What 5 Cars Should You Buy On iRacing?

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hello everyone basically here hope you're all doing well welcome back to another video now today I thought I'd make a video on what the top five best cars are to buy on iRacing now whether you're experienced or you're brand new to eye racing sometimes it can be quite confusing to decide what cars you should buy on eye racing whether that's due to just the cost of them or what car you should really buy for the series that you want to run so I thought I'd make a video on what I personally think are the top five cars to buy on iRacing so without further delay let's crack on video the video um these cars are not in any particular order at all uh they're completely random but these are my top five cars I think you should purchase on eye racing alrighty then starting with car number one that is the Ferrari 296 GT3 this has just been introduced to iRacing for this season and let me tell you this thing is a dream it is super easy to drive the handling is great and it is very welcome name to all drivers beginners or experienced uh it's easy to extract the pace from this car it has very very useful dashboard with useful information such as tire pressures and the uh actual temperatures on the tires themselves um it's a good looking car it sounds great and the amount of series it can run in is absolutely huge I don't actually think there's another car on this game well gt3s can actually series actually but uh when it comes to series I think the gt3s are extremely popular but I think this GT3 in particularly the Ferrari just has one extra series on all the other gt3s and I think this car has to be the most popular car in terms of how many different series it can do it can do several it could do several Series so I'll go through that list for you right now so if there's a GT3 you're looking to buy I definitely recommend the Ferrari 296 GT3 because the amount of things it can run in is silly silly silly silly so let's quickly go through them then so for class D straight away so as soon as you get out of rookies and you buy the Ferrari you can go straight into the Ferrari GT3 Challenge and you can also if you're feeling a bit spicy you're feeling a little bit risque as such you didn't want to go from you know what I'm gonna go from Ferrari GT3 challenge straight into a four hour solo series all you can do with your teammate of course if you have any teammates that you want to run it with uh yeah the Ferrari 296 GT3 is the one for you because you can go straight from rookies class D and there's two series for you straight away uh once you get promote from then you can then do Class C which is the vrs endurance series I maybe avoid doing that though because you can't do the vrs sprint series I don't know why that is the case I don't know why that in the particular order but from class uh D you've got two Series in class C you also have the vrs endurance Series so already you've got three Series right there moving on to class B you've got the vrs Sprint which is the shortened version of the vrs endurance series you've also got the GT3 fixed as well which is even shorter version of the vrs Sprint and you've also got the global endurance series that runs every two weeks which is a six hour Series so you can run it also in that and then finally once you've got to class A you can also do imsofix and imsa opened now if you think that was a big list of series that you can already run you're forgetting about the special events as well uh just to name a few Daytona 24 Spa 24 verbal ring 24 petite them all the list goes on and on this thing can really be used in so many different series it's a great car to drive easy to extract the pace looks good sounds great value for money in terms of how much you can do by just buying this one car is probably the best on the service so I can highly highly highly recommend Ferrari 296 GT3 if you haven't purchased yet and you think of purchasing it do it if you own it already then you know exactly what I'm talking about the Ferrari 296 GT3 has to be up there with one of the cars to buy on this Sim coming in at number two for me personally is the Porsche 911 GT3 Cup car this car is a huge step up from anything you use in the D license series um purely because of how it drives it's a massive change you have no traction control you have no abs and you have far less downforce than anything you may have experienced in the Ferrari fixed if you're using the throw fixing class D which is a GT3 car whilst the Porsche does sound scary and to be honest with you is a little bit scary it can teach you so much and it really makes you appreciate what good tractor control and what uh ABS what good ABS is like these days you know I think we take tracks control and abs for granted and jumping in this thing uh can teach you an awful lot about what it's like to drive without them and it makes you really really appreciate just how good these modern systems are so Porsche cut for me is definitely a driver's car if you can go fast in a Porsche Cup car they say you can go fast in anything you really are a fantastic driver if you can go quick in the Porsche Cup car I'm still yet to master it but every time I do jump in the car I do enjoy it but man there are some quick quick boys and girls in the Porsche cop car but honestly for for a steep learning curve uh this thing teaches you so much and I think it is definitely something to consider and I think it has to be one of the cars that you do Buy on our racing um but for that reason alone definitely a learner's