Even More Disturbing Wikipedia Pages

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We’ve done it again. The writer the big  boss likes the least has gone down the   rabbit hole on Wikipedia so we could bring you  another video of disturbing Wikipedia pages.   Don’t worry, they’ll be able to sleep  again without a nightlight...someday.  Number 8 on our list is a town that you  probably wouldn’t want to vacation at,   that is even if you were allowed to. 8. The Real Silent Hill  In north central Pennsylvania, the  town of Centralia has been on fire   for the last 59 years. Yes, you heard us  correctly, the town has been burning since 1962.  From the mid 1800’s through the Great Depression,  the majority of the residents living in and around   tiny, rural Centralia made their living by  mining rich deposits of anthracite coal.   As the coal industry dwindled, the area was left  with several abandoned underground coal mines.  While there are competing theories as to how  the fire started, the generally accepted version   is that on May 27, 1962, some firefighters were  cleaning up the local landfill by burning trash.   Unfortunately the fire at the dump sparked a  larger fire in a coal seam beneath the town.  Since then, the fire has spread, causing the  ground under Centralia to become extremely hot,   reaching over 900 degrees F (482 C) in some spots.  At times noxious fumes leaking from sinkholes has   sickened residents. Several attempts were made to  excavate and put out the fire, but to no avail.  Some of the abandoned coal mines  stoke the fire and at this point,   it would be incredibly expensive  and also extremely dangerous to   figure out which mine tunnels are  fueling the fire and close them off.  Over the years, authorities have  relocated--sometimes forcibly, the majority of   residents. Today Centralia is a ghost town. It’s  become a popular destination for urban explorers   and also served as the creepy inspiration  for horror movie franchise Silent Hill.  If you think that’s bad, our next topic  involves something fundamental that all   creatures must do to survive and how amazingly  horrible life becomes when you can’t do it. 7. Fatal Insomnia What if every night you have   trouble falling asleep? You’re exhausted,  but everything you try such as warm milk,   calming music, meditation and sleeping pills  doesn’t really help. You move through your days   in a daze; confused, disoriented, fatigued. In the  middle of ordinary tasks, you suddenly nod off for   seconds at a time and then you jerk back awake. Your insomnia grows worse night by night. You   begin to slur your words, you see hallucinations.  You have sudden episodes of sweating profusely.   Your whole existence longs for the sweet embrace  of restful slumber, but you cannot find relief.  Such are the symptoms for sufferers  of an extremely rare disorder,   fatal insomnia. As time goes on the insomnia  increasingly grows worse. Suffers may develop   dementia, coordination and speech problems.  Other symptoms include constipation,   an elevated heart rate, high blood pressure, as  well as menopause for women and impotence for men.  There is no cure for this disease, although at  least one patient was able to slow symptoms with   a variety of strategies, including vitamin  therapy, meditation and a sensory deprived,   controlled sleep process. Fatal insomnia  results in death within a few months to   a few years after the onset of symptoms, the  average length to demise being about 18 months.   While the average age of the sufferer is 50, the  disorder has been diagnosed in patients 18-60.  Diagnosis of fatal insomnia is suspected based  on symptoms. Patients undergo sleep studies,   PET scans and genetic testing to receive  a more complete view of symptoms. However,   a suspected case of fatal insomnia can only  be confirmed by a brain autopsy after death.  A disease where your body slowly shuts  down because although you long to,   you’re simply unable to do a natural bodily  function is incredibly disturbing in our book. Our next disturbing topic involves one of the  most beautiful and remote places on earth. Sadly,   it’s becoming polluted in a crazy, macabre  way due to humans trying to achieve a goal.  6. Green Boots Many climbers set out with dreams of conquering   Mount Everest; however sometimes the mountain  conquers them. Number 6 on our list of Even More   disturbing Wikipedia Pages is Green Boots. Nicknamed for the bright green Koflach   mountaineering boots on his feet, Green Boots is  the body of an unidentified climber who perished   in a limestone alcove cave at 27,900 ft (8,500  m) on Mount Everest. He’s become a landmark on   the main Northeast ridge route of Mount Everest  and expeditions climbing from the north side   pass by him. Green boots is believed to be  Tsewang Paljor, one of 8 climbers who died in   a blizzard during the 1996 Mount Everest disaster. Green boot isn’t the only corpse on the mountain.   