Angie Robertson | Giants: Valley Of Rephaim | March 21, 2021

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uh let me just take a second father we just thank you today for your word lord i'm i just thank you that you've um your word is uh coming to um build up cheer up encourage us all to draw near to god we just uh thank you that that your word is always sharper than and is able to and completely do the job that you send your word to do so father i thank you for the day that your word comes and heals us all every every category everything and lord we we stand in expectancy that today is the day today is the day of salvation and father we just thank you we give you all praise and honor and glory for what jesus has already done may we walk in the fullness of what he bought and paid for with his own blood and we thank you for it in jesus name amen good morning good if you have the bible with you this is look and change the background but this is still about giants this may be a first in the history of river city in the 19 years or almost 19 years that i'm actually preaching in the same sermon series that danny is preaching out of whoop it you know i'm not saying we don't preach the same thing we might be but we might be coming at it from different places but if you've been listening to john about the giants as he's been up here i don't know how long a month three four weeks he found the scripture for me last week while he was working on his sermon and you'll see why he found this for me um isaiah 17 verse 5. it will be like the reaper gathering the standing grain as his arm harvests the ears or it will be like one gleaning ears of grain in the valley of i think we say raphaim but i if i say it one time properly then i can say it eastern north carolina way the rest of the time so i think in pronunciation it's raphael ray rafael there's no m in it and so it's refi but i'm going to say refim every single time from here out so you'll know what i'm saying because we all speak eastern north carolina eventually so one of the things about giants that's um very key for me is you know um i've heard people take the term giants and apply it to lots of things the giant of debt talk about the debt that the united states is in that feels like a goliath of insurmountable like how in the name of god will that ever fall and then there's like other giant cancer feels like a giant things that they label terminal terminal diseases terminals terminal you know the thing you're either taking off or landing terminal right terminals for some people like covid is a giant has been for a year whether it's real that powerful not it's got a big mouth it's running the mouth and i think a lot of media people standing around talking about how big this is look at this big giant my children love it when i say the covered the code think you could do you could do it on a personal level you could say giants something that you're dealing with and it keeps coming back you keep going out there you punch it in the eyes a little bit bloody its nose it comes right back it comes right back it could be dead it could be it could be um you know uh some kind of physical ailment it could be a a mental attitude something that like drug addiction is a giant in our in our land uh my god abortion ask the 62 million babies that have come to earth only to return back to the father i remember hearing clinton's i heard him with my own ears he said the reason why we make abortion legal is to keep this safe and um the word he used i i'm blanking but basically that it will be hard nobody will ever use it nobody will ever use abortion to take out babies it will be safe for the mother obviously not for the child be safe for the mother but it will be we will be very selective about using it and uh and there's been anything but it's like opened a door of just slaughter in our in our country and around the world as the united states has paid in the past and is now because of what the president has signed what biden has signed is now paying for it to go out from this country all over the world right a giant it just feels like a giant giants things this is my definition things so big and so demonic that you think they're never going to shut their big mouth or fall because they've just been running flapping their jaws for so long you're just like well i mean it's a giant it's not gonna come human trafficking we can't stop that we're not ever gonna get rid of abortion it will always be with us you know because this is the world we live in and it's law it's legal okay so it's a giant and it needs to come down so this beautiful passage um connects with a dream i had in 2019 which i have been asking the lord to help me unpack it was a quick dream it was probably stuff behind it and in front of it i just don't remember but it was one of those dreams that you know it's from god and especially when you wake yourself up kicking in a giant's face so hard that you're on half in the floor you remember that dream right but going back to isaiah 17 5 it will be like the reaper gathering the standing grain as his arm harvests the ears or it'll be like one gleaning ears of grain in the valley of raphaem or the valley of giants kelly varner says to unpack this piece of scripture in isaiah you have to know first of all that the beginning of this chapter is a prophecy to a region that those people lived in called damascus it's a place that kelly says represents by by even the definition of the word damascus it means it represents a waste of human energy in religious trafficking a lot of riches a lot of trade going on people have a lot of stuff there's a lot of possessions but there's a lot of combining that with what's called what kelly calls religious trafficking selling people into religious slavery and he's this is kelly's take on it it'll come about when the cities and he calls it the churches the start says that like maybe verse 4 when the cities or the churches that are in ruins