Were There Giants in the Earth?

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all right Daniel chapter number two we get a lot of stops to make tonight Daniel chapter number two I have not taught this lesson far as I know since the summer of 1997 some of you weren't alive in 1997 some of you weren't spiritually alive in 1997 but in a way how many of you believe the the record in the bible of david and goliath how many of you believe that's that's that really happened okay so when I when I say we're gonna talk tonight about giants in the earth all of us would agree there has been at least one giant in the earth a giant man when compared to other men okay so surprisingly the world they've they've lost interest a lot of these and a lot of things people were interested in when I first got saved started preaching they've lost interest in everybody now that they've moved away from from Giants and and aliens that they thought might have been real and now they're just totally wrapped up in in fiction Batman Superman Wonder Man that's the transgender superhero and and all this that they just that I'm trying to connect to even even their their fairy tales stuff they want to be a hundred percent false and made-up anymore but this real serious business in the Bible and I'm gonna preface a lesson by saying this if you don't agree with what we study tonight it has nothing to do with your salvation it has nothing to do with your walk with God it's it's it's not a fellowship maker or breaker but whatever topic it is don't disagree with something just because you disagree with it have some Bible reason to agree or disagree have some scriptural foundation to agree or disagree because nobody's opinion really amounts to anything and in the long run we're stand before God so let's we're all over in the last days here Daniel 243 prophetically looking ahead into the future and Daniel is being given by God the interpretation of a dream that God gave to Nebuchadnezzar about the world the Gentile world powers that would rule the earth in successive order the times the Gentiles begin with a head of gold and the Babylonian Empire in Daniel 937 the head of gold and Daniel's image is is the Babylonian Empire then verse 39 after these arise another Kingdom inferior to thee and and another third kingdom of brass and then verse 40 a fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron for as much iron breaketh in pieces and so you got the Babylonians you got the Medes and the Persians you've got the Greeks you got the Romans and and there has been no world ruling power since the fall of the Roman Empire the thing is been frag divided fragmented and the scripture goes on to say this in verse 42 is the toes the feet were part of iron and part of clay so the kingdom should be partly strong and partly broken and whereas thou sawest iron mixed with clay and in the days of these kings show the God of heaven set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed verse 45 for as much as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands and then it break in pieces the iron the brass the clay the silver the gold the Great God have made known to the king what should come to pass hereafter and the dream is certain the interpretation thereof is sure ok here's what we would all agree on there have been a sequence of world powers beginning with nebuchadnezzar and running to the roman empire that's that's generally agreed upon we would all agree that one day Jesus Christ is coming back to this earth the stone without hands and he will crush all of these the he will crush the kingdom that exists at the time of his coming and all the remain leftovers of the previous kingdoms he will be the king of Kings he will be the Lord of lords he will put down all other governing powers and he shall reign forever and ever praise God what what there's a great deal of disagreement about is who will be the powers that are governing when we get all the way down to the toes of this image of Nebuchadnezzar we're past the head we're past the torso we're past the legs we're all the way down to the toes and the Bible says in that 43rd verse they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men doesn't that sound like whoever they are they aren't men doesn't it sound like the kings of the last days will be more than flesh and blood reproductions of Adam but they will be perhaps the principalities and powers come down to the earth they will be perhaps some supernatural force or another I believe the science fiction literature of our day and I believe the mythology of past ages has prepared the world for to to welcome rescuers or deliverers or as the Old Testament prophets called them save yours if you're going through 21 tribulation judgments anybody that offers you some help you're probably inclined to take it but who are they and what does it mean mingling themselves with the seed of men it will takes a while to get there but we'll get there tonight now soon enough come to Genesis chapter number 3 Genesis chapter number 3 and here's the first prophecy regarding the saviors first coming and second coming and the opponent of the Savior and the opponent of mankind Genesis 3:14 and the Lord God said unto the serpent we know who that is isaiah 27 and revelation 20 and devil and Lord God said to the serpent because now it's done this thou art cursed above all cattle and above every beast of the field upon thy belly shalt thou go and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life and I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed it shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel so we have emphasized many times in studying the virgin birth of Jesus Christ and other topics that it is naturally impossible for a woman to have a child the seed comes from the man but here the seed is in the woman without the man and we say that that's the supernatural working of God to bring the Son of God the Lord Jesus Christ into the world God manifest in the flesh just as supernatural is the statement between thy seed and her seed if the woman is going to have an offspring and we take that to be a literal statement from God to Adam he also says that the serpent is going to have offspring that's what he said he didn't say he didn't say between you and the seed of the woman he said between thy seed and her seed so it looks like God's got a son and the devil is going to have maybe a son of perdition or maybe a whole bunch of children or offspring let's let's see let's just pursue that just for a little bit in