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hello hey [Music] is is [Music] victoria victoria victoria victoria we are filled with the holy ghost hey we're filled with the holy ghost this place is filled with the holy ghost the atmosphere is filled with the holy ghost shall tell you [Music] for us you have made us so beautiful in your sight [Music] this time he says he has made us beautiful like him so we are all like him hollywood licked your hands and said you made my life so beautiful so beautiful jesus you made my life so beautiful as you love jesus you make my life so beautiful [Music] i don't think you understand as you are you have to make me here on earth there's nothing greater than this if you believe it come on give your hands that's why i love you forever hey i proclaimed that lord you made my mind so beautiful he's so beautiful jesus and as you you have to make me hear on earth there's nothing greater than this that's why i love you forever say you made my life so beautiful you made my life come on lift up your hands and tell him i thank you for making me like you jesus that's why we love [Music] how many of you want them all god the more you want him tell him to teach you the only teacher you can rely on jesus lord [Music] the more i know you is the more i want to know you jesus more of you jesus more of you hey she does my love you join me say more are you your [Music] oh [Music] jesus [Music] jesus we want more of you hey [Music] the more i know you is there more i want to know you jesus more of you we want you more more of you lord more of your ability jesus [Music] jesus yes he's that light in the darkness we want his way always his ways are not our ways that's why he's gone about himself his ways are beautiful [Applause] you are here [Music] moving in [Applause] [Music] you are here you're moving in this voice jesus [Music] we wanna take some time and say you are here that is lord we've come to bow down [Music] [Music] morning oh jesus [Music] is is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] who are [Music] is [Music] [Music] even when i don't think that you're working you never stop you never start working you never stop you never stop don't be stranger [Music] you never my god my god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we praise you jesus hallelujah [Music] praise the lord hallelujah are we happy today you know we have entered into invermont and before you know it we say happy new year everybody shout hallelujah god that kept us from january to these umber moons will take us to january and that's not the end he will take us more amen because we serve a living god the only one that promises and stand by his promises to bring them to pass not man who may tell you i'm going to be used sky x karapa in atlantic ocean and he won't build it but if god says so depend on him he will do it amen well as we proceed i want to call our beloved sister uzor ike to come and pray for our children sisters please can you come and pray for our children yes amen amen praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord amen i am trying to see if i can see children here anyway children please stand on your feet so we can pray for you as you go to your class amen god bless you father in the name of jesus we just want to thank you and praise you and honor you for the privilege of being in your house father we thank you for the privilege to worship you to praise you to adore you we give you all the glory all the honor that is due you father o lord we commit our children in your hands of god as they go to their classes lord those of them who are here those who are still on their way lord we ask that you go with them lord father i pray that you give them teachable spirits oh god that they will learn further they will hear they will learn what they are being thought of god for that there will be examples of god there will be influences for their peers father their eps will never influence them or god they will influence them for the lord in the name of jesus our father and our god we ask our god that your word will continue to be planted in their hearts and that when the need comes o god your word will be their their sort of god a father we asking of glory that you will help them help them in their schools help them in the marketplaces help them wherever they go lord father that they will not derail they will not depart from your word which has been implanted in them father we give you all the glory we give you all the honor we give you adoration father we thank you for their teachers oh god we ask for wisdom oh god wisdom in abundance that they will know how to how to channel these children these young ones oh god that they will teach them your word oh god that wisdom and vision from on high will permeate them father we give you all the glory and all the honor thank you father blessed be your name as you be with them today and even through this week we pray we thanksgiving father god in jesus mighty name amen hallelujah amen children if you are here i went to meet their teacher he said parents pray for the children that distance is no problem there's no distance in prayer so whether they are here or not as we pray the prayer is over there and the lord will take control shout hallelujah i want to call on our able secretary sister lois lake here to come and give us the announcements for the day mr lakia second second please i'm going to hold you praise the lord praise the master jesus the lord is good isn't it hallelujah with all the variances of coronavirus they are not touching us in jesus name amen so before i begin my series of announcement i'm going to call on our able prayer warriors pastors remy and pastor margaret michael to take two minutes just to thank the lord for the role the acf played in their event praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord let everything that has break praise the lord amen amen i'm not going to take more than the time given to me because i know that the schedule is full today but i want to say thank you to everyone that came out to encourage us and especially my husband who was grieving so much we are very grateful while we've been in this place he lost his mother he lost three sisters he lost nephews and never said a word but when the one about his brother hit that the grief was just visible obvious i thank some of our brothers who encouraged him do something don't keep quiet and your response has encouraged not just him but all of us god bless you in jesus name thank you acf this is my family praise the lord just want to take time to apologize to you or some of you left last sunday before i got here i i had to run an errand that took me a little bit extra minutes that made me arrive here maybe more than 30 minutes late so i'm sorry for what has happened but my wife has said it all there's a lot of thank you to be giving to be honest with you if when all over my body is filled with mouth it will not be enough to voice out the thanks i have for acf family but the only thing is that i've handed it over to the almighty god god we thank you all enough in jesus name amen thank you praise the lord one more person that i'm going to call is the able direct men's director just one minute one minute to say whatever he wants to say and he's running praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord apparently how the speaker sees how full so praise the lord yeah they say one minute okay let me give time now um our program this is the last sunday you see by this time next week the problem is over so one every man to show up and the women to the role you can place before you leave pick a poster or visit a bumper sticker this if you win a soul if somebody comes here and it's it's you know it's converted or strengthened you have a share you know the reason the pastors won't get all the credit for the souls they win is because members contribute so i want to be part of what we're doing