Microtech SOCOM Elite Initial Thoughts

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hey guys I'm back with another video sorry I missed you guys this week things just happen nothing major honestly I just didn't get around record in the video so I'll be back this week while obviously you're watching this now clearly we're talking about these two so calm elites today but first I'm going to show you guys what I'm carrying and I am carrying my hinder or fire tech which you guys know why I like this blade a lot and I am carrying my Strider SMG which they call the Crusader and you can see the Crusader cross there so how do I get these two knives no both of these knives are not mine this is a knife that honestly I've seen around a lot and I guess it just kind of didn't catch my eye but eventually it got to the point here over the past few weeks I've been seeing it everywhere been seeing it everywhere I've been seeing it everywhere and it's been catching my eye so finally I was talking to a buddy about you know hey I'm thinking about picking up a SOCOM elite and he told me you know I'm kind of middleman some things for him just for shipping logistics and stuff like that and he told me he said hey I really am looking for one if you can find one at a good price just pick it up you know we'll square out later or whatever so I was looking around saw this one for two hundred and twenty five dollars which again guys this is why I'm a big proponent of not always buying a brand new knife depending on the brand of this knife retails for 300 and like I said I picked this up for 225 I did buy this one full retail but I'll get into that in a second so ended up picking the knife up getting it in and the first thing that I thought about was wow that is a lot of blade and not what I've noticed from a lot of people when I talked to him about the the so commonly the first thing they tell you is I didn't realize it was that large and yes it is a relatively large blade here it is next to these the SMG here it is an ironic enough this is kind of strange when I flipped this open for the first time I thought it was pretty big I thought it was a pretty large blade but it's pretty much identical in size to one of my most carried knives these Strider SMF I think that this trial area here makes this blade seem a little bit shorter but they're they're both in that 4 inch ballpark for as far as blade as far as the blade lengths combs here it is next to the paramilitary - so you can see there that's another popular knife if you want to kind of gauge your sizes here so it is not a small knife the other thing is it does run on berries it is a very smooth knife and it opens and closes very easily I'll give you guys a good demonstration of that now the detent is pretty secure you can literally just put your thumb on this traction and flip it open like that flies up and because of that detent like said those those ball bearings it's very smooth it flies out and it just drops shut now a lot of that is because of the this stock thickness so I'll show you guys the stock thickness next to some of the other knives that I showed you so you can see here this is the stock thickness thickness next to next to a paramilitary - this is the stock thickness next to my SMG and this is the stock thickness next to my SMF so you can see there the SMF and the SOCOM they're fairly comparable but this this stock is pretty thick but it does come down to a fairly fine edge I haven't put any calipers on it or anything like that so I can't tell you an exact number but it does slice fairly well and I know that as much of a reputation as this knife is built and the the people that have owned the knife in lighting tonight and as much as they're in the slicing even they agree that it's a it slices fairly well for the knife that it is so great knife good detent these thumb studs and also double as blade stops you can see that here they butt right up against they butt right up against that aluminum there and they allow you some good structural rigidity so there's no blade-play up down left or right it's rock-solid I wouldn't say it's a fixed blade but it is a very solid feeling knife the handles are oh man and I should have looked this up before I started their 70 series aluminum apparently that was the latest switch in the the newest the newer runs of this model of knife so there's 70 series aluminum which means that there's there should be a little bit tougher I don't know if this is a titanium pocket clip or a steel pocket clip but it's secure it does its job it holds a knife in your pocket fairly well only about that much of the knife sticks out these the pivot screws are very large let's see what else I can talk to you guys about it is a liner lock all of them I've seen have been fairly early I don't get any slip I don't this one has a little bit of stick my other one and I bought this one brand new reason I bought this one brand new I said I'd come again next at this green color here there aren't a lot they pop up on the secondary and they were kind of running out so I ended up picking this one up and paying full retail again you can see the lock up here like I said drop smooth this one is a little bit smoother and I know that this one had a good bit of Pocket lint and things in it so it needs to be cleaned out a little bit but by by no means is this a stiff knife at all I mean it'll just drop it will just drop shut so very good knives very good action the ball bearing action pivot here nice large pivot screws this is a skid tape as I believe the appropriate name for it that is the only traction on this side is the skid tape but I find sufficient traction the ergonomics of the knife are good what what one thing that was surprising to me is you don't see too many knives with this kind of design where it's wide up here in the kind of tapers down here it also does the same thing in this dimension it starts off fairly wide up here at the top and it tapers down to a finer point at the back and when you grab onto this knife it really fills your hands your finger falls right into this soil right here this um relief and it just feels very natural now what I found after a while of carrying this knife is that I started out trying to carry it and you will use it like this which is fine especially if you know your piercing something but what I found to be the most comfortable is there is chipping on the top of this blade right here and I found that to be the most comfortable way for me now keep in mind my hands are extra extra large size so holding it like this gives me the the traction I need which I don't ever need a whole lot and the folding knife and it gives me a nice comfortable place to rest my thumb so I can I can do all the cutting motions that I usually do and like I said this blade is 4 inches long so you've got plenty of cutting edge to do whatever task you would like to do both of these knives are some variant of you know 20 CV and 392 o4p so you can see that here let's try it one at a time you can see there this one is m390 and this one here is 204 P they're in loaves of one another one's American ones I believe German so you can see that they're all in all I'm pretty impressed and I look forward to getting more carry on my version of the knife but I wanted to get this video up because I've been carrying it for a while and it's time to get this knife shipped off to my plenty I appreciate you guys watching if you have any comments questions concerns please post them down below good to talk to you guys again I'll catch you in the next video remember a lazy man carries a dull knife
Channel: Alchemy_1
Views: 6,376
Rating: 4.983871 out of 5
Id: 1TJzA59N0mE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 12sec (492 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2019
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