Men vs Women Sex Drive - How Do They Compare?

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A woman sits down to write a letter to a magazine  advice column. Her husband is in the room next   to her playing Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War.  Every so often she can hear him curse and shout,   at which points she grits her teeth in anger. “He won’t have sex with me,” she writes, adding,   “The few times we’ve had sex (and I can count  those on one hand), I’ve had to beg for it.”  She’s hoping someone will be able to explain  what happened to this guy. Today you’ll find out.  The example we’ve just used is real. The woman  claimed in the letter that her husband had slept   with her once in the last seven years. Just  like that, he stopped. When she asked him what   went wrong, he told her “it just stopped working”,  meaning his John Thomas. He explained to her that   this is what happens to men in their fifties. She didn’t believe him, blaming herself and   her weight gain. In the last paragraph of  the letter she wrote, “I’m isolated, bored,   frustrated, lonely, rejected, unwanted, hurt,  and angry. I’m sick of feeling like I’m selfish   for wanting sex with my husband.” Part of the reply she got was,   “It’s about your husband’s failings as  a human being, about his self-hatred,   about his ineptitude and his decline.” But what if he’d just lost his sex drive?   Can that happen? Does it happen more to men than  women? Who has the strongest sex drive in nature   in general? What do we really want sexually? Those are some questions we’ll answer today   among many other fascinating things we’ll  discuss related to men and women wanting,   or not wanting, to get it on. But  first of all, what is a sex drive.  Another term for it is libido. You can’t measure  it. It’s not an actual part of your brain. It’s   just a thing we talk about in reference  to how much a person wants to have sex.  All humans have these things called sex hormones,  which regulate through biological processes our   wanting for sex. If such hormones were absent or  for some reason depleted, we might lose our sex   drive. For instance, certain drugs can affect  these hormones, such as some anti-depressants.  But there’s more to the sex drive than chemical  reactions. There’s the psychological side, too,   such as you feeling the need for sex because  you have become very attracted to someone.   If a person really attracts you, your  sex drive might go into hyperdrive.  Or, for a woman, her sex drive might  get into third gear right before she   ovulates – when the egg is released from her  ovary. That’s because her testosterone levels   change during this stage of menstruation. This drive develops when we are very young,   before we really understand sex at all. Then,  when we go through puberty, it really gets   going. Ask any teenage boy who’s had to do his own  laundry for fear of what his mother may discover.  Boys generally get very horny at around the age  of 15. This is the point in many boy’s life when   even sitting on a vibrating bus can cause a  stir in his loins. Before this age, both boys   and girls might show some kind of sexual interest  in someone, but it can be vague. Still, one study   showed that 25 percent of boys and girls as young  as 11 or 12 reported that they “think about sex.”  But when they hit their teens, something changes.  It’s in the early teens that many boys will start   having sexual fantasies. What was previously  a nascent and vague feeling about sex becomes   something very much real. Only ten percent of  boys start masturbating at the age of 10, but by   the time they are 11 or 12 it’s around half of all  boys that partake in the odd five-knuckle shuffle.  The vast majority of boys will slap  the salami once they get to 13 and 14,   while hardly any girls at all will masturbate  before they are 13. From 13 to 14, only about   20 percent of girls will masturbate. These  are rough figures we found in the book,   “Puberty and Adolescent Sexuality.” But  we have to remember there are many factors   as to when the sex drive develops and as to  when it is acted upon, such as our culture.  Scientists tell us that when guys are around  that sometimes difficult age of 15 they are   in the most hyper stage of horniness. This is due  to their raging testosterone levels. With females   it’s very different, with their sex drive really  coming into full swing sometime in their 30s.   Just as a man’s libido might be in the first  stages of waning, a woman’s can really get going.  This, of course, can sometimes cause problems in  a relationship. It’s akin to discovering chocolate   mountain when your teeth have fallen out and your  appetite isn’t what it used to be. In short, men   are fast starters and women but women catch up. But that doesn’t mean both men and women can’t be   involved in a sexual relationship right up until  their 70s or even 80s. One study we found said,   “Forty percent of adults aged 65 to 80  are sexually active, and more than half,   54 percent, say sex is important to their  quality of life.” That’s not the kind of study   children and grandchildren like reading when  thinking about their parents and grandparents,   but don’t think for a minute kids that the  older folks can’t wear out the bed springs.  