directly indirectly everybody is going to be a full house next weekend that's from friday saturday so be a part of it in jesus name amen thank you praise the lord he kept to time praise the lord uh this saturday this saturday we have a baby shower praise the lord baby shower for ebenezer and justin praise the lord hallelujah they are in the house please come and celebrate and encourage them this is their first baby you know how exciting it is so and come and fellowship with them and encourage them this is a bouncing baby boy on his way hallelujah okay now october night is well keep saving the date for another baby shower for sofia hallelujah they are dodos i know they adore those are in the house it's going to be praise the lord uh it's going to be you know you have to be in your car drive to kd and the address is two six two zero three long long month pack lane anyway as the time comes we are going to i hope okay yeah it is praise the lord okay so another announcement that i have is safety date october 30 and 31. this uh pastor sam and mercy las ros they are going to do unthinkable the unthinkable is invite the widows in to have what do they call it now uh you know when you have a sleepover oh yeah praise the lord it's going to be a sleepover in their house and it's also going to be a sleepover in the nigerian community in nigeria for the widows they are going to be fed they are going to be they they are going to just you know burst loose to glorify the name of the lord for their health for the long life have you seen uh pastor sam lazarus this man is 81 years old you would think he's 60 praise the lord so he is blessing the lord for the strength god has given him just like he gave caleb hallelujah so uh as time goes on we are going to be announcing more of that praise the lord all right um november in november 13 save the date for the ministry uh faithfulness of god international ministry is going to be host by our able pastor joy clement praise the lord remember december 4th for ministry of care and the lord will continue to bless us keep on praying for those marriages that are fought coming and you all know the date november and january so we will continue to mention them as time goes on praise the lord in jesus name amen okay the madrid praise the lord praise the lord okay without wasting time because we want to get into the bible study we want to give a good time for us to study the word of god and then be able to assimilate and then ask ourselves questions also from the word of god so please without wasting much time i want to call i want to ask as many that you know today is your first time to fellowship with us here if you know you are just coming and somebody invited you or maybe you heard over it through the online or wherever please can you signify by raising up your hand and then we shall give you the acf greetings and warmness please if today is your first time fellowshipping with us please signify by raising up your hands amen nobody okay please can we turn back and look at everybody turn back turn back everybody if you are in front come back hi this is a people when i come back what are you seeing huh say it again you are seeing people people of god one please one man of god in nigeria one day he finished preaching he asked one question he said if you want to go to heaven right now no no no no raise up your hand you know the whole church everybody raised up and said you all are wicked say you all are wicked you want to go to heaven no no no and their brother is not yet repented your sister i see you there say well if you want to go to heaven die now and go please brethren we are not here for a jamboree we want to go to heaven with many people our people are now back so please can we make it a duty how many of us have cell phones cell phone how many of you get phone know this enhanced oppo everybody has a phone if you don't know their numbers get back to the directory please i beseech you by the message of the lord may you begin to call your brother call your sister tell them we are back to acf with full force please next sunday i want us to be here more than what we are today please everybody i will call by god's grace please those who know that are not coming may you please call them let them come back and let's continue to worship this god shout hallelujah shout out hallelujah amen okay now it's time for tithes and offerings okay okay okay yeah just a moment please we have something to release to your people praise the lord well this is not really a good news but praise the lord we we can always endure hallelujah brother um you know brother mike mogu right brother mike mogu you said names he said he not he said he lost his mother in from nigeria on wednesday please reach out and call him i don't have his phone number here brother mike can you sign up please so that they know who you are brother mike forever mike he is over there uh midi lot comforts you we are going to be reaching out to you and lastly i'm going to call on sister hope adodo to come and make this important announcement praise the lord the scholarship the scholarship for the kids has been completed and we were able to evaluate five students three of them are eligible for the scholarship so i'm going to give it to the president to announce the names praise the lord praise the lord finally finally the new members have been waiting to be inducted by the grace of god the date has been fixed to september the 26th for the inductees please show up and the brother israel who is really responsible for this is going to be contacting those who are involved again we have a business meeting that is coming up november the 20th business meeting is very very important and the election we have been saying that uh this administration will be ending in november and the new ones will be elected november the 21st and begin running this fellowship from january please if you don't have anything to do if you don't have anything thing to say say it's to the lord that knows everything pray for those that will come and lead us without any biases of course the lord always equip those who are willing to serve him and we convert your prayers and the pastors are doing their job i think i don't know if he should say is she okay all right all right we are going to be updating you on that in jesus name amen praise the lord to just butcher small concerning the induction every inductees every member that's part of this induction please you are expected to be here on september 25th at 10 o'clock to see our beloved professor brother israel he is a professor for the new people other doctors so please let them be here if you know them if you have idea where they are please communicate with them let them be here on the 25th of september by 10 o'clock in the morning and after the sunday induction the next session the next people takes off immediately so please try and make sure that you communicate with them and let them be here to i just want to make more on the business meeting please it's not just something it's late for only few people everybody is needed to be here on the 20th 11th that's november 20 so please let's begin to pass this information to every member of scf i know by god's word by that time we must have increased shout hallelujah now we go for the tithes and offering i am calling on our beloved brother sunny uzor ibrahim to come and pray for the thais and offering brazeni please can you come and pray for the thousand offering please hallelujah hallelujah father lord we want to thank you for this hour we come before your presence to offer you a sacrifice of our giving father we ask that you bless your people comfort us on our side and enlarge our course give us the desires of our hearts and bless your people all time we thank you for being with us we thank you for the things you have been doing for us especially in this time of pandemic we give you praise we thank you in jesus name we pray thank you tight and often