the Bible there's a phrase and it's used for two four six different groups or individuals that phrase his son of God now God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son Jesus Christ is God's only begotten Son he's the only one that God selected and ordained to be the savior of the world to be the great high priest to be the resurrection and the life when the modern Bibles try to change the King James enough to get their own copyright they do silly things that show they have no understanding of the scriptures they are translating or revising or whatever it is they claim to be doing they changed John 3:16 to for God so loved the world he gave His one and only Son not realizing that in John chapter one they just rendered as close as they could the King James statement in John 1:12 as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God well if in Chapter one everybody that received Christ as their Savior becomes the Son of God how when you get to chapter three can you not remember that long enough to render it something other than his one and only son Jesus Christ is not God's only Son I'm his son are you saved alright you're Irish anyway son of God in the Bible is a term for an individual or a group of individuals that are sinless at the time of their of their creation or are from their beginning okay Jesus Christ when he came into the world he is called the son of God why there's no sin in him Adam is called the son of God why because now he didn't he didn't live without sin but he started without sin the nation of Israel will see that in just a minute angels and the born-again Christian are all called sons of God how can I be called the son of God well because when I had my new birth the moment I was born again I was born without sin I was made a new creature no sin praise the Lord and so I can be called the son of God no just like Adam I I've sinned since then but that doesn't take away the designation praise the Lord alright come to job one in job 38 job chapter 1 and job 38 what's any of this got to do with Giants plenty plenty job 1 and job 38 yacht used to be back in the day I we had a pastor stop by today and we're talking about the good old days 40 years ago when if someone asked you a question about the Bible they would listen long enough for you to answer them from the Bible today what they want to do is ask a question in 30 seconds you have to give your opinion and then at the end of 30 seconds they will give you their opinion as to whether or not they agree with you that's not the way to learn anything it take it takes time to get the answer to even a simple question job 1 verse number 6 now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan came also among them we certainly can't get into all that but Satan is standing before the Lord correct also standing before the Lord with Satan are a group of something some kind of beings that are called sons of God everybody see that alright job 38 job 38 and verse number 4 where was now and I laid the foundations of the earth well know where job was know where his three friends were know where the young fella showed up later was know where his wife was know where there was nobody there of Adam's race declare if thou has to understanding who has laid the measures thereof if thou knowest who has stretched the line opponent whereupon of the foundations thereof fastened or who laid the cornerstone thereof when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy there is no one who came from Adam who is present when God made this present earth but there's somebody there singing now we're not going to get into this tonight but I don't know how you put those people or those beings whoever they are at the end of Genesis or after the fall of Adam when they are there praising God when God makes it when God builds the earth they are present praising God and he's not going to get around to Adam today six of what you read a lot in Genesis chapter one they're called sons of God they're called morning stars singing the stars don't show up until what is day three they they three for day four of creation hear God's laying the foundation and there are morning stars there praising God one one quickly revelation one let's let's keep moving Revelation chapter 1 Revelation chapter 1 and verse number 16 and he had in his right hand seven stars verse 20 the mystery of the Seven Stars which thou sawest in my right hand and the Seven golden candlesticks the seven stars are the Quran the angels of the seven churches now we're just going to just gonna stay with the Bible stars angels angels stars morning stars sons of God present when he laid the foundation of the earth before he made man or Adam man somebody's there praising God for what he's doing they're called sons of God and they're called angels how can they be called sons of God because at the time God made them or created them they are without sin if you go back read Genesis 1 quickly we're not going to get into any any gap argument this evening you go back read Genesis 1 show me where the angels cherubim Seraphim are created they're not in there before you read about what God made on those six days somebody's there in the grandstands to cheer as he does it and to sing praise to God when he does it well just if if if we're going to take these things literally and and that's that's what we're gonna try to do just leave it leave like it's written okay come to Isaiah 43 and Hosea chapter 1 so we have reason to believe that angels are sons of God Isaiah 43 and Hosea chapter number 1 Isaiah 43 Hosea chapter 1 alright Isaiah 43 verse number 6 I will say to the north give up and to the south keep not back bring my sons from far and my daughters from the ends of the earth everyone there's called by my name for I've created him for my glory I have formed him yay I have made him this is a hymn singular that is composed of sons and daughters who are said to be God's sons and God's daughters on the basis of God creating them as a hymn that that's what you read alright look at verse 1 but now of us saith the Lord that created the old Jacob and he that formed thee O Israel fear not 5 redeemed thee I have called thee by thy name thou art mine verse number 3 for I'm the LORD thy God the Holy One of Israel thy Savior I gave Egypt for thy ransom Ethiopia and Seba for the soul here are these human beings from Adam and from from Abraham and from Isaac and from Jacob and they go down as human beings into Egypt other human beings and the Egyptian human beings enslaved the Hebrew human beings