Weirdest Couple Ever

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growing up I never understood the hype or obsession over celebrity couples like a power couple where fans just celebrate that they're in love or whatever and they're fainting anytime they see a picture of them holding hands just like a growth spurt I just never got it why would you care so much about two strangers relationship I always wrote it off as just being part of this Super Fan culture that I just didn't understand I know in the modern day it's very rare for people to just casually enjoy something if you like something you have to [ __ ] love it you have to live breathe and sleep that thing that you like we've seen it a lot over the years with K-pop where K-pop stands will obsess and go wild over even the smallest things like if their favorite singer posts a picture of them eating a hot dog online they'll cross reference that photo with all known databases go to a Cutting Edge laboratory using the latest forensics analysis Tools in order to figure out where the photo was taken where the hot dog was purchased so they can go there in the real world and try and fish through the trash can looking for the rapper that they threw away so they can frame it on their wall it's just this level of investment in strangers that I've never really understood until now as a 29-year-old man I've had my Eureka come to Jesus moment I get it because I have become very invested and fascinated with a celebrity relationship Will Smith and Jada pinket Smith it's this NeverEnding disaster this tragic play that keeps getting new acts added to it that I could have never predicted it all started last year with the infamous slap where Will Smith slapped the devil out of Chris Rock On Stage after Chris Rock made a joke about his wife Jada and that signature anime finishing move with the slap actually pumped the breaks on his entire career there were a lot of projects that he was involved with that dropped him or just a lot of other projects that didn't want to touch him after this so his whole career came to a screeching halt all all from the the all Five Fingers to the Face moment and since then there's been more and more information that's come out about their relationship that just makes it baffling and so weird like even prior to the slap we had those uncomfortable moments where Jada invited Will Smith onto her show where she just openly admitted to cheating on him and like having an entanglement with a much younger man right to Will's face as he looks on in agony and sadness and it's respond a lot of memes where Will Smith was you know done up to look like pain from Naruto and all of that because I mean it's it's rough like it's really rough to just watch her giggle and laugh about cheating on will who seems very much still in love with her and they always kept up this act that you know they're strong together they're still together this and that and now today Jada has revealed that her and will have actually been separated since 2016 she has a book coming out pretty soon and there was a little special filmed with Jada where she states that they've actually not been together in seven years now because I said is this true right was that in 2016 you and will decided that you were going to live completely separate lives it was not a divorce on paper but it was a divorce hey can someone let Will Smith know that I'm pretty sure this is the first time he's hearing it you're telling me you guys actually split up in 2016 so he just sunk his career like the Titanic over his ex-wife but then if that's the case why would he say keep your wife's name out of your mouth right like that's just not adding up I feel like she's just making this [ __ ] up for the last year I've paid attention to this relationship and it feels like every opportunity she has to hurt will publicly she pounces on with a smile on her face it it's like it's diabolical like she she reveals some very embarrassing things about their relationship publicly she openly talks about how she preferred her previous relationship to will though she doesn't use that language it makes it very clear with some of the things she's posted that she was happier before will at least that's the impression myself and many others get with a lot of the things that she posts about it's just brutal it's like being married to your biggest Twitter hater like someone who's just leaving the most deep cut comments that actually hurt you on Twitter it's like being in a relationship with them for 20 years at least that's how it comes across she does not seem to respect or even like will at all she is always running the bus over him any chance she gets this is a bombshell claiming that she's actually or they've actually been split since 2016 that doesn't even make sense now apparently she's claiming that it was a private decision they reached together but in order to keep up public appearances cuz they weren't ready to reveal it they kept pretending like they were still married but that just doesn't track that doesn't that doesn't make sense because if that was the case why would will publicly slap the [ __ ] out of Chris Rock and ruin his career over this if he didn't think you guys were still married that wouldn't make sense so why do that like what was the reason I think just not being ready yet still trying to figure out between the two of us yeah how to be in Partnership right and in regards to how do we present that to people you know and we hadn't figured that out it's not Quantum science we're talking about here you just say that you you're not together anymore you would have saved both yourself and will so much shame during the entire entanglement Scandal if you had just said hey we actually separated 7 years ago there is nothing to gain by keeping up a facade that you are still married and you know in love together when you're not especially when you're [ __ ] other dudes right why would you not just say hey we're not together anymore really like it's just like the easiest thing in the world you'd have to try so much harder to not say that and just bear all of the spitball that were being shot at You for Cheating if you weren't actually cheating then it should have been so much easier to just be like hey whoa guys look we wanted to keep things private but you know now things have hit the public sector thanks to me talking about this on my talk show and it's probably about time that we State we haven't been together for seven years and it would have been so much smoother for for both Will and Jada and but again I just don't believe this I really don't and this sounds super parasocial but will looks like he's perpetually going through life heartbroken like in a trance like this raincloud over his head while he stays with Jada and she comes up with creative new ways of embarrassing him just nefarious plot to constantly publicly humiliate the guy he just stopped his career for a whole year by slapping the man that he believed disrespected his wife you're telling me that he did that knowing that you two weren't actually together I just I don't believe that an act which by the way she didn't appreciate like even when it happened she seemed to like publicly condemn it and now she's talking about it again saying that she initially thought it was a skit I was like there's no way that will hit him it wasn't until will started to walk back to his chair that I even realized it wasn't a skit and then she said as soon as they were alone she asked will are you okay I'm not this man's psychiatrist but I'll just tell you he's not looking okay here this really feels like a plot twist that Jada pulled out of her ass and isn't some mutually agreed upon thing like I understand there's been rumors over the years that will had some kind of affair with Margo Robbie at some point though I don't think any of those claims have been substantiated I think those were only ever just rumors but Jada herself confirms aair an affair with somebody else I just feel like Will and Jada aren't on the same page with that separation but hey then again who knows the celebrity couples are [ __ ] weirdos and this is by far the weirdest couple and it's not even close like I really wouldn't be surprised if Jada truly did just make this up because it's a really big headline and attention grabber so it'd be great for marketing for her upcoming book The book's not fully out yet so we don't know all of the you know details behind everything or what what all it's going to dive into but just making a claim like this a statement that they've actually been SE separated for seven years as some kind of like big plot twist is huge for marketing for her book so I really feel like there's a chance she did just make that up for that reason and will is as surprised as everyone else reading it right now so I again I could be wrong though maybe they are truly you know a great team they agree that they've been separated for seven years and will still just sank his career for a relationship he's not even in anymore who knows I just wanted to talk about this cuz I just find them to be a very interesting couple that I have become invested in learning about over the last year it's really about it see you
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 3,102,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aecnWEbm3Zg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2023
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