Well... THAT was quite the entrance!😳 | SUMMER LAMBING 2021 | Vlog 458

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[Music] i see a leg like a whole egg whoa what is down there good morning everyone why do you two fight so much another hot humid morning and it's not looking like it's going to change too much over the next little while we were really hoping we'd get some rain there was 80 chance of rain yesterday we got zero today is scan day of my april breeding group there's about 44 you lambs that got bred and the remainder are some mature use uh so rebecca's gonna be here at about 10 30. so typically i try to feed at around 11 i think i might feed before she gets here just because i have a pretty cool call this afternoon with someone i really admire and look up to all right i've fed everybody but they use i want to move because i find they move a bit better and easier if they think there's food at the other end i want to show you kind of this squeeze shoot just what i've been kind of dealing with yesterday this was acting like it was almost not tight enough when the use got in here i couldn't i just couldn't get it to the final click to get them to stay in so today i actually want it to just stay open i don't want any anything that's going to stop these use so if they think this is too skinny uh sometimes that's just enough to stop a you a bigger you that's fully fleeced from going through and i don't want rebecca to have any hesitation any use that want to hesitate on her because i just want to keep going and flowing okay so we got it all wind out here so now you should be able to step on this [Music] and it's pretty much wide open so that should be a little room for you to go through no restriction no hesitation [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] um [Music] this [Music] [Music] the results are in and the scan wasn't wasn't bad it wasn't great but it wasn't bad but it is justifying the fact that i am going to be getting some new rams in here i think i have it pretty much narrowed down to my terminal sires because i had them on all my ulams so my ulams had a ton of rams on them the catch on them was 60 and that's the second kind of poor result these are good use their loads old enough and they're all ridiculed so they're all very good prolific should breed out of season no problem i'm thinking we're dealing with some older rams starting to kind of show their age i need to get some better sires that can breed out of season so my april breed and my july breed and apparently my january breed which shouldn't be that hard to breed but they weren't really good results either now my mature use so goat's group and popcorn's group was 81 almost 82. popcorn missed i see you yeah i'm looking at you popcorn wants to summer off i suppose and uh goat is pregnant with twins so that's pretty exciting and the use went really good through the system really really good actually just barely did anything she said so um i did put rebecca's crate she likes using her her own homemade crate so i just let her do it i put it on the end of my handling system and it worked really well so i just it was too hot and to play with that squeeze shoot to see if she could do it that way we have a system we know it works i'm like screw it i would have liked to try it but maybe in the maybe when the temperatures are cooler and these used might have been a little more cooperative then we'll maybe try it but for today this is good to get done when you get one job done and you're getting ready for the second job someone's gonna start to lamp are you lambs are starting to land i see a leg like a whole egg so i think that's coming up right away pretty sure yep just a lot trying to come out at once mama you can do it it's a you lamb so i'd like to i'd like for her to do it all on her own i do wonder if she's stuck i might get a pen ready for her around mama hey [Music] mom if i go in there she'll run away and never come back well i'll go down here good girl good girl whoa [Music] over here good girl this [Music] sorry those you were good girl yay this little one has been a slow start so we've we've got 100 mils into it over two feedings and it couldn't get up but now it's up makes me so happy go get a drink from them nope that's not it look at those tails synchronized swimmers wait a second what is down there ladies yeah oh you're so cute good girl you were just doing your business two for two this mama is so protective i haven't had a ulam i've had one other you lamb actually she was in this pen too a couple of years ago that was really aggressive so i went in to try and feed this baby and she knocked me right over so she's a good mom so i did top up these guys with colostrum this one drank about 50 mils and i got maybe 50 mils into this one but it's been drinking all afternoon and i got about 100 mils into the little black black headed one so everybody's happy this one's just trying to take its first steps they're a little early but uh i'm ready they can come they can keep keep going good morning we're doing a whole bunch of sorting today with some of these sheep so all the sheep that got their skin yesterday we have to rearrange that whole group the other thing i want to do before i do any of that is actually the first of two doses of a chlamydia vaccine for those you lambs that were born last september they are due to be bred in july next month