Wescipes: The Quarantine Cookalong!

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so I accidentally breath blood 29 but do we need to wait till it's exactly 6 ok questions about the meal I've got a little fryer for those of you who are watching right now go ahead if you have oil you can have canola oil all of peanuts go ahead and get you a large skillet like this or I have this deep fryer so I'm gonna set this at about 320 ok Rio wants to know the fake your favorite thing you make I was gonna say how my pasta but okay I say a andreat wants to know if it's the first time you made this dish no this is a mark here hey Mark Lowry the one and only bar this is one of my boys fingers so I make this all the time so I don't like this doesn't say what time it is that'll be the official time what's your Margaret Willoughby wants to know your favorite dessert I was gonna say that uh oh there's Marilyn Mary Poppins I love her great chocolate chip cookie mmm and we have a new one whose cookie is it Jojo oh you are look at you represent oh they're so good I think you need to tell them the temperature thing again that you okay something a little deeper but we're using the deep fryer Oh kind of difficult to hear with and the other voice is very is very loud Oh coach Parker okay I'm here it's a little behind okay so get your oil heated to about 330 degrees you can use for those candy thermometers you can use chef Hooper Lisa Reese so just get it to where it's starting to rip a little bit you'll be adjusted okay so this is the oil it's heating right now it's at about 250 so now we gotta prep the chicken so these are the four liners are great for doing this so where are you going I'm going to set this underneath your subtle this is my birthday I'm going to get a sharp knife and one of my pet peeves boys what is one of our pet peeves about chicken when we give it certain places what they're still saying really hard to hear with high oh no Lily ran Rundle says that you can't you can be heard so okay let me see it on that case it's amber thank you for all your work Thank You amber she's an RN she's been with patients thank you thank you kitchen shears okay this little thing right here a lot of restaurants don't cut this out this is the tendon or the tenderloin okay cut that out this will cook okay but you can cut that all day long you don't will not it'll still be like a rubber band you're trying to chew on okay so do this they have this little membrane on here it's kind of gross but you clip that and just peel it off okay some of you might have chicken breasts just make sure all the fat is trimmed off okay so look at that that's all clean I'm gonna do all of these right now with you since this is you cook along and once you do this to me this is the most time-consuming part of this whole thing have any questions we've had some questions goodbye but I didn't want to Oh Marilyn said hi Cardin okay this video will be available on YouTube yes yes channel oh and wow you just reminded me if you have not subscribed to the channel go ahead and subscribe but cause I'm gonna have a random drawing at the end to those that are subscribed and we will give away my CD to several people cassia love wha well he's making panko chicken and couscous hi from California Ricky Lee from West Virginia California do you still talk to guy Penrod I don't talk to guy much the last time I talked a guy I think was at the reunion the reunion taking it that's on TV now people are buying sometimes let's see but I talked to uh I talked to Marsh quite a bit and I talked to mark Lowry who is your vocal inspiration Saskatchewan Canada John Yoder thanks John David John says I think Cardin is West junior spitting image do you cook as well as you sing I'll answer that Karen Yoder he he absolutely does patty Santoro she just described on your link Long Island thanks for curing the extra oak adding the extra fat West yeah Bonnie and Harvick sorry when the piper says hey Fran Collins are you and Marsh planning a singing soon okay from Denmark oh wait oh oh it went away it went away where'd it go wait I don't know where the thing is you have to I don't know there sorry everybody I'm new at this okay has everybody chicken people trim in chicken hey tell me how many are actually making this and how many are just watching yeah if you're just watching no one's making it that it's totally fine I'm gonna go pretty quickly then so see it Nancy hi this is what you do when you you have to cut these in half you see how thick these are you can fry these like this but they will take forever and I don't like big of a piece of tenderloin so if you go to Cracker Barrel and you order their grilled tenderloins this is what they do they cut them in half so really when you're getting a plate of 16 to the loins you're only getting a plate of 3 look how much skinnier that is seems more breading yeah means more breading and look you keep your hand totally straight I almost kind of arch it like that okay if you have