Weirdest Unsolved Mysteries

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Tragic deaths, mysterious disappearances, and  unexplainable phenomenon - the realm of unsolved   mysteries can prove irresistible, especially  in the internet age. Now amateur sleuths   can pore over the evidence on blogs, discuss  their outlandish theories in message boards,   and occasionally even stumble upon the solutions  to some of these seemingly unsolvable puzzles.   But, despite the aid of the internet and the  interest of thousands of amateur detectives,   the weirdest unsolved mysteries  remain unsolved to this day. The 1987 deaths of Don Henry and Kevin Ives  seemed at first glance to be a simple accident,   but plenty of questions arose in the aftermath  of the incident, and their deaths remain unsolved   to this day. On August 23rd, 1987, a train  conductor travelling through Arkansas called in   to report a disturbing incident. As his train was  barrelling down the tracks, he noticed something   laying on the tracks up ahead. He was too close  and was going too fast to stop the train in time,   and he ran over what turned out to be 2 bodies.  The medical examiner ruled the deaths accidental,   claiming that the two men had smoked too much  cannabis and fallen asleep on the train tracks,   but that didn’t sit right with the conductor - he  clearly recalled seeing that the two bodies were   tied to the tracks as the train approached.  Rumors quickly spread that the two men had   unwittingly stumbled upon an illicit drug drop  and had been killed to protect those involved,   though no one was ever charged. Years later,  WWE superstar Billy Jack Haynes would claim   to have been hired by a local politician  to run security for that very drug drop,   and he said he witnessed the murders  of Henry and Ives. Despite his claims,   no further investigations were undertaken,  and the case remains unsolved to this day. We may never know who is responsible for  the mysterious deaths of Henry and Ives,   but the untimely death of Kathy Hobbs  is all the more chilling and mysterious   for the fact that she apparently saw it coming. As a teen, young Kathy began to experience strange  premonitions that foreshadowed her own death.   She was so convinced that she would die before  she reached the age of 16 that she developed a   severe case of agoraphobia and refused to leave  her house. After years of isolation and paranoia,   Kathy celebrated her sweet 16th, and,  believing that the curse had been lifted, she   began venturing outside of the house once again.  Tragically, just 3 months after her 16th birthday   in 1987, while walking home from the bookstore  with a new paperback novel under her arm,   Kathy was attacked, beaten and left for  dead with blunt force trauma to her head.   In 1989, a man named Michael Lee Lockhart  was charged and convicted for her murder,   but he never confessed to the killing, and  many question whether he’s truly guilty.   His conviction also doesn’t explain  how Kathy foresaw her own demise. Kathy’s tragic death may have been foretold,   but the mysterious disappearance of  Elisa Lam is something no one saw coming. In 2013, guests at the Cecil Hotel in Los Angeles  complained that the hotel’s drinking water had a   foul smell and taste to it. The hotel’s staff  investigated, and what they found was truly   horrifying. Inside one of the hotel’s enormous  rooftop water tanks, they found the body of   one of the hotel’s guests, 21 year old Elisa  Lam, floating lifelessly inside the tank. It   seemed impossible that the diminutive girl had  climbed all the way up to the top of the tank,   opened its heavy metal door, and willingly jumped  into the dark tank, especially since the tank’s   door was locked from the outside. Things got  even weirder when staff reviewed the security   footage from the night Elisa disappeared. She  was caught on camera standing in the elevator,   looking around wildly as if someone in the hallway  was pursuing her. That was the last time anyone   saw Elisa Lam alive, and to this day, no one knows  how she ended up floating in that water tank. It’s always disturbing to hear about  a mysterious death or disappearance,   but when mother nature is involved,  things can get truly terrifying. In January 1959, a group of Soviet students  from Ural Polytechnic Institute set off on what   was supposed to be a 16 day hiking expedition.  All 9 of the students were highly experienced   mountaineers under the leadership of 5th-year  student and expert guide Igor Dyatlov. Little did   they know that this would be their last trip into  the wilderness. When the group failed to check in   via telegram from their final destination, rescue  efforts were dispatched nearly 2 weeks after their   planned return. What the rescuers found would  haunt them for years, and spawn one of the most   enduring mysteries of the modern age. After 6  days of searching, rescuers stumbled upon the   remains of the students’ abandoned camp. Their  large canvas tent had partially collapsed and   appeared to have been sliced open from the inside,  but there was no sign of the students nearby. The   next day, 2 bodies were found nearly a mile away,  huddled naked around the remnants of a campfire.   3 more bodies were dug out from the snow in the  following days, and the bodies of the rest of   the students were found in May once the snow had  melted. An early Soviet investigation ruled that   the accident was the result of the “spontaneous  power of nature”, and officials kept the details   of the investigation classified for decades.  Unsurprisingly, this ruling proved unsatisfactory   to many, and over the years more than 75  alternate theories were put forth, covering   everything from an attack by local tribes to alien  abduction. One of the most chilling theories is   that the entire site was staged to cover up an  accident while testing a new top secret weapon. None of these theories fully explain why  a group of highly experienced mountaineers   would willingly leave their tent and  expose themselves to the harsh elements,   why many of the bodies were found stripped  naked in the brutal Russian winter,   or how many of the students were found with  broken bones and head injuries. Given the   decades that have passed since the incident  and the notorious secrecy of the Soviets, it’s   unlikely that we’ll ever know the full truth of  what really happened in the Dyatlov Pass incident. The possibility of a new, top secret weapon  is at the heart of another unsolved mystery,   too - this one much more recent and foreboding. In 2016, a CIA officer checked into the American  Embassy’s health office in Havana, Cuba,   complaining of nausea, dizziness and a severe  headache. Within days, 2 more CIA officers   reported the exact same strange symptoms, stumping  embassy health officials. By the end of 2018,   26 Americans and 14 Canadians in Cuba had  experienced the mysterious illness, which doctors   diagnosed as concussion-like symptoms, though  none of those afflicted showed any other signs of   having sustained a concussion. They did all share  one thing in common, though - each victim claimed   that the onset of their symptoms were triggered  by a strange, high-pitched noise they had heard   immediately before. Officials were stumped -  they knew of nothing that could make a sound that   would cause such symptoms. Was it some kind of new  weapon? The Cubans denied any involvement, and the   FBI found no evidence that such a weapon existed.  