Over 300 people have died climbing Mount Everest  and some 200 remain on its slopes. In fact, an   area just below the summit is nicknamed ‘Rainbow  Valley’ because of the many corpses laying there   wearing brightly colored mountaineering  apparel. It is incredibly expensive,   labor intensive and dangerous to the rescuers to  retrieve a corpse. Some climbers think that the   dead should be left where they lie out of respect  for the dead climbers’ love for the mountain   while others see the corpses as a macabre  warning to know one’s limits with nature.  Number 5 on our list of disturbing Wikipedia  pages is one of the most shocking events to   take place at the end of the 20th century.  Curiously the catalyst for this event was a   natural wonder that the earth probably won’t  experience again for close to 2,533 years.  5. Heaven’s Gate Cult In the late 1990’s the Comet   Hale–Bopp passed close to earth and was visible to  the naked eye for a record 18 months. Professional   and amatuer astronomers worldwide tracked the  comet’s path across the heavens. Also tracking   the comet was Heaven’s Gate, a cult waiting for  the right moment to put their plan into action.  Responding to a tip, on March 26, 1997,  deputies of the San Diego County Sheriff's   Department discovered a scene of mass suicide. 39  members of Heaven’s Gate, including the leader,   Marshall Applewhite, committed a coordinated  series of ritual suicides in order to join what   they believed was an extraterrestrial spacecraft  following Comet Hale–Bopp. Marshall believed the   UFO would take their souls to another "level  of existence above human", which he described   as being both physical and spiritual. All 39 were found wearing identical   black shirts and sweatpants, brand new  black-and-white Nike Decades athletic shoes,   and armband patches reading "Heaven's Gate Away  Team". The identical clothing represented unity,   while the Nike Decades were chosen simply  because the group “got a good deal”.  News of the deaths motivated at least one copycat  suicide by a member of the public not affliated   with the group. In the months after the mass  suicide event, at least three more members   of Heaven's Gate cult commited suicide. Currently, former members of Heaven Gate’s   continue to maintain the group's website  and media presence. The website explains the   group’s rationale for committing suicide, saying  "Hale–Bopp brings closure to Heaven's Gate ... Our   22 years of classroom here on planet Earth is  finally coming to conclusion—'graduation' from the   Human Evolutionary Level. We are happily prepared  to leave 'this world' and go with Ti's crew.”  The culmination of the Heaven’s Gate Cult was  wild, but the next topic is insane. The appalling   politically driven actions of a leader had an  unexpected twist and ultimately the end result   was very different than originally intended. 4. Cadaver Synod  In January of 897, Pope Formosus was made to  appear at the Basilica of St. John Lateran in   Rome and stand trial. He was accused of perjury,  violating canon law, and several other crimes.   It was a politically motivated event, orchestrated  by rulers asserting their power. However,   this trial was unusual--Pope Formosus was dead;  in fact he had died some seven months earlier.  However, by order of the current pope Stephen VI,  the corpse of Formosus was exhumed from his tomb   and brought to the papal court for a trial.  He was propped up on a throne and a deacon   was appointed to answer on Formosus’ behalf,  since he clearly couldn’t answer himself.  Once the trial had concluded, Formosus was judged  to be guilty and his papacy was retroactively   nullified. Stephen had the corpse stripped of  its papal vestments and then cut off the three   fingers of Formosus’ right hand that in life he  had used for blessings. Also, Stephen formally   invalidated all of Formosus' acts and ordinations. Formosus’ corpse was then buried in a graveyard   for foreigners. But that wasn’t insulting enough.  They dug him up once again, tied weights to his   body and threw him into the Tiber River. But that wasn’t the end of Formosus;   his corpse washed up on the banks of the river. A  rumor began to circulate throughout Rome that the   corpse was performing miracles. Public opinion  turned against Pope Stephen. A mob rose up,   removed him from power and imprisoned him. In the  summer of 897, Stephen VI was murdered in jail.  