and then one day God says all those men and all those women if they will put the blood of a lamb on a doorpost you know in by faith in obedience to my word I will redeem them out of Egypt I will create them a holy people a peculiar people a nation that belongs to me and from that starting point those sons and daughters because they start out and and the only thing they are is redeemed by the blood of the lamb by faith God calls them his sons the nation of Israel they're called sons of God they've sinned miserably from that day to this but their starting point see their starting point the whole nation faith in God Redemption by the blood of the Lamb so they're called sons of God look at Hosea chapter one Hosea chapter one and verse number ten yet the number the children of Israel should be as the sand of the sea which cannot be measured nor numbered and it should come to pass that in the place where it was said unto them you're not my people there it should be said unto them ye are the sons of the Living God how about that now that's not saved born again people that's not the New Testament church and it's sure not angels I see that so you've got angels sons of God nation of Israel sons of God John 1:12 we could we could probably say it together for as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name so every one of us that save the church sons of God nation of Israel sons of God not the same not the same but that's one title that we share in common because there's a day we went from being nothing to being something and that something was redeemed one redeemed from death to earthly promises the other redeemed from eternal spiritual death to heavenly promises benevolent both called sons of God okay come to Genesis now we're ready to get a little closer to it come to Genesis Genesis chapter 5 Genesis chapter number 5 remember what happened God made Adam let us make man in our image Genesis chapter 5 Genesis 5 verse 1 this is the book of the generations of Adam in the day that God created man in the likeness of God made he him male and female created he them and blessed them and called their name Adam and the day when they were created now to lived 130 years and begat a son in his own likeness and after his image and called his name Seth Seth has not made the image and likeness of God he's made an image of likeness of Adam what's the difference we're fourth by one man sin in the world and death by sin so death passed upon all men for that all have sinned Adam son of God no sin in him when God made him Seth son of Adam not son of God because their sin in him the day that he shows up in the day that he arrives look at Luke chapter number three Luke chapter three and watch this in the in the genealogy here very interesting Luke chapter three verse 23 Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age being as with supposed son of Joseph which son of Eli which the son of Matt taught was son of Levi verse 38 which was the son of eNOS which was the son of Seth which was the son of Adam which was the son of God God did not give birth to Adam he created him but he's called his son God did not give birth to angels but he created them they're called sons of God the father did not give birth to the son nor did he create him but when the father the Holy Ghost formed that body in the womb and and and the word became flesh and dwelt among us there is son of God nation of Israel they God made amination sons of God so so that's that's the term in the Bible that's the term it's a being sinless at the time of creation all right just set that set that right there we'll come back to it 2nd Peter chapter 2 2nd Peter chapter 2 and Isaiah chapter 14 2nd Peter to Isaiah 14 if some of this gets a little wearisome or are we waiting out to some deep water just take your mind back to that list of sins in Romans 1 and the many weeks you are praying for God to deliver you from preaching about sins and shortcomings and faults and failures second Peter 2 verse number 1 but there were false prophets also among the people even as there should be false teachers among you first to many follow their pernicious ways verse 3 through covetousness feigned words make merchandise of you look at the end of the verse whose judgment now of a long time linger if not and their damnation slumbereth not God said I will get them everybody's hurt my church through false teaching and lies I'll get them I'll get them verse four for how do you know you'll do that for if God spared not the Angels that sinned but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of Darkness to be reserved unto judgement and spared not the old world but saved Noah the eighth person a preacher of righteousness bringing in the flood upon the world the ungodly and turning the cities of sodom gomorrah ashes condemned them with an overthrow making them an example under those that should live ungodly okay when lord says i will judge I will punish he gives you three examples so you know for certain he will judge and He will punish the fire on Sodom and Gomorrah the flood of Noah's day and the casting down of the angels now we're not going to get into that that gap thing tonight I can show you in the Bible exactly where the fire fell on Sodom and Gomorrah I can show you in the Bible exactly where God sent the flood in Noah's day you cannot show me in Genesis where God cast down those angels this job's 26 says took place out of time your time on your earth measured by your Sun your moon your stars that thing happened outside the bounds of that time but we can't go there tonight Jude gets you just for a second for you lies in it Jude is very similar to 2nd Peter - but not that similar verse number 6 and the angels which kept not their first estate but left their own habitation he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness under the judgment of the great day even as Sodom and Gomorrah see that okay so in in Peter we are told angels sin cast down to hell put in chains but in Jude we're told angels that sinned and left their place of habitation okay is it possible that you have some angels that sinned but stayed put isaiah 14 isaiah 14 verse number 12 how art thou fallen from heaven o Lucifer son of the morning how art thou cut down to the ground which didst weaken the nation's but our said in thine heart I will ascend into heaven well if you have to a sin that's go up into heaven then you're not in heaven you tried to get to heaven and God cast you down that's what it says how to have fallen from heaven let's go boys let's take the