a sharp knife just very easily run it through there sander graves is making it uncle Danny and Aunt Nancy so uncle Danny must have gotten there safely oh okay Oh Elaine kibe miles is making it tomorrow so she's watching it tonight okay so you see what I'm doing I have one too these are three tenderloins right here that I've cut in half so two times three is six right boys okay so I've got another old red train here always have reading trains whenever I'm prepping food because red means danger to me Jodi says hi juice his cookies around he cuts them with biscuit cutters no ice cream scoops sorry not biscuit cutters and they're always perfectly round you don't press the cookies down okay so I got these I'm almost over my chicken I'm gonna do this really quickly so we can scoot okay and then I have some gonna helpers they were gonna help me really really soon has everybody seen the guys um well kinda who are you how old are you and how old 14:14 ok solo is the poly bat anywhere else the pollens awful here is about to kill this so here we sniffle you're clear my throat I don't have Brian the boys do not choose to sing they actually can keep pitch but it's not they don't they don't enjoy that really they all play piano let's see we do have some kicking oh ok I'm gonna watch my chicken hands Lisa Reese wants to know how you sanitize your cutting boards those right there put them in st. as soon as I'm done get super hot water and and then I will get some dawn and this scrub brush and scrub it like crazy ok there mix it off set it to the side and then I will what I'm doing the rest of the dishes when I'm done watching everything else let's think I'll put that back in the sink and wash it again with the claw I'm not too concerned about getting these super super clean because I never put fresh meat I never put cooked meat on these these are only for all so this is going to cook if there were something on there obviously me to cook it it's gonna kill her okay look I've got all my chicken here what I'm gonna do is solid table saw I had kosher salt people like to do this and you want to seize them really well okay you can always season after they're cooked but it's better if you seasons pretty liberally to salt I'm just gonna season one side or take so I'm seasoning in it they're saying I'm too loud I've got to talk quieter you me said it you not you you have to talk louder and I've got to talk quieter you aren't really talking about that okay I'm talking this chicken really literally this is a liberal yeah Lots where did you get that salt container the original one we got from I ordered him from Alton Brown website he's a cooking guy but we packed it when we moved seven years ago and we never have found it okay liberal again liberally apply the seasoning okay somebody just showed up now listen if y'all it's kind of like this I wind up getting a little microphone that I've next you where that you can really hear me and we're in quarantine I'm not gonna salt garlic powder okay here and we're off we're about done okay pepper somebody said why kosher salt I like to be able to pinch it and just dash it on there if you're doing something like a steak kosher salt is much better for cause table salt dissolves way more quickly so you don't get a good a good crust time okay does that make sense so kosher salt makes them more of a crust okay this is all seasoned now I'm gonna get get you a bowl a big bowl I just have a gallon baggie okay I'm gonna get some regular flour to some all-purpose flour Thank You Isaiah he said he can hear us both perfectly so he's not complaining about my all-purpose flour I'm not married yet I'm getting I'd say that is about a cup and a half of flour that's the bowl gallon baggie okay I'm not gonna season this because I've already seasoned the chicken so I'm gonna get my red tongs oh yes wrong what that means Danger Danger I'm gonna get all these and throw them in here and then I'm going to I can't member the the lady's name you asked about the sanitizing oh Lisa Lisa are neighbourly yeah oh so put these in the sink right now they just wash her at work David John asked about this this couscous we're coming to this is is for you that is not Kostka you can get it at Costco but that is just you can get it at Walmart thank you sighs okay so now I'm gonna be careful with this I don't want to I'm gonna sit on the edge to this this part is not so sweeping once you get your flour and the baggie of a bowl that is good babe and also press it in we went out today and this lady has how many she had 25 and I think somebody just gave her 75 but there was absolutely no social we didn't even see a human they were laid this morning all right got the eggs in there buddy send out people give me a hard time about the expiration date on this milk typically expiration date no we can get about four or five days after the day so I never knew the smell it in there because you get all that dried milk and that's what you smell pour it in a in a cup okay and