So, there they are, Aiden and Ellie, the onlyÂ
survivors to have not succumbed to the apocalypse.  Still in their late teens, the two areÂ
in their prime, at least when it comes to  making babies. The good news is they have the hotsÂ
for each other, but can they repopulate the Earth? You all know that there’s a version of humanÂ
history that involves two folks getting it on  and kicking off mankind. Those twoÂ
star-struck lovers were Adam and Eve,  a couple that made the Garden of Eden their home.Â
We’re not exactly sure what kind of food they  had to sustain their lives in the garden, butÂ
probably a bit more than the forbidden fruit. As for Aiden and Ellie, there isÂ
plenty of food on their lonely planet.  The old blue ball didn’t get whacked by anÂ
asteroid or anything similarly cataclysmic.  It was forward-thinking artificialÂ
intelligence that wiped everyone out,  but then it destroyed itself just beforeÂ
it could finish off the last two humans. The animals were still around. The AI wasÂ
programmed to ensure the sustainability of  the Earth at any cost, and then it figured outÂ
that humans were going to destroy the planet,  so the only rational thing to do was toÂ
destroy all humans. Yeah, whoever developed  that program sure upset a lot of folks.
For the first couple of months,  Aiden and Ellie didn’t really think muchÂ
about starting mankind again. They spent  much of their time hanging out in rich people’sÂ
houses and driving fast cars. Ellie almost drove  into a tree one day, and after that, theÂ
couple decided not to take too many risks.  There was some serious business to take care of.
Thankfully, they lived in Los Angeles, California,  which having a mild climate meant the coupleÂ
didn’t have anything to fear from a brutal  winter and the fact there was no electricity.Â
Let’s just say that while the apocalypse was a  bit of a downer, these two got very luckyÂ
in terms of their chances of survival. They also had the added bonus of notÂ
being related. That’s a good thing  because studies have shown that when childrenÂ
are born from folks who are related there’s a  higher rate of infant mortality. Even if the kidsÂ
survive, there’s a much higher chance that those  kids will be born with some kind of defect.
Nonetheless, Ellie and Aiden’s offspring might  be born healthy, but what about the offspring’sÂ
offspring? Now we run into difficulties. In a study undertaken in CzechoslovakiaÂ
between the years 1933 and 1970,  scientists looked at the children of parentsÂ
who were first-degree relatives. First-degree  is someone in your direct family. Procreating withÂ
these people isn’t generally a cool thing to do.  Even if first cousins get it on, the offspringÂ
has double the chance of having a birth defect. In that study, the kids who were bornÂ
to first-degree parents didn’t have  great outcomes. 40 percent of them hadÂ
very severe disabilities. 14 percent  of them died because of their disabilities.
We have a very good real-life example of this,  featuring a man you might think was tryingÂ
to increase the population of his country.  That man was King Chulalongkorn ofÂ
Thailand, who ruled from 1868 to 1910. This guy did a lot of good thingsÂ
in terms of modernizing his country,  and he was also a formidableÂ
baby-maker, just as his father had been. That father was King Mongkut,Â
who had 82 children in total. One of them was Chulalongkorn.Â
Following in his daddy’s footsteps,  Chulalongkorn had a lot of wives, consorts,Â
and concubines, adding up to 116 women in  total. To keep the bloodline pure, several ofÂ
his partners with whom he had children were  actually his half-sisters. Back in those days,Â
it still wasn’t clear how bad inbreeding was. But the proof soon became evidentÂ
in the pudding, so to speak. He had a kid with a half-sister named DaksinajarÂ
Naradhirajbutri. It died just hours after it was  born. He had eight kids with half-sister SavangÂ
Vadhana. One of them lived for just three days and  most of them didn’t make it to adulthood. VadhanaÂ
herself lived until the ripe old age of 93.  She was the product of inbreeding.
In fact, if you research what happened  to his 77 children, you see that many, and weÂ
are talking many, didn’t live very long at all.  A lot of them died when they were barelyÂ
out of their fancy infant clothes. Many others died in their twenties and thirties. European royalty was also into keeping things inÂ
the family to ensure the bloodline was pure and  also to make certain money and property stayedÂ
with the family after someone passed away.  European inbreeding in royal families was veryÂ
evident in the Spanish Habsburg dynasty. Offspring  were often weak and sickly, and there was alsoÂ
the now-famous deformity called the Hapsburg jaw. The internet might have been down in Aiden andÂ
Ellie’s brave new world, but they did have access  to books and libraries, and being the prudentÂ
folks they were, they read up on inbreeding. After going through a few books on the matter,Â
they were rightfully afraid their kids’ kids  would bite the dust just as soon as they let outÂ
that first primal scream or perhaps spend their  short lives hobbling around while carryingÂ
a jaw that would put Desperate Dan to shame. The couple also read about the Colt family inÂ
Australia and the marriage between June and Jim. In short, June was the child of a brother andÂ
sister. She married Jim Colt. They were in New  Zealand at the time. They had seven kids ofÂ
their own and moved to Australia. More kids  were born once those kids were old enough toÂ
have children, but the Colts didn’t stray much  farther than their own home, if you get whatÂ
we mean. The children were born through incest. A lot of the kids had defects, and some seemedÂ
a little mentally deranged and did things like  hurt animals. Many were very sickly and prone toÂ
disease. Incest wasn’t working out very well for  the family. When an investigator found them,Â
he said it was “like nothing I've ever seen.” This story sent shivers down Aiden and Ellie’sÂ
spines, with both of them just sitting for a  while in the library thinking about a teamÂ
of kids running around with fungal feet  trying to set cows on fire.
