What's The Biggest Plot Twist That Happened In Your Life? (r/AskReddit | Reddit Stories)

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what was the biggest plot twist that happened in your life joined the army to help people ended up having to turn my squad in for the grape and made air of an iraqi family wasn't expecting that i struggled with my sexuality a lot it took me years to admit that i was gay ten years after coming out of the closet i fell for a girl and it caught me completely off guard entered seminary planning to be a rabbi five years later i'm an atheist a teacher and dating a catholic whoops told this before and will again i was a little goth girl in hs and secretly had a mad crush on an upperclassman that was a wrestler ended cross country my cousin who was miss socialite also had a crush on him and hit on him constantly he and i were complete opposites we rode the same bus and i was pretty sure i was invisible to him so one day his friends start picking on me he gets up from the front of the bus moves to where his buddies and i are sits down next to me throws his arm around me and they stop this pisses off my cousin as he and i become friends and he constantly ignores her advances she later on goes on to have me expelled by saying i had a gum and was going to blow up the school because she didn't like this or that her bf and i were close friends this ruined every friendship i had except the one with my her crush he and i remained friends even after he moved away and then closer friends when he moved back today he and i are going on four years together we bought a house and car had a daughter and are working on plans to build our next and probably permanent home ten years later the itch is still greener than a granny smith apple i was transferred to a division within a few months my new supervisor and i hated each other she was incompetent and i spoke up when she screwed up she made my life hell and finally decided to give me a job that she thought would make me quit i packed up my stuff in a box and asked for help moving to my new desk she said she didn't have anyone to spare i was carrying my box and didn't see a spill on the floor ironically just outside her office i slipped fell and broke my knee i am on permanent disability very legitimately received a huge settlement lifetime health care retired early she was demoted then fired partially due to the way she handled my case this all happened a few years ago recently when my husband and i were grocery shopping i saw her in the store i didn't want to see her but my husband caught her ryan gave her a big thumbs up she looked pissed bill was a self-made millionaire by the time he was 18 years old that was in the mid 80s he has been one of my best and certainly most influential friends 25 years ago he married a girl that i did not like or trust i told him as much but he married her weird as anyways a few years ago she ran off with a guy she met at a roller skating rink he apparently wooed her with his zooming around or whatever and bill was single again he met a girl and insisted i meet her bill remembered that i had not approved of his ex we met fallon chat one of those awful buffets this girl was beautiful she used english like a scalpel working on phd she was awesome but i noticed little things about her she had obviously been to finishing school then why did she have fingernail polish on her cuticles and a dress from a 1985 resale rack there was just a lot of details that didn't add up and bill was getting ready to marry her i told bill that i thought she was hiding something but i didn't care this gal was high-class and hybrid i told him she was great bill hadn't met her parents till the wedding it was at their beach house in destin it turns out that my friend hadn't told his new bride of his formidable wealth but she had been hiding the fact that her parents are legit billionaires bill deserves someone like her the girl who i took to homecoming and the girl who i went to prom with started dating a couple of months after i took her to prom for 17 years i thought i had two birthmarks on my torso that is until my then gf was curious about them and took a very close look at them turns out i have an extra set of nipples tiny but fully formed with the realers and all the past year has been one consistent plot twist i enter my first year of college wanting to connect with my grandmother more after my grandfather passed away when bam she ducking passes away from kidney failure try to take it and get my mind off of things by walking my dog more when bam my dog passes away from leg carcinoma i try to keep focused on my work and future and do well on my midterms in march when bam my dad ducking passes away from surgery complications i tell myself to keep strong and go on with my second year of college my dad's lifelong best friend promises to teach me how to grill the way my father used to when bam he ducking dies from a heart attack colon became widowed at the age of 27 after only three years of marriage jendisasters.com quit my professional job with a two weeks notice letter quoting john muir now i make peanuts at a ski resort i love peanuts edit my bad it was mere my uncle is actually my father i'm not referring to my mother's brother backstory my mom slept with two brothers at separate times in the 70s they could only give a blood test for paternity i didn't find out until i was 14 when we all took a dna test who my actual father was i had a marriage of five years with two wonderful children a gorgeous house two cars in the driveway and money in the bank then plot twist the kids could belong to any of the other half dozen men going out with my wife love a good drama i injected heroin for years but never shared needles after i had quit a woman i was with took a steep panel and gave me the worst news that she had hep b my heart was broken for her and myself for two months i was sure this was the case and that i'd be dealing with us for the foreseeable future it then turned out that while she was a brilliant person with