and desolation the aurora word there means ruins desolation baroness and nakedness when he calls it the churches that have experienced desolation ruins barrenness and nakedness when those things are forsaken so that those places where there was previously a lot of devastation actually become a safe place for the flocks to lie down and the sheep to get some rest for the first time in a long time and when it looks like all the glory has faded when the land becomes ichabod no glory glory departed or it's gotten so thin when you don't see the glory of god manifesting in the land anymore because the glory is thin it's feeble it's been brought low the glory if you want to call it a body that the glory is actually sick in body it's so you don't see it anymore like you know what i'm saying like you're like lord you said your glory would cover the earth well i'm not seeing a whole lot of your glory right now and he's saying when you see that and it's called lean times not because there's not enough money but because there's no glory of god manifesting in the land he said then it's going to be like the harvester's coming the reaper the one with the sickle to take down the grain and what you're going to see is that the harvestmen the reaper that person will gather the standing grain and in his arm kelly called the arm of the harvester god's power manifest in the sons and daughters of god he said you want to see god has used his mighty right arm in the past it took all his strength to separate himself from jesus so jesus could come it says in the word in the new testament that jesus had to empty himself of the glory the kavod of god in order to come down here god knows what it's like to use his mighty right arm he used his arm to deliver them out of israel he's used his arm over and over and over again but he said when you see my arm on earth bringing in the harvest he's talking about us possibly that's one way to look at it harvesting the ears from a place called the valley of giants i love that the valley of raphaem is also translated in the word the valley of the dead the valley of the shades the valley of the week the valley of the powerless the valley of the shadow of death the valley of the shade that's not what i would call if i said i was like a giant you know i wouldn't call him a valley of powerlessness but that's in the economy of god to flip a thing right the valley of giants in a place where there's been bondage and gloom and terrors and fears and even fearful ones because that's another word for giants in the scriptures in a place even a place where it was named breakthrough in the past the valley of giant shows up a couple times in david's lifetime and both times the philistines just after just after saul died and david was stepping into he maybe just before that won jerusalem and the philisti philistines said you know let's let's go try him let's go try him saul is dead let's go try him and they lined up for battle in a place called valley of the giants seems appropriate doesn't it to go against the giant killer in the valley of the giants might not have been a great choice though i'm not really sure about that maybe they should have thought through but twice they were defeated by david you can find the stories they're back to back in the first time they lined up in battle against david david said what should i do god god said run straight at them you know how to do that run straight at them and it's in that battle that david gets the revelation of baal perezine he starts calling the place where he defeated the philistines baal perezine or lord of the breakthrough so when we're talking about our god is a god of breakthrough break out break in break over break out that's the god that david saw route his enemies that day and david and his men went out on the battlefield and picked up their dropped idols and burned them was an end of some of the idol worship that day the next time the philistines said you know we think we should try that again and they go right back to the same valley david goes and he asked god again he said what should i do now now if you if you've run that giants twice and defeated them both times i think i might would just be like okay god says go run at them that's the way to get them you defeat them by running out to meet them right but god said don't do it this time you compass about them go round about them and you wait until you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the mulberry trees and when you hear the feet of angelic armies above your heads stomping in then you come round back of them and you'll annihilate them in both times david went to god god for the battle plan and both times the strategy was different and i think this is part of the word i i came to say today must have been bill johnson that said this and i heard him say it several years ago at least three or four he said watch war when necessary worship all the time right we not spoiling for battles with giants i'm not picking a fight but if one comes to us we need to know what to do right watch war when necessary worship all the time but getting back to isaiah 17 5. here's the here's the bottom line he's saying in that place if you go down at verse six maybe even through verse nine get a chance to read this later this afternoon maybe see what the lord gives you off of it but he says in that place when the harvesters come when the harvester comes and his arms filling up with grain in the valley of giants in the place where there's been as cheryl prayed earlier breakthrough after break through after breakthrough and now we're right back where we were before right does that not get discouraging and the lord said in that place watch what i'll do he said in that place there's going to be a remnant that remains a remnant that you'll find in the upper branches of the tree so that when the olive tree's been shaken to be harvested shaken shaken there's going to be a few that hang out at the upper branches that's