6 things all those NEW to iRacing should do! | All FREE!

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hello everyone welcome to another video now for those that follow the channel you'll know that when i racing guy through and through and as a result i get lots and lots of questions about eye racing and how to set things up now i have covered some of these topics previously in separate videos but i thought i would combine them all together for those of you that are new to the iracing service just to help you along the way so in this video we're going to go over six things which should hopefully improve your iris and experience [Music] [Music] so the first and probably most important thing we're going to talk about is making sure that you've got the correct field of view now this is what my field of view is now and to you that'll probably look quite zoomed in and tunnel vision but obviously i've got two monitors either side of my center screen now by default on iris and you're probably going to have a view something like this so you've got quite a good view out of the front wind screen you can see the left mirror see all the dash the steering wheel the rear view mirror but that's not necessarily the correct field of view so what you need to do is you need to go the iris and options to make sure that it's set correctly and it's dead easy to do so this is the probably the first thing you should do when you start iracing so on the left make sure your resolutions ticked sorry the correct resolution for your monitor um multi-projection won't be taken either you'll be on one screen there so this is the bit that we need to focus on on the right hand side so we need to measure the monitor width of your or the full monitor width so from outside to outside put that number in there either in inches or in millimeters and then we've got the visible width excluding the bezel so the pixels what you can see on your main monitor put that number in there then the viewing distance so you need to put in the viewing distance from your eyes to the center screen so maybe get somebody to help you just sit in your normal driving position get somebody to measure from your eyes to the center screen and put that number in there then that will calculate the correct field of view now that may well i'll just put this back to triple screens here so it doesn't look all funky on mine so that may well then put you something like this which which is much more zoomed in than it was before and you won't have the side screens you very much got the blinkers on tunnel vision but then what you see out of the screen is a true representation of what you would see in a real car so it's very very important to make sure that you assign buttons on your wheel to look left and look right because obviously you may not have the side screens there so look left look right make sure your field of view is correct and then we'll get onto the breaks so we're going to talk about pedals now and the importance of a particular setting in the options and that is breaks the force factor now by default this is set to 1.80 now you can see there at the bottom it says that adjust to control your brake response to pedal input so for potentiometer pedals uh recommended is 1.6 to 2.0 and zero for linear pedals which such as load cells such as hoosing welds fanatics and all that kind of stuff but entry level pedals with springs or potentiometer they recommend that having that at 1.6 to 1.8 now i have it at zero all the way to the left obviously so you can see i've got quite i've got housing failed ultimate so the the actual force required to push it to 100 to maximum is ridiculous so i'll try and hold a constant pressure on the pedal there and you can see what this number does so if we move it from left to right you can see i'm not moving my pedal we can see that that value is going down so if you're having trouble in cars such as the cup car or any other car without abs and you're locking the wheels you can play with this number to suit you but with lord style pedals all the way to the left any of the pedals that have springs or potentiometers you can play around with this number to find a sweet spot where you're not locking up the wheels and then you can click on this box at the bottom use custom controls for this car save that for the cup car for example jump on a gte and do the same then save that for the gt so whenever you jump in this number is going to be correct all the time but all the way at the left for load cells anything else play with this number just to get the sweet spot to suit you so one of the most common errors i see people making is when you first start eye racing you're in the rookies and d-class well in those series you have a fast repair which means that if you do get damage you can go into the pits and repair your car within a second and then you're back out racing but if you look at the bottom right by default if you cycle through your black boxes to the fuel black box you'll see that we've got fast repair ticked at the bottom which is what we need if we want to get our fast repair but also we've got windshield tear off ticked and begin fueling then if you look on your tire black box you will see that all four ties are ticked which means that whenever we're going to the pits it's going to change all those four tyres and it's also going to put 20 liters of fuel in the car and it's also going to give us a windshield tear-off but in the rookies and d-class we don't want that all we want is our fast repair so if we've got damage on the out lap i mean we might get damage on this outlap so we might have had a bit of a mishap apologies to the to the mercedes that i crashed into