A young boy accidentally shoots a stranger and the town tries to cover it up. | Welcome to Iron Knob

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I watched this for 16 min before realising it wasn’t an advert for iron knob.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/MotoGeezer 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2020 🗫︎ replies
i Anansi unique little town people are creative ambitious easygoing [Music] and proud they also wear their heart on their sleeve when mum died that sleeve crease and the heart of the town was folded away and I needed a massive shot of adrenaline and a tiny shot of starch to get it sleeker a little pulse beating again [Music] [Music] you're not stupid Jim supposed to be dead I'll be in a minute take a look at this black tonight just find him I shot him yeah it's just wait other other leg ah how do ya like this is dead looks like it Stephanie pissed his pants first he's a big one okay Oh hit him with a stick you hit him with a stick highway you shot him yeah when I threw the rocks new it's your turn come on don't pokey meet him how do than that thank ya give him a whack boy get in his home really yeah see how far goes in [Music] it is now being reviewed that the alleged kidnapping took place in these public access park with children sometimes play is so happening early days after Williams agreed to testify well it looks dead just kinda geez thirty-eight Bonnie that's that's work gun didn't know it was loaded how much trouble we could get in it's the last thing he needs right now said I was sorry oh hey honey mark did I do how's your dad yeah not so good poor love so what's going on here then Bonnie shot it was an accident well it's like you were aiming at him sorry when you [ __ ] and you shot at him first no his mouth bullets all right all right easy lads let's not play the blame game Lily's not local any idea who it is reckon is one of those brothers it's been on the news oh yeah it's a good one or the bad one tonight well what about the other one you seen him hmm jeez I see dead reckoning Mart they don't have any dog stops probably yeah totally oh we should call the authorities we konnani mug funny shot him with a 38 your dad's work huh bloody kid well better call Heather and Brian okay okay mag yep yep boy Mike who was that that was mark everything okay oh yeah a fine young Barney went and shot himself one of them missing brothers really everyone okay yeah well all except their follow they shot oh and his brothers did too nevermind the police thing no they're not calling it in silly bag I went and used bills work gun did he how is Bill yeah he's still got a bit of a ways to go I think well he certainly doesn't need this extra problem on his plate now does he no no he doesn't what I'm gonna have to take the truck up there and bring it all in rowdy I what does yet stay in because beyond the last place paper will look for a corpses in this dump right now but less you know about this the better funny is dad's work gun pound or is it so what if he wakes up you call me straight away well what if they like so what do you reckon do you eat no he can stay here but the compost goes out in the garden well I reckon we'll have to get rid of this one for good well what if he's a good one mr. cat bird he deserves a proper burial hello dudes stop throwing [ __ ] at my boat especially Hugh Barnstorm you're in enough trouble [Music] [Music] I don't know Maggie it's a big call I'm just not sure I can make this kind of decision I'll come on Pete cause she can just turn your head and walk away well it's easy to say but it's my neck on the block here now please you know it's the right thing to do it's not like you've got anything to lose nothing to lose what about my self-esteem I mean I'm the one who's gotta look at myself in the mirror I'll get your hand off at you deal you barely know I'm eight and let's be honest you can't always get another one you know they warned me about these Russian brides I really thought aeronautical was different your emails I was I didn't see you know I honestly thought she loved me now look there's no doubt she's got a lovely hard Pete beside artichokes night and there is prickly and bitter on the outside of shares what about this situation with this fellow and Barney shot and he's dead brother Oh mark just do what needs to be done you're not gonna fill it in now no I am you said to leave it this way in case the other one dies that way we can just chuck them both in together reckons it's best not to separate twins what are you gonna do if he doesn't though do you mean maybe if you dad his gun wasn't it they find out he's 12 year old son shot an innocent man with his work who's his job Barney probably what are you so the last thing he needs it's the last thing any of you need yeah I suppose still if it was me I'd be making sure of it I reckon honey magma Hungarian Goulash you did a good job with the flowers dad are you wearing mom's perfume make sure you eat something trade that hey honey mark your sister all right [Music] [Music] hey what's going on Oh him what's with the horse we didn't have any legal painterly substances so I figured whatever went into Yuans blood and into this bus so he made them really well that doesn't mean he can't I'm sorry to be like smiling you just say you know Mitchell yeah hasn't felt pain in your eyes [Music] I need you all to leave this is please view on [Music] oh hey Julian sighs sorry yeah she wasn't sorry I didn't do anything he's got much longer deal with all of the events that had happened over the last 48 hours seeing that up and about was without a doubt the most important [Music] the next day we had a funeral for the dead twin and it was so great to see everyone out of their houses and back on the street again something which hadn't happened for a long time [Music] everyone was so grateful to the wounded man for brutally murdering his brother in cold blood and giving them a reason to smile again [Music] okay mate oh yeah my gum okay yeah it's silly really yeah it's just that there's something about funerals that make me so sad you silly bugger right I owe everyone suppose me to get things under way so someone should say something go two miles right oh then suppose it's up to me Margaret may I speak in Russia we have a saying don't mix your tears with the lumps in your milk this man is bad he is dead save your tears for someone good the town went one important lesson from Anushka's speech to never invite her to a funeral again but it did make the turn laugh something it hadn't done for a long time [Music] [Music] that was the first time that had cried since mom away and this was the first time mild mom once told me that living in a small town is like sitting on a toilet seat that's just been used sure it has it's dark and messy history but you can't help but enjoy it's more [Music] seems like every grad we never seen [Music] [Applause] [Music] to teach you that too each and every day at least a lot all I mean say [Music] it's just a small-town problem nothing that we can't handle on teacher in everyday I'm Annie [Music] and love [Music] [Music]
Channel: Omeleto
Views: 1,242,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: welcome to iron knob, comedy short film, omeleto
Id: RhPbhYcqRiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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