then make sure it's good it's good how much sure you pour it in there I do about 12 to 16 ounces okay okay so 12 to 16 ounces and two eggs so far yeah okay and will we have can we maybe print this on youtube like can we yes and show you what all the ingredient lists down how much to do I'm gonna go to the little yes so don't worry about writing it down right now Josh said hi goose at least it's not on your base let's show the can anywhere okay so these four see and don't that they have flavored pink oh right so he port you pulled that pour that whole can watch what we do why you have to she can drive first they say get the raw chicken dip it in egg and in panco no because the the panko will fall off if you don't do that so if you have a drying the flour that gives the egg and the milk something to stick to does that make sense mm-hmm primer it's looking craggly yeah see that it's kind of crackle yeah I didn't know what craggly was the work and what I'm gonna do I'm gonna put every bit of this chicken in this wash right now shake a lot of excess flour off more questions why I'm doing this this is uh what does couscous taste like noodle balls that's a great creamy noodle balls it that's that is really good semolina pasta Gracie Kincaid would like you to say hello hey Chris Christine Duggar said bread is her favorite color and she would like you to say her name also hey Christine Christine which is a beautiful name where did you get that stirring utensil and what is it called let's just say I didn't see what she used yeah it's a whisk that doesn't have the that looks like it looks like you got a whisk and you got something you cut I'm gonna show it to you again surely it's down there I bet I bet all Amazon could hook you up I don't know if you'll get it anytime soon okay I'm gonna my hands are gonna get gross anyway so I'm just gonna check to see if I'm any more chicken these are always fun to get these little pieces right now and they get a little piece boys one of you there's a new cookbook in the near future please say yes the quarantine is helping that come along quickly certain things while I've been in quarantine surely Hudson found one for you okay Oh with ball whisk it's one of the first circuit first good job had some you don't want to overcrowd the pan okay if you're clicking with the pan if you have tongs if you have a slotted spoon make sure you moving the chicken around what happens is it sticks to the bottom of the pan making a little burn marks okay well I love about this fryer is that it never touches the bottom stays in a basket so I've got okay you can help fry me hi they're gonna be fine too chicken in a minute by themselves while I do the couscous okay so I've just got a big oh dear that's a mess let the excess drip off okay I kind of scrape it on the bowl thank you garden okay put that in with the pink up yeah and you did maybe three in your loin yes probably three or four I'm gonna do the same thing again cuz I'm gonna fry about ATVs at once six to eight okay if you do too many at once what happens the oil drops in temperature and then what happens is the panko soaks up that oil and you have you ever had super greasy chicken I really greasy chicken fingers or like a cutlet it's because the oil was not hot enough so I've got to give it in here what I'm gonna do help me fry Brian he was 15 I'm gonna move this over here Karen McBride said hi to everybody this is a safety cord any movement look at it wrong this will come to pass okay buddy set that right there so that to the side know what I'm gonna do I will really sanitize this countertop when I'm done because I am I don't want to get salmonella or coke at 19 do you think never heard it dogs I don't think we're not talking about how is everybody doing really but with the quarantine everybody's saying staying at home except except our doctors and nurses and paramedics food workers uh very very grateful very grateful okay y'all I'm going to put this in this is such an easy easy dish meal in addition and where I get these chicken tenderloins from Piggly Wiggly which is really close to us and they're typically like $2.99 a pound which is great a great price they're always that prize so I'll buy you know eight ten pounds of chicken and fries it was because I have these dudes that eat all the time okay card put it in once you get your chicken in there I haven't I run over three minutes go ahead shake it three minutes Oh Alexis Alexa doesn't all of our timers alright and truckers you're right Sandra Brian asked how we met we met in college in Nashville at trevecca Nazarene University or you need to say something I was a I was starting my junior year and Wes was starting his freshman year and we met before school started I found out he was a huge vocal band fan so I knew he was from good stock does Wes have a tabouli recipe no I don't think you got it all this is almost done this has about a minute and half left and already have some more sorry this is right ready to go also what