car teaches an awful lot great fun to drive as well once you get used to it it can be frustrating at times when you do lock up if trust me it will happen uh but yeah definitely one of the definitely one of the top five cars to buy on the service in my opinion uh whilst the amount of series you could do in the car is limited uh it will really make you work hard to get most out the most out of it for every series that you do enter and it will teach you a lot moving on to anything in the higher classes so whilst it's not you know welcome to a huge amount of series it's still a good car to buy You've Got Class D which is a neighboring endurance Series so you can do the four hour solo series or you can do it as I said earlier you can do it with teammates so you can do it Solo or you could do it with your teammates and that is classy so you can jump straight into your installation with it if you like but Class C is predominantly where it hangs which is the Porsche open and fixed Series so you've got two series there but you also have the coventic endurance series now this is a series I only do like four races a year so they're 12 hours long and they are popular but they are quite widely spaced apart so I think the last one was in I think the last one was maybe July I think and now there's not another one until December um I may have got those dates wrong but there's definitely won the December so yeah they're quite widely spread out but it's definitely definitely worth participating in the Porsche Cup car in a Juris racing it's actually a lot of fun and I think it should be in more endurance races because it's a it's a great cut anyways moving on to car number three then uh one close to my heart this one is a Cadillac v-series R GTP now you can try and name me a better way to a better way to spend your time and your day than driving around in 5.5 liter V8 monster burning all those Freedom leaders but I don't think he can name me a better thing to do uh to waste your day away uh on this Sim this thing is absolutely amazing uh it's just wonderful it's just one of the current four GTP cars that you can purchase on eye racing but I have chosen this Cadillac GDP over the other three uh for two specific reasons firstly the noise this thing whenever you jump into it turn the engine on just makes you smile a big loud V8 it's always welcome my eyes personally I think it sounds better than any other GTP cards although they do sound good I think this one trumps a lot of them plus if you're doing a 24-hour race you'd much rather be listening to this V8 than any of the other V8s because I think this really sounds so much punchier than the other V8 GTP so for noise alone this is definitely uh one to go for uh and this thing when you drive it as well it's it's it's so it's very rewarding and it's out of the gtps I think it's by far the the uh the easiest to drive the Porsches is up there with it but for me the caddy uh just just beats it uh it's very well balanced super easy to drive quickly uh other GTP cars you'll find that it takes a little bit more time to get up to Pace with the caddy you can jump in the caddy and say like do a one minute 30 whereas the other three gtps you might do like a one minute 31 it might take you a little bit of time to get up to Pace the gtps are all actually quite well balanced since they've come out and there's not much uh time between them track dependent of course but if there's one GDP that you need to buy uh it would be this because you can just get up to Pace of it and it's just competitive wherever it goes compared to the other gtp's you'll be absolutely fine this one out of the four gtps if you're looking at a GTP this one is the one to go for I think and uh yeah I think it's the most popular out of all the gdps on the service you'll probably find out of a Lobby about let's say 50 gtps if there's a Lobby 50 I'd say about at least 20 25 of them are going to be in the caddy it is the most popular uh and there's a good reason for it it's just a lovely car to drive and uh yeah if you're gonna spend some time on the SIM uh you may as well listen to a big old 5.5 liter V8 whilst you're driving around in it so yeah number three definitely the caddy for me uh and when it comes to series as well uh it's a little bit limited a little bit like the Porsche really uh it's Class B which is uh imzibit Series so the two hour and 40 minute again he ran it as a team or run it as a solo and then you've also got the class A which is into open and Nims are fixed you also have several special events such as the Sebring 12-hour Daytona 24 hour particular more and so on and so on um so Series wise you don't really get anything out of it until you get to class B but there's a reason for that it is you know extremely quick lots of downforce multi-class racing is essentially where this thing sits so you need to know exactly what you're doing when you're driving around in this car because you will be the fastest class so you need to know how to overtake slow classes like the nnp2 and GT3 so there's a reason why you have to be Class B or Class A to use it but once you get there 100 worth it as soon as you can get to class B and you want to choose a GTP the caddy is the one for you I think personally definitely buy that car okay car number four for me is uh quite surprising really I think anyone who watches my streams or or videos uh will be quite surprised by this answer but I actually think it's the dark the dalara p217 now this car is not what it used to be it's been heavily bopped IRL and our racing have responded and bopped it quite a lot as