Build quality comparison zt vs microtech pt1 external

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hey what's up guys so in this video I want to compare Microtech to ZT basically in terms of overall build quality attention to detail and really just how much care they're putting into the knives now one thing that I do want to say before we get started here is that guys I'm not gonna be pulling punches in this video so I'm gonna be calling it as I see it so if you guys don't want to hear something bad about ZT or here's something bad about market tech I would honestly probably just suggest you find another channel because this is gonna be a very in-depth detailed video looking at basically we're picking here we're gonna be looking at very small aspects of the knives and comparing them so for example I'm gonna like start with the blade then we'll move to the like machining on the show scale then one can get in the hardware then we'll go under the internals so this is going to be a very in-depth video and it's gonna be pretty long so I just wanted to mention that first now when it comes to they're kind of the reason why I'm getting into this though is because a lot of the times when I post videos about the market tech nice a lot of people claim that they're overpriced now if you guys don't know your basic SOCOM in a stone launch blade is 290 dollars I believe and it's made out of aluminum whereas with the ZT this knife is 200 and actually one thing I did want to say I did actually just look up the price for this and it looks like ZT actually did raise their prices when I was still buying ZTS a lot of them were two hundred and forty dollars basically all of more 240 now majority of them are 260 dollars this one is still 240 so I don't know if they're not raising the price on this or they just haven't yet I'm assuming they raised the prices when the other manufacturers did I don't know I haven't really been keeping up with it but um anyway what I was saying though is the SOCOM is 290 dollars whereas this knife is still 240 dollars so the SOCOM is $50 more and it's made out of aluminum so you can get an all titanium knife for $50 less so that's where a lot of people claim that Microtech is overpriced now you guys know how I feel about calling a knife overpriced I think that it that word is just thrown around way too much with very little thought put into it because the materials of a knife are the cheapest part of making a knife it really comes down to what you're doing with those materials and like I said guys that's what this video is gonna be about so we're really gonna be diving into these knives and yeah so we're really gonna be getting into it now actually another thing that I did want to mention it's because I'm assuming you guys did see my ZT lock failure video so I'm just gonna assume that a lot of people are gonna be thinking that I am biased here but um so you know what we're just gonna do it real quick if you guys saw my ZT lock failure video I did I had a mm 8 or 9 ZT knives I'm really not sure how many but um I think I think 7 out of 8 failed or maybe 8 out eight failed when I was just tapping the spine on my palmer roll at 8 and after that video I sent in all the knives dizi T's won't for warranty work I got them all back and I actually remember opening up the box you know it was a big box because I sent you know eight or nine knives back at the same time and I remember opening up the box and the first month I pulled out was the zt0 for 5-0 and I just tapped it on my palm just like that and the knife closed so I did the same thing I checked all of my bites happen to mom and this was the only knife that didn't didn't close this is actually the only CT that I still own I sold all the other ones for really good prices but um that's oh that did leave kind of a bad taste in my mouth but I'm not gonna allow that to transfer to this video so I'm gonna be try to be completely objective in this video and as unbiased as possible now actually I will show you how this knife doesn't slip so this is how they fix the knife if you guys can see that different finish on the lock face um so basically what they did is they took a higher grit sandpaper and sanded the lock face kind of in a sloppy way and basically that altered the finish which gives a knife a little bit elastic now it's not a lot of lock stick but you can feel it so basically they stop the knife from slipping by altering to finish used to make it stick so it doesn't slip because it sticks so I don't know how much I could really complain too much you know if I just sent this one knife in and got it back like this and you know let's fix this way I can't really complain cuz it is fixed it's not the nicest way I could think to fix it but it you know it's really not bad but that's enough of that but like I said guys I'm gonna not I'm gonna try to not allow that to affect me in this video if you guys have seen my videos in the past I try to be very unbiased in them but hopefully you guys do enjoy this video so we can't do more of them in the future I actually do really like to do live comparison videos also as you guys know I am really into the functionality of a knife and just the different performance aspects of a knife but another when it comes to the knife hobby another area that I like to focus on is actually looking at the details looking at the overall quality do you fit and finish just basically what the manufacturers are doing with the materials and just the amount of care that they put into the knives so like I said that's what we're gonna be doing here one thing I can tell you guys this video is not gonna be easy to make and it is gonna be a long video but hopefully you guys stick around till the end and we're gonna look at the blades alright guys so I got you zoomed up so we could take a look at these blades let's just start from the back so let's start with the sharpening notch we'll take a look at market X first so market tech actually gives you a sharpening notch here that actually is enough to clear their