6 iRacing Tips You Didn't Even Know About!

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hello everyone basic olle here hope you're all doing well welcome back to another video now as you all know if you search for tips on iRacing on YouTube you will find pages and pages and pages of other videos talking to you about what to do to improve your lap times or how to set this up or how to set that up there are thousands of videos out there but what I didn't see is a video on on little tips about stuff you may not know about the little things I get asked about all the time on stream so what I've done I've decided to make a video this video specifically on six tips that I think most people don't know about and thinkers crossed by watching this video you'll go I didn't know about that specific tip that might actually help me out so without further Ado let's crack on with the video and these are six things on iRacing that you may not know about tips wise that you might actually find this TR interesting and might actually help you okay then so for tip number one then we are in a practice session a vrs Sprint here at inter Lagos uh and as you can see as we click on the results there's actually quite a few cars here so when we click on the practice session here you can see there's quite a few cars on track but what if you want to join the official practice session but it's rather busy and you just want to do some laps by yourself you don't want to be in the way of anyone or you don't want to be slowing anyone down or you just want to be cracking on and doing your own stint and not worrying about you know coming in contact with any other cars well quite simply you can stay in the practice session that you're in all you need to do if I can actually jump out the car here uh is basically jump out the car click on entries and then click on my grp now these are like separate sessions as such within the session so as you can see number one is absolutely full and number two's got 19 in it let's just say for example we'll go on number seven click on number seven there and then as soon as we click on practice again voila nobody is in here you can see on the relative uh where you can't quite see the relative cuz my face actually covers it annoyingly but uh there is absolutely nobody here there it's completely free track you can drive around do as you please your times will still count towards uh the session statistics as such but you can just crack on and do your own thing so if you didn't know that hopefully that will help you guys out for uh anyone uh especially if you're like um doing any like special events you you know you register for a session or whatever and it's leading up to the event and it's your lobby gets instantly full you can normally just click on uh the my grp at the top left and go into another session what I will say though quickly is when you're actually in your official session when it actually loads into your split that option is not available so if you're in a special event let's say you ready for day turn to 24 sometimes you get like 30 minutes practice once you're in your session you can't do that you can't change it these are purely for practice bound sessions and that's it but it does help to uh to know it and I've done it several times so if you want to go out there official practice session with the stats then do that handy little trick if you just want to be out there by yourself and uh yeah there's tip number one all right then time for tip number two now for this one I get this one probably the most on my streams I get asked this question all the time since this season you are now able to do basically open imza and fix imza if you know the trick so imza open is 45 minutes and imza fixed is 35 minutes I believe but the crossover you just miss it by a couple of minutes uh unfortunately if you go from open to fixed so I get asked all the time how do you managed to get from open to fix how do you do that um cuz you run out of time naturally so this is how I do it let's just say you are in your lobby right now I am in imza open okay the 45 minute race this one will cross over and I'll miss the imza fixed so how do I register for it so I'm in the race right now for example um all I would need to do all right not click on quit or anything like that what you need to do once you're in your lobby okay you just need to go back to the iRacing UI and click on it'll be either withdraw or more than likely when you're in your session it will say forfeit that is officially when you're in your lobby do not do this until you're in your official lobby with the people you're racing with all right all you need to do is click on I'm going to click on withdraw but for you it will be forfeit now watch this you click on it it says you sure you want to leave the session or you sure you want to um forfeit you lose your eye rating don't worry you don't you're already in your session you can't all you do is click on withdraw or forfeit as you'll see it will take a few seconds uh to decide uh it wants to do once it's done you'll see there still a new session see you don't lose anything you're still fine even though it says withdraw whatever or forfeit you're still in your session so when you are racing and going around all right what you need to do is when you're doing your first pit stop in into open all right when you stop you normally stop for about 20 30 seconds open so that should give you plenty of time to open the UI just have in the background uh click on IMA fix and then all you need to do is click on register that's it once you clicked on register it will give you uh the little icon in the top right hand corner uh saying the Sim is still running all right but as soon as you go back to the iRacing UI so that you go back into your race all right as soon as the race is done you simply click on quit all right so you click on quit there you go but in the top right hand corner you'll have a button instead that just says join and all you do is just click on join and that's it and then it'll load you into the into the fixed even though they do crossover in IR Racing you have the ability is that when you're in your official session when you're in the lobby with the people you are racing against I can't emphasize that enough don't do it in practice do it when you're in your lobby uh you do have the ability to Forfeit even though you don't actually forfeit uh and you can register for other sessions whilst you're still in that session now do be careful though uh because depending on the track that IM is open let's say cuz last week was a little more uh you may only get one qualifying lap in when you jump straight over to fix but it is a way of joining multiple sessions all right so please do remember that tip you can do it so all you have to do is click on forfeit stay in the Sim and then as soon as you go into your pit box make sure the UI is open somewhere on your screen or other screens or whatnot and then just click on register and that's it you're done all right make sure you pick your car of course but there you go that is tip number two how to join multiple sessions on RAC all right then tip number three is something that again I do get asked quite often about on stream and that is how on Earth I manag to watch the crashes just the crashes specifically uh in the replay when I go back uh and watch race I've just participated in so all we need to do here is load your replay file you can actually do this uh when it's live as well now if you look at the screen there's actually nowhere to click to say you know I just want to watch crashes it's not obvious at all it doesn't poke out or anything you can't see it all right so totally understand