WFL M60 MillTurn Complete Crankshaft Machining - MARTECH Machinery, NJ - USA
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Channel: MARTECHcnc
Views: 5,516,605
Rating: 4.7240825 out of 5
Keywords: Crankshaft machining, wfl, martech, martechcnc, millturn, m60
Id: 81UjjSH2iFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 26 2012
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God I love machining videos. If I could choose to be sexually aroused by something other than women, it would be this.
I'm always impressed seeing that much material getting removed at once.
I've never seen a crank with offset rod journals before. Is this just a demo piece for the machine or does it have a real application?
Then it's off to the oven for stress relieving and surface hardening, then on an cylindrical grinder to get the finished sizes, a little bit of polishing to remove any sharp edges, crack testing, cleaning and final inspection.
The tapping is just fascinating.... the absolute perfect control it has over travel speed is incredible.
The sounds it makes are so awesome!
So this is a billet crank. How would this compare to a cast or forged in price, performance?
Dem curlz at 1:38 tho...
The possibility of things to be made with these lathes are endless. This is the first time I've seen an actual part get made, and it's so cool. If only it could weld, then it would be almost a 1 machine job