this piece of DNA makes a little protein that comes over here and sticks on this piece of DNA over here, which turns on or turns off a gene. My goodness, it's like self-modifying code. Oh, it's worse than that. Because this piece of DNA over here makes just an RNA that goes over here and interferes with this gene's RNA, they stick together, they interfere, they conflict with one another, they turn things on, they turn things off, and if you wanted to draw that out you need a sheet of paper - a very big sheet of paper, you'd have to read all the letters of DNA out on - all three billion of them, it would take, I calculate about 850 Bibles as one human genome and then you have to draw lines or arrows from one part to another part, because this part turns this part off, this part interferes with this, this part enhances this, it's this huge two dimensional interaction network. That's where you have a two dimensional genome. So it sounds like - I mean, let me just stop you for a second, because this is really amazing to think about this, because I think, in terms of a computer program, that it's fairly static. I mean, the instructions are there, but you're talking about a program that is reprogramming itself. It's modifying its own instructions. Then we take it to the fourth dimension. Oh, okay. Because - the third dimension first. The genome also folds into a three-dimensional shape. So this is a 3D, the third dimension is actually the shape. And the genes that are buried inside this ball of DNA? They're not active. They're turned off. The genes that are exposed are the ones that are used. So whoever programmed that string knew, when it folded up, which genes will be available at what time. Are you saying that when this instruction set folds onto itself, it creates a whole new set of instructions? Yeah, absolutely. And the information in that first dimension, that linear string, has to be organized in such a way that when it folds into the third dimension, it still works. Oh that's amazing. But it's so - it's amazing when when they first sequenced the human genome, some scientists sat down, they did something I would have done. They said okay, let's look at genes that we know are used in a biochemical pathway. They might, like, ten genes in a row to convert this into something over here. Well, if I would have programmed it, I would've stuck them right next to each other in the genome. So they looked, and they were right next to each other. They're random. They said these genes are used on different chromosomes, they're backwards, they're forwards they're just - they said, look at all the evidence of evolution. It's just junk. Random change over millions of years, throw all this stuff together willy-nilly, it's just nonsense. And we've heard that alot. We've heard that whole lot. That it is junk DNA. Yes, but then someone figured out how to look at the genome in three dimensions. First of all they realized that genome folds in a fractal pattern, and it's beautiful. But it's in a fractal pattern that doesn't make knots, and so it folds up, and then when they figured out where the genes were, genes that are used together are next to each other in 3d space, even if they're on different chromosomes. When the chromosomes fold, they bring those two genes next to each other, and usually, this cluster of genes is right next to a nuclear pore. So when God programmed these genes, he knew that when he had to turn all these genes on, he needed them in three-dimensional space next to each other, so the whole biochemical pathway can be turned on, the little things are copied into RNA, the RNA comes outside the nucleus, it's turned into protein, Voila. That's amazing. Okay, so you've about blown my mind with that, but you said there's another dimension. Oh yeah, the fourth dimension is time. And how does that work? The genome changes shape over time. Remember I said that genes - some genes are buried? Yes. And some were exposed? Well, you need those buried genes at some time, And so, at different stages of development, or sleeping versus waking, or stress versus non stress, or after you - maybe you eat something that's bad for you, and your liver says I can get rid of that toxin. Now your earlobes, they don't care. They don't know what to do, but your liver says I know what to do. The chromosomes in the liver will change shape, expose that new protein gene, make copies of it, build a brand new protein that can kill off that toxin, and when it does not need anymore, they'll change shape again and fall back. Oh my goodness. So what you're saying is that we could look at this, I mean from a very simple perspective, and come up with the phrase called junk DNA - Yes. - and then we can even look at it when it's folded, even though that is complex, and say, oh there's still some strange things in there. But you're saying if it's not being used, we might not recognize its importance. True, but some of the information in the genome is like scaffolding in a building. The reason this piece of DNA is here is because when it falls into the three dimensions, it needs these two genes to be next to each other. So this stretch here might not have a functional protein associated with it, but it still has a function, it's very important. So most of the so-called junk DNA has been brought into the functional category, just not in the way the standard paradigm predicted. And it's funny because the more amazing, the more complex things become, the harder it is for the standard paradigm to explain it. That 3-dimensional ball of DNA changes over the fourth dimension, but the interaction networks in its second dimension, they change because this gene turns off, well that affects this one over here, this one no longer talks to that one over there, but it's worse - it's even more complicated than that. It's the first dimension, that linear string? The program changes. That - computer software people, they don't like programs that dynamically rewrite themselves. You get all sorts of catastrophes, but we've learned that in the human brain, brain cells have different genomes to other brain cells. There are these little pieces of DNA that - they actually, they make a circle and they pop out and