But did it have to be that  way? That’s the big question today.
Some, not many, of King Chulalongkorn’s  children that he had with his sisters went on toÂ
have fairly normal lives, although admittedly it’s  hard to find kids who lived past the age of 40.
Aiden and Ellie were now certain that a small  gene pool was going to lead to a futureÂ
offspring of physically and mentally  ill kids once their own children startedÂ
procreating. But what choice did they have? They had one kid, a boy, and named him Carl.Â
Then they had another kid and they named him  Asher. Damn, they thought, two boys. Then CarlÂ
accidentally killed Asher when they were fighting  over toys, after which Ellie and Aiden had aÂ
third child and named him Sebastian. Another boy! With not much to do, these two last adultÂ
humans just kept pumping out kid after kid,  as many in fact as was possible given Ellie’sÂ
natural aging process. The kids for the most  part grew up fine, but the kids’ kidsÂ
were a different matter altogether. Let’s us explain something now, before we getÂ
to the strange case of the extended family. You’ve heard of that thing called DNA. Well, itÂ
has packaged into it 23 pairs of chromosomes.  Within every chromosome, there are hundredsÂ
of thousands of genes. It’s these things  that will determine human characteristics,Â
such as hair color, but some of them are  also bad to the bone, sometimes literally.
Every gene has a couple of copies and they  are called alleles. When two people have aÂ
child, they pass on one pair to the child. There are dominant and recessive genes,Â
too. If one pair of genes is dominant,  you will have the trait of thatÂ
gene when it’s passed on to you.  With recessive genes, it is different, becauseÂ
you need both pairs of genes to gain the trait. For example, the gene for brown eyes is dominant,Â
so if you get that you will have brown eyes.  But for blues eyes, it is different, because thatÂ
gene is recessive. You’d need both recessive genes  to get blue eyes. In this case, both yourÂ
parents passed on blue-eyed pairs of genes,  but if one of your parents had theÂ
brown-eyed gene, you’d get brown eyes. Importantly, though, as you know, not allÂ
children get the same DNA from their parents  unless they are twins. You get 50 percent ofÂ
your DNA from both parents, making 100 percent. Now, imagine that DNA, say, from your mom wasÂ
half a pack of cards. When the next child is born,  the pack is shuffled, so that the next childÂ
doesn’t get the same DNA with all the same genes.  But, if there were lots of children andÂ
you kept shuffling the pack, at some point  some sets of genes will look similar toÂ
another child’s. This is important to know  as we go along with the Ellie and Aiden story.
The good news is that many defective traits  are carried in recessive genes. This isÂ
great, because they aren’t very common,  and to get that harmful trait, you’ll haveÂ
to get a pair of them. This is exactly why  it is good to play the field with strangers.
Ok, that’s a joke, but if your parents are related  there is a more chance they carry some defectiveÂ
gene, and in that case, the child might get a pair  and one thing leads to another and a child isÂ
born with a chin that looks like an old boot.  If there are generations all from the same geneÂ
pool, at some point even with all the shuffling,  some bad genes might match up.
The Hapsburg, Charles II of Spain,  was the man famous for his chin. It tookÂ
generations of inbreeding to make him like that. In fact, he was born with scores of defectsÂ
and disabilities which made his life hell.  After many years of suffering, he died aged 38.Â
Just to give you an idea of what can go wrong,  here’s what his autopsy report said:
“Heart was the size of a peppercorn;  his lungs corroded; his intestines rottenÂ
and gangrenous; he had a single testicle,  black as coal, and his head was full of water.”
When Ellie read that she fainted on the spot just  thinking about future generations of her family.Â
The first thing that came to mind was a grandkid  of hers looking like a character from a movieÂ
she’d watched as a kid called “The Toxic Avenger.” But then one day she was reading another book,Â
and something improved her grim mood. She read  the lines, “The evidence for the short-termÂ
effects of low genetic diversity is very strong,  but all these things are probabilistic. ThereÂ
are stories of incredible journeys back from  the brink - anything is possible.”
You can get very lucky playing cards. Ellie tried to translate that in laymen’s termsÂ
and came to the conclusion that if she and Aiden  knocked out enough kids and those kids knockedÂ
out enough kids then despite the fact there  will be lots of challenges (cow burning even)Â
some of the kids could possibly flourish and  the future of mankind could be in the bag.
Ellie’s hair eventually turned a shade of  gray and at that time her beloved husband was aÂ
formidable farmer. Things didn’t seem too bad,  but some of her grandkids had livesÂ
that were, as one of her favorite  writers would have put it, “nasty and short”.