throne of God where they got their ascending your due Bible says of Jesus Christ leaving this earth and going to heaven when he ascended that scripture of Scripture that's that's cross reverence without sin that heart I will ascend into heaven I will exalt my throne above the stars of God I will sit also upon the Mount of the congregation in the sides of North above the heights of the clouds I will be like the Most High yet thou shalt be brought down to hell to the sides of the pit alright let's let's take a take a careful look at this he's got to ascend to get to heaven he's got to go past the clouds to get to heaven and he's got to go past the stars to get to heaven I only know of one place in the known universe that requires you to get past clouds and stars to get to heaven that's earth now here's the trouble we have we assume a number of things that aren't in the Bible because they're in our Christian mythology we assume that Satan and the Angels were always in heaven that's not in the Bible we assume that angels are winged females with long blonde hair that's not in the Bible if the Bible means what it says Satan's place is going to and throwing up and down in the earth and that wasn't good enough for him he wanted to go up to heaven and take that place over now let's let's back up a little bit what were stars job 38 revelation 1 what were stars the Angels sons of God angels you're Satan wants he doesn't want to be serving God with them he wants to have a throne above them I will exalt my throne above the stars of God he wants to rule angels apparently a company of angels wanted him to be their ruler and went with him when he ascended they left their habitation as well as their first estate God locked him up in Chains put him in hell notice he hasn't put Lucifer in Hell yet he shall be in hell he's not there yet those angels that went with him in that rebellion they're cast down into hell now suppose some of them didn't go with him they joined him in the rebellion but they didn't travel with him as he ascended and sought to overthrow the throne of God what if they stayed here come to Genesis chapter number 3 Genesis chapter 3 if I said to you hurry everybody run out back and see the river bubble you would say what's a river bubble because you don't want to run out back and see a river bubble if a ripple bobble is going to eat your head off or if it's no big deal it's not worth going out there but if you know what it is Genesis 3 verse number 5 or 4 the serpent said under the woman he should not sure to die for God doth know 2 than they eat thereof then your eyes should be open and ye shall be as God's knowing good and evil why didn't she ask him what are you talking about you wouldn't have any curiosity in cinah 8 if I eat that I'm gonna become a God what does that mean we're gonna have six arms I can have two heads am I gonna be 800 feet tall what do you mean am I gonna be a Mormon I mean what what's what's unsaid but implied is she knew exactly what she was going to be like if she ate of that tree anybody here thinks she believes she'd become the creator of the heavens in the earth I don't think so and well I'll show you later in the Bible just exactly why so anyway let's go to well here's what we gotta do we've got to find a connection between Satan's rebellion noah's flood sodom and gomorrah and the second coming of jesus christ that's what 2nd Peter says I'm gonna punish those who wrecked might sure are trying to wreck my church at the second coming of Christ like I punished Sodom and Gomorrah noah's flood of men of noah's day and the angels that sinned so we got to tie them all together somehow fair enough all right Genesis 6 Genesis chapter 6 man I got to get moving here Genesis chapter 6 verse 1 and it came to pass when men began I've been shot there we go when men began to multiply on the face of the earth you know when men began to multiply on the face there Adam and Eve and daughters were born unto them that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair and they took them wives of all which they chose now stop for a minute this isn't a hundred years in 300 years in 500 years in God says when men began to multiply that's Adam and Eve when they began to multiply they start having daughters and as soon as they start having daughters it doesn't say the sons of Adam took took notice of them it says the sons of God took notice of them now the Scofield reference Bible says that's the godly line of Seth the godly line of Seth drowning a flood they couldn't been all that godly the godly line of Seth did not believe the preaching of Noah and did not get in the boat where do you get the idea they were godly there's no evidence Seth's children were godly that's just something somebody made up because the alternative is unbearable if they're sons of God Bible Bible the previous chapter Genesis 5 they're not Adams children those who in the sons of Adam now we've seen every place we looked at sons of God we've seen it it's not the nation of Israel it's not the New Testament church it's not Jesus Christ it's not Adam who's left angels now by Boyd Bible that's all that's left now again here's what you're gonna say well I thought that's what they say on the news programs I thought angels were what winged women were what like you know when angels came to Abraham's house to tell him about lots impending doom you want the Bible calls them men when angels appeared at the tomb on Resurrection morning what the Bible calls them men when Jesus ascended there's two angels standing there and the Bible says they beheld two men in white apparel see because somebody taught you there are no men before Adam you get yourself in all kinds of it's tough spots with the Bible you're gonna say well angels and women that couldn't well it couldn't if you make angels something the Bible doesn't say they are but if Bible says there man and in heaven they don't marry because they're men doesn't say the men angels don't marry the women angels every angel in your Bibles a man and they don't get married cuz if they even thought about it God throw them down as well run your Bible look at how many times an angel shows up and God says these two men came with with the Lord Abraham's house and what if angels aren't what you've seen in the painting the Christian bookstore what if they're the men the Bible talks about in Jeremiah 4 and job 26 not tonight anyway verse number 3 and the Lord said my spirit shall not always strive with man with man for that he also is flesh come on don't rewrite it is God