accidentally but we do have terminal damage there's no way we can continue the race we need to get in the pits for the fast repair but because we've got everything ticked all four tires and the fuel well we're going to be stuck in the pits for a long time so that's very important but there is a way of telling eye racing to untick those by default so we'll go in i think our guys first one here we'll get in here really we want to be in and out but now it's refueling as you can see on bottom right put 20 liters of fuel in and then here we go we're changing our tires so we should have been exiting the pit lane roundabout now but there's nothing we can do because we left them ticked just gotta wait 36 seconds we sat there when we didn't have to right i'll show you now there's a very very simple change in one of the documents in the iracing folder that we can make so that doesn't ever happen again now this is the change we're going to make now follow these steps and i promise you won't go wrong really easy so we're going to my documents and we're looking for the iracing folder there is so we'll double click that and then we're looking for a file called app so it's app.ini so this has got some configuration settings in for the sim so we right click on that file say open with and click on notepad and then this pops up now this might look a little bit scary first of all we're just going to scroll down and we're going to look for the section which relates to pit stops uh where are we there we go it's just down here pit service so you've got two options in this so the first one is auto reset fast repair equals one now ones and zero so ones means yes essentially and zero means no so one is on zero is off so auto fast auto reset fast repair one well we want that on one we want that on when you leave the pits so this automatically requests fast repair service once your vehicle exit pit road so we want that left on one now the next one auto reset pit box equals one so this automatically requests a full pitch service once your vehicle exits pit road essentially that ticks all of your tires takes the refueling takes the windshield tear off we don't want that so we're just going to delete the one and replace it with a zero and that's it done so we'll just click on file save and you can close that document there so as you can see we've just jumped in the sim the tires are unticked the fuel in the windshield tear-offs unticked the only thing that is ticked is the fast repair now the next thing we're going to look at is ui what you see on screen and how you can manipulate it and change things to suit you now by default i don't know where the black box is now it's maybe on the left i've got it on the right you can see on there we've got the pit lane speed limit the mirror the black box on the right you've got some radio information in the telemetry if you want to move those around all you do is you hold alt and you press k then you can see now that these have got like a green tint on them now and we can now move these wherever we want them you can move the mirror down but there's not a great deal on there that you can change if you press alt and k that locks that into position and next time you start the sim that's where everything would be but where are the flags where is the delta bar where are the start the green lights um there's lots and lots of information on there that we can't see now that you see during the race and what happens if you want to change those do you have to wait until somebody speaks in the race so you can move the comms box well no you don't i'm going to show you a really easy way to do it now so what you need to do you need to exit the sim and come back into the documents folder so again we're going to look for the iracing folder and again it's this app ini file so i'm going to right click that and say open with notepad and then this box will appear now we want to scroll down on the left-hand side until we see graphics so the one that we're looking for now is a force visible when move so this force all movable controls to become visible when moving ui elements now we need to change that from a zero to a one and you go up to file save and then jump back in the sim right so we're back in the sim as you can see the relative boxes in the top right where we left it the mirrors dropped down so now if we press alt and k look at all that so now we can see the flags we can see the lights you can see the split time box there the delta bars up here at the top uh the voice chats there the driving controls have now appeared down the bottom the session timer your frames per second everything's on there now that you would need during the race however all this is limited to the main screen so if you're on a single screen then the next bit doesn't apply to you but if you're on triples or an ultra wide then it does now i'm flicking that relative box left and right and i can't get it onto my side screen which you can see here but there's a way to be able to move any of this ui that you can see on here onto your side screens and we're going to do that now so this means another trip back into the iracing folder so we find the i racing folder again it's the app file so it's app.ini so we right click that and say open with notepad this pops up again so we scroll down to where we were earlier on to graphics and we changed that last time force visible when moved to a one the next thing we need to change is this drive ui full screen that's on zero so this lets triple headed drive and ui expand to fill full display so that means that at the moment all of the ui is only movable on the main screen center screen if we change that from a 0 to a 1 click save we can then