you can do if you don't want to wait like this you can get one of those wire those cookies cooling racks you know and you can't get your chicken and set just gives you pan set the wire rack on top and just let your chicken sit there and that will actually make the breading stick better to the chicken - somebody asked what kind it is a Breville rebel I don't have this thing for probably what seven years for all of wes's haha birthday Christmas everything my whole family goes in and we do gift cards to kitchen type places so that's that's what he likes more than anything shake that river oh my were look at that okay leave it in there about 15 more seconds okay you're ready listen and depending on how thinly sliced chicken it could be done in two minutes two and a half I typically don't let it go beyond three so any difference if it were in the skillet uh no just just make sure you you're always watching your oil once you cook some chicken you need to put the lid back on the pan to let it come back after temperature okay you can get a candy thermometer for fifteen twenty bucks you can just clip to the side of that around 3 and 30 degrees look how beautiful that is okay card and shake that and then pour it out I have just a large sheet pan line and this is this is like a massive paper towel okay you said that what kind of oil whatever whatever you want to use grapeseed oil is great and grapeseed oil it's pretty expensive that's good okay now if your let me watch the hands I'm going to show you something if you're not sure if the chicken is done what you do in there is you studied if you're not sure the chicken is done I get this concept the Benz has to come over here and the things for the chicken and I bit it in half look at that that's per bit he won't want to try that tell me does it need any more salt oh babe don't reach over the grease just a burn you don't really know me solo is already is already preheated so I'm gonna put some and just even almost Arthur couscous while the boys finish the chicken okay are y'all enjoying this is this boring is this interesting if it's boring don't tell me and also don't tell if the videographer is awful we need more live videos from us mark mark Lowry now we're talking he's gonna send me a little device where I can use an actual video camera shut down to non-medical and like a murder they are lebanon babe okay they said so there are more than five at least seven there's 229 well this is great this will be a YouTube forever Christine said I'm doing a great job thank you Christine Christine let's do this right here I'm gonna set this to two and a half it's okay go beautiful do more of these please Isaiah he used the entire thing a pinko and is gonna actually open another one this is the Osprey sirzob this is a Walmart brand I've typically buy I think a 12 to 16 ounce this is all they had okay so I have two eight ounces I use about half of this what happens with the panco if you get down to where you're getting low on Pankau it doesn't stick as well because it's absorb the moist too much moisture so I just do about a half Karen McBride wants to know if this is in the cookbook yes it is Karen is it in the original cookbook I kind of don't I don't know Brenda Higdon is commenting on my skills also thank you passenger so look I'm really about done probably said you got more chicken actually I might be doing okay they don't have to eat very much see you boys thank you David John he said I should be the homecoming videographer what's the name of the cookbook okay marina you ready what is recipes it's on West's website if if you're needing it yes Fran it is supper tonight 37 Alexa's talking to us Heidi I am I'm 18 months old or to school trades older than less he's probably the most whatever of the kids here we go again excellent the last chicken okay now once I do this I'm gonna keep you started let's go ahead turn another skill it a big saucepan whatever go ahead and get your feet set to medium okay we're gonna get the Cruces going right now do I have a favorite dish really I am a huge pasta fan so anytime he makes anything he makes homemade pasta a lot so I like anything pasta wise I like anything with rice I really just like carbs in general are you the boss in the family Marilyn Tomlin I'm not in my whoo somebody had ravioli tonight yeah I baked mine how how long do you think it will need to bag ravioli no this chicken oh okay it depends on how thick it is if you have a 350 oven I would be bobbing check after 12 to 15 minutes you have to turn it flip it if you cook it on a wire rack no you shouldn't you shouldn't have to would you certainly can't okay there's no more chicken in there this is garbage no what do you laugh I trust this sign there it's 3:30 I'm still washing sorry okay rinsing you see that stick of butter over there we're just gonna help okay okay that's an unpeeled yeah unwrap that who cooks more Andrea that you were wet what do you what do you say boys stop I only cook when Wes isn't here