english as her third language she didn't realize that negative meant she was in the clear when she told me i almost had a breakdown got asked out by the girl that told me i was too fat to date after losing over 100 pounds my mom and i haven't really had any relationship for the past five years for a lot of reasons a couple of huge parts of that being my having left the religion that i was raised in and her having severe bipolar disorder that made her nearly impossible to deal with which she refused to maintain treatment for we have only spoken once in the last five years and it was awful it was about a year and a half ago i drove down to ca to visit her 450 miles from me and tried to patch things up it ended up in a huge blowout fight and generally went as poorly as it possibly could we never spoke again one morning in may of this year my dad showed up at my door randomly he and my mom had been divorced for many years and said we needed to talk the apartment building my mom was living in had been set on fire and she didn't make it out i still can't believe how hard it hit me it changed me maybe forever the worst part was about three weeks ago when i was trying to remember the password to an old paypal account i had to have it reset and it was sent to an old email address that i haven't used in years when i logged and i found an email from her sent just shortly before she died apologizing and trying to reconnect and make amends we had been out of contact for so long it was the last email address she had for me but since i hadn't been using it for years i didn't get her message until months after her death ham ham hammy hamm ham hi i found my adoption papers in the family strong box when i was 19. despite having been told my whole life that my parents were my biological parents i was pursuing this woman that i worked with and she was playing along and flirting back with me she would often just gaze at me and hold eye contact with me in a very seductive way i was totally hooked on her until this one day she confessed to me that she was married to a woman cancer at 32 all good now 10 years going on january 2011 wife pregnant good health mom alive march 2011 through january 2012 miscarriage ms diagnosis for the wife cousin hit by train mom passed away from pancreatic cancer wife has affair with guy she met at funeral february 2012 wife threw me out of the house on valentine's day one time i put on my pants but then i reached into my pockets and guess what there was a dollar had two cats adopted the map different times and they were the same age or close to they both got sick and had to be taken to the vet he took blood tests on both of them said he noticed similarities and then random against each other i don't understand what exactly he did but it revealed that they were elated yep like brother sister they were adopted years apart one is a kitten and one at two years old barely look alike either honestly couldn't believe it parents split when i was little came out to my mum and stepdad when i was 13. phoned my dad up when i was 16 because it was time i had to let him know dad i've got something to tell you whatever it is i love you i'm gay so am i what this is kind of mine and kind of my mom's when i was a kid i moved to a different state and eventually made friends with a girl at my new school we eventually ended up having a sleepover at my place one night in the morning her mom came over to pick her up and get to know my mom and me when our moms got to talking they discovered that not only were they from the same state that nobody involved had lived in for at least 10 years but that they had played together as kids at the same church i will try to keep this as short as possible my grandfather left my grandmother for another man after 35 years of marriage and the raising of two kids a daughter mom and a slightly mentally disabled son drunkel it messed my grandmother up pretty bad fast forward 16 years my mom dies from liver failure me and my kid sister are young and broke grandmother is old and broke grandfather pays for everything nobody says anything to him no thanks no condolences nothing i want to go see him and talk to him thank him and see how he's doing i ask my grandmother where he lives on the grounds that he told me he had something important he needed to tell me pulled out of my ass obviously but grandmother bursts into tears and confesses that grandfather is not my mom's real father she had a whirlwind romance with some travelling jackass con man who left her as soon as he could grandfather offered to marry grandmother and raise my mom as his own mom never knew i was stunned my grandmother was always really judgmental of other people and looked down on anyone else in this exact situation she was sobbing at this point and i snapped at her to stop because blood never really played all that heavily into what me and my sister considered family and that she shouldn't consider it either anyway that's how i found out one of my family's biggest secrets on accident and then promptly didn't give a sheet neat plot twist though edit clarity on crazy pants familial terms was a rebellious teenager my mom had gotten fed up and committed me to a psych hospital saying i was threatening to heal her and myself it was actually really great and helped me kind of get zen the day before i was supposed to be released my mom came to visit to tell me my dad died during the night turned my life upside down and i was two steps behind where i started took me years to recover at 29 years old i was diagnosed with stage iv breast cancer terminal which had already spread to my lungs and some ribs certainly changed the course of my life funny thing is i went to the doctor to have my lungs checked bc i was having trouble breathing on my long runs for six years prior to that the lumps in my breast had been passed off as cysts and dense breast tissue nothing to worry about you're so young husband and i were on and off in the early years of our relationship we were in one of those off periods in my mind the final one went to