please get ready sign your checks if you must have put one dot put more dots behind more zero sorry thank you more zeros if you put only one zero add one more hallelujah we need more zeros hallelujah not one but many amen amen praise god come on let's praise god with our offerings [Music] lord you are so good blessed be your name lord you are so good let's say be your name in heaven you want the lord on earth oh [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] is [Music] oh oh foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] hallelujah [Music] way oh [Music] a [Music] praise the lord fire don't go because not now make sure that you stay here during the time of him hallelujah praise the lord well we have come to the main event of the day brazil why please can you get some few people to get the seat down here for the bible study yeah uh my brother come because i tell him mr charlie come help us the guy in front of you help us also okay please come come come come come this way come this way come this way see where i come okay can you just help us bring these cheers for the panel please now just move them back a little bit move them back a little bit back this way back back back okay put that one over there here okay you under three four one more please no not table let's talk about do you need a table what on the stage okay please no don't worry they have their marks come close move a little bit maintain your social distance more a little bit bring that on a little bit close okay it's okay it's okay praise the lord okay we want to call our beloved pastor our teacher to come up here our blood pastor aloysius akabo and his team please come up here to help us mr margaret something is dropping in front of you please come up here so that we can be able to take off immediately we now have one hour complete okay shout hallelujah are we ready to receive the word today are we ready to learn to study praise god okay do you want to use this let me give you max oh praise the lord hallelujah the lord is good amen let us pray father and our god we just want to thank you for your goodness and your mercy and your grace over us thank you for this time of bible study lord we ask you to take absolute control father lord that you speak through the mouths of everybody that is going to speak lord that the eyes of our understanding be enlightened that at the end of it all lord our eyes will be open to who we are in you and who you want us to be lord father we praise and adore you take absolute control o lord in jesus mighty name amen amen um how many of you were here two weeks ago for the bible study okay do you have the outlines what you said yeah those who don't anybody don't everybody has an outline if you don't raise your hand let me see okay everybody has it all right we did only one question we answered only one question question number one and uh deliberately we just allowed everybody who wanted to say something to do this because i believe we are we are dealing with a very important topic and uh there's an agreement that all of us are living by the grace of god but the problem is that are we really functioning according to what grace is um so we believe that from question one that it is true grace that we are saved as a matter of fact when you look at yourself as a creation in christ the bible say that your god's masterpiece that's what the grace of god is i'm not sure you see yourself as somebody who has been fashioned by the grace of god as a matter of fact i saw myself just like that only about two or three three weeks ago even though i've been a christian for so many years anyway so we see that it is by grace that you stand as a christian and that it's important to understand that whenever you say you stand by the grace of god which means you have nothing to do with you standing as a christian grace means that god is in control of everything it is god's favor it is god's ability we also saw that grace does not teach us to sin grace teaches us to do what to do the will of god to live a holy life grace changes our desire and i keep emphasizing i don't know how many of you have had me use the word desire the desire is what lord will never change in your in your in your heart lord compels you to obey whether you desire you are desiring that or not what grace does is first changes your desire and causes you to obey for it is god who causes you to do what to wear and to what and to do when you are willing [Music] you are going to do when you are unwilling and the lord is telling you to do you either do it because allah is looking at you or you either do it because god will punish you if you don't do it or you just don't do it but when god is causing you to will to desire to do good things you're not going to do the bad thing are you hearing me when there's your desire to do the good thing you end up doing the good thing but on the other hand if you if you don't have that desire to do the good thing and you are being compelled by the law first of some one reason or the other you may do it and when nobody is watching and when you are no longer afraid of god you're not gonna do it because that's not what you're desiring um i want to tell you before we go to watch question number two in the reason i'm about to make these statements because i have some conversation with some people and this because it's causing me to ask why am i really insisting talking about grace uh what is what is the gain i have in it or we as people who are conducting have i found out that the scripture tells us in in the place we read in galatians chapter 5 in verse 15. it says that when we are not working in the spirit we devour one another i don't know if you if you don't i think i have it here say if you keep on biting and devouring each other watch out you will be destroyed then in verse 16 says so i say leave by the spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh that's what grace is all about is leaving by the spirit and if you go further in that passage it tells you that those who are not leaving by the spirit and they are walking in the flesh will not inherit the kingdom of god it's talking about christians and yet you have been translated from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of god that is where you are today am i right how many of you are in the kingdom of god according to script okay and he says you will not inherit it he's not talking about it it's not saying you're not good go to heaven he's not talking about you will not be in the kingdom of god because you're already in when he says the kingdom of god what is the kingdom of god romans chapter 14 verse 7 romans 14 verse 17 he said for the kingdom of god it's not a matter of eating and drinking but of right but of righteousness peace joy peace and joy in the holy spirit because anyone who serves god in this way is pleasing to god and approved of what of men so the kingdom of god is the joy is the righteousness is the what is the peace and joy many of us by now has found out that the money cannot give any of this to you righteousness peace and joy remember it says you devour one another when you are not living in the spirit so the righteousness the peace and the joy that is supposed to exist in this fellowship that is supposed to exist in families is what grace of god is all about because if the grace is there the righteousness the peace and the joy in the holy ghost that's why i think we are doing this bible study because i know if righteousness peace and joy reigns in families it will rain here amen the reason is ruling me is not running in the families and by now you must have found out that drink and food or money or what doesn't give you any of those have you tried it as a matter of fact the more money you you have the more the more who you are comes out actually you bring the more money you have the more who you really are comes out and in many cases it doesn't come out good that grace will give us