West Wing Week 03/14/14 or, "What's Up, Captain America?"

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Mario Lopez: Hey, I'm Mario Lopez, and welcome to the West Wing week. Narrator: Welcome to the West Wing week, your guide to everything that's happening at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and beyond. This week, the Vice President and Dr. Biden traveled to Chile to attend the President's inauguration while the American President worked on improving access to college for students, raising the minimum wage, and negotiating a peaceful settlement to the copyright in trade. It's March 7 to March 13, or, what's up Captain America? On Friday, the President and First Lady traveled to Miami, Florida, to highlight the importance of access to financial aid, and got some one on one time with seniors at Coral Reef High School, to hear about their college plans. The President: You guys have already filled out your taxes? Male Speaker: Yes, yes. Male Speaker: No. The President: You guys already have business planned? Male Speaker: Yes, just kick started. The President: Yeah, I want to buy stock in this guy. (laughter) Narrative: The President then took the stage to share the context of why these students' stories are so important. The President: But last year, almost half of High School graduates in Florida didn't fill out the FAFSA form. Audience Members: Oh. The President: That ain't right. Audience Members: Yeah. Narrator: On a clear Sunday night, the Vice President and Dr. Jill Biden arrived in Santiago, Chile, where they would attend the inauguration of President Michelle Bachelet and meet with a number of world leaders. The next morning, the vice President started his day by meeting with President-elect Bachelet, before traveling to meet with outgoing President Sebastian Pinera. Across town, Dr. Jill Biden was visiting a museum dedicated to memorializing the victims of human rights abuses committed under the country's military regime between 1973 and 1990. Later, the Vice President met with U.S. Embassy staff and their families in Santiago, where he also conducted a ceremonial swearing in for the new Ambassador to Chile, Mike Hammer. Back at the White House, the regal beat of drums and trumpets, rang out across the South Lawn, as ambassadors from six countries were greeted at the White House to mark the formal beginning of their service. Later that day, the President hosted a conference call for leaders in communities all across the country who are working hard to remind people that March 31st is the deadline for enrolling in health care this year. Speaking of good health, the president got to meet the supremely healthy athletes who are the NCAA Division One men's and women's champions in sports ranging from hockey to track and field. Audience Members: Yeah. The President: (inaudible). (laughter) Narrator: On Tuesday, Funny or Die released a special episode of Zach Galifianakis' hit web series Between Two Ferns, featuring President Barack Obama. Zach Galifianakis: And I had to get my great-aunt some diabetes shoes, and -- The President: You know what, Zach, it's no fun. I mean I have to say when I heard that people actually watch this show, I was actually pretty surprised. Zach Galifianakis: Hi. So do you go to any websites that are dot coms or dot nets or do you mainly just stick with dot govs? The President: No, actually, we go to dot govs. Have you heard of healthcare.gov? Zach Galifianakis: Here we go. Okay, let's get this out of the way. What did you come here to plug? Is this what they mean by drones? The President: The point is that a lot of young people, they think they're invincible. Zach Galifianakis: Did you say invisible? Narrator: That morning, President Obama added the Point Arena-Stornetta Public Lands to existing national monument land in California. He's now protected land, provided refuge to a number of threatened and endangered species, including the Point Arena Mountain Beaver, and the California Red Lake Frog. The President: (inaudible). Yeah, that's what I figured. Male Speaker: You like whales? The President: Oh, I love whales. Laughter. The President: Who doesn't like whales? Narrator: Meanwhile, in Chile, the Vice President met with President Juan Manuel Santos of Columbia before traveling to the national congress building in Valparaiso, to attend the inauguration of Her Excellency Michelle Bachelet. The VP then went to Cerro Castillo, kind of like the Chilean Camp David, to meet with the newly minted president and other leaders in the western hemisphere. Back in the northern hemisphere, the President traveled to New York City where he visited a Gap clothing store, to highlight the Gap's decision to increase the wages of their entry-level workers. The President: Hey, guys. For them to get that little extra boost, it's not only good for them and their families, it's also good for the entire economy. Male Speaker: You're in charge (inaudible) -- Female Speaker: (inaudible). Narrator: While at the Gap, the President decided to pick up some nice gifts for Malia, Sasha, and the First Lady. Female Speaker: He's better looking in person. Female Speaker: Right. The President: You get a kiss for that. Come on over here, there you go. Audience Members: Aw. The President: This is so much fun, shall we? Oh, why, you say you can sign the machine? Female Speaker: Absolutely. The President: I'm just teasing everybody. I, everybody was busy scribbling. Narrator: On Wednesday, the President met with a group of advocates who were getting the word out about the Affordable Care Act. He sat down with the WebMD crew for an interview, and then welcomed the Prime Minister of Ukraine to the Oval Office. Prime Minister Yatsenyuk: We are ready to negotiate. Narrator: At the end of the day, the President convened a meeting with women members of Congress, to discuss an upcoming working family summit, to be held on June 23. On Thursday, the President spoke on the urgent need to support hard-working Americans by giving them the overtime pay they deserve. And to wrap up this week's West Wing Week, the President ended the day with the participants of the 52nd Annual U.S. Senate Youth Program, an annual week-long event in Washington, D.C., for outstanding high school students, who are interested in pursuing careers in public service. Well, there it is, the end of the few minutes you've spent watching the West Wing Week. To find out more information in any of these topics, or to see complete videos of these events, go to Whitehosue.gov, and thanks again for checking out your West Wing Week. The President: I'm going to press this. Male Speaker: Don't touch that, please. Male Speaker: Thanks for the interview, and thanks for letting me shoot my show here, all these years. The President: You've been shooting these shows here in the Diplomatic Room? Who gave you permission to do that? Zach Galifianakis: Bush. The President: Seriously? Who gave you the clearance? Zach Galifianakis: Watch the spider bite. The President: That's the other hand. Male Speaker: Don't (inaudible), it everywhere.
Channel: The Obama White House
Views: 69,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: President Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, Vice President Biden, Dr Jill Biden, Healthcare, Between Two Ferns, Zack Galifianakis, Affordable Care Act, Point Arena-Stornetta Public Lands, Chile, Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Ukraine, Natalie Jones, Sonia Del Gatto, Susan Panariello, Adam Scott, Larry Stornetta, Merita Whatley, Lisa Zamosky, Overtime Pay, Juan Manuel Santos, Sebastián Piñera, Michelle Bachelet, Nancy Pelosi, Mike Hammer, Mario Lopez, Thomas Perez
Id: MFK3CiCimx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 30sec (390 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 14 2014
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