flesh Genesis 6 is God flesh no is man flesh yes well who else is in the passage the sons of God like man they are flesh come on just just leave it is written well I don't think an angel and a human being could that's cuz you don't believe the Bible you believe what you saw some guys say in in a presentation one time my spiritual always strive with man so yet the Lord my spirit should always strive with man you got man for that he also man is flash well who's the also that's got to be the sons of God they're not man they're not God but they're flash and they got their eye on human women that's what it says that I don't think it's context at all but don't you think it's interesting that Hebrews 13 says be not forgetful to entertain strangers some entertaining angels unawares and right under that it says marriage is honorable on the bed undefiled but whoremongers adults was God will judge why do you prefer to verse about warning you about angels paying you a visit and a verse about you being faithful to your husband to your wife why do you put those side-by-side that's pretty weird innit why'd God tell you to dress modestly and wear your hair modestly because of the Angels that's in the New Testament yeah woman I'll have power and shuttle be obedient to God with regard to her appearance because of the Angels what's that got to do with anything well a lot if you just leave the Bible like it's written no no no no men are looking at me well maybe not the kind you're thinking of well we're out there tonight aren't we hang in there whoo we hadn't got we hadn't gotten to the good part yet yet his days shall be in hundred and twenty years there were giants in the earth in those days and also after that when the sons of God came in of the daughters of men and they bare children to them the same became mighty men oval which were of old men of renown and God saw the wickedness of man was great in the earth and and destroyed them now here's what they say the daughters of the godly line of Seth married the daughters of the ungodly line of who else is there it's Adam it's Seth there's been anybody else anyway these these good chase godly daughters of Seth married the boys that smoked and drank and shot pool and their babies were giants before the flood and after the flood I've been I've been pastoring 40 years I've seen a lot of boys marry unsaved girls a lot of girls marry unsaved boys none of them had a nine-foot baby [Laughter] God says the offspring of these unions were giants well don't you think that means what do you think it means when David met Goliath that's what it means these babies were of super human proportions that's what it says why do you think that could really happen Daniel 2 says they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men and they'll be the ruling world powers of the last day they were the ruling world powers of Noah's day and God sent a flood drowned the whole world to kill them he said man also he also his flash I'm I've killed him too but I'm sending the flood to get those guys you may even be as quiet as you want that's ok that's ok it doesn't matter you 22:30 safe and the resurrection they neither marry nor given to marriage where does the angels of God in heaven yeah these angels of God aren't in heaven they're down here on earth in rebellion alright hang in there you what Jude said we read it you I God you know why God judge those angels they went after strange flesh strange flesh you know you wouldn't think he didn't say this under the law God told God said if a man or a woman approaches a beast to lie down there - you kill them you killed the human and you kill the Beast because they don't belong together you want God you know God did when those women and those sons of God approached each other strange flesh they don't belong together God sent a flood and killed every last one up he drowned the race to get them know about that that's fine we won't talk about again for 20 years and it doesn't doesn't matter if you agree to disagree but these verses are in here you got to do something with them I'm just gonna take them mean what they say all right in Genesis 6 before we leave there look at verse 13 verse 13 and God said Noah the end of all flesh has come before me for the earth is filled with violence through them and behold I will destroy them with the earth you're not on the end of all flesh come for me there's still violence through them usually that means everybody but Noah it might it might or it might mean the sons of God well let's see what happens after the flood Genesis 14 oh I got a hurry I'm sorry I got a hurry I know it's fourth of July and all that Genesis 14 you can't possibly want anything else to eat can't drink too cheap to buy fireworks Genesis 14 verse 1 it came past days of amraphel king of shinar remember thing about the heads of roll that's the devil's headquarters these made war with beer a king of sodom and bersia king of gomorrah wow how about that all these were joined together verse 3 in the Vale of Siddim which is salt see verse 4 the thirteenth year they rebelled and in the fourteenth year came Chatterley homer and the kings that were with him and smote the ref iums the ref iums verse eight and they went out the king of sodom and the king of gomorrah and verse nine chedorlaomer king of ido with tidal king of nations and amraphel king of shinar verse eleven they took all the goods of sodom and gomorrah and all the victuals and went their way and they took lot a you who's in that fight for control of Shinar you know he's in that fight for a territory that that encompasses sodom and gomorrah he was in that fight the ref iums do you see that there the ref Ian's you're trevia means it means two things the fallen ones and the Giants after the flood in Shinar in sodom and gomorrah there are giants who are fallen ones they're called reference that's an interesting thing don't you think come to numbers chapter 13 numbers 13 you were here we that did that study on heads will roll that's that's Shinar numbers 13 where's God gonna take his people across the Jordan River into Canaan land caimans fair and happy land guess who got there first the same one that got to the garden first guess you got their first numbers 13 verse 30 and Caleb's still the people for Moses the two spies come back and they're all freaked out they don't want to go go up into the land why not it's a land flowing with milk and honey Caleb's still two people for most said let us go up at once and possess it for we are well able to overcome it but the men that