righteousness peace joy in the holy spirit hallelujah and that's what god desires as a matter of fact those who who wants you who wants you to have those of you that want to have favor with men grace also does what offers that did you see that then your force are craving to have favor with men which is okay the grace will do that because grace is almost like a magnet you are a good character and you are wherever it draws it so anyway i'm sorry go ahead start question number two so i want you to have that understanding so we are not talking because somebody i think saw me as somebody who is coming teaching something new i said no i've been in this thing for 15 years because i was in the closet yeah okay anyway go ahead praise the lord uh we like you see our our topic says faith the only thing that counts faith the only thing that counts before i ask the question number two let me also just read quickly part of our actual text which is gallatians 5 4-6 you who are trying to be justified by the law have been eliminated from christ you are falling away from grace verse five for through the spirit we eagerly await by faith by faith that is that's what we do we gather away by faith the righteousness for which we hope verse 6 for in christ jesus neither circumcision nor the ocean has any value the only thing that counts only thing that counts is faith as person is safe through love praise the lord our question is number two if you look at your paper it says what is faith according to the scriptures what is faith according to the scriptures and we have some references there i will read some of them make a quick comment on them and i will try and address the question and there's somebody here who helped me to answer the question during the week so i'm going to give him one or two minutes if he goes beyond that i will i will tell him that it's over praise god hallelujah the first the first reference there is hebrews 11 verse 1. i will read it in about two or three translations because it's very important in the the living bible tlb he says what is faith it is the confident assurance that something we want or hope is going to happen it is a certainty that what we hope for is waiting for us even though we cannot see it ahead king james version now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen the amplified now faith is the assurance the title deed confirmation of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen faith comprehensive as fact what we cannot experience by the physical senses praise the lord the next scripture we have there is hebrews 11 7 13. i'm going to i want you all of you because it's a long passage but i'm going to read just pick up certain names there it says it is by faith that abraham built a large boat somebody built a large boat because of faith noah sorry noah built that okay not be a large boat so noah built a large boat by what by faith when there was no water there was no rain around he beat the boat he obeyed god who warned him about the things that had never happened before by his faith noah again condemn the rest of the world and receive righteousness by faith let me go to verse 8 it was by faith that abraham obeyed what god called him to do abraham has faith he did something verse 9. and even when he read the land he promised him he lived there by faith for he was like a foreigner living in tents arose to verse 10 abraham was confidently looking forward to his city who had foundations a city designed and built by god it was by faith that even sarah was able to have a child sarah by faith was able to have a child though she was sparring and was too old by faith he believed that she god will keep his promise what is faith what i just read to you now i won't have too much time to say more but let me just say what i wrote on my paper here faith is acting on the promise of god even when you don't see or feel it with your senses faith is acting that is that is your path that's my path faith is acting on the promise of god when you do not yet see it abraham lived by faith because he did not yet have a child but he believed god that's his faith they also say here faith causes us to exercise corresponding action faith causes us to exercise corresponding action that grace makes possible so my brother my sister okay okay okay let me repeat this according to personality okay faith causes us to exercise corresponding action not the other way around that especially that sorry that grace makes possible so that is what i want to say quickly you know uh i still have one more time i want to yes is uh makes the action possible correct okay did you hear that the action you don't make you make it possible grace makes it what possible right that act of faith you want to do it is grace that we make it possible otherwise it's not possible okay uh bro frank please are you there it's not the i'm there please one minute one minute just make that comment that we discussed don't go beyond that i'm watching you give me microphone somebody quickly or say where you are sir okay which was about what faith and corresponding action what would you talk about when we were because it is number two i think we talked about so many things yeah okay specifically specifically we were talking about what faith makes us to do not not we don't do what did we say okay okay okay thank you um i will then i think first of all i would rephrase the topic to read faith with corresponding action that's the only thing that counts because james talks about two types of faith james talks about a faith that is dead it's faith but he says it has no works it's dead that's faith but it's a dead faith then james also talks about faith which works so i will say here the only thing that counts is not faith the only accounts is faith with works um so the bible is not stupid okay but i'm quoting i'm calling the bible here okay the bible says the only galatians five where you read the only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love that is what comes not just faith but the works of faith are the things that count in other words they are the things that express faith there are things that bring out faith the thing that makes convinces people your work your actions back that convinces people that you have faith not faith in and of itself the okay problem is that we can't change the scripture you can't see the scripture the scripture tell the scripture tells you the only thing that counts is faith no it doesn't say period no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no it doesn't say period there's no people there he said the only thing that counts is faith expressing kingdom says faith through love so if there's no period in okay can i just uh come in here i will read hebrews 11 7-13 i i was reading to ross here what people those who had faith what they accomplished sure so let's just stop there you use the word accomplishment so without those accomplishments could the bible say they had faith no so those accomplishments are the things that their faith could express okay all right so this is something wrong okay we shouldn't be having argument on this at all okay can you if you so yeah he's gone you're done okay so let's go let me learn what i just said bro this to me i said brethren i said this to me carefully now i said faith causes us to exercise corresponding action made possible by grace period is that can we respond thank you okay let me say let me say this let me let me say this i'm simply saying just that the topic the topic should have read faith comma the only thing that can affect comma expressing itself through works dash that's all that counts that's and that's the whole complete scripture no no it's he said faith express itself through love through love don't don't anyway okay that's all that counts so thank you thank you okay praise the lord i am nobody nobody told you to stand sir please okay okay um okay let me say this every day the [Music] the [Music] the heading the