plunge grind now it's like it's right there it's borderline but it is still enough for you to get clean edge to the back and one thing that's also pretty cool that I want to point out is actually how much notch they actually give you here if you guys see that's enough to sharpen maybe close to a half inch off the actual blade so you know you'll be able to sharpen all the way up to here before that notch ever has to get steep in but at that point I mean it would be so thick anyway but it's just nice to see that they actually give you adequate room along with a lot of space for you to actually continue for future sharpening now if we compare that to ZTS this one actually didn't come with a sharpening knife so I actually put my own in which I did not make deep enough I did that a long time ago guys but um yeah I didn't make it deep enough but the reason I did that is because they did not give you a sharpening notch which not all knives need sharpening notches I freehand so it's not really an issue for me but just how this one was ground it was really difficult and this one actually did need a sharpening notch which is pretty rare but this one did so Microtech definitely wins for the sharp notch for these models anyway they definitely paid you know my BTech had a thought that one out all right so now let's just compare steel real quick because again we were talking about a price of materials this blade is m390 whereas this one is s35vn you know maybe that's actually why this one is 240 in this you know this one is 240 not 260 like the others sorry guys I need a supporter but yeah so this one is on 390 this one is s35vn alright so let's continue looking at the blades so both mines offer you a pretty robust blade with a nice little sweater up top Microtech gives you a little bit more aggressive of swedge which in my opinion is because this blade is pretty thick at the spine so what that swedge allows you to do is as you're cutting material won't bind on the stock as much just because you know obviously the spine goes like this so when material comes up it's not gonna pinch because you know the actual swedge so I mean that's one reason for there could be others but um so market tech gives you a little bit steeper of a switch not really a big deal though they both have flats and if we look at the actual strength that's just the line use up okay we'll do it this way so both are very robust blades honestly for here it'll be pretty hard for me to tell you which one is actually stronger the ZT has a little bit more cross-section in this dimension if you guys can see that whereas the market tech has a little bit more cross-section in this dimension so it'll be pretty hard to say which one is actually stronger um both these blades are unbelievably strong though and you would be it would be pretty impressive if you could break either one these are very very strong folding knife blades all right now if we get into geometry which you guys know I love talking about geometry we'll start with this et for this one if you take your fingers and you run them down a Z T knife you can you guys see how it's kind of like a big drop off for my fingers to touch okay so the reason that is is well let me just show you on the my click so now on the Microtech you do the same thing but as you can see it's just more much more smooth transition you know the reason that is is because the Microtech is a fair amount thinner behind the edge okay so what's happening is it you know my fingers are further away apart on this ZT and then they come together now this ZT is a little over 25 thousands behind the edge whereas this Microtech socom is just a hair over 15,000 spying the edge so now and one thing I want to mention is I'm not exactly sure what angles both these arms are sharpened down I think it's pretty safe to assume that they're both sharpened at 20 degrees per sign so because that does affect the thickness behind the edge but they're probably right about there but um majority of your Microtech - are 15 to 20,000 upon the edge where a majority of your ZT s are 25 to 30,000 pining edge so that is definitely a thing where ZT likes to have their nice thick behind the edge and that brings me to another point though is that I've actually never owned a market tech knife that I couldn't out cut a ZT knife unless we start talking about like out the front knives which really wouldn't be a fair comparison but for you know the SOCOM the stitched sigil all those all those will out cut an e ZT nights that I've ever had and then I've had most CT models so I think that about does it for the blades I could show you these thumb studs real quick but I'll perk I'll come back to these but these are just absolutely gorgeous thumb studs that Microtech has if you guys can see the actual step work on there those are just beautiful studs I mean look at the machining on that they are just so perfectly every step is just perfectly flat I mean it's just that's incredible if you guys feeling to the actual uh the feel of them is just so nice they're incredible studs very wide to so there's a lot of surface area tome so when you go to hit it you know since they're wider studs it's not as much pressure so if this knife takes I'm not gonna get into that but they're they're more surface area which reduces the pressure to open the blade wears like if you have a Sebenza that has the smaller stubs that's why the suspense could hurt your thumbs if you constantly open it because it's less surface area but absolutely gorgeous that's the thumb studs and then you know very very nice chipping on here as well very precision cut jimping very nicely done obviously this doesn't have a flipper or the stutter I'm sorry it doesn't have the studs or the juice doesn't have the jumping but uh we look at their flipper um can you guys see can you guys see how all this chipping isn't the same so this one is fatter if then it goes more narrow and then up at the top it's most narrow you see what I mean and it looks like it's not perfectly done out of the corner looks like they