my remnant he says and those are the ones that will have that that will finally look to their maker and to their god and they will have respect again for me he said no more regard for foolish idols no more regard for the worship of demons he said no more regard for things that used to make us quake and shake and melt our hearts with fear as the original group that came in that tried to come in under the ten spies report like the company that looked at the giants in the land and said we became like grasshoppers in our eyes and when we did that we became like grasshoppers in their eyes i don't know what sound chirp chirp chirp i'm not sure what that sound is right i always think of crickets right it really is about image and identity right and knowing who god is the company that died in the wilderness they saw giants and it scared them in fact god said to them do not be shocked when you see them and do not be afraid they're big and they eat people these are not friendly giants by the way these are nasty demonic beings but you know what here's the thing when i get my eyes on a really big god i lose regard for things that look so big but by comparison are so worthless next to jesus then i start harvesting in the valley of the giants the passion has a footnote in isaiah for this passage and it says this very very similar to what kelly said i'm giving you all the stuff i would normally put at the end of the sermon i'll just let's just go and get right to it right to it from the beginning jesus life within us will soon reap a harvest of glory armloads sons and daughters of god's power loads suns and the ecclesia rising knowing who she is she's been a remnant but she's rising armloads of grain spiritual harvest we'll wait for you that's okay that's all right armloads of god's power will manifest in spiritual harvest and it will be seen in the coming days through mighty men and mighty women of god kind of what danny was preaching that day when it was talking about men of renown men are mighty men mighty men and women of valor it's not enough just to be mighty you got to have valor the giants were mighty but they were also demonic it's giant season tim sheep said tim sheets said in december he had a dream that he was looking through a book he's a hunter and he said he was looking through uh like a book it was hunting season and he was like oh dear season is from this day to this day and rabbit season is from this day to this day and he just was going down through the list and he said in that dream in early december he read giant season and they said what it's got giant season and then the the book went on to say open season on giants no bag limit take them out any way you want them they're varmints so just kind of take that what he said and know that how come my baby jumped then because of my dream i've been holding on to since january of 2019. then in my dream i was driving down highway 264 headed west just there in that portion when you're getting close to the school bus garage you all know where i'm coming out right you see the school buses out there in the in the way over there coming up on river hills nursery right there right and i'm looking over and i see it's like um two lanes and there's a lot of traffic and i look i'm over in the right-hand lane and i look over and i see this woman in her car and i can see she is asleep at the wheel and dreaming out loud you know what i'm saying i mean like she's doing what she's dreaming and i could see i knew exactly what she was dreaming she was dreaming that she was harvesting i knew she thought in her dream she was holding one of those sickles and she was cutting grain she was doing like that and her car was all over the highway running over into oncoming traffic and weaving back and there were people in vehicles in front of me and behind me and they were laughing at her now dreams are funny things you don't know what they mean really you just need to write them down because you sometimes say that pizza i don't know we'll find out i didn't particularly want to help the woman i wasn't laughing at her i thought it was sad really she's dreaming out loud that's kind of sad scary she's showing off everything she's dreaming she's doing it and she's a danger to herself and then i heard the voice inside say what are you going to do about it i said i'm going to drive on down the road sorry i said i am not getting involved in this woman who everybody and then the voice said well what if was she hurt somebody you love and i was like oh okay all right so i somehow managed to navigate her off the road where her car went behind this bush and i pulled up behind her i guess to check and see if she was all right but what stepped out from behind the bush was the biggest nastiest gnarliest lurch looking dude i have ever seen he was huge stepped right out in front of me he had that real heavy brow like that's why i said lurch y'all the whole class a whole generation of people don't even know what i'm talking about but lurch heavy brow you know that thing right dead i could tell from his skin he was dead already he was a shade but he was still here he had flesh he was here and he had a hand i don't even know what do you say a hand he had a hand three times the size of a normal man's hand he was big and he was dressed head to toe in camo like he was hunter in eastern north carolina boom hunting deer something i don't know hunting people i guess he had the cab on like it was gonna hide him i don't know he had to cap on i could see the little it was vented in the back you know what i'm talking about with this uh-huh he had on his carhartt oh yes he had on carhartt and boots and the whole the whole shebang like i couldn't see him if he wore his camo but he was hunting me in that moment i was so angry that i felt like i had gotten trapped right he came at me with that old big hand toward my throat i took my foot i i went all karate kid wanting him you know like i woke up i was half hanging