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well I've done it again I search for myself in roblox do I regret it kind of am i excited yeah hello everybody I am Kylie kyun and welcome back to roblox in case you missed it a couple of weeks ago I decided to type my name kindly kyun into the search bar in roblox and I was not disappointed by the results namely these ones popped up survived the granny kindly key and survived the buff cut liek he hit the Baldy guy lucky I think the granny kindly Qian is the one that made the cut for the thumbnail because I mean look at that its I'm just like a square little man with a sleeveless shirt on no less I liked how I you know I'm just a square but I have great arms did not skip out on arms day but there was still more games that we didn't play in that previous episode so I thought let's just do it again let's explore some of the weird games that feature me in roblox I'm I'm kind of terrified but also a little bit flattered that people take the time to actually make these games although some of them I don't think are even games in fact I'd say that most of these that don't have thumbnails I don't think that they're actually games we can just try one real quick how about cart right into Kylie key this one has a hundred percent thumbs operating it's got to be good loading the game this may take a bit this seems familiar I'm having a bit of deja vu this is exactly what happened the last time that I loaded up a game that didn't have a thumbnail in that previous episode and I sat here for like five minutes and nothing happened I expect the same things gonna happen here nothing so for now let's stick to games that actually have thumbnails I also appreciate that Bigfoot came up as a sponsored ad when I search for it maybe that's a game that will play in the future we've done Bigfoot in roblox before but that was a long time ago also farting simulator came up I don't know maybe it's trying to tell me something yes sometimes I fart so what we all fart everybody farts but let's do this one save kindly key and AH be one person is actually playing it right now so let's try it out oh my miss OH oh dear okay yep first off right off the bat it's a lot a lot of meat going on this level looks absolutely enormous I'm kind of scared let's try it I don't think that this is the same as the other obby that we tried in the last episode both of the Ava's that I tried in the last episode turned out to be impossible well at least impossible for me are these impossible is this one impossible I don't know but it's also very very long there's a lot going on here I see my giant me at the very end I think that's the end although that might be the end I don't know I don't know if I want to play through this whole thing to find out cuz it would take me probably a very very long time maybe I should get a jump boost for 35 robots if it means that I can like skip some of the levels then I think I should try it and of course is a quick reminder in case you guys ever purchased robux you can use star code to take why I end when you buy those robots and you directly support Channel so I really do appreciate it thank you so much for those of you who are already supporting oh my gosh I can jump it very high but can I jump over the whole thing I can't even jump over the whole thing okay what if I get SuperSpeed this these almost seem like they're bad okay I now have super speed and super jump okay this this might speed up things a little bit yeah okay I like this I like this I can I can work with this this is fine this is totally fine alright just jump across the entire obstacle just skip it entirely whew this one's gonna be tricky oh wait I can just jump over the whole thing never mind although I will say these are getting a little bit longer so I don't know if I can actually jump across all of them I might have to like what I did there just kind of land on one of the platforms before I get to the very end but either way super jump super speed it's a good combo do you think I could just jump from here to over there probably not I don't it's okay never mind I totally can hello giant me I'm cheating the system right now and I love it okay what's going on here okay you're supposed to drop down but I say no to that sir and I just jump across how's that sound that sounds pretty good ridiculous I've never thought of just buying my way to victory it's so much easier I don't know where I am right now I might be in the wrong place actually I get this and then are you yeah you're supposed to go up okay okay can I just jump cross oh I hit something stinky roof stop me from breaking the system but maybe just maybe I can just jump up there oh my goodness I can is this the end I think this might actually be the end no no it's not this is like a maze you're supposed to go through this maze and then you pop out you climb this and then you go up here and ultimately I think our goal is is right there get yourself a plane but here's the question can I cheat my way over there you think I could just jump from this like blue platform to the end platform I don't know oh it's just barely out of reach bummer I guess we're gonna have to do it the not-so legitimate legitimate way I do have to say these are getting a little bit trickier even with my super cheats on I have to jump across this piano board okay just you just gotta make sure that you land correctly and then pretty sure I can just jump yep I win I'm the best I've saved kindly Kian you're welcome you're welcome sir we'd become one more mega key in that's what I need I need a giant robot key in that I can jump into I'm gonna make some phone calls after this but there you go we've done it we won and I cheated really bad but that was still pretty cool I mean it was very long if you if you play that the legitimate way that would take you a good amount of time and get myself a plane but now let's move on to another kind leaky in game I like the sound of this the castle for kindly kyun that seems cool I have the castle in my intro it's it's a fitting set here let's see how it looks Oh check it out it's my neon sign that's awesome I love it that's so cool is there a way to turn it on you think no it doesn't light up that's still really really cool I like that and then giant buff Thanos standing guard protecting my castle I wouldn't mind having Thanos is my castle guard that seems like a pretty good option and of course I pet unicorn what you don't