and you need to do this first dose about three weeks before the booster dose which has to occur right before you add the ramps so i'm just getting this off the getting this off the docket first thing this morning when it's cooler rain last night so we're a little cooler this morning intolerable and sheep are way more easy to move when it's a little cooler out so lots of fun activity and sorting this morning for you guys okay so because they're you lambs we got a few that went through but we're gonna just we will just needle them through here you go um but the rest are kind of locked and loaded it's always a match the first time through okay so this is a chlamydia vaccine called in miva and i have to thank my vet for getting these because it's hard to get vaccines for it's sheep two male dose all right we will let these guys out [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] hmm [Music] not exactly the right way [Music] [Applause] [Music] we grabbed those ulams that were scanned yesterday morning and what i'm doing is the the ones that have a single stripe they're going to get re-bred because they've only been missed once but i'm going to put them in with the new lambs that we just vaccinated they don't need vaccinate they've already been done they're just going to get re-bred with that group so there is quite a few of them and then what we'll do the rest are going to go back into their pen but we'll resort them and the double misses are actually going to get shipped with those views that i sorted out the other day so any two lines are going to get sorted out of the next group so we're kind of sorting these guys twice this morning and then we'll do the same for the mature use [Music] i am on top of the feed bin because i wanted to give you a view of what we did because it's too hard to explain at their level it's much easier to see what i did at this level so my you lamps i sorted i took the ones that were open uh the ones that missed once i put with those you lamps that are going to get bred in july back back a little bit and then uh the pen behind them are the ones that need to get shipped so i took the use that i had the other day uh out of this big new group i sorted them out so i added the double misses from the u lambs and the double misses from the mature used way over on that side and they're in this pen now and the ones that are pregnant are back there in that back corner um and of course these ones the ulam sphere are pregnant as well and then what else we got back there so that whole pen now uh alley side center alley side here is all the use that are gonna get bred in july and then on the other side of the alley are the u lambs that are gonna get bred in july so everything is sorted which feels so good and everything is carissa clean which is amazing i don't know why these use wait literally 45 minutes before i'm due for another zoom call to start lambing but i'm pretty sure little miss is pretty vocal are you lambing yeah hello little lady i know you're chatty what's going on behind you oh yeah there it is so i got a little cocky and uh booked these phone calls and meetings this week because i knew it was my last week of any free time until early july yes thank you for that okay i'm gonna go in she's just those feet are really big and she's just having a heck of a time getting the head out i've got my pail my lamy lambing kit and i got her in a pen so i'm just gonna just without traumatizing her try to get this lamb out of her sometimes if you uh traumatize the first time you lambing she might not like her lambs have to be very gentle very careful all right oh [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] [Music] that's a girl that's a girl [Applause] good girl you did that all by yourself you did that all by yourself [Music] that's what you did a little girl good girl good girl yeah oh good girl you're only marked for one yeah this one hi welcome [Music] mommy [Music] okay well you guys it's uh i don't know nine o'clock eight o'clock we have had a busy hour here my mature yous have decided to begin lambing a little bit early couple heartbreaks we had this you had uh her first two were stillborn i came out right when she was popping out the first one and the second one was tiny and not really formed all that much but she had two more so they're doing good um and this mama had two white white so we got another billy and it's a boy okay we're gonna come and see you guys this mom was making so much noise i could hear from the house i had to run to town and i came back i opened the door the vehicle and i could hear this mama so i quick quick had a bite changed my clothes came out here and sure enough i had to it was just a tight squeeze but they were all coming out the right way but i did have to help them they're not they're not even that big but yours it was so worth the mess oh mom you're so proud yeah we're getting a little collection going yeah and this one these two i really had to dig for um she spit out the first here but these two were really they were kind of hiding but they're doing good so i'm gonna get a colostrum bottle going here and just top these all off before i go to bed
Channel: Sandi Brock
Views: 118,250
Rating: 4.9719281 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 52sec (1432 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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