Without Natural Affection | Romans 1 | Lesson 72

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as a blessing we'll get three emails that Paul didn't have a harmonic in church all right Romans 1 we're gonna finish this up for a little while this came in this afternoon this will be the last of 72 messages on Romans 1 the first was August 10 2017 p.m. how about that and it'll be one of those messages all right you know the context by now verse 18 the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against God has wrath and gods against God is love and gods for you just got to make sure you're on the right side of things real from everything that's all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness because that which may be known of God is manifest in them for God has showed it unto them for the invisible things of him the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and Godhead so that they are without excuse because that when they knew God they glorified him not as God neither we're thankful but became vain in their imaginations their foolish heart was darkened professing themselves to be wise they became fools okay so they they've gotten rid of God now they're fools and changed the glory verse 23 if the uncouple of God into an image made like corruptible man and to birds and beasts and creeping things the outcome of this outcome of this response to this verse 31 without natural affection without natural affection one one more passage and then we'll just get into some history and then get in a little bit of preaching 1st Corinthians chapter 11 1st Corinthians chapter 11 here's some verses you hadn't heard in church a long time verse 14 not not even nature itself teach you if a man have long hair does a shame unto Him but if a woman have long hair it is a glory to her for her hair is given her for a covering man the preachers wore that out in the 60s nobody's preached that much sense because it was worn out anyway there are affections the affection is the established position of the heart the affections are those things to which the heart has been devoted there are affections which are part of human beings by nature from God it is the god-given nature of a man to desire the companionship of a woman it is a god-given nature of a woman to desire the companionship of a man it is the god-given nature of a parent to desire the well-being of their children it is the god-given desire of a human being to have a relationship with their God it is the god-given desire of human beings to use animals for labour food and clothing your country is so far from God that the most basic rudimentary things that are perfectly natural to men to women to parents and to human beings are all but gone from your society we are we are living in a day when the unnatural and the abnormal is glorified and exalted and when when those who are who are blights and drains upon society are held up as as noble and wonderful the thing is is just on the verge of total collapse spiritually and in every other way now yeah we'll get to it in just a few minutes we're gonna pray we're gonna look at a little bit of history but do you understand how far from nature what is not how far from natural you have become when a society grants legal permission to women to allow other people to be compelled to pay for the murder of their babies I mean just on so many levels that is that is mind boggling and yet it is it is not only the law of the land it is viewed by millions and millions and millions and millions of supposedly educated supposedly moral people as being just a choice like whether or not to put cheese on your hamburger I made some choices today I chose premium over regular gasoline in my car I chose to have a salad with chicken on it rather than the salad without chicken and then I chose to stop at the clinic and kill my baby when you live in a society where killing your child is just a choice you made in between trips to the nightclub that's really messed up man that's really messed up when cities elect sodomites and lesbians to represent them and be their lawmakers you know how far that is outside all that is natural and all that is normal and yet in in just a generation or two you have had this thing turned so completely upside down to where if a person wants to speak up for normalcy on their job they are afraid to do so because the overwhelming mass of peer pressure would condemn them for saying wait a minute there's a man in the woman's toilet wait a minute there's a woman going into combat wait a minute there's a boy that his parents are seeing a doctor about chopping off parts of his body because he thinks she's a girl you understand how this thing is so messed up you wonder why you're even talking about it it wouldn't have even been considered a generation ago and here we are drowning in a sewer of weird perverted abnormal behavior and you're being asked to go along with it and one Minister after another including the reprobate Pope are speaking on behalf of atheism when the Pope tells the sodomite God made you that way the Pope is declaring I've got a different God than the God of the Bible and the God the Catholic Church has proclaimed for 2,000 years or 16 hundred years or how long they've been going it's a mess it's a total mess you know he's a threat to society now not not a not a transgender whatever they are marrying their dog somebody talking like me I'm the scary guy the man in the dress who adopted a cat to be his daughter is a noble heroic figure a man mowing the yard listening to preaching on headphones is someone the neighbors stay away from a man hugging a tree and coming to get in tune with Mother Earth is a really cool guy that we want to have over for drinks this thing's messed up man it is it is really really really messed up and you're not going to get it back with a with a panel discussion on Fox News you're only going to get it back people start