went up with him said we be not able to go up against the people they are stronger than we are and they brought up an evil report of the land which they had searched under the children of Israel saying the land through which we have gone to search it is a land that eateth up the inhabitants thereof and all the people we saw are men of great stature and there we saw the Giants the sons of a knack which come of the Giants and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers and so we were in their sight you know who's waiting in Canaan land you why the 10 spies came back and said we can't go in there because there were giants there before the flood after the flood and and specifically they said we are in the same in their sight he didn't say sighs he said in their sight we're as grasshoppers in their sight and we're like grasshoppers when we look at them okay if there's a grasshopper at your feet it looks up at you you're 6 feet above that grasshopper I died when those men stood they looked up those men are 6 feet above them I died there's men they're 12 feet tall that's why they didn't want to go into Cavin it wasn't army to army it's our army their army and they got giants that's what it says Deuteronomy chapter 1 well don't you think that means no I don't know I don't I think it means that I don't think David went out to fight Goliath and Goliath was this really smart guy who is advanced technologically I think he was a really really big person Deuteronomy 1 what else are they called in the Bible whither shall we go up verse 20 whither shall we go up our brethren discouraged our heart saying that people is greater and taller than we the cities are great and walled up to heaven and moreover we have seen the sons of the Anna comes there chapter 2 verse 19 when thou come a sniper against the children of Ammon distress them not nor meddle with them 5 I will not give thee of the land of the children of Ammon a possession because I have given it to children of lot for possession that also was accounted a land of giants Giants dwelt therein an old time the ammonites and the SAMS omens she don't want to get anywhere near those Sam's woman's man there they're ugly Giants a people great and many and tall as the Anakin's what Lord destroyed them before them and they succeeded them and dwelt in their stead he always said there's a bunch of Giants there God killed them but then the Giants there's some more Giants came up after them Anna comes Sam summons ref 'i'm now if you're reading deuteronomy and you read about God giving the law and the Ten Commandments don't you think that that's really what happened you're reading Deuteronomy and it talks about the children's or one around 38 years in camping here but don't you think it's what really happened how come when you read about Giants in the lane was a little about that know about it it really happened it's right it's right there look at chapter 3 Deuteronomy 3 verse 10 all the cities of the plain and all Gilead and all bation under sale salka and EDR AI cities of the king of OGG invasion for only OGG king of Bashan remained of the remnant of the Giants in his day he's the last one left the oldest bedstead was a bedstead of iron as a heavy man is it not in rabaa of the children of ammon they kept his bed you got to see this guy's bed man nine cubits was the length thereof and four cubits the breadth of it after the cubit of a man the cubit of man is 18 inches that man's bed is 13 and a half feet long his bed seven feet wide that's a big boy that's a big boy 13 half feet for a bed and his feet might hung over for all we know all right Joshua twelve four says in the coast of odd king of Bashan which is the remnants of the Giants that dwelt at guess where he lived asteroth not kidding ha Chappell for he dwelt that asteroth actress the ancient name for the Queen of Heaven the female deity who gave her name to the fertility rites of spring Ishtar each star the cult of the mother and child came out of Babylon the mother of harlots into Chaldea and it's tied with the Giants they were waiting in the land of Canaan when the Israelites got there let me just read some of these to you quickly Joshua 1312 all the Kingdom vog invasion which reigned in ashteroth and an EDA i who remained of the remnant of the Giants for these did moses smite and cast them out joshua 15-8 and the border went up at the valley of the son of Hinnom on to the south side of the Jebusite the same is jerusalem and the border went up to the top of the mountain that lieth before the valley of hinnom westward which is the end of the valley of the giants northward you're the devil put those giants in canaan and headquartered them at what would become jerusalem you think that's accident do you think that's fiction I don't joshua 17:5 and Joshua answered them if thou be of great people then get the up to the wood country and cut down for thyself there in the land of parasites and of the Giants in mount ephraim if mounter Ephraim be too narrow for thee you know you know why they didn't want to take their territory Giants live there but ok you don't to eat that's not enough room for you go pray and get that got now the trees live up there where the Giants are joshua 1860 and the border came down the end of the mountain they live for the valley of the son of Hinnom which is in the valley of the giants on the north how about that so Canaan Giants Jerusalem Giants God's gonna put an anointed king on a throne at Jerusalem guess who he's got to take out to get there a giant a giant first Samuel 17 first Samuel 17 first Samuel 17 [Music] if we can't make this two parts so I got a I got a I gotta go I gotta go First Samuel 17 verse number four and they went out a champion only time that word is found in the Bible out of the camp of the Philistines named Goliath of Gath whose height was six cubits and a span he's not a big giant he's only nine feet four inches tall that's a big man big man you know the average height of the British soldiers in the Revolutionary War if the average height was five five average height at the colonists 5-8 better food over here more better climate outdoor activity five eight five five people are bigger now because we we more food and better food and medicine all I got anyway anyway but you walk out there five six nobody else think of David is five six but you walk out there five six and look up and there's a man standing there nine feet four inches tall now Saul's big man he's head and shoulders above the rest of the Israelites so maybe he's six five