topic you can find out that i didn't make it up no you will know that it is from the scripture i did not create it i didn't want to modify because it's self-explanatory if you look at the what he's dealing with the question number two if you open hebrews 11 verse 1 it describes you what faith is it starts telling you people who exercise faith it tells you because of faith these things happen correct because of faith these things happen it didn't say because of works they happen you can't find it anywhere in chapter 11. you will never find it anywhere in the scripture when paul when james talks about faith that does not produce activity he said that is not it is dead when something is dead is dead so when he's dead it's nothing something that is dead there's no activity in it so it's an assumption when you say you have faith and there is no corresponding attraction remember the correspondence action could be keeping quiet and doing nothing because that's the instruction you are getting from faith so faith has a corresponding action every faith has a corresponding action otherwise it is not faith and so when scripture said that faith is dead which means it's not existing what you call faith is not faith amen okay there is no contradiction i think it were promotions that gave an example people were back crashing there's a rope and people say do you believe that this person can carry something and cross over you know yes people say he crossed over with a bunch of uh a bunch of instruments then he said okay if you believe that that i can do that i want somebody to volunteer so i can carry you up and cross over that place nobody raise your hand in that instant those people have faith get done because if you have faith you will go and he will carry you and you cross over so when the bible tells you that faith is dead it's it's telling it's non-existent okay so there are no two faiths in this scripture it's only one it is either defeat no you don't have faith either you have faith or you don't have faith anyway continue yeah i'm i'm done for my own path so there's one of them okay one of the scriptures that we read uh two weeks ago first corinthians 15 10 where paul was speaking and he says but by the grace of god i am what i am and his grace to me was not without effect no i worked harder than all of them yet not i but the grace of god that was with me so if we if you begin to emphasize the work before you know it you move back into law but the emphasis the scripture gives us always is on the grace of god and of faith and naturally as a consequence of the faith that you have something comes out of it but you don't emphasize the thing that is coming out of it but the faith that comes before it that's maybe that's what i've focused by the grace of god has been faith makes it possible like you said faith is what makes it possible it's not the work that the emphasis should be placed on can i say can i read there of miss from scripture in my answer hebrews 11 6 9 he says and without faith it is impossible to please god so we cannot please god with our faith also in hebrews just just a minute okay yes this is a scripture we have in in in hebrews that jesus says he is the is the perfecter is the beginner and the end of our faith praise the lord i don't know i have one where i wrote that scripture but he says it is god starts god's completes our life by faith jesus i think he's in hebrews said is the author hebrews 12 hebrews 2. two he's the author and finisher of our faith but like i said earlier if we really say we have faith it must lead to corresponding action okay one of the things that we need to be confident about is that if you believe that god is all in all in your life he will give you the faith anybody who is exercising faith and thinks it comes from him he's a liar because at times you've must have done something you sit back and say did i do that out of how many of you have done that something that is crazy you think you were out of your mind and yet it was an act of faith but all of a sudden it dawned on you that you did that i the faith is not the one you conjure the one you conjure with physically away the faith we talk about is the one that god puts in your heart that doesn't make sense to you but you still find yourself doing it that it won't leave you alone everybody's doing something else it keeps you there that's the fact we're talking about so it is from god it is enhanced by god it is facilitated by god god does it not you so that's why we can lose in christianity you just can't lose if we can take god at his word there was something he said also uh pastor lloyd i don't know if other people paid attention and it blessed me what you just said earlier on about faith and works that we're talking about sometimes you said that the work god will want you to do may just be to do nothing now does that mean that that faith is useless no there's sometimes god will say you know wait and there's no corresponding action on your part even though you have faith that's still faith at work but at that time the work is just sit and do nothing don't say anything don't say what just keep quiet so the faith is more important if we hop on the works will go to law you want to entertain that question somebody has you signed up before we go no yes your hand up here okay and okay um um i i have a question and a suggestion um knowing the the nomenclature of this fellowship and the different type of faith background that every one of us are encapsulated from and the yearnings of the fellowship as a fellowship grow bigger and we want a wider spread of representation of people there is a need whenever this type of deep and critical essence of spiritual work and living in the spirit is being handled for us to consider those three critical areas though i'm surprised that dr bricks is not there also because i would have loved to answer one or two other questions but my question is this based on some of the things that i've had like thank god reverend lazarus is beside me and i held him ransom and i asked him one or two things if you look at section subsection four here he said fate is the that word only means um dr ninezee came and brought up some critical issues i never knew he was already saying things that have underlined six things i saw a little bit um this pageant with the topic of today are you addressing the number two question no i'm trying to bring a correction to that line if we agree that the topic is not going to stand this way because excuse me sir this is a bible study this is not a preparatory class when we have a preparatory class we do that when we come here we tell you all what we are preparing then you ask questions then you can frank made a contribution okay and i said according to the scripture faith the only thing that counts is proper yeah i'm not going to amend it because it is stated clear it is it is galatia chapter 5 verse so that's what i said the only thing that comes and i went ahead and faced what it is especially itself through love faith faith is the only only means for me it is a deep statement it's okay it's it's understandable but all i'm saying i want i want i am saying this with the spectrum that we have the mindset of not presenting issues that will be repulsive to different spectres of people that are supposed to be here our mindset our our production our everything should be such that we will present issues that will encompass the different faith level denominational level and at the end of the day stay in the center and not make people feel repulsive in a very strategic okay program like this okay um as far as the heading is concerned i have no apologies for that the apology i will have is that in trying to explain it we may differ and i understand that but if you tell me that topic the heading is wrong i want to tell you that it is not wrong it may be wrong in my trying to explain it to you but it is what is written there in the scripture i didn't