what’s the best microtech socom?

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hey how's it going today guys so it's definitely been a little while since my last video if you guys have been following my channel you know that I was looking at getting my own place which I actually did just sign the lease I think four days ago and I actually move on the 30th so I'm super excited for that so we are gonna be seeing a little bit of a change in the background here hopefully for the better and yes I'm just super excited for that now what I'm gonna be talking about in this video is I actually had someone on my patreon asked me a question about the micro tech SOCOM models and what she should buy and then I've also had a ton of people ask me this on my youtube channel so I'm gonna get into that a little bit to help give people a better understanding of which model they should choose depending on their what they are looking to do with the knife I know a lot of people say that all knives are made for the same thing whether it's cutting strings or cutting Tomatoes they're all meant to do the same thing that is not true at all obviously geometry and blade shape greatly affects what the nice intended tasks are okay so I'm gonna kind of give you guys a little bit of a breakdown so you guys can determine which motto or what yeah which blade shape best suits your needs okay so one thing I will also say is on my patreon what I'm gonna start looking to do is do a live video every probably Sunday I would say I need to really think about it because I want to be able to set a time aside the same time every day where I could would be able to do a live feed maybe for a half hour an hour each week for the people on the patreon to get any further them to ask any questions they wouldn't be like alright so let's get into this what a break hydration important all right so let's start with the clip point because I believe that is the most popular model okay so with the clip point generally speaking now I want to put an emphasis on this that Microtech has more of a variance in their actual thickness behind the edge then I have seen from any other model from a different company okay so I just said that horribly let's try that one more time Microtech has a much greater variance in thickness behind the edge on the SoCon model than I've ever seen from other companies so what I mean by that is most of my so-called models are fifteen thousand planets the vast majority of more whereas I saw a super steal Steve's March tech SOCOM which it is ridiculously thick behind the edge mine's like fifteen thousand on the edge where's his is like twenty five thousand find the edge so there there is a wide variance that I really never see that from other companies most companies may be there they very maybe a thousand maybe two thousand stops it's rare to see some of the variants of to thousands but in my experience do you see a variance of about Al like I said but this one I've seen a variance of ten thousands which is incredible that's a huge variance okay so if we I don't know how common that actually is to see a variance like that I would need more samples to actually determine that but I just want to make sure that I say that and there is a potential to have some outliers that are thicker behind the edge so keep that in mind now talking about the ones that I have though that are 15,000 spying the edge this is going to be your best cutting model okay so the cliff point is going to have the most cutting potential because again it is going to be your thinnest behind the edge which will allow you to be able to bite into material much easier so it'll allow you to initiate a cut and be able to have less forces so when you're cutting it's going to require less force pushing down as long as you're not cutting a material that is binding so for most people if all you're looking to do is cut then I would recommend the click point model right here now I will say that the clip point model is actually still a very robust knife let me give you guys some examples of this if you give me one second here so bring it to you alright so here is the p.m. - so p.m. - right Micra tech clip on the left as you can see the Micra tech clip point is still about choices robust at the tip as the p.m. - okay meaning that you still have a lot of durability with this knife it's still a very strong robust night but yet again it's if you get one that's 15 thousands it will initiate a cut even better than something at like the p.m. - okay which is very cool to see so clip point very good way to go probably the most popular way to go now if we move on to the tanto right here so tanto so come as you can see right here is the big difference can you guys see how much of a difference that is here's the quit point which if you remember the quick point was about twice as thick as 2:00 p.m. - here's a shot alone together okay so p.m. - left clip on the right tanto middle so as you can see the difference in tips so now that tanto is about as twice as thick as the clip point socom making this probably the strongest tip blade I know of on the market currently I will actually compare that to a this is a 3.5 inch span toe XM 18 so if we compare that to the Microtech tanto you can see that even the tanto is probably still about 50% thicker than even the span toe XM 18 which is insane that that is extremely robust I will go as far to say that this tip is pretty much unbreakable I can't really think of a way to break this knife without you 100% trying to break this knife you can do dumbest things with this and it probably still won't break I think you really would have to go out of your way to purposely try to break this like probably involving a steel hammer okay so again it just it's not going to break now I will say that generally speaking the tanto so comes our 20,000 spawn the edge so on average right in here is about 5,000 then your clip points and then right here it's about 10 to 15 right 1539 about 20,000 up here then your clip points so this one is about 35 at the tip right here okay so 35,000 then 25 here whereas you compare that to generally your clip point is 20 tale now I will say actually on the clip point I forgot to mention right here they are 15 right in here then it drops a little bit here you can see on my bevel is a little bit smaller back there I actually did try to compensate for that song and then at the tip it gets a little bit thicker so it does change but on average just to keep it simple this is $15 