believing the Bible again all right let's pray and just look you won't agree with this guy yeah but just enjoy the ride I mean you're not going to get anything like this anytime soon all right father bless you word no hearts please we pray it help us we ask in Jesus name amen amen it's a god-given nature of humans to make use of the beasts of the field it's a god-given nature of boys to be masculine and aggressive it's the god-given nature of girls to be feminine and supportive praise the Lord these boys these boys show up and and what these boys want to do they want to wrestle they want to pretend a stick as a rifle and these girls want to hold hands and play with dolls praise God it's supposed to be that way supposed to be that way saved her loss those living in obedience to the light John 1 and knowledge Roman 1 given them by their maker will adhere to these natural affections without a rulebook without force without instruction or without religion it's natural it's the nature of the man and the woman around the world participate in these activities only when the inborn spiritual understanding is cast off does that which is contrary to nature arise the attachment of parents to children is one of the strongest in nature nothing can overcome it but the most established wickedness yet the practice of killing one's own children is common among the basest of the heathen it's a crime so abhorrent to all the feelings of humanity but it emerges and the void left in the human heart once the knowledge of God is dismissed turned to Psalm 106 Psalm 106 people say you know God sent those Israelites in there and he told them to wipe out all those Canaanite peoples and I just I don't see why God would do a thing like that well I'll show you I'll show you why Psalm 106 verse number 34 they did not destroy the nation's concerning whom the lord commanded them why did God command them to destroy the nation's verse number 37 they sacrificed their sons and their daughters to devils and shed innocent blood even the blood of their sons and their daughters whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan and the land was looted with blood thus were they defiled with their own works and when a whoring after their own inventions therefore was the wrath of Lord kindled against his people and so much that he abhorred his own inheritance did you read about the wrath of God in Romans 1 did you read about evil inventions in Romans 1 did you read about the darkness that sets in when men don't like to retain God in their knowledge you know what those Canaanite tribes of people were doing they were murdering their babies while claiming their God was okay with it you know you know some of the leading lights are in the pro-abortion movement in America ministers and churches who is this God that you serve by the sacrifice of children who is this God that you serve by the shedding of innocent blood God destroyed entire nations for that kind of foolishness second chronicles 33 let's go there second chronicles 33 won't but we don't read all the places in the Bible that address this but there's their numerous second chronicles 33 this was a king in Israel he's a wicked King his name is Manasi but here's what the Bible says in verse number 1 Manasseh was 12 years old we began to reign he reigned 50 and five years in Jerusalem but did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord like under the abominations of the heathen whom the Lord had cast out before the children of Israel rebuilt again the high places Hezekiah fathered broken down and he reared up altars for Balaam and made groves and worshipped all the hosts of heaven and served them all so he built altars in the house of the Lord where up the Lord had said in Jerusalem shall not my name be forever and he built altars for all the hosts of heaven in the two courts in the house of the Lord and he caused his children to pass through the fire in the valley of the son of Hinnom also hear of times and used in transyl enchantments and use witchcraft and dealt with the familiar spirit and with wizards he wrought much evil in the sight of the Lord to provoke him to anger you know what he did he threw his babies in a fire and burned them up thinking it would please some God that he had you know how how unnatural your affections have to be to have that kind of God in your heart to have that kind of total absence of love for your child you know how far gone you have to be now he did that with a temple standing he did that with a house of worship standing in fact you got churches all over America doesn't mean a thing if those churches are full of idols and abominations and lies among the ancient Persians it was a common custom to bury children alive in most of the Grecian States the killing of infants was not merely permitted but actually enforced by law the Spartan lawgiver expressly ordained that every child that was born should be examined by the ancient men of the tribe and that if it was found weak or deformed it should be thrown into a deep cavern at the foot of mount to Geddes Aristotle in his work on government enjoins the exposure to the elements of children that are naturally feeble and deformed in order to present prevent an excess of population now when the the writers of history books say the exposure to the elements you know what that means we're not going to kill the child we're just going to take it out in the woods and leave it laying on the ground and if it dies that's God's fault if God wanted to live he just sent along you know two wolves to raise it outside of Rome or some some other fairytale like that that's what they did the Romans under Romulus obliged the citizens to bring up all their male children and the eldest of the females and destroy the rest the Roman father had an absolute right to in the life of his child we have abundant proof that such was done Romulus expressed the authorized the destruction of