make it up right okay praise the lord okay sure first of all i just want to respect the african christian fellowship and i support eloy and his team on this subject because what i read here and what i keep emphasizing it is faith and faith alone and again he interpreted that this faith is god's giving so when god speaks to you the work there you must act on it the corresponding action is do what god tells you do otherwise we are not going to be able to preach the gospel if the grace do everything and we are supposed to see it idol watching and what i am saying to us is faith in christ is what we must develop to be able to achieve anything spiritual or godly in this life because if god say lay hand on the sick and they shall recover my action is lay hand on the sick and they shall recover but when we want to do things by our own self this is a religious thing it looks good people are doing it let me go do it it is not fair faith is only responding to the word of god okay um okay very very briefly again my one of the reasons why we don't interact as we are supposed to is because we get out of context the question is asked deal with the question don't get into other things we are talking we are not talking about anyway praise the lord hallelujah in the first place this is house of god and the word of god tells us that thing everything should be handled decently and in order um this is very simple thing faith expressing yourself true love let me give an analogy if you say you have faith that's okay but i'm gonna check you out through love in other words it passes through love before it expresses resonance without resonance what that means is like you have a key if you don't open the key for it to pass through say wait a minute that's not faith but it will express itself true love now go to first corinthians chapter 13 i think the fourth fifth sixth it expresses it explains what that love is any component that is missing there there wouldn't be resonance okay resonance means yes okay resonance means uh i've expressed it it's just like you have key if you use wrong key you will not open that door once you you have the key it opens that's equivalent to resonance but i can express resonance in electronic form but you will not understand it okay in other words it says it makes it to happen that's another language okay that's good first corinthians 13. another simple key you know key if you use the wrong key to open a door it will not okay this is a study we we almost went through maybe 40 45 last time and i'm i'm sitting here i'm listening with the eye of the young and with the eye of the with the ear of the young idea of the old i'm seeing people coming from different angles but if we know that this is something that we already taken off and we are arriving somewhere maybe it would have been smoother so clearly this was a subject that we started there was a little bit of a break and we are continuing so i hear this all these angles and they are right but there is faith like we are saying there is the fate i think he was talking about the faith me as a christian that's the faith but i think you're talking about what we are doing last week which was faith as you know faith love you know there is the faith of the fruit of the spirit the faith that is you know a gift so basically i think that if we continue from where we started everybody will be on the same page that that's i understand what some of them are saying because the angle they are coming is not the angle where you are going and i want to simply say this about the i think we should be a little bit careful in the word we use because when you say no action and that scripture says if you say you have faith and there is no action then your faith is so i think that's that's kind of where i think you might throw a little bit light on because no action is no action okay um the scripture says faith comes by hearing hearing what by the word of god and the and the scripture tells you that if somebody slaps you in your left cheek turn to the right or somebody's arguing with you to cause a lot of trouble and you want to open your mouth to say something this police will say shut your mouth up when i respond to shut your mouth up is it action activity is it activity yes did you see me do anything no you saw me but yeah you saw me not responding and yet i responded and yet i responded i didn't respond to what you expect me to do it was a response by not confronting you by not talking to you back all i'm saying faith is you responding to it um hebrews 11 verse 1 i don't know why this is so difficult for us tells you what faith is all about every other thing he described was activity was he not yes was he not yes and yet what what did he say is responsible for all those and the scripture tells you that whatever activity you do that does not come from what it is what is sin why are we into activity when the scripture says all your righteousness are like 50 rights is it saying that the things you are doing doesn't look good righteousness the things you are doing they are good allah will see it and say wow and yet before god is like what a filthy rag as a human being i saw it as a good thing you are doing but god doesn't seem that way amen so that the sense of that is what faith is all about something that is motivated by god that you do because god is urging you to do this okay and all i'm telling you is that if god gives you a desire to do something he will create the ability for you to do that they don't they you don't bring faith and then bring words it doesn't that is not the way it is when we bring faith when we say we have it and we try to bring work that is not god god gives you faith there is always a corresponding action all the time all the time all the time very quickly please before before you go back let me just make a quick comment yes uh please you can the next question is say follow up with this one so don't don't you will let you learn more for us we'll go to number three because number three is addressing faith in another form so please hold on hold on to your seat belt amen all we've been talking about here is faith by faith you call for things you call for things that were not as though they were by the lead of the holy spirit those things that are not you call them fought although they were by the leading of the holy spirit that's just what it's all about thank you amen thank you sister margaret sister margaret no there's somebody that uh no someone who pastored me make it pastor let me make it short no thank you i've said it and i will repeat it again the more we strike this thing the more we get into trouble we got to stop somewhere all of us here can read and write and if we cannot understand it the holy spirit can help us if we would submit ourselves to the holy spirit and that was what jesus christ sent to help us amen so please the more you stretch it to make us understand it the more confusion it will create so i repeat it so i will we shouldn't be teaching it at all am i right not necessarily that not necessarily that okay but what i'm saying is the more you stretch it to make me understand it the more in trouble okay what's the solution sir there's be a time you start solving mathematics or any science you come to a place you cannot be able to go further and that's the answer pastor remy the problem is that we are not even we're still talking about the very elementary things we are talking about you heard there was a comment about coming from different denominations we are trying to speak scripture not denomination this is true so we for us to get to where the lord wants us to go in this let me say this i'm going to be very bold saying it too you have to lose your denominational spirit to get to where god wants you to believe me you will forget what denomination you are in and stick to what the scripture is saying amen because that's the only thing that will save us and move us forward from this amen margaret