Some scientists who listened to recordings of the   noises that some victims had made thought it  sounded like the mating calls of crickets,   but how could that cause such disorienting  symptoms? Still others thought it was just the   Cuban heat - but that didn’t explain what happened  next in China. In May 2018, an American working at   the consulate in Guangzhou was diagnosed with the  same mysterious illness that had struck in Cuba -   unexplained nausea, dizziness and a blinding  headache brought on by a strange, high-pitched   sound. Within months, 15 other Americans were  evacuated from China, along with nearly 60% of   the Americans working in Cuba. There is still no  official explanation for these bizarre symptoms. Unsolved mysteries are certainly  not a strictly modern phenomenon.   This perplexing 19th century mystery has  remained unsolved for nearly 150 years. On December 4th, 1872, the British-American  ship the Mary Celeste was found abandoned and   adrift in the midst of the Atlantic ocean. The  ship was seaworthy, her cargo was fully intact,   but there was not a soul on board, alive, or dead.  The ship had set sail from New York and was headed   for Genoa, Italy. Her 7 crewmen had been under the  leadership of Captain Briggs, who had brought his   wife and 2 year old daughter along for the trip.  They had supplies enough for a 6 month voyage, and   luxurious accommodations for the captain’s family,  including a sewing machine and an upright piano. When the ship was discovered adrift in the  Atlantic, everything onboard was untouched.   The only thing missing from the ship was the  lifeboat, which appeared to have been boarded   and lowered in an orderly fashion. The last  entry from the ship’s log revealed nothing   unusual that could explain the disappearance  of the ship’s entire crew and passengers.   Many theories have been floated in the years  and decades since the disappearance of the ship.   Some think the crew must have mutinied against  the captain, while others blame pirates,   though neither theory explains why nothing was  missing from the ship. Still others believe that   the crew was fleeing an attack by a giant octopus,  a whale or even a sea monster, yet the ship was   fully intact with no signs of damage. At least  one scientist thinks that the crew took to the   lifeboat because they were fleeing a fire caused  by the fumes from some alcohol among the ship's   cargo, which could have burned without leaving  any scorch marks. In reality, we’ll never know   the true reason why 10 souls abandoned the safety  of their ship for the dangers of the open ocean,   since none of them were ever heard from again, and  no sign of their boat or bodies was ever found. Most unsolved mysteries involve the  mysterious death or disappearance of a person,   but the mysterious dog suicides of Scotland prove   that the realm of the unexplained  is not a uniquely human phenomenon. “It was a miracle she survived,” recalled  Lottie MacKinnon, thinking of the day years   ago when she was walking her border collie over  the Overtoun Bridge, a century-old gothic stone   bridge in Dumbarton, Scotland. The locals have  their own name for the bridge - they call it   Dog Suicide Bridge. Since the 1950s, hundreds of  Scots, like Lottie, have claimed that their dogs   were suddenly compelled to leap over the side  of the bridge, many tragically falling to their   deaths on the jagged rocks in the gorge below. On  the day that Lottie’s dog Bonnie took the leap,   she clearly recalls how Bonnie started acting  strangely as soon as they approached the bridge.   Bonnie froze at first, before suddenly running  across the bridge, jumping up onto the parapet,   and leaping over the edge. It all happened  so fast that Lottie barely had time to react,   but she remembers that Bonnie seemed to  be compelled to jump by something unseen.   Luckily, when Lottie made the treacherous climb  down the banks and into the gorge, she found   Bonnie lying on the rocks, whimpering but alive.  Not all dogs who run afoul of the Overtoun Bridge   are so lucky - locals say that as many as 300 dogs  have leapt from the bridge in the last 70 years,   and that at least 50 dogs have died. Were these  dogs simply enticed by the smells of the animals   living in the gorge below, or was something more  sinister at work, something convincing the dogs   to take their own lives? Locals are convinced  that something paranormal haunts the bridge,   possibly the infamous White Lady of Overtoun, the  widow of a wealthy landowner who is frequently   sighted walking the grounds and standing in the  windows of Overtoun Manor, the historic property   where the bridge is located. The mystery  of Dog Suicide Bridge remains unsolved,   and locals are careful to keep their dogs on  a tight leash when walking near the bridge. The world of unsolved mysteries can be an unending  rabbit hole, and they serve to remind us that   there’s more that we don’t know about our world  than what we can know for sure. We might never   have the answers to these weirdest unsolved  mysteries, but that’s half the fun, isn’t it? If you want more mysteries, we’ve got you  covered. Be sure and check out our other videos,   like this video called “Mystery Space  Events That Astronomers Can’t Explain”,   or you might like this other video.
Channel: The Infographics Show
Views: 614,716
Rating: 4.916431 out of 5
Keywords: unsolved mystery, unsolved, unsolved mysteries, mystery, mysteries, most famous unsolved mysteries, infographics, creepy, crime, true crime, true crime stories, the infographics show
Id: 3YLxiiogSF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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