Weirdest Facts About the Male Body

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There is more to men than just their  penis. Do you think we get through this   video without talking about the weird things  the male sex organ does? Only time will tell. If you’ve ever been awoken by a snoring  partner it was most likely a male.   That is because sleep studies have found  that men tend to snore more than women.   Some research studies have hypothesized  that this is because men tend to have   more abdominal body fat than women. Whether  this is a result of drinking too much beer,   or just not working out enough, is something  to be assessed on a case by case basis. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine found that  about 40% of men are habitual snorers. This is   almost twice the percentage of women, which the  study found was closer to 24%. So, if you are a   male who is woken up by snoring, there is a good  chance you were the snorer and woke yourself up. Dental hygiene is important for both males  and females, but did you know that men’s teeth   are larger on average than women’s?  This might not be super surprising,   but the reason why is actually pretty crazy. All of the teeth in the male mouth tend  to be larger than in females. However,   there is one set of teeth that are almost always  larger and sharper in men. The pointy canine teeth   can be significantly larger in a man’s mouth.  When you think about it in evolutionary terms,   this makes sense. Our closest relatives,  the chimpanzee, use their canines to assert   dominance in a group by pulling back their lips  in a threatening way to show off their teeth.   In this display of power the canines  are always the most prominent. In our distant past, human ancestors most likely  had a hierarchy within their social groups   similar to that of which we see today in modern  apes. Therefore, males who had larger canines   were more intimidating and dangerous. This was  less important for the females of the species,   so there was no evolutionary pressure  for them to evolve larger teeth. Hair can be a touchy subject for men. Whether  it is because early hair loss is embarrassing,   or because they want a luxurious beard,  men are obsessed with their hair. But one   weird fact is that men typically  have darker hair than women do. When you think about it you probably  know more blonde haired women than men.   This is not surprising since when men go through  puberty they produce higher amounts of melanin   than women. Melanin is one of the pigments  responsible for skin, hair, and eye color.   More melanin normally results in darker traits.  Since men tend to produce slightly more melanin   than women this most likely plays a role  in them having darker hair on average.   We’ve all heard the saying that  someone has thick skin—meaning   that not a lot bothers them—but  men actually have thicker skin. Men normally generate more  testosterone than women.   One side effect of this is that men’s skin is  slightly thicker. Testosterone can stimulate   the growth of skin cells. More skin cells  means thicker skin. In fact, men’s skin   tends to be about 25% thicker than the skin of  females. This is not an insignificant number,   and the difference between male and  female skin does not just stop there. Men also have tougher skin than women. Whether  this was an evolutionary adaptation to help   them in fending off dangerous animals, or fighting  for dominance in their social circle, is unclear.   But tougher skin may have been an advantage  to men earlier in our specie’s history.   Thicker and tougher skin could just  be a byproduct of more testosterone,   but it also may have helped men survive. One last weird fact about men’s skin is that   it actually has the ability  to slow the aging process. What we mean by this is that if men are careful  about how they treat their body, the signs of   aging will be reduced. Men lose collagen density  slightly slower than women do, resulting in   less wrinkles and sagging as they get older. The  fact that a man is getting older doesn’t change,   but the looks associated with aging can  be less significant in men than in women. This is only true if men take care of  their skin. We are not talking about   using moisturizing products, but by reducing  sun-related damage by wearing sunscreen,   and making sure to be careful while shaving  to reduce nicks and other damage to the skin.   If men are smart about how they treat  their skin, it will last much longer,   and allow them to maintain their  rugged good looks a bit longer. We did our best to stay away from the penis,   but there are too many weird facts about it  to not include in this video… so here we go. All men are born with foreskin around the tip  of their penis. Depending on the culture they   are raised in, or preference of the parents,  this skin can be removed or circumcised.   But what is the foreskin of the penis  actually for? The answer is pretty weird. The foreskin itself is a double layer of skin,  and a mucus membrane, that covers the head of the   penis when it’s flaccid. The foreskin most likely  served as some form of protection for the penis in   the distant past before humans developed clothing.  