praise the lord interpret the scriptures praise the lord and that's exactly what we are doing interpreting the scriptures the problem is that we've had a mindset for the longest time it has gone to the point where it is almost a stronghold we have to act we have to do to be able to feel that we have please god but the bible is clear i'm going to the question that i'm going to address is why is faith necessary for our work with god and i will start with the same scripture that we've been trying to explain all this while hebrews chapter 6 11 6. i read it from the amplified classic but without faith it is impossible to please and be satisfactory to him for whoever would come near to god must necessarily believe that god exists and that he is a rewarder of those who earnestly and diligently seek him out that is the word of god without faith this faith is the way to go it is mandatory that's the essential of our work with god no one has seen god at any time but you are in this house today because you believe in god don't ask you you came because you believe god you've never seen god in fact i look back and i begin to thank god that i didn't get it was i was not raised to look up to certain other things i have always read i was raised to just look up to god and each one of us is seated here today because you've come to serve god right am i making today because you love god you've come to serve him that is faith in action that is faith if you had no faith you will not even bother to come around you believe god you love god so you came and you are seated to be taught the word of god that is faith we are talking about now it is necessary to have faith for us to continue or to serve god and hebrew chapter 11 verse 6 has said that i'm going to also read um from uh second corinthians he's five five seven it's not three seven just five oh my god he didn't make sense okay i can't even fight if you have it for you 5 7 amplified classic says for we walk by faith we regulate our lives and conduct ourselves by our conviction of belief respecting man's relationship to god and divine things we trust and holy favor thoughts we walk not by sight or appearance would you say that again i want you to listen very carefully we walk by faith not by sight not by what you are able to accomplish to other in order to please god please read that message it says before we walk by faith and that is we regulate our lives and connect ourselves by our conviction of belief respecting man's relationship with god and divine things we trust and holy favor thus we walk we work not by sight or appearance praise the lord i want to read more of the scriptures and i believe that these scriptures will help to answer why it is necessary why it is mandated that we must have faith to be children of god or to please god or to live a holy life because if you don't have faith you're not going to do it i am galatians chapter 2 verse 20. you i know most of us can even say this by heart i am crucified with christ nevertheless i live yet not i but christ lived in me and the life which i now live in the flesh i live by the faith of the son of god who loved me and gave himself for me now think about that scripture i am crucified by christ with christ and yet i can see you here seated talking and breathing you are not dead jesus died but you can claim that scripture you can stand on that word by faith without that then you are not you are not crucified it is by faith you have taken on this crucification crucifixion of jesus christ and you live by that faith as a matter of fact christ's resurrection power works only through believers who live by faith his resurrection power will only operate in you if you are living by faith now the next scripture says james chapter 1 and is going to be six to eight but let him ask in faith nothing withering for the for he that wither it is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed for let not that man or woman think that he shall receive anything of the lord a double minded man is unstable in all his ways you must have to double minded means you have a split mind almost a split personality and it's not good thing to have split personalities a split mind one obeys the devil and the other one obeys god a double minded man but in our own case because you are a believer and i'm a believer we have the mind of christ and that is why we must allow our minds to line up align with what god has said about us concerning faith and that is the only way we can please him uh the next scripture says for spirit chapter five and is eight to nine he says be sober bisoba means to be self-disciplined to be self-disciplined and the bible says be sobber be vigilant be on a lot to a spiritual pitfalls that's what being vigilant means because your adversary the avowed enemy of christians your adversary the devil has a rolling lion walking about seeking whom he may devour whom resist steadfast in faith knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world everything we are going through today there are brethren elsewhere going through the same thing understood the bible says don't run away resist steadfastly but it has to be in faith when there is no faith you run but when you are grounded in the word of god in fact yesterday in our prayer time we have this scripture that says great peace have they that know the law and nothing shall offend them when you have great peace in you you will not run praise the lord and the last scripture on this um train of thought of why we must have faith is in colossians two right six to seven as ye have therefore received christ jesus the lord so walk ye in him rooted built up in him and established in faith as ye have been taught abounding daring with thanksgiving there are four major characters characteristics mentioned here rooted built up in him and established in faith abounding the rain is continuous you are first of all rooted solidified and established and then you continue with this work it does it's not a standstill thing you must continue in fellowship and continue in prayers and continue the study of the world for these abounding to continue so you start somewhere and you grow on increase to abound and that is why we can see certain people calling certain things and it's happening you're like i laid hand on him and he didn't get up but this pastor just said get up and this got up abounding you must continue to study until you are bound and maybe until jesus comes praise the lord amen okay um before you ask questions let me say it um from what she said remember faith has to do with what you don't see am i right yes what you don't experience almost all the promises of god we have in the scripture we don't see them in many cases you don't experience them the scriptures say you are righteous and you find yourself doing things that has to do with unrighteousness is that true yes and yet the scriptures still say you are what are righteous which one do you want to believe which one do you really normally which one do you really believe your experience and i've said it many times and what happens is that you believe your experience it cancels outward what god is saying and yet you see the scriptures say we live by faith and not by what and not by what you experience not by sight not by your senses all i'm trying to do is as fundamental as anything you can think of forget about religion is to bring us to where the scripture wants us to be to see yourself as god sees you even though that is not true i've said it so many times now the only fight the scripture is asking you to fight is the fight of what faith because what you are experiencing is not what is being prom it's not what they promise you are reading they promise you already saying the opposite of your experience and i would like to be crucified for emphasizing it because as christians if you honest yourself including this guy talking to you we have lived by sight most of our christian life you judge