off the bed i woke myself up i was so mad it's like i didn't even get a chance to say jesus he's a choker right do you know that one one of the names of these giants means to choke people the anak means to put a collar around people's neck or choke them they're chokers i woke up i was clearly wide awake at this point and i said jesus what was that about and i heard the voice of the lord just as clear as i ever have and he said parabolo and i said i'm going back to sleep but i will write this word down i know i'm not gonna forget that dream but i will write down parabolo cause i will surely forget it because i don't have a clue what this means and then tomorrow when i'm awake can we talk about this could i have a conference with you a little conference call i have sifted that dream for now three years tell hey what do y'all think this dream means hey what do you think the streaming i've gotten stuff i was like you know when you had the dream and somebody gives you something they say that's what it means to me i'm like yeah but that's not what it means i just know i know i'm gonna know what it means and it doesn't mean that but maybe i'll write it down because we're still working on it right i know that dream is for now it's it's like right now it's now you may think we planned a whole series on giants no we did not we didn't say oh look you had that dream three years ago it's about time to deal with it no we did not it's for now huh parabola let me tell you what parabolo means parabolo doesn't occur very many times in scripture which is one of the reasons i've kind of been holding it para means near or nearby balo means to throw or cast so it means to cast near throw beside approximate approach it may speak of bringing something into physical nearness and i can tell you i was way too near that giant for my liking where you can compare it and it's where we get the noun version of the word parable it's where the word parable comes from jesus used parables as his preferred teaching method to the chagrin of his own disciples they frequently took him aside and said what are you talking about we don't understand anything you just said jesus would teach a parable and you know where it says if you have ears to hear hear what's here you know that thing that he says over and over to his disciples the way the passion puts it is if you're able to understand what i'm saying then you need to respond in other words he's not telling a parable as a bedtime story it's a call to action but if you don't understand what he's saying how are you going to act right so then it keeps you in a place where your mind can't just work to figure it out which annoys a lot of us in the church but there's a power in it because the spirit of god will begin to illumine your mind and help you understand that's why you can know and you know what the thing is about as the lord begins to uncover and reveal layer after layer of what he is saying to you and he ain't in no hurry i've noticed this about him if he takes years to tell you something that's just fine by him but don't let it take years because i'm slow to hear let it let it take time let him take time to talk to me because i'm not there yet i'm not to the place in the future where he's there waiting for me like i know he's standing here with this giant dream today so you know matthew 13 35 says that jesus always spoke in parables in order to fulfill prophecy that's one of the reasons he uses parables he's fulfilling prophecy and y'all know that verse steve could probably quote it it is the glory of god to conceal a matter and the glory of kings to hunt it out uncover it hunt for it like treasure god is so good he loves he loves to stay engaged he wants us to stay engaged with him there are a lot of secrets babies i'm gonna just tell some of the young people some there's a lot of secrets floating around out there in the world y'all can get all caught up on all kinds of revelation secrets some are whisperings from the enemy and actually distractions from the real stuff the real treasure don't get all off into some crazy kabbalah crap it's all out there floating around for you and now the internet has opened up all these doors so you can get it you can get in any door you want to you want jesus said if you want to understand my secrets and my mysteries then what you do is keep an open heart to jesus he's the filter in order to receive revelation of heaven until as the passion says you are habitually super abounding in everything because jesus loves to tell you what some mysteries mean so it could be that what god was saying to me is that this giant dream is about drawing out a secret in the kingdom through a parable i don't know that may be one of the things he's saying but let me tell you something else there's another word which danny just found last week that goes with this passage and another passage in the new testament that has to do with giants you can't make this up dolores the lord you can't make it up it's too rich for three years i did i was doubting my own dream i was saying well that that must have been at least partly pizza or lasagna or something i don't know i've never even heard the word parabolo there's another word peri bolo instead of pera this one means instead of to go come near it means to go around periballo through it so peribola meant literally means to throw all around cast around to clothe yourself well i mean this giant was closed in eastern north carolina garb i know i know in my knower that this dude is nasty gnarly lives here and thinks he's ruler of this area and maybe he stands for a lot of giants in this area i don't know i don't know there's probably plenty to go around if you want one we'll take them all out this one thinks he's hidden the word periballo can not mean not only to be clothed like enclosed but it can also mean a military encampment like you lay off a military encampment this way by these soldiers are going to be over here and these soldiers