According to a paper written by researchers at  Manchester University’s School of Social Sciences,   there are some “sexual survivors” who just don’t  retire their sex organs. These are the folks that   are still going at it in their 80s, and they are  loving it. Still, these folks are in a minority.   The paper said by the time we reach 85, only  one in ten women are still interested in sex,   but for men, it was a quarter of them. For men, though, their drive isn’t always   represented by a phallus that can stand up  straight when it’s needed to go into battle.   Luckily for them, there are drugs these days that  can help the little fella spring back to life.  But as we said, there are more than biological  concerns when it comes to sex drive. Plenty of   women have hit stagnancy in the sexual realm in  middle ages and found in later life when they   met the right guy, their sex drive suddenly  flourished again. And the same goes for men.  There are social elements, too, such as people  thinking they are past it. Old folks might be   stuck in a home for the elderly which is not  exactly a sexy environment, but some older people   might use their retirement to travel the world  where they find their sexuality explodes again.  But what about in general? Do either  men or women have a higher sex drive?  You already know that young males have a stronger  sex drive than young females, but in the case   of the married couple in the intro, they were  both grown up. It seems in that circumstance,   the woman had the stronger sex drive, but if  science is correct, this is an anomaly. It’s also   likely the man just didn’t find the woman sexually  attractive anymore. He blamed his age, but was he   secretly fantasizing about a younger woman? A man in his 50s wouldn’t usually just lose   his sex drive. In fact, males aged from their late  teens to their 60s will think about sex on average   once a day, although it’s not easy to measure  this, as you can understand. Still, men it’s said   will fantasize about sex a lot more when they  are still young, but they’ll keep fantasizing   until they hit their winter years. Yep, your  grandfather will more than likely still look at   young women and imagine getting it on with them. A social psychologist at Florida State University   named Roy Baumeister has made a name for  himself studying the sex drive, as well as   writing myriad well-known books on other matters  such as addiction. He researched the sex drive   for a long time and after interviewing scores of  people he discovered that men get sexually turned   on in a spontaneous sense much more than women. He said, “Men want sex more often than women at   the start of a relationship, in the middle of  it, and after many years of it.” This goes for   heterosexual men and homosexual men. He also  found that men want a higher number of sexual   relationships in their lives and they are more  down than women on average in having casual sex.  Women focus more on having  meaningful relationships,   while men are generally more ok with having  one-night stands and things like that. We know   this sounds like an old-fashioned stereotype,  but this is what researchers have found out.  It seems men are just more simple in regard  to sex. They look at a woman and some chemical   reactions go off in their heads and they wouldn’t  mind jumping into bed with this woman. Women,   on the other hand, will be aroused often only  when other environmental factors are involved.  As another researcher put it, “Sexual desire  in women is extremely sensitive to environment   and context.” This social scientist wrote the  book, “The Social Organization of Sexuality:   Sexual Practices in the United States.” In a purely evolutionary sense,   a male might want to spread his seed to as many  women as possible if they look like they could   provide him some offspring and proliferate  his genes. But with women, it doesn’t make   evolutionary sense to sleep with any old man.  They will be looking for a suitable mate.  As for masturbation, around two-thirds  of adult men, married or not, will carry   on beating the beaver. More so, of course, if  they’re not in a healthy sexual relationship.   Still, they will usually knock the odd one  out on the sly even if they are with someone.   On the other hand, only about 40 percent of  adult women report masturbating and if they do,   they do it less often than men. Men also seek out sex more when   it comes at a cost. The vast majority of  prostitution is men seeking women or other men,   rather than women seeking another woman or  a man. Even priests, who’ve taken a vow of   celibacy, seek sex more than nuns seek sex. So, what is going on inside men and women?  It’s hard to say, but one researcher at  Northwestern University tried to figure it out   by conducting a sex study. She showed the  participants a series of erotic movies while   a device was attached to their genital areas to  measure how turned on they were. The participants   were also asked how aroused they felt. The straight guys in the study told the   researchers that what moved them the most was  watching male to female sex but also female to   female. Those devices told the researchers  this was very true. As for homosexual men,   they were aroused by seeing male to male sex. The women in the study said they were the   most aroused by watching male to female sex.  