It may have prevented dust or other outside   particulates from entering the urethra, or perhaps  it was a shield against unpleasant bug bites on   the sensitive head of the male member. As of right  now we do not know exactly why men have foreskins. However, The World Health Organization  has found some interesting, and scary   facts about this weird part of the male body. According to the WHO uncircumcised men  have a higher risk of contracting HIV.   This is because cells called Langerhans  cells found in the mucous under the foreskin   are highly susceptible to the HIV virus. These  cells allow the virus an entry point into the   body where it can begin to target a man’s white  blood cells and dismantle their immune system.   The WHO found that men who are circumcised  have a reduced risk of contracting HIV by 60%. And the weird facts about foreskin don’t  stop there. Circumcision of this piece   of skin dates all the way back to artwork  in Egyptian tombs from around 2300 B.C.E.   The removal of the foreskin became common as a  right of passage in Jewish and Muslim religions   long ago, but it was in the 1800’s  that foreskin removal got real weird. During the 1800’s circumcision gained  favor in the realm of public health.   It was claimed that by removing the foreskin a  man could be relieved of antisocial behavior or   even paralysis. The foreskin was also blamed for  decreasing a man’s sexual pleasure, and therefore,   was often removed. Even though none of these  benefits of removing foreskin are true,   this strange piece of the male body  definitely gives you something to think about Whether a man has foreskin or not,  the shape of the penis is the same.   And this shape has some  surprising and weird functions. The head of the penis is shaped in a way that  may serve an evolutionary benefit for males.   Scientists know that in certain primates males  often compete to have sex with the same female   to pass on their DNA to the  next generation. Humans are   no different in the evolutionary scheme of things. The head of the penis is actually pretty good at  extracting another male’s sperm from the female’s   reproductive system. Think of it as a kind of  plunger. The mushroom shape of the male penis   allows the head to scoop out rival sperm, and give  its own sperm a better chance at reaching the egg. This fact is also supported by scientific  studies. In the Journal of Evolutionary   Psychology one study found that the shape of  a human penis was optimal for depositing sperm   into the vagina while simultaneously displacing  rival sperm. Researchers at University at Albany   took things a step further and created artificial  penises of different shapes to see which was best   at scooping out rival sperm. Their findings were  not entirely surprising. The shape of an average   male penis did an excellent job at flushing  out sperm that was already in the vagina,   and thereby allowing a male’s own sperm to  have a better shot at impregnating a female. Men’s bodies create some weird substances,  but none is stranger than semen.   What makes this bodily fluid so unique is  the journey that it takes to be created. When a man ejaculates the substance that  comes out of the urethra is called semen.   You may be surprised to learn that semen actually  isn’t made up of very much sperm. In fact,   only about 1 to 5 percent of the  liquid is made up of sex cells. Semen itself isn’t even created in the testicles  like you might think. Three different areas of the   male body are needed to generate and mix together  all the components of semen. Sperm is created in   the testes and when a man ejaculates it begins  its journey through the seminal vesicles where   a yellowish fluid is mixed in. This substance is  what around 70% of the semen is actually made of. After the seminal vesicles,  the liquid passes through   the prostate where a fluid containing  enzymes and other molecules is added.   Just before ejaculation the fluid goes through the  bulbourethral glands, which secrete lubrication   to allow the sperm to pass out of the urethra.  So the journey of semen is a pretty weird one. Our final weird fact about the male body   is something that many men have  experienced, and is quite painful.   For those of you who wonder if men get yeast  infections like females do, the answer is yes. Oftentimes yeast infections are associated  with pain in the female urinary tract,   but men can experience this as well. A buildup  in bacteria in the urethra can cause massive   discomfort in men. If you are a male, or  female, who has never had a yeast infection,   consider yourself lucky. Yeast infections  are more common in men who are uncircumcised,   so removing the piece of skin covering the  penis may have even more health benefits. But even circumcised men can get yeast  infections. Like in women, male yeast   infections come with a rash, discharge,  and pain in the urethra. Luckily for men,   the same medications that works  for females can cure them as well.   If you thought yeast infections were a weird  situation that only happened to females,   think again. The male and female bodies are  much more similar than they are different. Now watch “Weird Facts About Testicles.” Or  check out “Weird Facts About Female Body.”
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Length: 8min 43sec (523 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 05 2021
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