will be here and kind of like god did with the 12 nations i mean the 12 tribes he put them in different places they always camped in the same space for a reason not just because it was cool and it looked cool from the air i'm sure although i probably did look cool from the air so yeah it made a cross but this word parabolo means to be clothed in white robes so it you you see this word a light in revelation clothed in white clothes clothed in a cloud an angel is clothed in the two witnesses clothed in the sun the church giving birth to the man-child and then jesus clothed in a robe dipped in blood when he comes back clothed clothed the noun version of this word is an actual article of clothing which you see in first corinthians 11 15 where it says a woman's long hair is her covering this is literally her prayer shawl that word is translated in the septuagint from deuteronomy 22 as prayer shawl the thing with the tassels at the end that you grab the woman grabbed jesus's prayer saw the hem of his garment and said you are because it it it tells the name of god in those tassels it's a beautiful picture it's a covering jesus the love of god has covered a multitude of our sins we are vessels of honor and we're covered by jesus but we're also covered in the local church because here's the thing about giant killers if you need to be a giant killer and we all need to be giant killers you have to hang around with giant killers you have to keep looking at the giant killer jesus because you start looking like what you're staring at and you hang around with other people who know how to kill giants right so we put ourselves in some kind of local church ministry right seasoned ministry run with seasoned people like the shulamite in search for the king she she found the watchman and she said i've lost him can you tell me where to find him and one of those times they took her road from her and beat her with it you know the watchmen of a church are there to tell you where they last saw jesus keep people covered good watchmen do not remove the shulamites covering they'll tell you where the psalm 91 covers are they'll say god is here his feathers are covering you his wings cover you and then there's this beautiful word that peter found out and used when he was on the mountain of transfiguration he said i saw what happened to me was i got episkiazzo he said the glory that came down and came out of jesus literally hovered over me and wrapped me up and he got so messed up in that moment he started running his mouth didn't even know what he was talking about and later he says in his letter ii peter he said you can't you can't talk to me you can't tell me anything i've experienced getting wrapped in the glory i saw it for myself you can't tell me that the jesus stories aren't true i i it's not only i ate with him and he taught me i got wrapped in his glory when we were up on the mountain together i've tasted what it's like to get covered over in the glory of god interestingly just as a side note which don't have nothing to do with the glory except that there's always something else that's always trying to cover you over the very definition of witchcraft which goes with giant all things giants and demonic things the by very definition the definition of witchcraft means to hover over conjure cover and cloud over covertly witchcraft is like look at this so that while your eyes are over here it can do this behind your back it's a trick it's always just a trick so it'll distract you so you can't really see what's happening for real so what i'm trying to say is to be clothed in christ ain't got nothing to do with just being pretty poetic language we can either be clothed with christ or be vulnerable to witchcraft and giants who are always trying to deceive keep their territory and keep you from kicking them out of your territory so that you can take your inheritance back you know we don't mind giants laying here that's what i'm talking about i got a lot of good notes me just say this you know caleb when he was you if you haven't read that story in a while go back and read it it's just so good caleb and joshua were two of the 12 spies that went in and you remember when when all was said and done and the 40 years was up and wandering around in the desert caleb basically said to joshua look you remember what god said i brought back the word that was in my heart when moses sent us the spy out land but those ten brothers of ours they made the heart of the people melt with fear talking about them giants to melt with fear means to literally demoralize somebody like you strip them of their morals you demoralize them caleb said but i remember i remember what moses said i remember those words and those words have fit me for battle surely the land on which your foot has tried and shall be your inheritance to your children and your children's children forever you know we have to get a generational view here or we'll just go well let's just write this out until jesus comes back we'll just hobble off the best we can no like if we don't see this for the long haul that this is about the inheritance god has given us we'll never believe we'll say well that abortion giant is just too big it ain't never coming down or what a fill in the blank whatever that johnny is i don't even know what that dude is dressed in camo but he's coming down caleb said i heard that promise that was made to me 45 years ago it's still in my ears he was 85 years old and he said i'm as strong today as i was in the day that that promise was made to me give me the yes i need to go take that land give me the yes and the lord will be with me and i will dispossess those giants they hid the gnarliest ugliest giants in the space that he had been given in what was called eventually hebron which figures prominently in all things kingship later on but it was called um curious uh something on a king because that's it was the onyx that lived there a race of giants those are the ones that