She and Aiden had 10 sons, 18 daughters, in total.  They in turn had kids with each other,Â
because that’s just how things had to be.  Evolution actually wants us to be attracted toÂ
people who are genetically different from us,  but the future of mankind demandedÂ
they make do with each other. Ellie was still worried, having read that there isÂ
more chance of defects the more inbreeding takes  place, such as what happened to the Hapsburgs. IfÂ
only Ellie knew what genes all her grandkids had,  she could safely match them so children weren’tÂ
born unhealthy, but that wasn’t possible. She had a reason for some optimism thoughÂ
when she read about the people of the  small island called Pingelap, who lived farÂ
from the busy world in the western Pacific. These people were almost wiped out in theÂ
18th century when a typhoon struck the island,  but 20 of them survived. They flourishedÂ
after, even though a recessive gene  ensured that many years later a tenth of theÂ
island was afflicted with color-blindness. The thing was, this disorder, called completeÂ
achromatopsia, was thought to have come  from one man. But it didn’t show up in theÂ
population until the fourth generation. But still,  not everyone got it. This made Ellie happy.
She sat there with the book in her hand and  with one of her granddaughters crying from a cribÂ
nearby, she repeated those words in her mind,  “Anything is possible, anything is possible.”
We are going to bounce back, she said under her  breath in a determined voice, even thoughÂ
out of the corner of her eye she glimpsed  one of her less successful by-products gigglingÂ
while throwing an aerosol can into a small fire. There was a long way to go yet, and what’sÂ
called the “Founder effect” was in full  swing – meaning a profound lack of geneticÂ
diversity as generations interbreed. Still,  while Ellie’s family admittedly all lookedÂ
very similar, she held out hope that in  generations to come there would be naturalÂ
mutations and some diversity would occur. Since Aiden in those days seemed onlyÂ
interested in tending to his vegetables  and cattle – he’d become so distant –Â
Ellie read more and more. In some ways,  they were a perfect couple, with she being theÂ
academic one and he being so good with his hands. One day Ellie told Aiden that there were instancesÂ
in history in which animals likely created entire  populations after starting as pairs. They wereÂ
eating when she looked at him and shouted “rats!”. “What?” replied Aiden, feeling confused. She toldÂ
him a single pair of rats started a population  on some island and the rats thrived. HeÂ
then gave her a familiar look and said,  “Don’t tell me you read that on one of thoseÂ
printouts from that old website, Quora.” Ellie went quiet and returned to herÂ
room, where she read the printout again.  It said, “Starlings in North AmericaÂ
originated from just 60 individuals;Â Â there are a couple hundred million of them now,Â
most of which are nearly genetically identical.” That seemed like good news, but she understoodÂ
that a “small population” was different  from the last two. She couldn’t find any examplesÂ
in her books when an animal species had gone down  to the last pair and then started up again.
Ellie died first. She was 93. Aiden, 92,  held her hand as she drifted into the greatÂ
unknown. At her side were all her kids,  grandkids, and great-grandkids. One of them,Â
known as “Chinny” to the rest, made her moan  in distress just before passing away. The poorÂ
kid had just put some broken glass in his mouth. But she remembered some words written by aÂ
scientist back in 2015. “If the whole world were  founded by two people, you would have to get luckyÂ
in the genetic lottery many times.” Ellie and  Aiden might have been lucky, but as Ellie took herÂ
dying breath she just couldn’t know. Surrounded  by all those faces, things didn’t look too bad.
Nonetheless, she knew things could take a turn  for the worst, and she also knew that aÂ
long time ago some researchers had said  you’d probably need 98 unrelated humansÂ
to repopulate a planet, but there she was,  looking at people who had come from her and Aiden.
So, could it happen, really, the repopulation of  the planet from these two? The answer is yes,Â
it could, maybe, but as those scientists said,  there would have to be a lot of luck.
Perhaps if it did happen, thousands of years  later no one would believe the story of Ellie andÂ
Aiden, the avid reader and the cabbage patch kid. The reality is, scientists aren’tÂ
sure how we evolved at the beginning,  but they certainly don’t think it all kickedÂ
off with two randy people in the Garden of Eden. They know there were different types of humansÂ
(the homo genus) hanging about in Africa around  a couple of million years ago, such as HomoÂ
habilis (handyman), Homo erectus (upright man),  and then it took quite a while for theÂ
presence of Homo sapiens, uptight man.  Just kidding. It can be translated as wise man.
Before homo sapiens, the oldest form of humans  mated with newer kinds of humans, suchÂ
as homo neanderthalensis (Neanderthals).  Neanderthals and modern humans also mated.Â
So, in short, it wasn’t as if there was only  a very small gene pool when things started.
With that in mind, we can’t look at the case  of Ellie and Aiden and compare it with somethingÂ
from the past. We can only hypothesize that if two  people were left alone on the planet they mightÂ
be able to fill it up again. It’s a long shot,  but Ellie and Aiden at least tried.
After that, you really should watch  “Why It Would Suck To Live Through The EndÂ
Of The Universe.” Or, have a look at...
If it's me and your mom, hell yes.
There shall be a subspecies of the homo sapiens called homo sapiens incestus
Well technically yes, but there would be A LOT of incest (bible like)