if people don't actually see where this option is it should be uh better scene to be honest with you so all you need to do is click on your helmet all right and then you get a huge list of all the drivers but if you actually scroll to the top you actually get focus on crashes leaders and most exciting so if you just want to focus on crashes just click on focus on crashes there press the play button and the UI will automatically jump to the car that they think is going to be evolved in accident so if there's a bit of close racing or whatnot uh the UI or the iRacing sorry will jump straight to that uh car that I think is going to be accident if there's any sort of contact it should then jump to that car that's had a bit of contact so theoretically you should be able to do this and just have a bit of a laugh really to be honest with you because sometimes it's quite funny looking back if you've you know been in a race or whatever and there's been a three or four people that have got really really um Angry on the radio as such um you could go back and there you go see you can figure out why so let's say Thomas got really angry at the start of the race and you don't know why and you can't check it until after the race just go back to the start of the race click on focus on crashes and uh yeah bang that should be it and it should theoretically if you fast forward it as well it should do uh the same thing but this looks like a rather clean Lobby so it's nothing uh it's not really picking up anything at the moment but yeah you can do that you can also do like uh uh focus on most exciting so most excited battles or something or focus on leader focus on crashes yeah you can pretty much do do anything there but yeah this uh little helmet icon you never would have thought to click on it to be honest with you but yeah there's a there's a list of stuff you can do so there is tip number three uh how to watch crashes back again essentially and uh select individual people's names leaders most exciting bada bing bada boom hopefully um that's uh that might be something you guys didn't know about all right then time for tip number four now have you ever been in a race spectating your teammate or spectating any specific race on iRacing and you try and go back and look at the accident for to see what has happened and the car is just not there you can't see the car uh all the cars aren't loading on the track uh and you can't really figure out why now I know you're probably thinking to yourself oh that's because the graphics settings you need to change the graphics uh so it's a Max car of 63 in the graphics settings I had that for over a year and it still did not work I still got cars blinking out and every now and then I still do that might just be people's connection but it used to be really bad like I could only see half the cars despite the fact I have said it to show all the cars all the time so how exactly do you fix it then well it's a bit of a strange one for me and this is exactly how I fixed it all right so what we're going to do we're going to go straight back uh going to go straight back to the UI all right and what we're going to do is uh we are going to have a look uh into the account settings and then what you're going to do is click on connection and what you need to do is make sure that this connection type is basically set on the fastest that you can support normally it's just just set on the default one which is that one which is really slow and it just doesn't give you um all the cars that you need if you got fast enough internet I think most people these days uh have at least got this speed um so manage uh as long as you set it to that uh then that should solve the issue for you it did for me uh anyways but yes if you are having issues where cars are disappearing off the track uh despite the fact that you've got it to show all the cars change this setting and I'm pretty sure is going to solve a lot of your issues and spectating should be a lot lot easier all right then time for tip number five now this is a nice and quick and easy one although it may seem obvious I don't think everyone knows this one um it's basically finding out when your race starts so let's take the centech endurance series for example as you can see these races are very far apart from March to December and there's only four of them uh and if you have a look at them uh you can see it shows 2: a.m. on May 27th or 2: a.m. on August 12th and if you immediately look at that you think to yourself well I can't do that kind of race it's it starts in the middle of the night I can't do that but what you can do is something I only recently kind of found out is if you actually highlight it it shows you the future race times but that actually shows the times in your area cuz if you actually look at it at first you think to yourself December 2nd at 1:00 a.m. I can't make it but if you actually highlight it it will actually show you all the slots available uh and you can do this uh let's take another example here the the global endurance tour let's go on the schedule again 7:00 a.m. that seems acceptable if you actually hover over it it shows you the other slots as well so it won't just show you the one slot it show you all race slots that are available so if you're wondering um what slots are available just just hover over it with your mouse and it will it will show you it's as easy as that really and is Handy and it is to your time that you set on iRacing as well so it's your local time uh so that should be the race start for you small an easy one really but it's something some people just don't know about so that is tip number five all right then time for the last tip of this video and that is tip number six okay now I get asked quite a lot how do you know what split you're in now the simple answer this really is you don't know the exact split you will be in but there is a way to find out okay so what you can do is go to the iRacing UI and we're going to take the GT vrs uh sprint series as an example okay as you see there are free races at 1:00 p.m. today so you can watch uh Lobby 710 7:09 or 708 now it doesn't say anywhere here exactly how quick that Lobby is or what the strength of field is for that Lobby how do you know which one to spectate let's say you just want to spectate top split for example and see what kind of times they're doing well quite simply it's always the lowest number always the lowest number so if you see these race sessions and people are actually in the lobby all right it is the lowest session ID so this one is 708 that will be top split so that's the fastest Lobby and then it goes in that direction the slowest one so 710 would be the slowest so if you ever want to spectate uh the fastest split of any race session at all just click on uh the lowest number just click on Watch and that will put you in the fastest Lobby or the lobby of your choice and there you have it then folks six tips on iring that you probably didn't know about if there's any more tips that you'd like to share with the community please comment on them uh please comment on this video down below I should say and if you enjoyed this video please do hit the like button and subscribe as well that I'd really appreciate that thank you very much but uh yeah I'll be checking the comments afterwards see if there's anything uh to add if you want to see a part two let me know as well but thanks very much for watching take care enjoy the rest of your day ta
Channel: Basic Ollie
Views: 35,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sim Racing, iRacing, Tips, Tricks
Id: wVafFhgMOf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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