still have material in that corner so this is not ground as carefully as that I think we can all agree that the head is like a work of art and this is obviously not an issue but obviously not as much attention into detail went into this as that's thought alright so that about does it for the blades and we're moving on alright guys so in this part we're going to be looking at basically the machine work that went into the show and locks on and basically what they're doing this gonna exclude a hardware at this point right now though so if we just look at these two knives we could see that they both look nice to me I think they are both aesthetically pleasing now they have different designs though so if we actually look at the you know let's start with the seat a bit so starting with the ZT so if we take a look at what ZT did with their show scale um first off I want to say that it is made out of titanium which is definitely nice if I had to say which knife is more attractive I would have to probably give it to DZ t I think this is a very attractive looking knife so aesthetically I'm sorry aesthetically I would have to give it to the ZT so if we take a look at what ZT actually did with their scale own I would say to mine it looks like they cut this angle at about a 22 and this said about a 22 if we actually look at their cuts though I can say that they do look pretty consistent now the one area's right here so if you follow this you can see how it goes wide and then small I'm gonna go out on a limb here I'll give 2zt the benefit of the doubt and say that that was on purpose just to not get there 20 hours their angle too close to the pivot it could also be maybe if it was too wide it would affect how your finger lays when you're gripping it I'm really not sure so but like I said I'm gonna give him the benefit of doubt and say that that was on purpose now after they did their 22 they did you see these little lines that they left in here like the machining marks so again it just kind of gives it a little extra layer of depth just to kind of it kind of kicks off that aesthetic so I think it's fair to say that the CTS are very aesthetically pleasing knives there they do make some nice looking nice now I do want to say that this cut and this cut I don't think that's a very time-consuming yeah I don't think it's a very difficult thing to do to this knife I think it's a relatively inexpensive way to make a knife look very nice so it that could either be a good thing or a bad thing that's up to you now if we look at these I'm gonna call these offset rectangles so to me it looks like a mill would it came down in here and make these you know little offset rectangles and again it just makes the show scale really really nice-looking I'm gonna keep saying that because it's a nice-looking knife it's now you can actually see that they go all the way through so you can actually see the blade through those holes which gives you a very cool effect I do like that okay now again I'm gonna have to say that a mill coming down and just you know going all the way through this piece of titanium you guys can see isn't that difficult of a thing but they did come back and then they made a little chamfer in those they just soften it and give it a you know again make it look a little nicer so again a very nice-looking show scale but I don't think it's that difficult to do so that's up to you guys you guys let me know what you think if you think this is difficult to do one thing I do want to say though is what's very cool about this is actually those 22 degree cuts are not it's not only an aesthetic thing but it's also a functional functionality thing as well so they're functional at in terms of what they do is when you have that wide cut like that it almost gives you a contoured effect without the knife actually being contoured so this is not a contoured knife it just has really wide chamfers to give you a little bit of that contoured feeling now it doesn't feel as good as a fully contoured knife but it's very nice and it's again it's an inexpensive inexpensive way to give you a relatively good feeling knife in the hand so just soften it up and to kind of make it fit your hand a little better I think it's a relatively inexpensive way to do that obviously a lot more cost-effective than actually contoured titanium so then it's actually pretty cool one more detail but I want to put and point out is if we see this flare right here and then if you follow so if you follow from each side of the scale try to get you guys a good shot so you can see how it goes wide and then you can see that these two points so it's very uniform so the grinds are very uniform so then it comes here and they both finish in the same exact spot on each side and then they continue go and then again they just follow each other very nicely so that is a cool that is cool to see that they are again uniform between both scales very nice to see so let me know what you guys think about this one but we are gonna move on to the micro tech well actually I did want to show a little bit more again same thing same work here same work here so it's the same angle all around the knife with the same machine marks again looks nice but I don't keep repeating myself but again I don't think it's it's not it's not it's not wowing me I guess that's how I would have to put it it's not something incredible but it looks nice alright so moving on to the micro tech now if we go to the micro tech show scale what micro tech does here is they give you these basically griptape inlays so if you guys can see again they would cut this section out which this does not go all the way through so this stops about halfway through the actual depth of the scale and they cut this around okay so it's it's not straight lines here angular is very flowing which will definitely take a little bit more machining a little bit more programming to actually get those nights smooth you know little uh knotch not straight lines okay so that's pretty cool and again it goes halfway through and then you