all children that were deformed only requiring the parents to exhibit them to their five nearest neighbors and to obtain their consent to these deaths the law of the twelve tribes enacted in three hundred first year of Rome sanctioned the same barbarous practice Felix describes it in this manner quote I see you exposing your infants to wild beasts and birds or strangling them after the most miserable manner Pliny the Elder defended the right of parents to destroy their children upon the ground of its being necessary in order to preserve the population within Popper bounds that's why Planned Parenthood was founded Planned Parenthood was founded to control the overpopulation of black children in American cities after after 50 years after civil war the Industrial Revolution were getting too many black children Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood to kill black babies hillary and her crowd won't mention that in a hundred years in it amazing that black people vote for the party that gives money to Planned Parenthood when Planned Parenthood exists to control the population of black people by killing their babies now you don't believe that look it up look it up that's the fact anyway Phoenicians and Carthaginians were in the habit of sacrificing infants to the gods in Peking China the 19th and 20th centuries thousands of children were exposed people were employed by the police to go through the city with carts every morning to pick up all the children that had been thrown out during the night the bodies were carried to a common pit without the walls of the city into which all whether they're dead or living were promiscuously thrown that's from barrows travels in China page 113 you said what a horrible thing to do well at least they didn't round him out and sell the body parts like to do in your country among the Hindus the practice was and perhaps is more common the provinces of cooch and goose are out alone there was a count of thirty thousand children murdered and just year 1807 females were almost the only victims that's from Buchanan's researches in Asia the natives of New South Wales were in the habit of burying the child with its mother if she should happen to die that's a count of colony South Wales page 124 among the Hottentots infanticide was a common crime the altars of the Mexicans were continually drenched from the blood of infants in Peru none less than 200 infants were sacrificed on occasion of the coronation of the Inca ruler in the United States of America countless thousands of women every week either pay a medical doctor to reach inside her womb and terminate a living child or get the tax payers to pay for it if they don't have an insurance company that'll cover it in their plan now you look censored about that not not that it's enjoyable doing censored about that almost every example cited above is from a culture that was considered a superior advanced culture you're not a superior advanced culture if you've not retained God in your knowledge you'll be the darkest in the deepest darkness imaginable and you'll be so far in the dark you'll be committing sins and crimes that are beyond the imagination you couldn't imagine a woman killing her baby for sport for pleasure to preserve her body to preserve her figure you couldn't imagine it yeah it happens every day from one end of this country to the other and people don't even blush they're not even ashamed they march in the streets and brag about it they march in the streets and demand that decent people pay for it say why has nothing do with education has do with not retaining God in your knowledge has nothing new in economics says they would not entertain God near knowledge they said what about all these want unwanted pregnancies if you hadn't wanted fornication you wouldn't have unwanted pregnancy you commit one Senate leads to another all right for a man to desire another man is to be without natural affection let's come on look before we talk about the affection let's just talk about the nature I mean there's no point in going into into even elementary biology but it's pretty evident that men weren't made for men and women weren't made for women that's pretty that's pretty obvious for a woman desire another woman's be without natural affection for a man or a woman to call their dog their child is to be without natural affection that's not your child it might be your guardian it might be your pet it might be your way to blow money but it's not your child that's that's it's weird hey okay just I got to stop right there before we go any farther just try for the next few minutes to imagine you'd never seen a Disney movie you'd never seen some sappy TV ad just try for a minute to imagine you weren't brainwashed and you were just going by the Bible we're just going by the Bible women have children some are boys some are girls none of them are dogs or cats those aren't children they're not children something something messed up there for a mother to abandon her children or for a man to abandon their children for somebody else to raise so they can make more money to blow more money and spend more time away from the children they brought into the world is not natural affection for an adult to desire material things of the neglect of God is to be without natural affection you weren't made by God to devote yourself to stuff if the affection of your heart is set on material things and you don't have any room for God any room for prayer any room for the Bible any room for fellowship any room for witnessing what are we going to say you've retained God in your knowledge you don't have time to think about God you pushed him out and pushed him out and pushed him out and pushed him out people see you coming on visitation why can you coming out on public ministry well I can you come into prayer meeting well I can't why can't you there's no room left for God and that's church people look it's your