move that to the side monitors which i'll show you that now so i thought the best way of showing you this was with the gopro so you can see exactly what i'm talking about so now you can see all of the ui is on the center screen so if you press alt and k you can see that everything's highlighted that it was before now i use different flags when i'm racing so i don't have these flags here on my main screen but i do have them where i can see them so what i can do now is i can move that over there and it's on my left screen you can't see it but i can say with my split time box that normally sits up here somewhere and my relative i normally have that down there on the left hand side but we can move these right across anywhere we like them on any of the three screens so there we go a little demo to show you that it can be moved just by making that one small change then you press alt and k and it's locked into position so one of the things that i think makes iracing stand out is the ability to choose pretty much whatever paint you want and that's by using a very small program called trading paints now this what you can see here now these are the paints provided by eye racing and they're alright they're good they're alright they're fine they do the job some of them are pretty pretty snazzy but there's nothing there really there's no sponsors on there there's no personal paints these are just the ones provided by eye racing so small program called trading paints i'll show you where to get that now so the website is tradingpaints.com now anybody in your race that's running trading paints their paints will load up in your sim when you start the race now all you need to do is you create an account it's free there is a pro version that you can pay for but the majority people i would imagine will use the free service you click on the when you've created an account click on this little racing driver up here and install downloader that will install the piece of software on your system now once you've installed trading paints this little dialog box will open now you can click this for advanced options but if you take this one start trading paints on system startup it doesn't take any resources really then you'll never forget to start it when you start eye racing now that's all you need to do you don't need to do anything else with this at all dead easy just install the software take the start trading pins on system startup minimize it forget about it now this is the same race as before it's a replay i've started trading pins i've just brought this box up just to highlight what it does so it downloads the pins for all these cars that are on the grid you'll see them start to change slowly as they all load into the system and then you'll see the dramatic change that this has to the grid so once they're all loaded in we'll have a look there we go we'll have a little look now at the difference so they're all got sponsors on personal paints which is much much more interesting than it was before um where am i i think i was running the race labs paint that i am that's me there i was running the race labs paint but it's much much more interesting than just the bog standard eye racing paint so to change the paint on whatever car you want you just go on to my paints and then it lists all the cars on iracing so if we want to change the paint on this the ford um 2017 gte car click that it'll show you the paint that you're running now well i think that's just uh oh no i think i downloaded that one actually so if you wanted to change the paint up on the top right click choose paint choose new paint and find a paint and i always click find more paints there you just scroll it's just like a gallery of pins which you can choose and if you see one that you like click it and then it gives you like a a display of the template of the paint that's what it looks like in the sim you want to erase it you just click erase this paint confirm that easy it's all you need to do nothing else erasing this paint so when you load up the sim in the ford that's the paint that's going to be displayed so what we're going to talk about now is spotters now the spotter in eye racing is fine it does the job perfectly functional but for a little bit more authenticity i use two alternatives on the roadside i use one called the crew chief now you can find that at the crew chief dot org and so once you put that in you register totally free register for an account go to the top um options in the forum there download crew chief for pc and it'll download that on your system run the installer it'll probably come up with a windows warning message are you sure this is safe just click yes it's completely safe install the program and then run it now when you run the program for the first time you'll probably have to update these three boxes here you just click them they'll be green click them and it'll download them and update the name files and all that kind of stuff then above that you can change the background noise volume so there's the sound of pit lane in the background i don't particularly like that and then the messages volume that's the sound of your crew chief on the game there you've got various games that crew chief works with that's the beauty of crew chief you can use it on all different kinds of sims but there we've got eye racing on the right hand side we've got my name that's what your crew chief will call you so if we wanted to call ourselves bob just type in bobbin press return then it's telling you that the program needs to be restarted click that and there we go quick as you like it's back up and running and then from now on it'll call us bob so chief voice we can't choose that we can't