can see they do the same down here but then if you follow this line and then you see see how they even bumped it out around the hardware to make sure that you have enough space or enough meat left on those screws so very nice attention to detail there that's something that you really don't see on knives in this price range attention to detail like that which I really do like that that that's something that I do enjoy and then again if we look at the actual grip tape that is inlaid in here which is very even by the way if you guys can see it's very evenly spaced okay so there's no it's not like one side I and the other side below it's very even so if we look at that though there's absolutely no gap I mean that's incredible I don't know how they do that but that is tight that's very tight I'm really not sure how they fit that or what what is holding that down but I mean that's a very impressive that's like the inlays on this event so tight it's very cool to see and I don't know like I said I don't know how they do that's so precise but that's actually incredible to me that's a very nice little detail that I like so something else that I found very interesting on the show scale is this actual finger groove right here so this doesn't look like much and it's you know a detail that you would probably just skip right over but um it's actually I found it pretty interesting so if we look this is actually I'm just gonna say it scooped out because that's really what it looks like it looks like someone took a scoop and scooped it out and again there's so many things on this knife that I questioned them like how did they do that which was you'll see more in this a bit further in this video but I'm assuming they maybe just hit it on a belt but I don't know if they really do that in production volume I really don't know guys I wouldn't put it past them because they do some pretty impressive things with this but um what I really like about it is the actual depth that it has to it so as you can see it goes from high to low and then comes back out and then here it stays the same depth going this way so it's actually really interesting how they do that and it is actually very comfortable so what it does is since its scooped out like that your finger is locked to your finger isn't going to come back this way and then when you're here again since its scooped your finger doesn't want to go forward and your finger doesn't to go backwards so it really locks you in and it's actually very comfortable because again the actual depth that it has do it and then if we actually look at the actual transition so if you see it goes and then it comes and then that's when it starts and then you can see how even this is all around here that's really impressive and then that flows right into these other very curvatures okay and it's just a gorgeous look to me again it's something that you would just pass over really easy but once you actually start looking at it you're like wow that's actually pretty impressive to do on a production knife like that definitely interesting and I don't know that other many people that actually do something like that but um yeah I just thought that was really cool but if we look at the knife this way this is where things become interesting so again we'll start with this eating so taking a look at the back of the ziti now I did just point this out that we saw the that the ZTE thickens and thins at the same time so if we watch the actual grind it starts out thick that's why she's probably pretty good shot of it right there so you can you guys see how it's thicker and then it gave us a thinner and then thinnest right here and then it comes here and then as you can see both sides so you see that side and that side start at the same exact time and then come up very uniform so that is you know that is nice to see that it is uniform but other than that really this is very basic instruction so you just have your regular hourglass and else back here which I believe ZT uses on all their models correct me if I'm wrong but I cannot think of a ZT off the top my head that has a back spacer I believe they used this hardware for majority of their knives and this is very standard construction not that there's anything wrong with that but it's nothing special and what I mean by standard construction is that this is flat so imagine if you measured at this point right here and this point right here it's gonna be a half-inch so if this is a half-inch this is gonna be about a half-inch maybe a little bit wider because of that flare right there but since you have this stop pin here which is a spacer so that's giving you space right there and that's gonna be the same space as these standoffs so it's a completely straight knife so like I said guys other than that there's not really much else I see interesting back here so I guess we can take a look at the micro tech and see what the micro tech is doing the micro tech tapers in not only this direction but also this dimension as well so right in this dimension the knife is actually point six up here and then it tapers down to 0.5 down here and now it's pretty interesting though is that when this knife tapers if you measured this portion of the scale so this scale this scale is actually seventy-five thousandths and down here the scale so if you were to measure right here this scale is actually 25 thousands okay so it's actually really cool what they did so like I said it's not only catering by the space it's also tapering by the scales as well which if you guys remember when I was talking about the scoop out here you guys will see a theme with this knife that a lot of the things are very well thought out and they all start coming together so like I said they have 75 thousand to work with up here and 25 thousands to work with down here so since they had the more material up here that's what allowed them to be able to take advantage of that and be able to make this scoop right here which adds the ergonomics and functionality of the knife which is actually really really