on the edge I'm gonna say it's 15 most of my career tech models are thinner at the heel and get thicker at the hip at the tip okay so yes this one is what you would go for for a very robust blade now I will say that a lot of people look at tan toes and only say that oh they're just meant for penetration they're really not though because quite honestly um there's a lot of other tips that can penetrate better than some tan toes it really depends on what kind of tanto you're looking at my personal preference for a tanto is actually this you can see how the nose of this is on if vert though on a severe angle kick back this way where you'll see some tan toes that are kicked like this so if your tanto is more of an angle like this it's not going to be as good as a penetrator as if it's like this when they're like this they get stronger when they're like this they get stabbed here so that's why I think Microtech went with a really thick at the tip alone with this angle to give it make it a little bit better of a penetrator and strong so I think it's a really cool way that they did this tanto and this is one of my favorite Tan toes I do carry this knife a fair amount and I really do enjoy it I also I do love tan toast because um I like a lot of different blade shapes I don't always like to just carry a clip point or a drop point to me they get boring I like having knives with different blade shape because they excel in different tests I have enough nice where I enjoy carrying different blade shapes okay now if you're just a first starting out shirt get a click point but once your collection grows I recommend trying some other blade shape because again you'll find that they really excel at certain areas where the clip point or drop point will not okay so one of them would be having this extra tip right here it's super nice now this Norseman with that one in such an extreme oh it's so nice but yet you still kind of get the same effect with this right here so again very robust strong blade now this guy right here this is the Signature Series so where this one excels that is just a straight penetrator this thing is all about penetration the only knives that I know that have a sharper tip than this would be well I can't even say sharper because I think that's a sharpest you can really get a tip would be this guy we have this one right here okay which as you can see this is double-edged so this one is double edge where the Signature Series is not technically double edged so you look at the top me say so if you look at the top you can still see it's a little bit of a DLC up top okay she's showing that it's not double edged so technically this is not double edged but you can see right there and right there they sharpen it but they don't sharpen it all the way making it I think slowly home because I mean technically it is not fully double edged this is not sharp okay so that is not sharp up top but they do that a little bit of grind right there to give you the same sharpness of a tip as if it was double edged okay so this tip is just as sharp as this one that is actually double edged okay not much of a difference really that I can tell and then if we compare that to now combat troodon as you can see again double edged and I cannot really tell the difference in tip sharpness between these two knives so this one if you end a long with the actual profile here how look how thin it gets you know how it drops its super narrow super thin and then super pointy this thing is just all about penetration so this one would be again your penetrator okay so very cool to see that they did that because where I think this one really fits in is if you live in an area where you cannot carry it out the front or you just don't want to but you still want the I guess self-defense aspects that come along with these double edges but you don't want to deal with the consequences of carrying it a knife that is potentially illegal in your area then that right there is your next next best bet because again we have a completely manual knife that is not double edged because technically it's really not it's not sharpened up top okay there's no arguing it is not sharpened up top so again you do not have a double edged knife with the same penetration capabilities as if it was double edged okay and then it's also again not an automatic so it's a fully manual knife no spring-assist so again if you are looking for the capabilities of this I think this is a great way to go so that is where I see this one really fitting in okay so I'm just to kind of break it down again if you are looking for the getting as much cutting potential as you can cutting performance I should say if you're looking to maximize cutting performance I would recommend going with this one again you still have a very robust knife still much more robust than something like the PM to your right around the same territory as a hinder or slicer I believe if I have mine handy I can show you that that is a southern I do not have mine handy yeah moving right along then so I believe it is right around the same tip strength at the hinder slicer which I still can't find mine interesting but yeah just take my word for it it's right around there and yeah so you do still have the strength but again this one is out of these three models this one is generally speaking gonna cut the best now if we look at this one this is the most robust one so if you are a guy who really wants to try and be able to work on your knife you can pry and torque with this thing all day long and not have to worry about a single thing I would have no problem trying anything I could think of with this knife again if we look at how robust this thing actually is you can't break it good luck okay and again with this one this is out of all these I would recommend this one at the most for self-defense situations again I really think this fits a really cool niche about again what I said without the front again I think that this knife is just excellent for that situation and again I think it looks great doing it as well so there you go guys that is it hopefully that helped the people that had those questions and I appreciate you guys watching if you guys like the video please subscribe give it a thumbs up and I will catch you guys on the next one see ya
Channel: neroknives
Views: 8,427
Rating: 4.8823528 out of 5
Keywords: #microtech #microtechsocom
Id: Iv_ZUs5_gvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2019
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