Maybe they weren’t telling the truth, though,   because the devices showed they were just  as aroused watching men have sex with men   and women having sex with women. One of the researchers concluded,   “Men are very rigid and specific about who they  become aroused by, who they want to have sex with,   who they fall in love with.” He said women  are more open in general to having same-sex   relationships, and while they might not do it,  they have more of a capacity to do it. That’s   why more women report being bisexual than men. In terms of making out with people willy-nilly,   women who were interviewed showed that many things  influenced who they would have sex with. If the   person went to church mattered, but it didn’t with  men. With women, their friends had an effect on   who they’d sleep with, but not so much with men. The study even said that education counted for   something with women. The more educated a woman  was, the more up for experimenting she was, such   as giving and receiving oral sex. Education didn’t  seem to make any difference when it came to men.  In all, the researchers said that  men certainly seem to have a higher   sex drive and they are less vulnerable to  outside factors when it comes to having sex.   But is this just plain old-fashioned thinking?  It wasn’t too long ago that women were expected   to hide their sexual feelings and impulses. That might still be true in some cultures,   but it seems that men do want more sex with  more women and it doesn’t have to involve   lots of preceding chasing. Another researcher  said women like a story. They are more complex.   An example is that a lot of those online apps  that tell a sexual story are dedicated to women.   Women like a plot. Men are ok with a paragraph. One researcher explained it like this:  “Women want to talk first, connect  first, then have sex. For men,   sex is the connection. Sex is the language men use  to express their tender loving vulnerable side.   It is their language of intimacy.” Maybe some of you have started falling   in love and said to yourself, “If she liked me,  she’d sleep with me.” But maybe the woman thinks,   “If he really liked me, he’d wait and  let this story flower into something   more than a bedboard banging against the wall.” Even a woman’s orgasm is more complex. With guys,   they are usually done within four minutes.  That’s when they are grown up. When that guy   who has the stiff socks has sex for the first  time he’s more likely to last four seconds.  But the average woman, young or old, would on  average take 11 minutes to reach orgasm if she   reaches it at all. In couples, men reported having  an organism during sex 75 percent of the time,   but with women, it was more like 25 percent. The  funny thing is, the men in the study said their   partners reached orgasm 45 percent of the time. As for that couple in their 50s we talked about   at the start, other studies have shown that it’s  actually women who generally lose interest in sex   first. Sure, the guy could have had some kind  of erectile dysfunction, which can happen to   men as they age, but it is possible his member  would have worked in different circumstances.  Citing another study, the BBC reported that  women were twice as likely to lose their sex   drive when in a relationship, but this wasn’t  always about biology. It was often a result   of “a lack of emotional closeness.” This study  was undertaken by the British Medical journal   and involved 5,000 men and 6,700 women. Of those people, 15 percent of the men said   they’d lost all interest in sex for a period  of three months or more in the last year,   but for women, it was 34 percent. Nonetheless,  with men, the sex drive started faltering between   the ages of 35 and 44, and with women,  it was between the ages of 55 and 64.  Again, though, just because the sexual flame has  died it doesn’t mean the sex drive is gone for   good. Various circumstances, such as hard work or  kids or even boredom, play a part, but the drive   would still be there if things were different. And if you think about what we’ve already said,   if men’s sex drives are not as complex and they  are more willing to jump in bed with more people,   they will likely be having more sex at an older  age than women. It’s likely that as time goes on,   men will feel more of a need to spread their seed  than women will want to have sex for sex’s sake.  Now you need to educate yourself some more  with “Why Do We Actually Have Sex.” Or,   have a look at “Why Men Have to Wait and Women  Don't - Refractory Period (Sex Education).”
Channel: The Infographics Show
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Id: 9jAP3-k6Uec
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Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 19 2022
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