now something else that's really cool about the SOCOM is and well actually guys I did mess up my measurements I wasn't taking everything into consideration so this log scale right here so the liar I'm sorry I'm sorry the show scale from right here is roughly a hundred and sixty thousands and then the same launch scale down here is 123 thousands so that means that this log scale arm keeps hanging like this this show scale from this point to this point changes thickness by thirty seven thousands of a taper okay now what's interesting about that is if you guys remember me talking about these inlays and saying how they sit very flush in uniform so they're very consistent that's pretty interesting because again your your actual material is changing in thickness so how do you compensate for how do you get these inlays to stay the same on the same plane if your scale material is changing in thickness pretty interesting huh so my guess is how they're doing that is so imagine the scale would be sitting something like this because uh if you guys don't know they probably used a mill to come in here to mill this out okay so you wouldn't need a way to take in that your change in thickness into consideration so I don't think they would just have the milk be the thing that changes the depth because I would be so much programming and you would probably drive yourself absolutely nuts trying to program that I mean that would be insane so my guess is when this is on the mill the scale would lay something like this again because this is a thicker part and this is a thinner part so my guess is they would shim it this part up right here thirty seven thousands to compensate for the 37,000 Schloss in scale material okay urn scale thickness to get these inlays to lay in the same uniform plane or on the same plane okay so that's actually pretty cool guys that's actually yeah I don't know I just think that's really cool and I think that they're kind of doing something like that only $280 knife again guys that's just pretty incredible to me Utley did that and it's just really cool to see but then like I said the knife also tapers in this dimension as well if we actually look at the shape of our hand when we're holding a knife so zooming back out so if you're just going to hold a knife you go like this all right which if you guys can see wider portion narrow so wider too narrow if you take this knife take the SOCOM and you just hold your hand just normal put that in there wide to narrow so it's a very nice fit this is this feels more natural to my hand than having a completely straight knife which again guys there's nothing wrong with having a straight knife I mean majority of my knives are straight and majority of my favorite knife are straight like that but again that's just an extra machine step and that's something you really don't see guys that's what you see sometimes only custom fixed blade and stuff like that but to see it in the folder world that's a very interesting that's actually extremely interesting I actually can't name you guys another folding knife that I know that has a tapered well on a folding knife it's got a fixed blade is called a taper tang yeah but tapered scales like this I don't even know of another knife that does that so that's a very interesting detail and you know just something that they didn't have to do but it makes the knife one easier to carrying so a slimmer easier to carry well she is still forming two your hand and I'm sure it would I don't know how much weight but obviously it would reduce weight at the same time so that's actually really cool to say and I actually really do enjoy that they did that again very interesting but um so as we saw here though ZT has another chance on the back so let's see what Microtech is doing with the back of this knife so with the back of this guy you can see that you do have a lick a thumb ramp here with very nice jimping on there by the way lots of surface area so it's not a pressure spot because it's so wine but it is it does lock you in at the same time without hurting at all but if we look you have a tiny little tiny little break so they are breaking that corner a little bit it's a black nice so it might be hard to pick up but there is a little chamfer right there okay just to break the corner let's make it again a little bit more comfortable for your hand but you can see that is et has standoffs whereas Microtech is actually this is one piece of aluminum well two piece of aluminum that come together but these aren't spacers these aren't separate parts what you're seeing here at the back spacer is the aluminum so this part you can see that line that part is that scale and above is that scale okay so there's no extra parts all that the back spacer is the aluminum here on the same scale material and so that is pretty interesting so that means that we'll get into that one I actually look at the inside but they actually hollow out the inside of there we'll get into in a second but um so ZT is just using their standard pillars right here okay so now to the back of the knife so if you look at the actual back of the knife we can see that again you have the same thing you know obviously we have the taper which since a tapered it what they did after you know they tapered at that actual material so then they mill out around it which is really cool so then they mail out the witch that gives you room for the lock bar insert - oh I'm sorry the actual frame lock well subframe lock Mariga I can't think of a for a second so that's what the actual subframe locked in sets in so I'm assuming they did that to give this screws more thread so more bite and then also to give them enough room for that relief okay and it also in sets the liner into the scale making it look a little cleaner so that's actually a pretty cool detail now another thing that would be useful is like I said it in sets the liner makes it look nicer but another thing is - it also gives it added a lock at its strength which I do talk about more when I actually take the knife apart so just