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woo what's up everybody this is one of my favorite times in the spring the Pate swap meet over here in uh forworth it's Texas Motor Speedway I've been going to this since I was a little kid when it was at the Pate Museum out near Benbrook and uh it's the largest swap me in the South it's a lot of fun uh get to see a lot of guys and gals that I haven't seen except for this one time of year and uh we're bringing out all our minis we're going to cruise them around see if we can get some good deals you know who knows what we can find out there I heard already I've already been getting email in text this morning that there's an unrestored 68 GT 350 convertible Shelby uh out there and it's black and if that's the original factory color that makes it a pretty rare car so uh I love going to this spot meet every year we're going in style we're going to have some fun let's go [Music] all right so on top of P swap meet this year they combined it with the good guys uh classic that happens every year this time of year and we brought out the skid mark because the winner of the skid mark took the cash value and our friends at AMD wanted to have it at their Booth so uh Josh is going to run that over drop it off inside the stadium for uh the good guys event and uh we're going to go see if we can make some deals or maybe buy something cheap at the Swap me don't tell [Music] [Music] Dy you don't stumble these a swap me very often unrestored Survivor Shelby with a Marty report let's take a look here and see what that's got to say you know what the Marty report says nothing they don't talk hey let's look under the hood there Mike correct looks like it's been rebuilt recently r are correct this car ain't Rusty looks like a Mustang it's it's clean it's cool but it's a lot of money 95 [Music] Grand Motor uh David top load the top load it's got the Herz conversion shifter with the original handle uh had 325s that home like crazy I just did the bringing pinion put the 389s back in it maybe 100 miles yeah yeah and I converted to posit came with open uh everything works except a AC everything's new I never charge anything I it's all brand new it got any rust no um it had some that they never repaired in the right recort you can see it monitor um if if it had any rust repair done it was done many years ago 40 or so uh but no it's a solid car you can drive it anywhere just can't go very fast anymore on the interstate 389 gears we had change what's up with well yeah we did it from here up they had gray primer so we tried to hide the gray primer I got it uh this is original too but the two quarters we tweaked trying to get rid of the gray primer I think they did some Rush repair here is why the great primer was here yeah it draws a crowd we bring it cruising the coast every year yeah no no no no right that side look down there you can see a little daylight yeah I got we bring this in a restored 69 convertible this draw a crow didn't match your other one I know that's the deal I have one it's the right color it is the right color that's you green let me what's left of the green I'm at car all right man thank you really cool car if you wanted it to have it not horribly priced um but but he definitely is asking every single penny for it he lost me it it's not the original motor so it's not numbers match dat code maybe date code but not the not the original motor good enough I mean on something like that you're just going to drive the [ __ ] out of it anyways is that original Survivor is that original it looks like what we have to get that was a cheap how much it they have to that's [Music] fun that is that thing Run Drive truck no yeah the little truck little run pretty cool see we need that to build the trailer for The Minis how much is it how much is it 1,500 for you or 3,000 think we go back 1500 1,500 everybody yeah D everybody's bu these got a title don't title but we don't particularly care about that it Ain rusted out any here like 91 92 somewhere like that maybe let me think about that I like it did these wheels pull on to it no but they all throw it in thank you sir all right guys so the sad news is I just sold my Mustang [Music] so I'm out here looking I need a a vehicle so hopefully we find something that'll catch my eye and it be in my budget I'm going help him find the dumbest [ __ ] I can find try to talk you into it oh God we got one of these oh mine doesn't do that 25 bucks and you said you'd bring it to the truck y where's it at I don't know we were going that way wherever that cart just went what did you you catch up to I just bought a giant tow strap it's rated to 150 million PB and it's been to the Moon twice I still don't know if it hold up Josh's [Music] mom fire Rich how M that That's it man how much well how much is it are you selling or did you just buy it I just bought it you just bought it well I bought it earlier glad to meet you by the way absolutely rich Bron how you what you paid for it 700 for that in the motor and the motor yeah you're [ __ ] kidding me no sir i00 I I I appreciate it I might be calling you to fix it up for my grandson I didn't buy the food I was pick s cuz your ass ain't getting in there no I'm just kidding that's okay hey I gave him a good deal he did that was a damn good deal you're a good deal and that motor goes with it so it's going from a 9 horse to 11 Horse let's do the test here and see how much you love your grandson how about 1500 Ki ass no no no