are the uh chokers the choking giants they come after your throat i mean uh that word means necklace like they gonna hang something around your make put make you a slave like they're strangling you a chain around your neck means to choke or collar you like walking corpses paul says in ephesians 2 we used to obey the ruler of the earthly realm the dark ruler of the earthly realm who fills the atmosphere with his authority and works diligently in the hearts of those who are disobedient to the truth that god gives they give in to the deeds and desires of corruption but but we not like that anymore we have a we have a dread champion that released us from the power of that strapped with sin that choking thing right what's really interesting to me is that the people of israel when god said okay i'm giving you this land and they sent in the they sent in the 12 and the 10 came back and they said oh yeah the land is awesome look at these grapes it took two two men walking with them hanging over a pole to bring out just one cluster of grapes they're so big the land is awesome the cities are huge fortified but what really scares us are the people they're real big but then there's also the giants and we're scared that um they said you don't eat this land that's what people literally said numbers you won't eat this land this land is gonna eat you they said the land would eat you the word says they slandered the land they not only slandered god by saying god you set up a trap so i was going to get we will all get caught by giants and eaten but then they slandered the good land that god gave them and they said oh it's it's it's gonna eat us the word um the word just so you know is you know to connect giants with fallen angels and all things demonic the word nephilim means feller not like we say in eastern north carolina you know that feller down the road well it could be the faller the one that fell the bully the tyrant the rebel the apostate the fallen ancient the fallen the feller right caleb knew his inheritance he knew the promise of god in other words let me just say this he wasn't just warren again caleb wasn't just warned against a natural giant do you know what i'm saying he felt a giant it's bad enough if it's natural but we're talking about supernatural beings here that eat people caleb turned it he said you know what they will become our bread we will eat them right now that takes a revelation he said this is how he said it he said we should by all means go up and take possession of it this land this promise for we shall surely overcome it this land is exceedingly good and if the lord is pleased with us he will bring us into this land and give it to us it's a land flow of milk and honey only do not rebel against the lord and do not fear the people of the land for they will be our food their protection their shadow their rephaim their their weak shadow shade has been removed from them he said even though they're supernatural beings guess what god took all their source of help has cut it off from them they're just mere giants now ordinary giants so i'm just closing my eyes and i'm thinking about some of the things that have been running their mouths at me for a long time from an upper place like up in the heavens into slate second heaven running their mouth hard as they can you got yours i got mine and then we have some that we share and god has cut off from them their shade their supernatural power and we do not fear them god said my servant caleb he has a different spirit about him and he's followed me and i will bring him into the land first colossians 2 says this says that jesus spoiled principalities and powers that while he was in between he was working he didn't take a three-day nap he was doing a job and one part of that job was canceling out every legal violation that was on the old arrest warrant for each one of us that stood to indict us he erased it our sins our stained souls he deleted it all and it cannot be retrieved everything that we once were in adam our past the speaker mike how about this don't just just see stuff like this just makes me go thank you jesus the enemy's mad and i'm glad was a public display of cancellation my past life every memory of failure every act of disobedience on my part got nailed to the tree my even my old nature i am no longer two dogs fighting each other hello you want to believe that indian proverb you're going to have to find it after the new birth your old nature's a dead man it got nailed to the tree and you have one new nature and that is of jesus christ like kelly said no man his socks might still be in your top drawer and his picture might be on your um dresser but he's dead and it'll it'll take you necromancy to pull him back up your old nature is dead once you become alive in jesus christ you know you might be like a dog running around in a whole track round round and round and round or a cow on a path that goes home and takes the path of least resistance that's just flesh but your old nature is dead that's beautiful to me that would mean that the very nature of adam has been killed off and the nature of christ has been sown in a new dna sewn in the word says in first colossians 2 15 having put off his body he stripped principalities and powers and shamed them openly they thought they had shamed jesus on the cross by stripping him he saw we were strapped with sin he said oh i'm gonna go strip them so that they do not have the power over you any more so it says that this glorious church she was a mystery she was hidden for ages past she was kept a secret in the heart of god paul told the ephesians this and he said the purpose of this was to unveil before every throne and every rank of angelic orders in the heavenly realm god's full and diverse wisdom revealed through the church there's a complete confidence in what jesus has done when he did the thing he did the deed he finished the work so you know there's still giants in the land joshua got one in the