country man just go out there and spend one hour try to find one person interest in having a conversation about God where are they anybody come on anybody here we are we're standing from the racetrack there one hundred fifty thousand anybody well I'm gonna see the race it don't start for three hours ten minutes come on ten minutes talk about God leave me alone man 150 thousand people not one of them has ten minutes to talk about God messed up man this place is messed up for a nation to coddle sexual perverts while incarcerated those who harm Turtles see cows and polar bears is to be without natural affection down there Australia they don't know what to do they can't raise crops and they're losing all their Indian listen they're losing all their endangered species because millions of feral cats are eating them well now they got a real problem what are we save you can't save all the animals because the animals aren't buying into it now the simple way to solve the feral cat problem would be to let every boy in the country have a little 22 rifle or a pellet gun and just turn them loose on the Wildcats but the nations banned guns there's you know every now and then a gun walks into a school and shoots people look you're nuts now how crazy it is for people with PhDs in biology to not know how to solve a problem with fear all cats you know either can't because they have seven years of training in biology but they're dumber than the cats they're not a person here doesn't know how to solve that problem there's an endangered toad frog there's a cat the cat's about to eat the toad frog well you got you got two choices lose the frog or shoot the cat they can't see at the cat well then you're gonna lose the phone with you lose the Frog the whole world would collapse the ecosystem will collapse if we lose the Frog well you got to kill something that somes gonna die here you better act quick and you know what they're paralyzed because their religion won't allow them to act in common sense or you could round up the cats and export them to Juan leaves and Panda drive-through and all the rest of those places when we do better starving children all around the world what do we do with the overpopulation of funeral cats aha - problem solved you know what the fact that you're laughing about that you're triggering someone I'm gonna cry I talked about I thought about killing a cat I never felt this bad you didn't feel that bad when you had three abortions no no you know why because you're a mental pervert you're a moral reprobate something's wrong with people can't shed a tear over a baby being chopped to bits and its mother's womb but freaks out over the thought of a kid shooting a cat with a BB gun people messed up man no one's gonna hear this when I came to church now yeah it happens a lot around here for boys to be ballerinas and play with dolls and sport long flowing or locks and be prissy is to be without natural affection there was a dad around he could deal with that for girls to be soldiers and wear the unisex fashion and be boxers and kick fighters and all the rest of that to be without natural affection that's my mom shame very pretty but she can't kick in the teeth that's weird man that's that's just weird if you're a kickboxer I'm sorry I didn't mean you know I've just I remember Lilly's brother we out on the boardwalk New Smyrna vanished this long time ago long time ago and we're out there preaching and this fella comes up to Charlie he said you don't shut up I'm gonna punch you in the face and Charlie said you must be born again he pulled his fist back he said you don't shut up I'm gonna hit you as hard as I can Charlie said you must be born again that guy who that guy got already he said you don't shut up I'm knock your teeth out and Charlie said you left me born-again praise the Lord he won't go back down for a husband to wear the apron and tend the babies while the wife earns the paycheck is to be without natural affection that was too weak for the husband wear the apron and tend the babies while the wife earns the paycheck is to be without natural affection there'll be ashamed of yourself for the child of the mother to run the home while the man cowers in fear is to be without natural affection the chowder the mother to run Bernards home other man cowers in fear would be without natural affection without ever the case for a child to be neglected while a dog sits in a mother's lap is to be without natural affection at least you clean the baby after it did its business the dog just did its business and hopped right back on your legs that's messed up man ain't right never thought about that you ought to think about that to feel a greater devotion to sports play money hunting fishing television movies games are shopping than to God is to be without natural affection God didn't make you to worship idols made you to worship Him alright Genesis chapter 3 Genesis 3 we're just getting warmed up here we Genesis chapter number 3 we only do this once we might as well give it all we got Genesis chapter 3 dogs don't order spaghetti and share it at a restaurant table stuff warps your mind mice don't sing and dance ducks don't talk stuff messed up your mind man tonight Jesus was born you want the lamb said by what the cow said Moo the animals didn't talk people people messed up man I messed up in her mind sorry disappoints you without me Genesis 3 verse no - I'm sorry Genesis 2 verse 19 ready for this out of the ground Lord God formed every beast of the field I believe that you believe that never follow the air I believe that you believe that and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them and what's reverent ever Adam called every living creature that was named thereof and Adam gave names to all cattle and to the fowl of the air bill Jo Betty and on every beast of the field now watch but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him nor God cause deep