which actually is a lot of the time but I don't I don't do things like this I do I do easy like what you would make in college okay you can do olive oil you can do your tablespoon but the boys will they like this I've got so they put that in there thank you that's unsalted butter so what I'm gonna do give a little teaspoon out salt you got salt okay but I'm just gonna do about a half a teaspoon okay you can always salt later anywhere okay it's super high they've got chicken and beef and don't handle favors you can be pork vegetable so from London hello from London we love Avery city why unsalted butter so you can control the salt is couscous pasta technically it's right here but you probably can't see that the agreements are wheat flour so it's similarly the flour just like what's impossible okay and it's crazy I don't have much left in there but I'll put some really hot water with an instant hot water so that's just wait that's just bullion okay you don't have to do that you can use chicken stock okay hello from Brazil and they know you do one 1/2 cups of liquid to one cup of couscous sixteen David okay so three cups of couscous we are a homeschooling family however we're on spring break so sweet good morning awesome I shake it really bad yeah I'm getting hot water right now we ran some hot water heater Oh am I supposed to show him that okay we install this when we did the house because my aunt and uncle have it shout-out to uncle Danny and Aunt Nancy that's cloudy because I had a little milk from earlier in there but we love having that instant hot water so look this is four cups oh he's coming around me and typically about time I'll really toast this couscous okay good job good job toast it before you add the water is what you're saying huh all right look at this chicken I was trying to buy it I think it needs a little more salt so you want to salt it what's so hot okay the salt will stick to it better okay this will stay fairly hot for a while if you want to make this ahead of time eat you're having about 200 degrees hundred fifty even and then put it in the oven so you can like this and you're good to go okay so now we're done with this great cake now we're pouring water all of it ones yes all of it let me get another half cup Hudson way to go son about 12 minutes once it comes to a boil put the top on I didn't have a lot of bullion in there so I'm gonna do another teaspoon of kosher salt one teaspoon of kosher salt is almost like a half teaspoon of table salt okay because there's so much more coarse Alexis it time for 12 minutes that's hilarious capes Parker he is doing wonderfully he's very cautious when he drives and so it's been a very smooth transition although he's only had his license for a month I was a month today and he hasn't been able to drive long we've been in quarantine for two weeks and before that Wes and I were out of town in a ton so he didn't drive me then so let's see somebody asked some do I need the boys but yes the boys all play piano I play a little guitar a little drums and none of them have chosen to take up singing these Lisa wants to know how you dispose of old oil we filter [Music] when I put back in there so we put I use this this Oh in a funnel in this fall on top of the oil and then I get the oil container once the holes completely so I'll hold this and He pours the oil into this and it would filter out any kind of you know bread whatever so we might use it what three five or six he says that's really how long's that sophisticate 12 ish minutes once 12 minutes are gone by you'll see it'll get much much thicker they get get a little spoon out and try it and you'll never tell about this to it if it's not tender enough you'll know just like cooking up another couple minutes if the liquid gets too low I add little milk to it because they like it creamy okay at the end I'll probably put another tablespoon or two of butter Shirley said every time we talk to our timer girl hers thinks we're talking to her that's funny he that he can be very ugly to her did she I just there's times where she just doesn't which of the boys do y'all like better it depends on the day oh thank you Karen for your encouragement okay it's dirty this Brian is Wes his hobby this is what he does to relieve stress to be creative so don't yeah don't don't lick this part of this over here okay any other questions who is Oh what kind of vegetables can you make with this I love to roast cauliflower I love roasting cauliflower the boys all ate steamed broccoli so will steamed broccoli andrea is not crazy about just plain Tom please someone get a piece of Velveeta or something 2% Kraft okay um cauliflower yeah roasted cauliflower steamed broccoli I just I did turn up Stu nights ago you just get a little rolling I can cut the turnips let them cook it up just a little bit add some water some salt and that's it so so good we don't squash so we're well I'm a really big see like see how so this is him Vic that's really thickened up already is this