change that sorry uh spotter voice we've got a few different ones to choose from i use gym by default and then we just click on start application radio check and there we go that's it running so if you did want to make some changes there's loads and loads of options that you can mess around with and change to your liking so you've got to stop the application click on properties this box will pop up um so the game filter there i racing because we selected that on the main screen and we've got some categories on the in the middle there we can change so flags and rules um this is where it'll tell you if you go off track it'll give you a warning all that kind of stuff player cut track warning i have that off because i go off track a lot it drives me insane pit stops i can change all things in there for pit stops miscellaneous there's other settings in there settings in there for it to swear at you f and jeff that's your thing i don't have it on um but there we go crew chief really really good program and that's what i use on the roadside but on the oval side i use something completely different now on the oval side i used the jimmy johnson spotter park and you can get this at dwarehouse.com now there's two versions of this there's the standard pack and there's the cuss pack if you want your spotter to give you a hard time and throw the odd expletive your way i run the standard pack and you just click on the executable file there click that download it run it install it dead easy and then run the simulator so once you're back in the simulator if you go to sound and then we've got spotter here if you're using crew chief on the roadside then just disable this just untick it and you won't get the eye racing spotter but if you're using the jimmy johnson spotter pack on the oval side or whatever on the roadside it's up to you then enable spotter and then voice pack this is where you can change the voice pack and there's loads to choose from there but what we want when you've installed it the jj spotter pack will be there click that and that's it done and then you've now got the jimmy johnson spotter pack installed then all i do if i go on the roadside i untick that box if i go on the roadside i'll take that box and don't run crew chief dead easy but improves the simulation massively so when you've been on iracing a little while you might want to do some longer races such as the vrs sprint the le mans series or insert well in those series you need to pit stop for fuel now working out how much fuel you need is a bit of a pain in the backside there's lots of programs that do it for you or you can do it manually by taking note of how much fuel you have at the start of your run do 20 or so laps then work out how much fuel you've used and work out your average but there's a really really easy way and involves a piece of software that we've just installed and that piece of software is crew chief now we've just installed it for the spotter but you can also use this for your fuel and it will do it all automatically you don't have to worry about it so to set up the fuel calculator in crew chief you can set up push to talk voice activation all that kind of stuff or you can just let crew chief do it for you so you don't have to worry about it so all you do is you go into properties and then you go into uh pit stops and multi-class now there's an option down here there in the middle enable eye racing auto refueling when entering the pits in a race if you want crew chief to refuel you you tick that box and then you click on save changes then exit now you need to tell crew chief how much fuel extra you want to put in so you don't run out now that all depends on the length of the circuit so we'll go back in here into the options and will this time go into uh fuel temperatures and damage now here at the bottom there it says additional fuel to add to finish the race number of laps worth now i have mine set on normal circuits that are normally one minute 40 long one minute 50 long i have that set to 0.3 so it will do i'll it'll give me a third of a lap extra the more i need but on the nordschleife you don't want a third of a lap because that's like three minutes extra fuel so you can change this number to 0.1 or if you wanted a full lap if you you put it at 1.0 really really easy and you just need to change that figure depending on the track that you're running so the only ones that you would need to change it for are the likes of le mans and the nordschleifer so dead easy you've already got the software on there why not use the built-in fuel calculator so there we go six things that you can do to improve your iris and experience none of them will cost you a single penny let me know in the comments what you think of this video like it subscribe if you want to see more all the rest of it if you've got any suggestions for other things that you want me to go over and talk about more in detail please let me know in the comments anyway thanks for watching see you later cheers
Channel: Dave Cam
Views: 195,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: heusinkveld ultimates, heusinkveld, heusinkveld sprint, dave cam, track guide, fanatec, clubsport, iracing, triple, screen, dave cameron iracing, iracing best, esports, best pc driving game, best pc racing game, matt malone, jimmy broadbent, obs iracing, samsung C49RG90, VRS DIRECT FORCE PRO, FANATEC DD1, FANATEC DD2, CUBE CONTROLS, vrs direct drive, sim racing direct drive, samsung 49, super ultrawide, acc, assetto corsa competitzione
Id: rtWqvl6_BHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 27sec (1587 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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