In December 897, Pope Theodore II convened  another synod which undid the Cadaver Synod   and restored Formosus’ ordinations. He ordered  that Formosus’ corpse be dressed in Papal regalia   and be reburied in Saint Peter's Basilica. So eventually Formosus received restorative   justice. Unfortunately, in our next story  there was little justice for the victim   and what happened to the murderer  after the crime is pretty unbelievable.  3. The Kobe Cannibal Sadly there are many killers   who have committed a host of horrific crimes  that we could have included in this video.   However we decided to include only Issei  Sagawa, nicknamed the Kobe Cannibal. Not   only was his crime incredibly disturbing, but  the public’s reaction was disturbing also.  In 1981, in Paris, Japanese exchange PHD  student Issei Sagawa murdered his Sorbonne   classmate Renée Hartevelt. He then spent  the next several days mutilating, violating   and cannibalizing her corpse. He was caught by  French police soon after dumping two suitcases   containing some of Renée’s remains near a lake. Issei’s wealthy father hired a lawyer for   his defense. After two years of pre-trial  detention, Issei was found legally insane.   Declared unfit to stand trial, he was ordered  to be held indefinitely in a mental institution.  Interested in Issei’s case, popular author Inuhiko  Yomota visited him. Issei shared his written   account of committing murder with Inuhiko,  who got the recollection published in Japan   under the title In the Fog. The public had avidly  followed the case and Issei’s book sparked a   macabre media frenzy. The French authorities,  tired of the publicity, deported Issei to Japan.  Upon arrival, Issei was immediately  committed to Matsuzawa Hospital in Tokyo.   Psychologists examined him and declared  him sane, finding that sexual perversion   was his only reason for murder--in other  words they thought Issei was just evil.  The charges against Issei in France had  been dropped, the court documents sealed and   unavailable to Japanese authorities. Thereful  Issei could not be legally detained in Japan.   On August 12, 1986 he simply checked himself  out of the hospital; having been imprisoned   for just about 5 years for his crime. Despite  criticism, Issei has remained free since then.  For several years Issei was quite the cause  celebre. Everyone wanted to interview this   sophisticated, erudite monster. He was frequently  invited to be a guest speaker and commentator.   Photographers took publicity photographs of  him eating meat and painting nude models.   He wrote more books about his own crime and  other murders. Also, he dined at restaurants   and wrote food reviews for a magazine. However there were those who criticized the   media frenzy surrounding Issei. During the early  2000’s it became harder for Issei to find work,   although he continued to be interviewed and  generate public interest. More recently,   health problems have kept the  aging Issei out of the public eye.   He lives alone and receives daily care  from his younger brother or caregivers.  If you’ve been eating while watching this  video, you may want to put down your food   for this next disturbing Wikipedia page.  Don’t say that we didn’t try to warn you.  2. Casu Marzu - Rotten Cheese There are a lot of let’s say...unique   dishes out there such as Hákarl or fermented  shark and Rocky Mountain Oyster or bull testicles.   But in our minds a traditional Sardinian  cheese called Casu Marzu is at the top   of the list of disturbing things you can eat. Casu Martzu literally means ‘rotten’ or ‘putrid’   cheese. It starts out as a regular wheel  of pecorino. Part of the rind is removed   to allow cheese flies to lay eggs in  the cheese. Once the eggs hatch, the   translucent white larvae eat through the cheese  and expel an acid from their digestive system.   The acid breaks down the cheese's fats and makes  it soft and runny. A wheel of Casu Martzu is ready   to eat when it’s completely colonized by maggots  and has reached a late stage of decomposition.   It generally takes the tiny worms 1-2 months  to produce the desired effect in the cheese.  Traditionally Casu Martzu is served with  flatbread and a glass of robust red wine.   