sleep Paul upon Adam and he slept he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh instead thereof and the rib which the Lord God had made from taking from man made he a woman and brought her under the man you know what God did not make animals for companionship with humans you know what God made other humans for companionship with humans now animals according to Bible are for food clothing labor and sacrifice now we got animals in our house I hope you have animals your house some of you do some of you don't I honestly I don't care one way or another but when you talk to those animals sweet and talk to your husband rude you're messed up when you sweet-talk your dog and badmouth your wife you're messed up your kids do something you yell and scream out of me your dog does something you laugh about it you messed up you kids pee in the middle of the floor you spanked them the dog pees and below did you have to go out your kid's gonna think you're lunatic come on man something's weird about all this stuff you need somebody to talk to there's eight billion people on the planet if you can't find one person on this planet to converse with you got a problem I talked to my cat my cat understands me your cat don't understand nothing people will give their hard-earned money to rescue a worthless dog and they won't give their heart on money to rescue souls from hell you got a rescue dog I'm not criticizing you I'm not condemning you I just want to know does your heart go out to people on their way to a burning fiery Hell forever like it went out to that pup you saw in that ad this dog was neglected there's neglected children all over this town this cat was mistreated there's mistreated people all over this town when that dog dies in three years that's the end of that dog when that child dies in 30 years it's either in heaven or in hell they're just they're just something something abnormal about a nation whose heart goes out to an animal and doesn't go out to the souls for whom Jesus Christ died on the cross God didn't send his son into this world to suffer and bleed and die for abandoned iguanas and homeless boa constrictors he sent his son to die for men and women and boys and girls to save them from hell that's where our compassion ought to go that's where the longing of our heart ought to go that's where our affections ought to go now I'm not a mean man I have to keep saying that because there's no evidence to the contrary I guess but I have to keep saying that you have health codes and health I can't smoke in a restaurant but I can bring a fleabag into a restaurant I can't smoke in a restaurant because secondhand smoke might hurt you but I've got a dog's unwashed hind in sitting on a chair at a table in a restaurant it's insanity where's the Health Department never thought about that too much TV that's why you never thought about that how we're doing a checking in a motel look I'm in a motel more time alone house all year long and I'm checking in the motel and here comes somebody walking out through the lobby with a with a you know a some kind of hound thing and somebody else walking in some kind of poodle thing and and the clerk will say oh we're we're pet friendly I said too bad you're not human friendly oh it's so cute oh they got their little doggy with them in the boat that's so cute just remember that when you sit down on the blanket and put your hand there dogs nasty parts were there when you take off your shoes and walk across the carpet some dog drug itself across that rug we're pet friendly it's it's messed up man as this preacher picked me up it's no no fault is I told him and he he dealt with it with a management I go and earn and I wake up and I'm all bit up with fleas and they say I mean it's a treat you'd know the next chain motel man but I'm all bit up with fleas and I went to get dressed I went over at remember clothes were I don't I'll leave him in the suitcase I don't wanna put him on the bed or on the furniture my wife washed him why would I put it where our dog's been slobbering and I'm gonna get my clothes and there's ticks crawling on the side of the bed of tick scroll it the pet-friendly well ain't no friend of mine we charge an extra $25 you just rip them off you don't do anything with the $25 something's wrong with that man you know the next person sits on that airplane seat has no idea has no idea that Rovers backside just spent two hours there not natural affection you want one more I'll give you one more you don't want one more I'm gonna give you two more it's a sin for anybody to be living off money stolen from working people that's pretty well-established in the Bible but when you take my money and give it to somebody who doesn't work and they take that money and buy cat food with it how how is that legal you're on welfare and you got a dog you're on government income and you got a cat what it how can that be you got people working 40 50 60 70 hours to scrape together enough money to feed their children and the government's taken 30 40 percent of it and given it to people who don't work and they're buying little Friskies with it thereby an output with it come on people that's math stop I'm not running but if nominated I will not decline we got people worship the earth and they love the earth and they're gonna save the earth how do you getting a lot of feedback from the earth on that as the earth hugged you in return when you have one of your save the earth rallies do you get it good get a card in the mail thank you Mother Earth you know what that is that's somebody taking everything that belongs to God and giving it to something that can't give it back won't give it back the earth has no grace for you the earth has no mercy for you the earth has no love for you the earth will drop a rock on you the wrong earth will drop a tree on you the earth will send a tornado after you the earth will send a hurricane after you the earth will