sorry brother yeah two grand no I can't do it come on all the beer you drank and all the pretty women you've seen on the shows you ain't seen the ones I've seen seen tell you what oh cuz I want to give this man here some money too I don't I'm I'm I sell Tools in Dallas Ford I don't sell clean Eastwood I I mean I this is good I like it it's good ass car I'll do it for 17 and you haul it but I keep the motor well no no no no oh okay why is the motor bad in this I wouldn't trust you no I don't know where's Josh I know I'm here doing the important stuff I'm drinking and he's uh checking it out it's a nine horse but if he's saying he don't trust it that doesn't f me I'm confident for two grand but do you trust that I think you would be he he told me that's that's a I bought it from a grandson but I mean over there replacement put thing in there and it'll be an hour is worth of replacement you got 11 horse instead of nine yeah can you do that and put on them little like belt drive torque converters on it be a rocket ship it what you got on it for now for propulsion no I mean uh uh probably just a regular clutch drive or chain drive or it's belt it's a belt but it's just like a it's got a transmission on it it's belt drive is it got a transmission just onee speed right no it's it's no Mike can you paint this yeah I can paint anything I paint him really can you paint me 20 is Right stand still if you get a good enough deal I guess I got to the cut of this can we do anything with uh with the tires they look like they're solid hard rubber no they're air up slide they're air up yeah they up they're hard track they're hard track TI been watching the show for 10 years I just offered you double what you paid for it that's not the point brother hey I love my grandson hey my grandson's mine I love my family but my grandson's my boy 1,700 with the motor I can't bro come on man come on brother motor's only like 300 bucks at the whatam call it Harbor Freight no that's not Harbor Freight you're talking to Terry I I am the master of the good and the bad and ugly you need to come to Jefferson Street sir I can hook you up on the good and the bad and ugly this ain't good and bad and ugly tools I'll do two grand huh I'll do two grand with the motor does this p stop DNE accordingly yes okay and you have a daily more than enough more yeah I say and you're hey you're going to make some scratch on it come on don't BS a bser I mean and I you know I mean who who's in favor here let's take a vote you're so am I going to get on the show and am I going to get royalties I don't even get royalties I'm the poor man Paul hymon here brother so you know you might be the tribal Chief but I got to make my scratch well I'm peeling it out so I guess we got a deal hey just so we're scratching together here now I have a feeling you two guys ganged up arm me no scratching ain't easy brother you guys ganged up Army I know it but that's the way it goes 20 there's $2,000 count it cuz I might have messed up I think you count enough over the year yeah but my mom says count your money even at the bank some headlights he can do hand signals for blinkers stir just ready baby you ass man thank [Music] you need that Woody yeah I don't know Mike sure you got I don't have to treat it you know you got the lady the family that something like that would be great I'm worried about termites don't worry about termites we need to buy that wanted to talk so uh we bought ourselves a race car and we're going to need a truck to toall it with I'm back to negotiate back yep if the wheels don't bolt on I don't I don't need [Music] them yeah they're going to be too wide have you had it running you think it'll run I know it runs I drove it okay how long that's been 3 4 years ago all right how about uh 800 bucks thousand giving it tell you well I know that I'm losing my butt giving it to me would be really cool and you'd be like yeah but you don't need nobody to give you nothing look at this I borrow this I'll take that we'll be e well I know I'll give you $1,000 for it all right count that make sure I didn't screwed up I've been drinking all day been long to do that yeah now the trick is how we going to get it I'll pay you another 100 bucks to drop it off all right hell of a deal let's do it straight in front of you the scooter it's a no the discount sign the van between the motor home you've been driving to work oh man and just it's got as much head room as my motor decisions you can put a bike in the back yeah you have a family in the back man 10 years ago you have a family and a bike yeah no you go talk to sounds so rowdy dude what cotti motor Richard it's a what it's a do cotti motor on a regular little go goart dude that's a death trap with no brakes TN cylinder ducot what thank you you got my attention holy [ __ ] that's Rowdy man head up to 107 so far 107 mph that's got to be there's not a whole lot of suspension on there sir no it was on a Runway so it was smooth as glass smooth as you can right yeah yeah that is freaking kickass they're many H flies is that what those guys are bringing us something like that cars cameras dudes yeah yeah that's aw oh yeah what do you bought so far I bought a little indie car uh bumper car thing and a dhatu uh Japanese pickup thing small cuz we're going to we're building all those mini cars that we've been [ __ ] around with on the YouTube yeah and then we're building a like a a take six trailer instead of a take three we're going to put all the mini car