they go over and they float somewhere else in the genome and they stick themselves in there, and they turn genes on and they turn genes off. And now we have different pieces of DNA in different brain cells, and that directs what type of brain cell it will become. But our liver cells, they have different genomes also. There's a lot of chromosomal duplications that happen in the liver. Because if you need a biochemical pathway, and a lot of it, well, make extra copies of those protein genes. But different liver cells have different copies of different chromosomes. And we've learned that in the mouse embryo, there's a jumping gene, a junk piece of DNA, an ancient viral infection, the standard paradigm says, which is balderdash. It's not true, because this little piece of DNA has to excise itself, and jump around in the mouse embryo to turn genes on and turn genes off, and if you deactivate that little piece of DNA, you don't get development. It stops. So it's necessary in the mouse, it's probably something similar, also probably happens in us. Dynamic programming, all three levels change in the fourth level, time. Rob, that's so far beyond anything that we know, even in our most complex software systems, that it - it's almost beyond imagination to think that someone would look at that and say it all happened by chance. Yes, and it only brings glory to God, because the more complex it becomes, the less possible it is to explain with natural, simple mutational processes. And we realize that God is so far above us in intelligence, we don't program computers like that because we're not that smart. But he made us in His image. We're good at copying things. I predict that - that computers in the future are going to be different because of what we're learning in the genome. Well we've done that in the past, and we were talking earlier about how man has looked at the flight of birds and studied them aerodynamically, and from that we've been able to create aircraft. But it's hard for me right now to think that what you're talking about, that we could even come close to replicating. Not yet, not with any technology we have right now. we are limited to silicon chips right now, and that is so incredibly primitive compared to the technology that God engineered directly into life. Rob, there's a complexity here that is just hard to imagine. Hard to even get your mind around. And yet the conventional paradigm would tell us that all of this happened as a result of random processes over billions of years. But that's hard to imagine, that that could happen. It is becoming impossible to imagine, based on what we're learning, but all different levels of life - I mean, the genome, you can't build something like that up one thing at a time. You need it to function, in all its interlocking, four-dimensional complexity. It's not something you can do one letter at a time with natural selection. It all has to be there. Yeah, in the same way when we talked about the environment out here on the coral reef, if you don't have all these interlocking pieces of that puzzle, you don't have that ecology, the system will come crashing down if you just remove a couple of very important factors that are there. They have to be together, or it doesn't happen. so not only did we have this inner dependency, this mutualism, so to speak, down at the genetic level, now we even make it more complex by saying there is that same mutualism at the higher level as well. Yes. In fact the entire world has a mutualism. Think about it. Everything on earth depends upon photosynthesis. Everything depends upon plants grabbing sunlight, storing that energy in sugar molecules. If that didn't exist, nothing else would exist. So we're back to this notion, to some extent, of this - the fact that the whole creation itself is built in relationships with each other. It's all interconnected, the relationships between pieces that we haven't even been able to see, and think about. And yet we're continually discovering - and we're discovering them. There are some which - who would turn at this point to Gaia, or the universe being conscious, or alive. It doesn't fly because they're still appealing to this conventional millions of years paradigm, and they're still trying to build it up step by step. It doesn't work that way. You cannot build high technology step by step. It takes a leap of technology to produce something like a starfish - Right. - from nothing. Rob, what you're saying here is that it's impossible to think that all of this could have happened just by a series of slow processes over billions of years. That's exactly what I'm saying. When we talk about the cell, we have to talk about technology. When we talk about technology, we have to talk about intelligence. When we look at the mutual interdependence of everything that is happening inside the cell, we realize systems like that don't come about through a step- wise process. You've got things that have to exist, or life cannot exist. And they're intrinsic, and important, and found throughout all of life. It has to be not built up stepwise, but the whole system laid out, spun up, and then God let go, and there it works. Rob, I have to ask you this question, then. We are accused, often, of just taking a leap of faith here, in believing the Genesis paradigm. Do you think it's a leap of faith for what you believe? There is certainly an aspect of faith involved in any science. I put my faith in my Redeemer Jesus Christ. I put my faith in my God. But at the same time, when I'm looking at the world, my world is fitting in with what I read about God and about creation in the Bible. I don't have a gigantic scientific conflict. I'm not turning my mind off. I'm actually thinking through these things, and my colleagues, we are thinking through these issues, and it is - it is a wonderful place to be right now, because right now, with the technology that we're developing, and the understanding that we're experiencing, it is only pointing toward our Creator.
Channel: Is Genesis History?
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Length: 21min 46sec (1306 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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