lines appear after ip dollar stick he did not biological children and i did not want another child yet here we are eight years later house in the burbs two children a dog a dog that crossed the rainbow bridge just living the american dream note we didn't get itched until our youngest was almost four thirteen years ago i was a global manager for a major tech company when my wife suddenly passed away leaving me alone with three young children i retired from my job and spent the next decade focusing on my family i remarried had more kids and adopted still more we have eight and all i am now a manager at a volunteer clinic helping those who can't find or afford medical care it actually just happened playing games with a good friend who attends another school studying something i'm passionate about i make an offhand joke that i'll transfer and make his life miserable he asks me why not not even a week later and i'm transferring to a school to states away where i know literally one person to study something i dreamed of studying but never actually thought could be a reality you know that dude lives halfway across the country but you met because of gaming that guy you hate with every fiber of your being so much that you'll spend hours of your time making sure he doesn't get things he wants yeah you're gonna marry him and be super happy my parents were brutally murdered when i was a baby and i was sent to live with my abusive aunt and uncle and their spoiled brat son then on my 11th birthday a giant tour down our front door gave my cousin a pig's tail and told me i was a wizard i used to be pretty overweight around 50 pounds i'd pretty much eat at a buffet once every week and had absolutely no intentions of stopping or losing weight plot twist one fateful lunch i went to red robin and ate a ton i probably shouldn't have had that refill of fries but i said let's do this i shouldn't have eaten dinner that night but i thought it's just a little bit of curry big mistake or divine intervention that night i had the worst heartburn in my life i seriously thought i was having a heart attack and went to the hospital and all that all i could pretty much eat was fruits veggies and oatmeal so this is pretty much all i ate three meals a day for the next several weeks sometimes i would eat some porridge with chicken but that was kind of the limit anytime i ate anything slightly greasy instant heartburn it was thanksgiving weekend and all i did was try a little bit of stuffing and bam heartburn so i was pretty much on chicken or fish fruits veggies and my savior oatmeal i now eat oatmeal every morning with some apples and bananas and i'm still 50 pounds lighter i was born in mexico and came to the us when i was three i never knew the actual reason why until i was much older not only was it a plot twist when i found out but it's a pretty big plot twist considering how my life could have been if it had not happened my parents got involved in a pyramid scheme which ruined them and many others financially there was this one woman who got involved because of my mom and she blamed my mom for everything she became obsessed to the point where she was stalking my parents and leaving very threatening notes to them the police didn't do anything about it and it got to the point where my parents were so scared for my safety that they decided to move to a different country they figured that they could not only start over since they sort of had to end away because they lost all their money but could also provide a better life for me or at least a safe one away from that lady i often wonder how my life would have turned out if we never left but i find it hard to imagine so much of my life here the experiences i've had have helped shape me so much that i really cannot picture the type of person i would be if things were different [Music] grew up a complete nerd captain of the debate team vice president of the spanish club doing well in all my classes etc had a pretty bad home life though and i had bad a pretty terrible depression got into yale for college and went expecting to finally start to break free of my depression with my newfound independence and actually started to do better then one week i went through a shitty breakup my grandfather was put in a hospital had a homophobic roommate say some shitty things and broke down ended up in a psychiatric ward my parents were informed of the situation without my consent and had to take a lot of time away from school the experience alienated me from a lot of friends and i had to start again as a freshman that or when later back at yale i had a friend commit suicide and i broke down again my dean gave me poor advice in the wake of her death and i'm now on academic probation and not allowed back to yale ended up spending some time now as a bartender waiter etc was sort of expected to go to college get my degree get a good job start a family etc but instead i'm far behind everyone else doing jobs my family think of as embarrassing but enjoying life a bit more though bitter at the institution and wanting to finish up my college degree damn it i am a male and i grew up being interested in doing very feminine things i hated sports i was involved with theater throughout high school i never dated or anything so my parents were constantly worried that i was gay after college i settled down and married the most wonderful woman on the planet my parents were relieved plot twist shortly after getting married my sister came out of the closet and told them that she was gay you
Channel: Late Night Show With Reddit
Views: 73,372
Rating: 4.9085813 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, subreddit, reddit stories, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, reddit story, story, stories, reddit best, funny posts, funny, r/, best posts, reddit funny, sub, people, funny stories, memes, Cowbelly, Updoot, ToadFilms, storytime with reddit, sir reddit, planet reddit
Id: xO8d8K0XC7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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