yourself by what you see i still have from from we are supposed to start by 145 you didn't do that for us don't emotion anyway so i am not bringing anything new all i'm asking us to do is to when you read something the scripture says about you irrespective of what you are sensing and seeing you take what the scripture is saying over what you are experiencing many of you know that i have had many of you say i am not the head and i am the head i'm not detailed even though you are the tail if you say i am let the poor say i am what i am i'm rich that is all i'm trying to get you to do when it comes to our moral life your moral life you can lie you can still cheat you are a christian and i'm trying to get you to do is that when you lie you say god forgive me i am not supposed to lie i am not a liar the more you believe what god is saying about you the more you start seeing it in practice that is all i'm telling you that's the big big thing i'm trying to bring up i'm not saying anything more than that we have practiced it when it comes to material things the kenya copeland ministry every we know it and we saw faith in action but when it comes to living the christian life for free peace joy and joy for peace for the the fruit of the spirit we can see ourselves believing the same thing that's what i'm saying i'm not telling you to do any other thing all i'm telling you is to take god by his word when he says you are okay believe that you are okay even though you don't feel okay when you are hot tempered don't say this is who i am believe that god will walk it off in my life that is all i'm telling you when you see a woman and you are lost in adapt that person and you're chasing others don't condemn yourself believe that you are not supposed to do that that god has given you a new spirit over time god will take care of that that is what faith is supposed to do for you that's why the scriptures say without faith it is impossible to please god that anything you do that does not come from faith is sin amen and when you when you see your brother or your sister struggling in an area that you have overcome don't condem that brother you don't know what god is walking god is walking in that brother's life pray for him because that is that's that's the standard that we may fear but is it like he's saying who are we in christ jesus our experience might be in various levels but please let's look at who we are and ask god to help us to become to act and to behave like who we are i bring him glory amen just a second read the conclusion and then conclusion says grace is god's exclusive benevolence to mankind in christ jesus it is god's divine influence in and through all who are in christ jesus grace is responsible for our willingness and ability to do what pleases god faith is the only means of access into this grace hence it is impossible to please god without faith and what i wanted to say just briefly when i came back to acf when we moved back here from augusta in 2013 at that time they were very strict with the bible study groups whenever i came to bible study if i saw brother lloyd in a group i didn't join that group i told him later i ran away from that group because a lot of things he said were totally different from everything i believe i'm like what is he saying i don't understand what he's saying but when the lord began to open my eyes to what he was teaching me in this area of grace i started calling him on the phone all the time and i'll ask him questions and i'll go through scripture and i'll i'll you know i want a clarity on something so if some things that we are saying don't make sense to you or they look totally odd a lot of people a few people have called me please call and we just go through a scripture it's not anything that's coming out of anybody's head and god will help us as we grow in him amen praise the lord can you give a class offering to our lord jesus christ for these people [Applause] who is there brazil why can we just move these cheers please pastor charles and the arrival help us please praise the lord somebody left her eyeglasses here and a bag here this also okay just keep it hallelujah praise the lord praise the lord well rightly as our sister was just saying there have been so many questions and so many other criticisms this and that but what we need to know is that let us believe the word of god as the word of god is and when we believe the word of god it works for us if we just try to put our own or add our own it doesn't work if we can just take what god have said and that is it and that is it all it will work for us praise the lord before we close we want to call our you know something happened here some about two weeks ago when the [Music] women's director had her bible on sunday her bad day today also we have another bad day we just to pray for our sister whom the lord have given the grace to turn 70 and that is the wife of our beloved pastor sam lazarus so brethren we are going to call upon them and they will be here then the whole congregation will pray for them and then wish them that new year in the life of our sister shout hallelujah so we want to call on pastor lazarus and the wife sister messi thank you please hallelujah you know one thing we say also as a husband is a pastor she's a pastor because in the military if your husband is a major you the wife is a major what the the the compliments that are caught to your husband as a major when they see you they will salute you that's the military praise the lord so as a pastor she is a pastor so we want to call on our beloved pastor sister mercy lazarus to come up here and the wife and the family so please the choir where are they brother away please help us okay so please can she's coming okay so i want to call on our beloved pastor emmanuel collier to come and take up the mic and then lead us through this program right now where is he possible korea is here pastor emmanuel okorie is here no just on my way [Music] how just a moment please so our time star messi lazarus pastor lazarus sam lazarus please can we come up here she said she's coming just wait for harley limits [Music] just [Music] okay sisters please can you join her and then dance over here please everybody in short please [Music] why is it [Music] okay please can we stand please everybody [Music] germa come here please jovi jovi do [Music] amen hey hallelujah [Music] [Music] this way you will all know me this way thank you jesus i didn't know you will honor me this way i didn't [Music] i didn't know [Music] [Music] thank you i didn't know i have a father you will never never fail me jesus is my father he will never never feel me i have a father he will never never fail me rock off patrick thank you jesus i didn't know you will all know me this way i didn't know you would favor me this way i didn't know you would favor me this way you will favor me this way thank you jesus i [Music] thank you jesus can somebody shout hallelujah can somebody shout the lord is good because this is the 70th birthday we're going to search out seven hallelujah one to go hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah amen this lady you are seeing here is a wonderful woman born 1951 [Music] and still going strong and she will go from strength to strength as a day so shall have strength to be this is the 70th year there are more seventy to come in jesus name now her biography is in the book of the bible it is in the book of proverbs chapter number 31 the scripture says we are more than a church more than a denomination we are the african christian fellowship houston chapter building bridges growing family passing legacy we're glad you could join us today [Music] you
Channel: ACFHoustonTV
Views: 62
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: oCeWwarT8Ns
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Length: 121min 24sec (7284 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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