rain when you don't want it to rain you know it'll send droughts when you don't want to drought the earth don't care nothing about you I'm gonna go to Hawaii I'm gonna drive a Prius I'm gonna get a solar panel on the air-conditioning and God's gonna open up the earth just pour lava on your house I think man you know man at these factories you know we're making the earth too hot how about that volcano you want that volcano is that's Mother Earth belching how's that for heat you want something you want some global warming how about how about a volcano I don't know how I don't know how many laps around the block you'd have to take you to the SUV before it just melted the highway but the earth is over there Melton highways not one person has said well you know no we got away though there's there's like asphalt in the where do you think the asphalt came from man the earth you're gonna save the earth do you think the earth needs your help the earth can freeze you the earth can burn you the earth can drown you the earth can blow you away the earth can crush you the earth can all new you and when it does those things it never apologizes anybody for it you want to fall in love you better not fall in love or something can kill you on a different ways you know you ought to go just one night just go out just one night just go out somewhere where it's dark and look up in the sky and then look at you you're not gonna save the earth you're not gonna destroy the earth you're gonna take up a little space for a few years and then they're gonna stick you in the earth and you're just gonna go right on spinning there's right on spinning right on spinning right on spin and amen we're about to run out of room get in the plane take a flight and look around alright so somewhere tonight somewhere tonight a man whose father drew and doesn't know where they are is that a political rally to stop people from cutting down trees because there's a bird that lives in one of those trees and there's not many of them left that's without natural affection somewhere tonight somewhere tonight there's a woman who hadn't spoken to her children in years and she's starting a petition drive to make fishermen stop catching fish and boaters to stop running boats because some dolphin out there might get caught in a net or some turtle might swallow a you know piece of plastic hey lady why don't you find your kids somewhere tonight while the whole world's going to hell some liberal Church is having a meeting to figure out how to get somebody elected that can pass a law to control carbon emissions hey get a clue you push got away you push got away you know what you'll do you make things important that God didn't say we're important and you'll minimize things that God said really mattered to him and that's what's going on your country people care more about their animals and they do their children people care more about the environment than to do the God that made it people care more about temporal things than they do eternal things I don't suppose any of us will change that we can change our way of thinking the fact that saved people get angry when you say these things show us how far we've come too many men and women who claim to know Christ have been so greatly influenced by the world and so little influenced by the Word of God that what's unnatural is perfectly acceptable it ought to bother you to see boys it ought to bother you to see manly girls it ought to bother you to see two women smooch and it ought to bother you see two men holding hands because it's against God it ought to bother you to live in a land where millions and millions and millions of dollars are given to men or no to protect life and they're getting paid to terminate lives that all bother you it ought to bother you to live in a land where people all around are going to hell and the country seems more concerned about stray dogs and stray cats and bunny rabbits and rest of that then the new human beings for whom Christ died unnatural affections the Bible is very clear on the roles and nature's of men and women they're not the same the Bible is very clear on the role of parents and children they're not the same the Bible is very clear on the purpose of humans and the purpose of animals and they're not related they're not a family you know us all started Charlie Darwin I am not related to an ape I am not related to a chimp I'm not related to a monkey I'm not related to a fish I'm not related to a but they're not family I am related to every soul outside these doors and ought to get busy trying to save my family now just last little we just will wind it up here we have a lady in our church bless her heart and man in our church bless his heart woman in our church and and son and husband is a fireman don't you mean firefighter no I'm certain he's a man he's a he's a fireman who who thought it was a good idea to send a son and a husband into a burning house to get a chihuahua you're messed up that is is everybody I can't sir still in there boss you gotta go you're gonna send a father a husband a son into a burning house to search for a cat you go to Australia and get a boatload of them you know what you know why you're sending a fireman into a house to find a pet because you think they're related you think it's a member of the family you're messed up and if he didn't here comes channel 2 we're standing in front of the house where the cruel fireman I think we can see can we get him on the camera the cruel fireman allowed Toto to burn up in the fire are you the neighbor yeah and it's the woman the man standing there looking like a dodo and are you then yes how do you feel about Toto being burnt up there I don't know why they thought that fireman I think that somebody ought to do something about they weld it you we ought to have a law and then the next day on the radio hi have you had a dog burning a fire I'm John Morgan I once might watched my