releasing all that starch into the water but we have a little rogue look at that he said he's had burnt little fella he's gonna go over there yeah he's got kind of burnt to a crisp so now look how much cleaner looks any more questions any okay y'all met chip and Joanna no I Norma I call them my best friends and anytime we go and target and go in their little section a target the boys say it mom yours your best friends but no we have not not met them yeah you funniest moment with vocal ban that's when they the stage in the round sudol wonderful stage in the middle of everyone I remember cook times Marsha fell almost Malcolm yeah Malcolm mark Lowry is Marcia there no mark threw up in my car somebody just said that about favorite Vocal Band song no he called me after but after a favorite song to sing um depends on the day gave your song sinners saved by grace he'll call Mount Calvary Jesus was something about that name because he lives this is not a gator song and sing it sometimes as little as much there's there's so many great songs prefer to sing or cook it's very rewarding because I can hear some reason do you enjoy the cameo video thing I love the one you did for me he they said she's Norma ss especially now in concerts concerts are Spears do you have do you guys have worship before singing we always pray before we say and family fest go I have a worship time backstage before each session but before you concert yes wait service is better but typically on the road now but we would not have a worship and usually Bill's already on stage by the time the four of you start praying all the times he'll he always prays after we do sound check that's kind of a prayer time and then obviously before the vocal band comes on bills already out so the guys in this particular group Mary always pray before we go out to say for sure for sure yeah we have we go through the same stuff everyone else so we have times where we lift one another up when someone is struggling people saying come back to England a couple people saying they hate the concerts canceled for April but they understand but from what I hear most of those are being re scheduled so not yes no we have not heard anything about the Sanford one being rescheduled though have we no yeah well we'll see does he prank your back dad you know at this point it's usually my kids that are pranking my dad at this point or video in him while he's asleep you haven't for a while he's a great reactor so it can be very skittish yes sanitizing this anything about Theresa height says I'm watching this on my phone and having choir rehearsal on Facebook live from our living room our music Minister and praise team are at church broadcasting that's great that is multitasking Theresa my new rescue dog is from Alabama oh hold on I just got out of that this is not my specialty sorry sorry oh there you are okay nah I wasn't out of the app I just couldn't see it do you prank the other guys at Oh Marilyn do you prank the other boy he's not a whole lot this is great oh you do the bus drivers he's a little skittish - yeah so he's really famous here Tata's photos here I remember when Dave was in the group favorite scare me a lot I remember though I could get in his bunk the benefit of being smaller I could give him his bunk at night oh I didn't know that Tom Cole says please do this again Norma says do you have any more concerts with jack and Charlotte planned in the next did weskit - no vest oh he did not she passed what year did she pass mark was saying it the other day she passed maybe 2001 and West joined in Oh five maybe so West I mean mark told us the other day but now we did not get to officially meet her just as fans meet her Oh somebody say in February - I said in February 2004 2004 Morse a.m. 2004 so just right before oh so good I love you see how it's pretty dry so I'm gonna do I'm gonna turn the heat down look I have the heat just a little too high but it's no problem what we'll do Alexa it's done where the rest is milk in here okay this still needs a little more cooking time Lily it is amazing because some Lily said it looks amazing it's so good and you can do I mean you can add garlic powder this you can even is it anything like orzo uh yeah that's it similar to orzo orzo to me is it's always been more of a cold like an orzo salad and foggy let's see let's see I'll put that note be there in that butter just makes it but you can put if you have some raw chicken cut up in little pieces and the last seven eight minutes if you have really small cubes you can put this in the couscous and let it cook it mm-hmm it all cooks together okay so this is really close the big thing before you serve just make sure you taste for seasoning a lot of people don't a lot of restaurants don't season their food well and I've always I was talking to somebody than oh maybe I think it was Maryland about I like to serve food that doesn't need anything added to it I like to so the panko chicken I want to eat it and have to add salt to