have a pet unicorn you're missing out can I go inside of my cool castle or am I not welcomed here so why why are you so tiny you're such a tiny version of me but I can go inside of the castle oh my gosh this is so cool I gotta start saving up for a real life castle who do I need to talk to I need a giant robot and a giant castle now there's some serious expenses there whoa whoa is that a giant me that is a giant me although I am missing my arm and my hat there's so many rooms and you can actually go inside of them that's cool I'm going to the top of my castle hello me there there's so many means it's kind of weird and now I stand at the very top of my castle and look out and see ice cream rods ice cream truck what hey mister neighbor and Baldy you guys can oh I can I can climb Baldy I want climbed Baldy let me climb you Baldy okay he's not letting me climb him okay fine where's rod where's rod it just his ice cream truck is here okay that's fine I do see that there's a big yellow house over here let's go to the yellow house I can't go in my big yellow house this is where I record all my videos right I have my castle and then this is my office my outside office shed it's cool but I can't go inside I can't get to work I forgot my key I've lost it what's going on over here there's a whole bunch of people over here I mean they're not really people but there's a lot going on what is yes it's just a party it's a party over here we're all watching YouTube that's what we're doing this guy's been watching way too much YouTube he lost his head rolled down the hill actually a lot of these people have lost their heads I'm so sorry be careful watching too much kindly hand you might lose your head probably not a great slogan III should probably strike that one from the record but either way I've got a giant castle I've got Thanos standing guard I've got a unicorn although is that really thick I like it I like fake fans I absolutely love this this is really really cool how do I get back into my castle though oh there's an entrance in the back we need another Thanos to protect my castle here's the giant statue of me that I saw earlier I don't know why his hat fell off and his arm fell off I think that I saw granny running around here at one yeah there she is what's up girl are you okay you're you're deadly I should have known this is really cool I like this a lot well let's move on shall we I like the look of this crazy gamer Survival am I wearing like one of those uh train conductor hats or is it a fez you need the little screen on the top do you guys know what a fez is that's the Fez in case you didn't know now you do today I learned what a fez is anyways back to angry Baldy Fez kyun crazy game her survival I don't know why it's called that but I like it and here we are at the tree house of horrors we know this place very well we've been to this place many many times the only thing that changes is the thing that's trying to kill you the tree house always stays the same all there is Fez kyun hold on I turned my volume off in roblox oh ok ok there was there was actually sound there but I wanted to listen to see if he's got the the slap he's got the slap but I need to get caught again because something happened I think baldies face showed up and then you get the fidgets spinner loading screen it's beautiful there's actually nothing else here on this level though I love the character I love the the kind of death animation that you get I also just noticed it's not a fez cuz it has a has a bill so it's more of a train conductors hat it's a very very square hat can we talk about how he doesn't actually move his legs do I have this ability and I just don't know it can I just float can I can I float without moving my lathe maybe I just need to think about it real hard I don't know I want to lock the full potential of my abilities also why didn't I get the cool animation that time I didn't get the Baldy face or the loading screen the fidget spinner loading screen what happened you broke my animation we are train conductor Qian with a ruler there he is I've balding it's great to see you again so mad why are you so mad I really like the design of this character though it's so goofy but I dig it what can I say and you get that great animation when you get caught let's end this one over at the kindly kyun hangout I'm pretty sure that I played this one last time but I think that it got updated so let's let's jump in there here we are the kindly kyun hangout I like that there's a rock statue of me was that there before I don't I don't know that was there before if it was I certainly didn't notice it that's pretty cool and I like how the creator of this added by star code there cuz I'm not actually earning anything from these purchases when you purchase these hoodies I don't get anything but if you use my star code it does support me directly so I do appreciate them it's like a kind link Ian's drive-in theater everybody's just hanging out watching my logo on a big giant screen which seems kind of weird you could probably be spending your time a little bit better now all we need here is a castle that would finish it off right yeah Castle put that flag on top of it oh it's beautiful I love the volcano in the background it's a lovely lovely little island we've got here either way it's a lot of fun just typing in my name in roblox it's extremely flattering that people take the time to make these games that feature me never in a million years did I think that I would have roblox games with me as like the main character it's super weird but like I said super flattering so thank you to those of you who have made games and if in the future people make more kindly Kian games and roblox I'll certainly check them out I'm just gonna grab my bat hit some baseballs that's that's what we do here on kindly Qian Island or not cuz I don't know how to use this thing but either way hopefully you guys enjoyed this video if you did be sure to hit that like button and as always thank you for watching I'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 1,437,922
Rating: 4.8818913 out of 5
Keywords: roblox funny, kindly keyin, roblox funny moments, roblox troll, roblox game, roblox weird, roblox scary, roblox survive, roblox video, roblox monsters, roblox roleplay, roblox meme, kindly keyin roblox, keyin
Id: kz4zQ-P7czs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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