on it behind the dods who pick up cool them around the show nice look at that chromed out purple freaking craz what is that what is the green one rasal GT Cruiser god dude that's freaking Wicked how fast it was oh I I couldn't tell you man got billet cylinder heads on them they surprise you yeah probably 80 90 mph wow [Music] give me four about 350 350 all right we're doing 350 don't do 350 oh I'll do four damn it thought I had you where did we mix up at I was at 350 and you're at 4 yeah all right we'll do four then think I could have taken you an armrest than sir right on [Applause] [Music] yes I think this would be great in dappy's office look at him it's it kind of reminds me of myself yesterday yeah yeah somebody buy that what do you mean somebody you're buying it I'll buy how much for the middle finger monkey 150 I think you said 100 you said 100 150 he said 150 how much for that one 150 you need that well I'm going to stick in my sister's office cuz I think it's fun thanks sir you give me a picture with it well wait a second that's $50 you didn't negotiate this no just kidding Let's Di [Music] we went to the swap meet and tried to uh find something that Daphney might like and and I feel like this is the epitome of what she thinks of me so I'm going to put it in her office now talk to about it she loves it we've got it on what is that that and why well I thought that this is pretty much what you think I'd do all day so well it is an exact rep replica it is he's going to sit right here every day and say hi to you well we agreed that it looked like him yesterday when we got back it kind of looked like him while he was up on top of the van did you pay money for that or did they give that to you no I paid $150 for it well it's made out of real ceramic clay I think that's ceramic it's like ceramic or clay or something mud or dirt or something where they dried it out and they paint it I guess you could put it out there with your other guy nope that's staying in your office for all times please someone help me he bought me a present and you already broke it yeah what is that well technically it do run it's an indie car Davy like what do you mean an indie car hey will you pull it out already guys can't make that trailer well this is just the extra motor he gave us so you sit there like a goart Min car yeah watch out guys this thing is going to be an ankle biter we got to see if we can get good job Mike the diamond plate up there it is dy you need it I need it yeah well you already have it actually yeah yeah you needed it got gas in it oh wow it has a seat belt let me tell you how good I am at math this guy say he paid $700 for it so I gave him two grand what the hell is wrong with you that take too long to explain Daffney but have you ever seen one well yeah like a like got there when speed zone and stuff was there yeah but have you ever seen one here well no I haven't seen it here okay have you ever seen one painted this particular color scheme this is rarer than hen's teeth what's so great about this color scheme I mean chickens got a lot of fingers but they ain't got no tooth is this just tape yeah just look at that now you're done now not working pay for it yeah is a pacer it's from Chattanooga what does that mean Pacer Chattanooga and you don't worry about it but it's street legal and it's and it's uh taggable I think it's like called an ATV or something but uh street legal goes with the rest of our minis street legal we're get a title R Baby R baby street legal you guys do y'all just walk around they so gullible who G yeah gullible hey this is a hell of a hey I'm with stupid just tell me anything and I'll believe it that kind of thing okay I paid [Applause] 5,000 oh [ __ ] he hurt it turns good how did it become more dangerous when Richard got in it oh this thing's going to smoke the penguin if we have to turn the breake don't work too well it's just like a big metal thing pushes on the tire maybe we should put a cheese grater on it that's a pretty good idea you going to let off The Brak now I got you brakes at the house no no Terrorizer there's nothing there's nothing in the body shop you want no putting putting them all in dap's area okay making a you know if I can get out of there horrible idea all right I can't wait that going while you're working on the body we can be working on the chassis it's going to be like a real build we're going to have to design some really cool uh paint scheme for this okay I mean it does have testos we should make those functional it's so fast it's look at all the lugs it's got I mean I can't even count them we're down to we got five now well we got four we got to fix this one but then we got the fifth one is the kushman it's going to be badass like the [ __ ] micro Army Gas machine Gas Monkey Micro Machines are R tra Gas Monkey not be using Gas Monkey [ __ ] did he just say first off Richard got to drink the whole time we was out there so I only feel like now that we're back and we're not driving anywhere we get to have a beer I like that but secondly we need a beer to talk about the DSU hajet look at this thing Ricky uh Josh explain to me why do we have padding on the front of our deatu well I don't know but what what about this thing is a h jet well you see it's right-and Drive yeah yeah bet this thing will do really good reverse circle Donuts no no more okay you got to do it in the penguin let somebody else have some fun in a mini Ricky okay no I'm down with Kenny can drive this one