hills he basically ran out the ones in the hills and killed them it says he completely annihilated them but we know by the time david came along in fact it says in the joshua record that the giants that lived in gas they never took out well that's because evidently he saved some for david you got noun letters you know as far as giants are concerned you kill some now and kill some later right there's still giants in the land david got goliath but it was david's men that took out goliath's brothers because again when when you're a giant killer you should hang around other giant killers because it teaches you how to be a giant killer you know i think probably the thing that the one of the things i felt like the lord was saying to me was i just i need to hear you say like caleb it's mine it's mine our hand-to-hand combat is not with human beings but with principalities and authorities that operate in rebellion in heavenly realms they're just pagan deities they hold on to things through the occult practices and rituals and evil spirits that try to hold this world in in bondage but we're protected you know david didn't try to wear saul's armor he wore what he knew he had the if he if anybody had the 10 000 hour rule rolling he's like i know how to use the sling because i've killed the line and the bear and one of the things i love um when i hear uh bill johnson preach about this he says you know david killed the lion and the bear in private so that he had confidence when he walked on the field with goliath and then i looked what graham cook says you'll always be overwhelmed by something in this case you can look at the giants or you can look at the grapes for the new wine i can't see both at the same time so if i'm going to be overwhelmed by something i might as well be overwhelmed with jesus things so big they'll i think they'll never shut up they'll never fall but there's a there's a wisdom coming in the church [Music] the wisdom from above that tells us how to do battle whatever that thing is this is more like my invitation for you to join me in saying lord what are the giants that face us here both personally but also corporately what what is it that you would have us run to the battlefield about find my voice and speak directly to the giant in front of me using every gift the lord has given me to take the thing out james says go for the wisdom that comes from heaven stand up to the devil and resist him and he will turn and run from you move your heart closer and closer to god and he will come even closer to you he's touching you that's the way the aramaic reads so we're going to do communion i mean what a beautiful picture on every battlefield there is always a table spread you know if you're not saved today would be a great day to make that decision and please don't leave um either from this building or if you're watching online don't don't turn it off until you make that that right please don't don't leave this moment today is the day that you hear his voice just spend a minute making sure you know just touch base touch base but yeah the praise team can come up and the people who are going to disperse communion it was like the breakfast of champions over here the new wine the bread that was his flesh that was broken for us that his body was plowed that i could be sewn in right there's a battle then there's a table always look for the table that's the table you can always find the table god never sends warriors to battle on an empty stomach never and so father i just thank you for today i thank you for um the words that you've given us the songs that we've sung the pictures that you've sown in our minds lord i thank you that jesus is worthy because he is the dread champion he is the giant slayer of all giant slayers we surrender to you god we surrender to you that's the most important part of this equation we surrender to you we get our eyes on jesus and what he's done his strength his mighty right arm we thank you god that your life within us will soon reap a harvest of glory [Music] father that you bear in us the beautiful harvest of righteousness [Music] and we can become laborers in that field jesus said look the field is already white into harvest pray the lord will send more laborers into that harvest so god we thank you for our arms being full and even in a place where there's been um maybe even past breakthrough but we feel like still there's something looming there that would that seeks to rob us of the full inheritance of what it means to be sons and daughters of the most high god and father we call those things um we we uh thank you that you've given us the power to bind and loose we thank you for the power of breakthrough again and again and again and again until every giant has fallen every giant thank you that you're the god of breakthrough and lord thank you for giving us the ability to watch to war when necessary but to break open until we become people of worship where we just that's who we are not that's what we do but that's who we are that's who we've become worshipers we thank you for it we bless you um in jesus name amen if you have uh today made this confession um in your heart it's really important to do it publicly so uh if if it's a public confession that you need to do of jesus christ today go to the prayer room and um if you're online you shoot us a message you can do that because you're online and you know how to do it and we will get back to you but that is that's very important today to align yourself with jesus um and uh and that's all i'm gonna say about that i love you all have a great day and uh the praise team will worship us out as you take communion and thank jesus for what he's done and and y'all be blessed
Channel: River City Christian Center
Views: 964
Rating: 4.1999998 out of 5
Id: u45YXK-F5Tc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 16sec (3916 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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