stay tuned for that and then also if you notice when they actually tapered it out they left this here which my guess is this is your thirty seven thousand so that we were missing between the scale and the scale so since they shave this down they obviously had an extra thirty seventh L to work with so they said hey when we go to shave this down let's leave this here and let's leave this bump out here so we can insert the liner there that's a pretty cool detail guys I mean that that's very well-thought-out that's I mean there's there I don't know how else to say it but that's a pretty cool detail and again it was just well thought out it was well done so yeah I just want to point that out because that's pretty cool you know something that's not cheap you know that I mean that's not cheap this person we already we just started with this guy and we already got into a lot of machining on this all right so now we just continue to look at the show scale for a second or I'm sorry the log scale another thing that we could see is right here the liner - so they actually milled out a pocket in this lanyard tube right here and right here and guys I know the knife is dipped down but they still milled a pocket into that lanyard tube which what that allows is for the lanyard to sit in there properly so when you have scales that are too far apart your lanyard kind of gets like really stiff and almost like bunched up it just doesn't sit right so when it's the small part like this the lanyard actually sits in there properly so again they could have left that a full thickness and just you know it's kind of said scroll tool and your guides but again they thinned it out because they wanted that attention to detail and make it nicer so really really cool to sing again if we compare that linear tube to ZTS much thicker so again it's gonna be you know your land is gonna sit like this so it's gonna you know be a real straight piece for a while I mean it'll still work but you know that is just on nice earn more attention to detail no you could say you could just slide it through one side which is completely fine but land your tube more attention to detail on the market tech now let's go to the clips so for the pocket clips um yeah I'll do this one last because after this clip I know where I'm gonna go with that and we're gonna go into the hardware actually guys you know I forgot something um so with the actual machining on here if we can see can you guys see how that's your hole goes into part of that little cut right there and it makes it really narrow right at that corner I don't like that I think that kind of just looks cheap and not well thought-out to me so yeah that's just something that I did notice and then over here I was gonna wait till we get in the clip but over here can you guys see how close that screw is it's almost like it's right there up against that other screw which is for the spacer again that just does not look well thought-out and screen quality to me um that looks like kind of that's pretty sloppy yeah I mean like I said that screw head is I almost overlapping the other one and then another detail before we get into the clip is can you guys see how these this clip is actually overlap in that lanyard hole doesn't this look just so jumbled deal where it's like you know barely anything left there then you have the this clip I'm most in the end of that lanyard hole and you have that one that has you know barely anything left on that corner that just doesn't look nice - hey guys I know a lot of people I guess a lot of people don't care about it cuz I haven't seen anyone really talk about it but to me I don't know but it's not doing it for me just looks jumbled and messy now for the actual clip which again you don't have that on my jacket though for the actual clip this is not a competition to make so if we look at these clips if you guys see the ZT clip to me this just looks like a off-the-shelf clip that not go with this knife on maybe to your eye it does but to me it almost looks like it's I don't know it's it's a facing an odd direction first off I don't think it flows with the actual shape of the knife and then it just looks really narrow on here there's just something off about it I don't know but to me it doesn't look like this clip was made for this knife if that makes sense to me it just clearly looks like this was off-the-shelf clip that they throw on there and then especially you put that screw the next to that like that yeah it just it's not doing it for me guys where's now if we look at this clip this is a very nice clip so to me this goes with the design of the knife of much better you can actually see that these screws kind of match these screws which kind of match that which it just it all flows very nicely you know the colors are even matching it to me this well this clip just looks more suited to this knife because this clip was actually if you guys don't know we'll get into it in a second you know alright I have to tell you now Microtech is actually a very small company and Microtech actually produces all their hardware in-house basically the same way like Hinderer does so again microtext hardware is all made in-house for their specific knives so you like guys can you guys see so for this model there use a different pivot pivot than this model so they're all kind of made for the specific knives like different hardware on this knife you know so they're not reusing the same clips or not reusing the same hardware in the same pivot screws whereas now if we look at ZT who is using you know cheaper just off-the-shelf hardware and not actually producing their own hardware how I said that this knife tapers and then this knife is flat now if you guys can see so they ZT widens the back of the knife here now the reason they widen in the back of the knife here is because if it was this thin and you're holding the knife again it pressure surface area and pressure so if you're holding the knife like this and the knife was this then right back there that would be a pressure point so