dog burn in a fire right after the train hit me the same day I fell down the escalator if you'd like I'll sue everybody you've ever met this country collectively has just lost its mind if you don't want to retain God in your knowledge you send sons and fathers and husbands into burning buildings to rescue members of the family that are only members of the family if you believe Darwin's lie not the Bible okay now before you say anything so we're gonna dismiss the service for you say anything I am married to someone who has lots and lots and lots and lots of four-legged creatures I am NOT an animal hater I've bestowed some of my love and affection upon a chicken this afternoon [Laughter] with a little barbecue sauce I see a dog I don't kick it if it moves quick enough gets out of them away I don't go out of my way to run over cats I'm not gonna put two people behind me through a windshield to keep from hitting a squirrel I'm not going to give the people in my backseat whiplash because some duck at the last moment decided to waddle into the path of the traffic they're equally humans make them use the crosswalk people are nuts man anyway so I don't hate animals and don't don't come tell me your animals special it talks to you and all that because we'll have to get the guys with a net and the padded truck fees now I'm going to tell you the truth I'll tell you two stories and I'm done because I got to get up as early as some of you working men tomorrow get on an airplane hopefully with all humans I preached one night in a church on Noah and the Ark and I got done preached and here came this girl 16 years old I didn't know it but I found out later 16 years old racing toward me and her dad right behind her racing right behind her and she says that true what you just said so yes yes it sure is right out of the Bible she said I'll never believe in a God that would drown ponies and I said what about grandmas she didn't care what about people she didn't care all she got on the story knowing the art was God drowned ponies and if God gone Pony she wouldn't have that God well she gonna have to have him or she's gonna lose her soul I said well God saved God saved some animals on the ark and seven of the clean ones and two of the unclean ones and you know I saved more of the clean ones the unclean ones and she said no I said so they could eat them that's me you know I just don't want to help her over her trigger a moment there I preached one night and I said I said what I was preaching on Jesus said you're more value than many sparrows in that a blessing and Christ died for people not animals and you die if you're saved you get to go to heaven and and so this woman walked up to me and she got this picture in a wallet and she said she's so much just a little dog she said she said that she gave some name and she said that that dog is waiting for me in heaven I don't care what you say and I said God doesn't care what you say now let me give you my softer side cuz I know I hadn't been saved long and all they would let me do it to church was cut the grass and clean the building so I had to start one anyway so the phone rings at the church back when they had you know the phones on the wall and everything so I went over the wall and answered the phone and this this woman she's distraught I need to talk to the minister there's not one here I need to see a preacher there's not one here can you come I'm thinking about she poor woman she she distraught man she think about taking her life and so I come over there and talk to you and someone over there and this is with a woman and she live with this little dog and the little dog had just died and she just distraught she's beside herself and and she said can you promise me can you promise me them my dog be in heaven when I get there now you know I'm not gonna lie to that woman and I'm sure not gonna do anything to push her on over the edge so you don't know what I told her write this down I said ma'am I am sure when you get to heaven if it takes that dog to make you happy it'll be there now you know what she gets to heaven ain't gonna take no dog to make her happy but y-you know I pushed her into the depths of despair when she's standing on the edge looking at it so see I'm a nice guy I'm a nice guy just don't sit down next to me in the restaurant with your slobber and dog scratching dog hair flying everywhere sir there's a man outside and he's smoking too near the door says the woman with the dog at the table weird man weird and I'm no fan of smoking I make my wife go outside lights one up sits out there with the dog and complains now for those of you that are on the other side of the argument if you're not sure whether or not your wife or your dog loves you the most you can find out real easy put them both in trunk of the car leave them there about 10 minutes when you open the trunk which ones glad to see you that dog jump right in your arms you know one one man said he said you know what difference is between my my dog and my wife I said no what he said when I let the dog in it stops yappin I couldn't believe it when Gary said that it just all right boys be boys girls be girls men be manly and do manly stuff ladies be ladylike and do ladies stuff don't anybody be a sodomite you want to have a pet have a pet don't adopt a child unless it's got two legs and you know you okay just that's all don't love the earth love the God that made it praise God all right
Channel: James W. Knox Sermons
Views: 3,715
Rating: 4.742857 out of 5
Keywords: Religion, Preaching, Gospel, Compassion, Love, Church, Ministry, Truth, Salvation, Bible, God, Lord, Jesus, Christ, Lord Jesus Christ, Without Natural Affection, unnatural affection, Romans, Romans 1, Romans 1:31
Id: TvGdcSce_7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 46sec (3526 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 01 2018
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