six five against nine four and a hand-to-hand combat soldiers gonna wait and pray and let God take care of it and he's got this this helmet Kota male and all that stuff verse seven the staff of his spear was like a Weaver's beam his Spears had weighed six hundred shekels of iron one bearing a shield went before him and so David went out there verse forty took his staff in his hand chose him five smooth Stones out of the brook and they met and David threw that stone and Bible says in verse number 49 David put his hand in his bag took thence of stone and slang it like that he slang it and smote the Philistine his forehead and the stone sunk into his forehead and he fell down on his face on the earth and David killed that giant he's a giant they're standing in the way of God putting his man on his throne in his city for his holy people alright look at 2nd Samuel 21 second Samuel 21 verse 15 more the Philistines had yet war again with Israel and David went down a seas old man he's King now in his servants with him and fought against the Philistines David whacks faint and ish ish by be knob alright we got a couple of babies coming soon ish by B knob nobody say ish by B knob here nobody ever say which one which was of the sons of the giant the weight of whose spear weighed 300 Echols of brass in weight he being girded with a new sword thought to have slain David anyway they killed him it told David you can't come out and fight anymore you too old too slow we can't afford to lose you can I ask you something Goliath he's a giant later David's got to fight his son do you think he's married to a woman giant or you think just come on don't don't just know I don't know about that well think sometimes turn off the TV in the radio and all that stuff and just think about stuff sometimes goliaths got offspring Enoch had offspring and their Giants big people big big big people now we can't look at this tonight we're not going to but Goliath had four sons which i think is why David took five stones he gonna take out the whole family if he has to I don't know if that's true or not but I just I've always thought that anyway Clive had four sons the Bible says one of them at least was by his mother that's why God said kill him they're perverse the vile their wicked their dirty kill them all Sturman going to Kaman exterminate them wipe out the Canaanites why because there's giant stuff going on their fallen angel stuff going on their sons of God stuff going there's perverted stuff going on with it you know at Valley of Hinnom oh well those giants were that's where they burned their babies in the fire and sacrifice gods kill them all destroy their pictures don't keep their garbage in the museums for the kids to see and get ideas get rid of it store over the last bit of it alright Psalm 82 we got to go got to go quick Psalm 82 Tolkien Lord of the Rings CS Lewis Chronicles of Narnia those guys just ripped off the Bible change the names so people would enjoy the story without having to have God in it and and what what Tolkien taught in Lord of the Rings is the superior master race the elves if they chose to mate with human women they lost their immortality you know he got that from Psalm 82 he got that from the Norse legends of their gods psalm 82 verse number one god stand at the congregation the mighty he judgeth among the gods he shall be as gods they're real they are beings God judges them how long will you judge unjustly except the person the wicked see law defend the poor and fatherless do justice afflicted in the needy deliver the poor and needy rid them out of the hand of the wicked they know not neither will they understand they walk on in darkness all the foundations of the earth are out of course it wasn't supposed to go this way when God laid the foundations of the earth the Stars the angels the sons of God sang his praise but it's not like that now it's all messed up now so what's he gonna have to do he's gonna have to judge the gods verse 6 I have said Ye are gods and all of you are children of the Most High this is fallen angels being judged by God but he shall die like men and fall like one of the princes arise o God judge the earth for thou shalt inherit all nations here sons of God that lose their immortality by messing around with humans on the earth which is completely off from the foundation and God's going to stand up and judge it one day and take the whole thing over what's he going to take over the earth how's he gonna take it over by putting them down and getting rid of them they shall ring mingle themselves to see the men okay okay you know it's it's interesting thing murder murder I get that kidnapping I get that rape I get that you know what God said in the law to the people are about to go into land of Canaan he said adultery and fornication kill him now come on honestly that's pretty severe for for the deed don't you think until you study this you've got a man and a woman a husband and a wife you got a young lady a young man and and you find out they've been messing around kill him why would there be a death penalty charge for sexual sins under the law for the people that we're going to occupy Canaan well if what we've seen tonight is so that's a real good reason marriage is honorable all and the bed undefiled but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge why well some have entertained angels unawares and look where that got you just trying to see what the Bible says Isaiah 26 1 2 3 4 stops we four stops we're not running late it's Jeff Jeff took so long making that announcement Isaiah 26 verse number 12 Lord now what ordained piece for us without also has brought all our works in us O Lord our God other Lords beside thee have had dominion over us but by the only will make mention of thy name they are dead they shall not live they are deceased they shall not rise therefore has thou visited and destroyed them and made all their memory to perish you know where JW's and Adventists and some of these people you know where to get their ideas that there's no hell there's no lake of fire there's no eternal punishment there's anihilation from verses like that they are dead they shall not live you want to Bible says I saw the dead small and great stand before God these aren't people from Adam when these people fall when these people are destroyed they are annihilated if you come from Adam you die you go to heaven or you go to hell and you get out of hell and you stand the white throne judgment and you live forever in a lake of fire you are not destroyed you are not