The strong smelling soft cheese is infested with  hundreds of maggots which jump and writhe in your   mouth as you eat it. That is if you can get it to  your mouth. When the cheese is sliced or scooped   out of the rind, the maggots react. They protect  themselves by coiling up and springing up to half   a foot (15 cm) away from danger. So while lifting  some Casu Martzu towards your mouth, maggots could   leap on your face. Some aficionados chill their  cheese to slow or kill the larvae. Others place   the cheese in an airtight container to suffocate  them to death just before eating so they don’t   have to deal with the leaping larvae problem. Even worse than maggots jumping on you the   cheese may be contaminated with nasty bacteria  such as salmonella. It can trigger allergic   reactions in some eaters. There’s also the  possibility that the maggots will survive   your stomach acid and colonize your intestines,  causing intestinal myiasis. The symptoms can be   horrible-abdominal pain, fever, vomiting,  gastric lesions, anal itch, and bloody or   maggoty stool. This is why some have called Casu  Martzu the most dangerous cheese in the world.  The EU has actually banned Casu Martzu due to food  hygiene-health regulations. Offenders caught with   the cheese face heavy fines. This has not  prevented a black market for Casu Martzu.  Our final choice for a disturbing Wikipedia  page is the shocking tale of a man who   earned himself a place in infamy because he  believed death was not a hindrance to love.  1. Carl Tanzler Carl Tanzler, a radiology   technologist, was living an ordinary life in Key  West, Florida when a life changing event happened.  On April 22, 1930, Karl met local  beauty Maria Elena Milagro de Hoyos   when she came to the Marine hospital for  an examination. He fell head over heels.  Elena was eventually diagnosed with tuberculosis,  an infectious disease which generally impares   lung function. While treatment options have since  improved, in the 1930’s TB was frequently fatal.  Karl treated Elena with his self-professed  medical knowledge, trying a variety of   medicines. He also showered her with gifts and  allegedly confessed his love to her. It’s not   known whether Elena returned his affections. Despite Karl’s best efforts, Elena passed   away on October 25, 1931. A heartbroken Karl  paid for her funeral, and with the permission   of her family had an above ground mausoleum  built. Karl visited Elena almost every night.  One night in April 1933, Karl broke into  Elena’s mausoleum and stole her body.   Allegedly Karl claimed that when he sat by  her grave and serenaded her with a favorite   Spanish song, Elena’s spirit would visit him  and tell him to remove her from her grave.  Karl fitted the bones of Elena’s corpse together  with piano wire and stuffed her body cavity with   rags so that she maintained her original  form. As her skin decomposed, Karl replaced   it with silk cloth soaked in wax and plaster  of paris. He also gave her corpse glass eyes.  Karl dressed the corpse in  stockings, jewelry, and gloves,   and kept it in his bed. He used large amounts of  various perfumes, disinfectants, and preserving   agents to mask the odor and slow decomposition. Elena's sister Florinda heard rumors of Karl   sleeping with the disinterred body of her sister.  In October 1940, she confronted him at his home.   Elena's body was eventually discovered. Florinda  alerted the authorities, and Karl was arrested.  Karl was examined and found mentally competent  to stand trial on the charge of "wantonly and   maliciously destroying a grave and removing  a body without authorization”. However,   eventually the charge was dropped as the statute  of limitations for the crime had run out.  The case drew a media frenzy. Perhaps  surprisingly, Karl was sympathetically   viewed as an eccentric romantic by the public.  Elena's body was examined by doctors and then   was temporarily put on public display at a funeral  home. Eventually she was returned to the cemetery   where she was reburied in an unmarked grave, in  a secret location, to prevent further tampering.  Karl used a death mask to create a life-sized  effigy of Elena, and lived with it until his death   at age 75 on July 3, 1952. Some claim that Karl  managed to switch bodies and that he lived with   the real body of Elena until he passed away. Check out the original Disturbing   Wikipedia Pages video here: Have you heard about the   worst internet attack the world has ever  seen? View this video to learn about it:
Channel: The Infographics Show
Views: 811,963
Rating: 4.9146347 out of 5
Keywords: wikipedia, wiki, wikipedia rabbit hole, craziest wikipedia pages, internet, disturbing wikipedia pages, disturbing, stories, history, infographics, the infographics show, silent hill, fatal insomnia, insomnia, green boots, rotten cheese, carl tanzler
Id: OJpILcJDz84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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