they flared the back of the knife right here which is great you know that is a great detail and I have to credit for thinking about that because obviously that's excellent to do but like I said they're using you know they're cheaper off-the-shelf hardware and so if we can see can you guys see the depth of these body screws right here so you guys see the depth of that screw and that's girl now look at the depth of that scale so if you guys can see there you go that's a shot of it you guys see how that one's about twice as deep as these ones now the reason for that is because it flares here so there's thicker titanium than these ones so and like I said they're using their basic off-the-shelf hardware that gets used on a lot of knives obviously to save money so again that just doesn't look very nice because you know it just is like I said it's flared out so it's twice as deep so it's not it doesn't want that come to me whereas if we compare that to the micro tech which obviously you guys can see the micro Tech has much more taper and I'll get into that more when I disassemble a knife you guys will be able to see it clearer but this life tapers more and every single one of these screws is a different size so that that doesn't happen you guys see that all these screws are perfectly flush even though they're all different lengths so micro tech micro tech produce their screws in-house to fit this knife perfectly to give you flush screws all the way down so again what cortex all microtext hardware is made in-house so that's why again it looks just much nicer to me but this clip actually flows as you can see even bends around the curvature of the pivot which is just I mean that's that's so cool and as always the reason they did that was to give you enough room so there's not a lot sticking out of your pocket so there's not a lot of sticking out your pocket but at the same time it it lays properly I think that's just an awesome detail and then you have the double retention here which if you guys give me one second grab my cursory so you guys can see they have the double retention right here the same way the chris rink does mucin which just makes it sit in your pocket a little bit nicer he gives you that extra retention so the knife isn't gonna fall out but again to me it's just like it's a no-brainer who has the nicer clip and who's was actually better thought-out designed and made for the knife um yeah I got it I don't know I'll move on but yeah that's a huge difference to me and again just how it fits right around that pillar that's just gorgeous any went details alright guys so I'm actually gonna end the video here just because I decided I'm gonna be doing this video in two parts because I think this video is probably to be about 35 to 40 minutes long and we only did external so far and we still need to do internal so I think the best thing to do is to break those two into their own separate videos so obviously this one was all in external then we'll start getting into internal which we'll start off on just looking at the hardware and then from there breaking them down and really going through again every single detail just like we did externally on these knives so I'm kind of like I'm I don't know if I should give my conclusions now or well just my thoughts so far I just kind of like a little wrap-up or summary so I guess I will a little bit so far guys the SOCOM is definitely impressing me more from a machining aspect I think that the SOCOM is doing some incredible things that I'm not really seeing on the ZT and guys I'm not trying to like I say guys I'm really not trying to be bossy I'm trying to be as fair as possible so if you guys see something on the CT that I overlooked that I missed that you guys then you guys let me know and I will have absolutely no problem putting it into the part two of the video just feels like I said guys I'm not trying to I'm not just trying to say hey micro tech builds a better noise than CT like I said I'm trying to be very fair here so if I did overlook something please let me know and I will put it in the next video but like I said guys just so far I think micro tech is just doing some incredible things with their machining it's like every single detail on these knives was thought out and it honestly took me a long time to actually look at these knives to try to really start figuring them out because I'm guys I you guys have no idea how long I was actually working on this video and actually looking at these knives and the details just really started coming together on the market Texas so I had to like really think about it and as I would start looking at one thing then I was like I had a ha move and I'm like oh so that's why they did that so it's like it's a very complicated knife that just really comes together but I wasn't getting that same thing from the ZT at least not external anyway so maybe on the internal I might start seeing things come together kind of like it was for the micro tech but for me the ZT which is something that I could look at and I said okay well that's how they did that that's how they did that okay okay but for the micro tech like I said I would be thinking about something back here you know on this part of the knife and then I'd be like that's why they did that up here or I would be looking at the lock side and be like oh so that's why they did it back here you know it's stuff like that where I just was not getting that same thing from the ZT residence so like I said guys I'm gonna end it here so far like I said I would definitely have to give it to micro tech but you guys let me know what you think down below and oh yeah we can definitely talk about it and yeah alright guys I'll catch you on the next one take care
Channel: neroknives
Views: 7,362
Rating: 4.7587938 out of 5
Keywords: knife, folding knife, zt, microtech, socom, zt 0801 ti
Id: 9iKa1lo7dnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 45sec (2445 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2019
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