you hit oh boy all right so so for real though do you see the vision do you know what we're talking about like so to make this into the official Mini hauler so like build a trick trailer that connects to this and hauls the other minis your prize possession the penguin okay I'm not going to say my prize possession the the ISA cuz it's not it might it might make it on the trailer yeah we got the tank oh and we bought that dang go-kart the F1 oh it won't fit back there will it no but we have to figure out a way to really trick this thing out dude I mean dud we have to talk Richard into going wild with this I mean I know we restored the Penguin and it is cool it's super nice and you did some trick stuff to the motor but I think we need to go as crazy on this as we did the Isetta like this thing needs to be nuts dude well you realize that whatever you do to the engine is it's going to be underneath your butt yeah yeah it's fine if it blows I'm going to have you blow the motor no no we're not that's not what it was was it no I'm going to have you build the motor I mean I'm not going to get in there I know if we put like a KTM 525 or something like that dude electric start gears and you just imagine like a couple FMF 41s on each side that would be sweet dude that'd be really sweet and then uh it would kind of keep to the heritage of a small vehicle with a it's Japanese though Japanese is good well ktm's Europe yeah we can do a Yamaha motor there we go I mean don't have to be a KTM but now we got to convince Richard of it well how much horsepower does this thing really have like stock five five look at it it's not a [ __ ] BRS and Straton dude it looks like one this is aatu H Jette H Super Deluxe some these show me do me a little uh fnaa on this FNB as you would say features and benefits sell this vehicle to me Josh did you have beers while we were out there am I the only one that didn't get to have beers while we were there I had several did you have beer too while we were there what the I don't know the bedsides come off so you undo the tailgate got undo tailgate and then these oh it's a full full floater yeah got flat bed the go car will F this is display this is for display yeah now penguin up here penguin penguin so then we need a trailer to carry everything else back this up to a dock and drop the penguin out that's pretty good but then we got to be yeah I like it that's good but it needs wheel we need a wheel and tire the brakes are locked up by the way did I mention that no it don't roll the guy said it rolls everything's fine it doesn't roll this would be actually a lot of fun this is going to be quite a bit but here's no here's where we're screwed again well it's going to roll over now but I think we have everything here we I know you got somebody that we can get an engine it's so simple man I mean the way it's built it's pretty cool I'm pumped about it I think that we need to really build this thing out trouble is going to get it inspected and registered but I bet we can put some cool audio in it well I mean problem's going to be going down the we got to make sure we go down the highway at 80 mph pulling stuff 80 yeah we might have to widen it can we put a duly rear end on this thing I mean we can build anything I like it okay feel like we could do stoies in it too put some wheelwood breaks on there and see if you can the tampons got to go though the what these things you got on the front Max them pads bro oh don't pull the paint off Ricky oh my go oh they were covering up oh my God we got Bamboozled I did not know there was paint damage this guy put some sticky mat on there won't even stick got them Wagner lenses in there boy them headlights still work probably we got a tow hook whoa yeah we could pull that just apart not much of a tow hook dude we so got a race my neighbor my neighbor's got one friend and neighbor Tony Romo he owns one of these but ours has got a Bea him I'm picturing there's no numbers on the knob I'm picturing full screen radio yeah suede headliner suede door panels D R's going to let us get away with that well all we got to do is just have Marsh here for a day and a big hoofer between us here armrest hoofer you know 100% we bring Martian here staring at it he going to turn it into a giant subbox on Wheels what's cool is it's in kilometers so we're going to think we're going really fast 120 yeah if it'll do 120 km we're good um can we pull the head off and like pour it it and deck it if we're doing that much we might as well put a y z450 motor in it okay okay yeah we got to scan the old interwebs as Richard calls them really somebody out there has got a wiy 450 motor man you got a dirty lens do you know that don't be shooting me with no dirty lens he's such a diva now
Channel: Gas Monkey Garage
Views: 316,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Richard Rawlings, Gas Monkey, Gas Monkey Garage, Fast N Loud, gas monkey garage, gas monkey, gas monkey garage full episodes, car builds, gas monkey builds, gas monkey truck, new build, ls swap, westen champlin, hot rod, micro car, dmax, motortrend, vice grip garage, classic cars, heavy d sparks, daily driven exotics, fast and loud, gas monkey new episodes, dmax 2024, mini truck, gas monkey new, copart, swap meet, mini car, garage sale, classic car, dallas texas
Id: al5-_aLy6fI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 51sec (1791 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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