it there's not any salt to target should we should you try just a little of this see I don't you know I want you bring him out I don't want you to burn your mouth so he ate the bite okay Oh a little more salt Hudson can you get my cup out of there please I'm measuring right there Oh No yeah fill it up about a half a cup of water from hot water tap I'm add another half a teaspoon water again good look I added about 3/4 more of a teaspoon buddy go ahead porn in there and I'm gonna turn this up this literally has two more minutes and they'll be perfect you got onion powder to this really you can add vegetables to this mmm because we have four boys I I tend to keep like this it's almond to me it's almost like having macaroni and cheese as a side it's just a real comfort pepper I dare you to stick your nose in there and sniff oh yeah this is my spice drawer you could show I don't care there's a lot of loose spice I don't think it's bad it needs to be alphabetized I think Freddie's a little a little things make sure you always check expiration dates with spices cuz they do expire so you can ask my mom about cumin yeah Andrea's mom I think she had something was it like 20 years expire maybe you might not should be saying that but when they expired they lose her flavor so I could put this whole thing of cumin in here because expired and you really wouldn't taste it okay we got our Freddy's yeah that's steak burger fries evening which is always great okay Freddy's is like a Steak and Shake in a sense Hudson I need another half a cup of water you could also if if you don't care about calories and you're trying to be really indulgent you can add half-and-half to this you can even finish it with some cream okay but I did not put there's probably maybe a half of cup of 2% milk in this four tablespoons of butter which for all this is not at odds with it's not again you can omit the butter you can do a few tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil you might you can't even do coconut oil depending on what you get some coconut oil is really strong you get the Nicole said the chicken baked for about 20 to 25 minutes at 350 and it smells amazing okay so have you I think she hasn't tried it yet well yo we're about to sign up I think I might do those cookies at some point soon Friday Kevin Williams will be with me I don't know what we're gonna do we're gonna be something like this to where Kevin and I will be together I think it's gonna be on Facebook we're social distancing has anybody actually made this with us and by us I mean Wes yeah is that coconut milk no it was regular milk no no herbs David miss Marilyn was know if you had some fresh form basil this at the very end you don't want to put at the beginning any kind of fresh herbs you cook with Adam at the end like the last 36 Raya said she did it the way you said and it's awesome off caps good great just Richard just taste it for seasoning it's a big thing if you don't have a salt it's not gluten-free baniyas it is not I'm sorry it is wheat is tell American we milk in here plain Oh wonderful how much chicken broth would you add to the couscous couscous I will I will do that but then I'll add another cup is that make sense so buddy two cups of couscous I'll do the three cups of liquid it says and then I'll add almost you know 3/4 half a cup more liquid because I thought it's not quite enough to liquid for that it's merely one of these glands please okay look this is ready hey bark yeah absolutely Norma she has a friend exposed to the virus asked first a break yeah we had passed mr. price Lisa Reese says she has a ton of flat leaf parsley in her veggie garden if you want some see how it kind of goes back it's kinda like risotto when you cook risotto right you do this and it slowly pulls back together that's done okay okay when you serve this if it starts getting too thick just add like a quarter cup more water or a quarter cup of warm milk to it it'll loosen right back okay you might need to just seasoning depending on put in there I think I think we're good to go so this is it your office our chicken she keeps keys so um also make sure again I said beginning if you subscribe subscribe this channel we will randomly pick random subscribers that says that subscribe tonight and I'm gonna send out several CDs so if you're chosen well contact you send us your address and then we will send you my new homes and then we'll be back Friday you'll be back yes it will be with Kevin we'll post it thanks for watching and putting with us and our you know it's a full hour sorry about that but that's how long it took to do all these things because he can do multiple things at once easier okay thank you bye bye bye
Channel: Wes Hampton
Views: 24,241
Rating: 4.9413919 out of 5
Keywords: wes, hampton, gvb, gaither, vocal, band
Id: RLP2kqyggR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 16sec (3616 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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