I think she had QUINTUPLETS!!... (but something awesome happened!) | SPRING LAMBING 2021 | Vlog 434

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i wondered when i have a morning like this she had four maybe five that little warming room all of a sudden it's getting lots of use so something happened between four and six it is broken way up here it's trying to get up you guys mark just about had a heart attack because he was so upset so millie and vanilli are reunited again [Applause] good morning how are you doing [Music] good morning guys it's monday which means it's a new week hopefully this week is uh nothing like last week oh we might have lambs yep we got lambs i wondered when i have a morning like this [Music] i am here a whole bunch here this is this all right we'll get this figured out and i'll let you know all right you guys i think i got it figured out she had four maybe five but we're going to keep four there because she was also with this one and she had a monster but i threw this one in here too but we'll see how that goes but i really think this one is also this one she's marked for more than twins [Music] so that was a surprise she had twins but one was stillborn or she was standing by it so i'm not sure if it was hers but i'm i'm guessing it was hers she had twins but one ran away so another one stole it so i'm hoping they stay in love if i'm right and then this one i'm gonna need to work on this one but i think it's probably too late but she had twins she has nothing to do with this one so i'm going to wash it off give it dexterous and put it with the billy that little warming room all of a sudden is getting lots of use i'm gonna check everybody for milk grab this baby get it revived and uh might go through with a bottle here and make sure everybody's got a drink or had a drink okay this lamb the one good thing about this lamb before i wash it off is it's really warm still so it was just born and its mouth is still a little bit warm and it's got a little bit of a sucking reflex oh yeah so i'm gonna just see if it'll drink colostrum i think we got a chance yep so yeah you have to make a judgment call but i would always say i think your first bet is check the lamb if it's warm and its mouth is warm it's probably okay and then stick your finger in and see if it can really grab a hold of your finger and try to suck and if it can do that it will take a bottle and you won't kill it right administering a bottle if the if the land if the lamb is unresponsive and melt is cold and you put your finger in and it won't suck um you should actually take a body temperature and i think it's for us i think it's i could be wrong i'll have to double check this but i think it's 37 degrees or under you have to uh warm the lamb up first and give uh some lambs will just warm up and they'll they'll be responsive if they're close to that if they're really hypothermic or um yeah hypothermic uh that dextrose truck worked works really really good so always have a keeper thermometer and i'm one to say that my thermometer is across the road in the other barn um but i mean if a lamb looks like it's just dying um you and it and it's freezing cold that's probably a good sign that it's temperatures low but yeah this one's drinking well so it's got a chance [Music] i mean it's super super small and its feet are a little it's got kind of noodle noodles for legs but it's got the will i know vanilli how are you doing in there wow for a lamb that looked like it was going to die it drank 200 mils just shy of 200 mils okay now i can give you a bath okay okay now i'll give it a bath and warm it up oh goodness what a monday all right let's go [Music] beginning to look a lot like christmas again how are you doing buddy you getting any more strength um i've got some news on this one the good thing about daily vlogging and basically filming almost you know a good chunk of my day lucy out this lamb that i have casted up was standing like half an hour after big mama gave birth to her she was up drinking because i had footage i had i had all three lambs uh sucking on her and this mama's doing good hey mama look at her you lost your tummy you just had three giant lambies oh you got a little tummy left good mommy and that was about that was probably about four o'clock in the afternoon and carissa came in at six and it couldn't get up so something happened between four and six so did mom lay on her like on her back legs and maybe like pinched a nerve or what i'm gonna research right now is does it have white muscle which is a selenium deficiency i believe and i know that's the one where you're where the lamb just almost acts paralyzed so i'm gonna google it and see if and see if that indeed is the issue but i might take those casts off i might take the splints off because it might not be it might not have anything to do with that they might be it might be pinched somewhere else here i'll keep you posted so i did google it on this particular site which is january 3rd 2019 um it says when white muscle disease affects the skeletal muscles it can be treated with supplemental selenium and vitamin e and animals should respond within 24 hours so won't hurt um clinical signs of skeletal white muscle disease are weakness stiffness and trembling it's not trembling uh so this is for calves many calves will lay under their damn nursing there are no overt signs of illness just reluctance to stand oh other manifestation of the disease is congee uh congenial congenital form meaning they're born deficient okay i'm gonna give some it's not gonna hurt selenium is not gonna hurt it's got it's already had its initial quarter cc shot uh that i do with tagging oh no it hasn't i haven't tagged it yet oh my god that's me okay i'm gonna give it some well guys um i did give it some selenium but i took this cast off and did some really big uh it is broken it is broken way up here i think what has happened is i wonder if mom stepped on it in between me and carissa feeding it because it's broke like it's it's just dangling so it's broke way up here so i'm not sure if a cast is going to fix that i've had one pretty high up before and i did get it fixed um so i may text rex just to see if uh if he thinks it's worth fixing and if i even can it really wants to get up so but look at this leg it's like curled but it just could be because it doesn't have any strength on that side so i'm going to cast it back up this side i'm not going to cast that side i'm going to just see if that helps a bit better you're not gonna be too strong but i actually don't want her to put a whole lot of weight on this so i've got it hopefully i'm uh immobilized right up as far as i could um like it's not even like her hoop's not even showing so this is up as far as it can get just to keep everything just in line so it can hopefully heal but i'm yeah i'm concerned if it's right in that joint that uh this might be all for nothing i did call rex my vet about my little lamb i put him i put her in here actually so she's back with millie in the corner millie how did you know that was her so millie and vanilli are reunited again um so i took a video of the lamb and i sent pictures to rex my vet i said should i just put it down or should i keep keep doing what i'm doing and he didn't say to put it down oh it's trying to get up he's trying a little more with the other lambs so um anyway what he did suggest too was also to give it a painkiller which i did [Music] good baby okay now it looks like it might i might have to adjust it [Music] i might have to adjust it but it's looking um it hasn't got up on its own at all yet so that's pretty amazing yeah i might have to adjust it i think it's falling off look at it they are amazing like they're so strong anyway so i'm gonna adjust this um karissa said one just land and she's gonna she's marked for two and then for the rest of the afternoon i wanna sort the use that were missed last week in the scan do you have a baby yes you did i'm gonna have another baby we had 100 in this group we're down to 21. so even though they were bred naturally it has come pretty fast i like to keep my groups uh pretty tight in ages so this first pen is going to be two weeks combined and then the last pen is going to be two weeks combined so the first one is going to be really quite big so it'll go like halfway is right here at this at this divider that's half half the pen space i'll quite likely go at least to the door with this first pen because we just have so many more and then i'll start i'll start the next pen eventually like it'll eventually get to here um but i have to start that other pen so everybody numbered up till yesterday will be put in with those guys but everything from today's numbers and on will i'll start a new pen for them because i want today is day 14 so i just always i never want that push in that three week old lamb to be anywhere near a newborn lamb i like to keep them separate so today is the day that i'm gonna make the break and start a new pen and even if it takes the the very last you even if it takes her two weeks to lay him then uh at least it's only a two week span and not four weeks from end to end if that makes sense what are you doing mama why are you guys slamming at night you saying mama you got some red on your bum you all right are you okay oh you guys it is 8 30 quarter to 9 perhaps monday night um we've had quite a little bit of a late afternoon with lucy mark went back to the bush there's a few trees down back there and there's a few kind of on a 45 degree and mark's been working at kind of cleaning them up and there's a few there's still a ton down there so he's just looking around and lucy was climbing back and forth on these trees and the one probably went up on a 45 degree about 20 feet in the air and uh he said all of a sudden he turned around and she fell right out of the tree she fell flat on her just thread right down on her side and she screamed so mark was like well mark just about had a heart attack because he was so upset um and then he said she got on the ground and she just wailed like a like a child like a baby so he called me right away and all i could hear was her screaming so i was like what has happened he said come grab us um lucy's hurt and he thought she broke her leg or shoulder and i met him just just halfway out there halfway back the field and he put her on the ground and she ran to the she ran to my vehicle i'm like what is this like it was like a 9-1-1 call and it was she was fine so lucy's a bit of a well she's a child are you a child [Applause] so she likes to get attention everywhere she can [Applause] kinsey so after this morning's chaos i i swore to myself tonight i would come out and do it just a late night check before i turn off the lights and uh i gotta get her in a pen here which i think they're all full so i gotta set one up and um and do an internal on her because i don't like the way she's i don't like the way she's uh she's pushing and nothing's coming out okay so i'm only checking this you because there was nothing there's blood there's nothing showing and she's pushing so that's kind of three strikes um there's something going on likely a backward slam and or heaven forbid a dead lamb but we're hoping it's just backwards well i'm not hoping but i'm hoping you got a whole bunch okay there's a head there's a phoebe i think you're okay that seems to be the problem oh backwards so we got a [Music] i actually think she's got a couple lamps coming out at the same time there we go that one foot once you get one back foot better than nothing but if you can get the other one that's sweet here we go [Applause] she is pushing so hard and i need to get this quick [Applause] for a second sometimes you have to actually push them back in a little bit to be able to get this leg straightened and she's really hard to do that with because she's pushing at the same time [Applause] you're there then once you get it you get it good girl good girl [Applause] good girl [Applause] okay one out pretty sure i felt another one there there you go you're supposed to have two yeah right there [Applause] what's going on here really yellow did you poop in your water bag yes you did you pooped in your water bag was your sister taking too long to get out what are you you're a girl too hi sweet girls nice sweet girls i think that's all you got but that's it good girl mama [Applause] good nice good babies good mommy well that is a nice way to end off the day with a set of beautiful twin baby girls one suffolk one of france and one super mom and one very sleepy lucy looks like there's a couple questionable ones that might be interesting in the morning for me so i'll catch up with you guys in a few hours hopefully not to the same chaos as this morning [Music] oh boy here we go again there's a way in there and there and there okay at least we got some moms kind in the other babies the only one that ran away is that one oh there's two shoot that's stealing mom [Music] oh there's another one there oh my god all right i'll keep you posted okay we got the confusion figured out there's only one land that got rejected by this u here she had three and the one i have two u's that are stealing same you as yesterday if she was closer i'd put her in her own jug or her own laming pen because she's just causing so much confusion [Applause] this mom had three one is just like the one yesterday really paralyzed on one side the one from yesterday is not doing good i gave it thiamine yesterday and selenium and we fed it all day it still wants to drink but uh it cannot even get up or get off its side and this one has has been able to stand but falls over so i'm hoping it'll just regain strength and she loves them but she won't clean them off and i [Applause] i don't know what it is with that but i cannot stand one of you will not clean her lamb off i find it very lazy i find it very lazy but this one was borderline i think she was about to crash with preg talks as well she's really weak on her back legs unless she's just got a pinched nerve but she doesn't know so that's good so okay so at the end of the day we had oh the one from last night had three i left last night and she only had two but so what we had final count we had a set of two sets of triplets a set of twins said it did i have another one yeah two sets of triplets and a set of twins so hence the chaos [Applause] all right chris can you get more flowers yeah this is the other one that [Music] danny what's your problem miraculous recovery all right let's get you fit and all of a sudden i have a lot of tagging to do my battery's dying bye [Music] nice
Channel: Sandi Brock
Views: 338,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kijsbOwhKVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 11sec (1391 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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