well so it does not have uh the downforce uh or just real Pace that it used to have back in the day it was too quick anyways back on back in the day on our racing but they've they've much slowed it down now it's still still a good car to drive and it's definitely something you need to drive I think essentially before you jump into a GTP on our racing uh this will teach you a lot this thing because it has a good amount of downfalls quite High downfalls actually it's very light uh only weighs about 930 kilos and it is a great introduction to multi-class racing once more once you get to your b a license uh it is the middle class generally out of the three classes you run in multi-class which is 83 lmp2 and lmdh so you can really just jump in the delara lmp2 and start learning how to do some multi-class racing it will teach you what it's like to be overtaken and it will teach you what it's like to overtake as well so it's definitely a really really good stepping stone into multi-class racing now at the moment uh it is kind of been pushed out a little bit because the gtps are so popular on eye racing but don't let it put you off it's not the most popular car at the moment it still gets good numbers compared to many many other cars but you will find that's probably the least popular out of any of the imsa classes but trust me it's still a great car to drive regardless uh of how it used to it's still a good car to drive in my opinion and teach you an awful lot and it's definitely a stepping stone you need a car to purchase if you're looking to get into your multi-class racing and to do some of the special events on eye racing so definitely recommend it although it does suffer these days from it's kind of got like a very weird time although the tires kind of drop off quite quickly I find compared to anything else on the system but once you once you get used that you'll be absolutely fine it does struggle some low downfalls tracks such as Daytona but like I said don't let it put you off it's definitely worth buying uh yeah this comes in at number four and it is also the same kind of series as the caddy but there is an added series of the lmp2 fix so you can do the M2 Durant series and then P2 fixed which is Class B and then Class A is into open and IMS are fixed along with the special events which is heavily uh involved in as well so again just like the caddy lots of special events that this thing can do and coming up to Formula Four then which is car number five so car number five is a Formula Four now this will come as a prize to many many people uh but yeah it comes to surprises a good reason right because when you hear Formula Four all you think of is a lot of eye rating and a lot of loss of Sr right but I'm telling you right now from experience to Formula Four if you can get yourself in a clean knobby right a clean knobby which is rare but if you get yourself a clean competitive Lobby you have some of the best racing you will ever experience on a Sim the formula 4 is absolutely amazing to drive when you're having good clean race it's it's some of the best action you can have it's absolutely superb on the smaller tracks it's absolutely brilliant uh the fact it just weighs so little it's got decent amount of downforce and low amount of power means you can really Chuck this thing absolutely everywhere and into every corner and it is great great fun handling wise super easy to get used to again it teaches you about ABS as well because there's no ABS in this thing so it'll teach you about how to use cards without any sort of abs and I can only emphasize just how much fun this thing can be uh when you find yourself in a good Lobby because I've had some of the best races I've made several videos actually in the formula for I don't personally driver is much as I really should when it comes to streaming it's quite tough because the red series are only like 15 minutes uh per race and they're every hour so stream Wise It's a little bit awkward for me but if if their races were a little bit longer I definitely do more of them if it wasn't such a jump between series and that actually leads me on to the series as well it's only class D which is the FIA formula open and fixed so that's the end of the list let me know if there's any cars uh you think I've missed out please put them in the comments this is uh supposed to be a helpful video so if you've got any other suggestions please do put them in the comments I haven't really covered any dirt or oval stuff because I'll be lying to you if I if I said I was an expert in them because I'm not I really not so I thought I just cover what I think are the top five most popular cars on the service I think personally if you're gonna talk about uh let's say the NASCAR stuff uh then maybe the the trucks would be the way to go um you could get the next gen cars uh for the special events but is there anything else you'd miss out on so that is a debate for another day but let me know what you think in the comments if you enjoyed this kind of video please uh leave a like and give me some feedback uh if you didn't like the video please leave a dislike and again give me some feedback telling me why but thank you very much for watching and please subscribe if you feel interested enough in these videos all right help me out but uh yes take care thanks very much have a good one
Channel: Basic Ollie
Views: 30,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sim Racing, iRacing, Buy, Purchase, Top 5
Id: NVjhvmgCHNE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2023
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