annihilated there's somebody here that is completely done away with forever whole different whole different race of beings but they they look like men they act like men they walk his men they reproduces men but they're not from Adam they're stars you're where the stars live in the City of Angels you gotta admit that's kind of weird why don't they call a movie grains why don't they call a movie wows why did they call the movie stars in Los Angeles strange strange business all right Matthew 24 Matthew 24 we believe Jesus coming back we believe right before he gets back the devil is going to pull out his his best weapons he's going to bring his best fighting forces to do what keep Jesus Christ from getting to Jerusalem to set up a throne I mean he was there when they came out of Egypt into Canaan land he was there when they got into Canaan land he was there waiting right outside of of Jebus Jerusalem Matthew 24 Christ about to come back here verse number 33 so likewise when you shall see all these things know that is near even at the doors verily I say unto you this generation not passed the nation of Israel till all these things be fulfilled have a nurse a pass away but my words shall not pass away but in that day and hour knoweth no man no not the angels of heaven my father only but as the days of Noah were so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be okay what's going on Noah's day well they're eating they're drinking they're marrying they give it in marriage until the day of the doyen of the ark and knew not until the flood came took them all away so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be okay we would take that to mean just what it says they're eating when what that is and they're drinking when what that is just business as usual and they're marrying and giving in marriage we know what that is except in the days of Noah marrying and giving in marriage took on a problematic little twist didn't it Jesus said when I come back it will be like the days of Noah and when I in the days of Noah I destroyed everybody because of what was going on with this whole offspring business you what he does an Armageddon he slaughters everybody he leaves them neither root nor branch he burns them up like chaff in an oven what about the innocent civilians what about the collateral damage what about the farmers and the villagers that just happened to live in the area he's going to destroy every last one of them you know what he's done that historically when there's Giants to take out Daniel chapter 2 Daniel chapter 2 and revelation 12 Daniel to Revelation 12 Daniel to Revelation 12 you don't have to agree with all of our conclusions but really none of this has been interpretation maybe Psalm 82 and some interpretation but most as we're just reading what it says revelation 12 verse 7 and there was war in heaven Michael and his angels fought against the Dragon and the dragon fought in his angels and prevailed not neither was their place found any more in heaven and the Great Dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and Satan which deceiveth the whole world he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him and I heard a loud voice saying in heaven now is come salvation and strength and the Kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ and the accuser our brother's cast down which accused them before our God day and night and they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony they loved not their lives unto the death therefore rejoice ye heavens and ye that dwell in them woe to the inhabiters of the earth and the sea for the devil has come down unto you having great wrath because he knoweth that he hath but a short time you know what he's done Satan and the angels have made another run at God in heaven and God said you're not coming up here ever again there is no more place for you up here and he casts him down where to the earth he gets them all in one central location and then his son gets on a white horse and comes down here and burns them up you know why you don't read it there's there's eight judgments in the Bible you know why you don't read of a judgment of angels because they don't get one he destroys them that's it go on over done alright Daniel - Daniel chapter two verse 37 now Oh King Arthur King of Kings God and heaven given the kingdom power strength glory thou art this head of gold in 2 verse 38 after thee shall arise another Kingdom inferior to thee and a third kingdom of brass which shall bear rule over all the earth and the fourth Kingdom should be as strong as iron verse 41 and whereas thou sawest the feet and toes part of potters clay part of iron the kingdom shall be divided but there should be in it of the strength of the iron for as much as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay and as the toes of the feet were part of iron and part of clay so the kingdom she partly strong and partly broken and whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men but they should not cleave one to another even as iron is not mixed with clay and in the days of these kings that can't be the gold silver brass iron these kings has to be somebody whoever they are who mingled themselves with the sons of man they are the kings ruling on this earth when Jesus Christ comes back in the days of these kings show the God of heaven set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed and the kingdoms not be left to other people but it should break in pieces consume all these kingdoms and it shall stand for ever Jesus wins whoever you think they are wherever you think they came from Jesus Christ is going to wipe them out and they will never resurface again it's the end of them praise the Lord there's two beings connected with one connected with Babel and turn that thing off good night
Channel: James W. Knox Sermons
Views: 19,065
Rating: 4.9099679 out of 5
Keywords: giants on earth, biblical giants, are angels sons of god, what are angels in the bible, angels in the bible, nephilim, nephilim giants, did goliath have brothers, miry clay, daniel 2, mingle with the seed of men, sons of god are not angels, genesis 6 kjv, genesis 6, genesis 6 giants, are angels among us, are angels real, ye are gods, ye are gods meaning, ye shall be as gods, race of giants, rephaim, anakim, anakims in the bible, zamzummims, who are the rephaims
Id: 5Ra59yY2Ofk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 18sec (4578 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 05 2018
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