I got 1T strength with TOO MUCH ROBUX.. (Roblox)

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i suck i'm literally the worst player in the game i i suck i don't even have a face i'm smiling like a noob today i gotta do this then i gotta do this and i have to do this today we're playing the one punch man simulator and in this game you have to get all your stats up to be the number one one punch man it is a very difficult task everyone has exact same abilities and it's kind of similar to the game anime fighting simulator kind of set up similar with all the different zones and everything we have a lot to go and explore we had to bring our rank from civilian up until an a-class hero every like on this video is one like added to your power level what is your power level right now my power level is zero i suck be sure to use starco tofu if you don't suck because that truly will make you into the most powerful player and be sure to turn on those post notifications cause we got some stuff to do over here so look at this if i want to kill a dummy i have to have 150 power and after all those push-ups i can actually do a little bit of damage to this guy you can see it right here so all the different things give you different abilities so a squat gives you speed so then you can walk around a little bit faster a push-up gives you more power so you do more punch damage meditation just allowed you to be smarter one plus one is two the guy at the top of this leaderboard has three million rebirths holy one punch right here we can see my power levels i'm not that good literally i only have 300 power and i'm literally getting that right now you can see over here though their game pass menu is extensive it is actually a lot like anime training simulator so that's why i'm thinking right like maybe i should just start myself out on these if there's so many game passes chances are it's gonna be pretty useful to do this early on all right all right so at least with that we're gonna be getting our power twice as fast and you can see it right there it actually does go up a lot faster so it's super useful but i think this game is set up in the way of other anime games that i have to kill bosses so that way i can get more tokens what the heck look at this guy he's got a pet of one of the bosses that looks sick what the that guy is so strong it's time to start one punching a lot because i gotta get a ton of power okay we're up to 4k power so far but here's the thing that sucks like literally we've been doing it for a while and our power is only going up by 15 at a time literally it's barely that much of an increase that kind of sucks you have to get more power by going into more zones and that's how we really have to do it so i'm pretty sure that there's a better power zone to go to but i looked at this right look at this this is half off and it's a three times power weight i don't even know what that is but if it's half off that's a great deal and i need it huge weight literally 51 power let's go this is more like what i need man we were doing too many clicks this guy's like how the literally it looks so out of place in this game it really does alright so i found the afk training method of how you get xp you kill weak dummies every time you get one kill you get 300 power which is actually kind of a lot considering even with the huge weight you only get 55 power a click so this is actually kind of better i think because once you get really powerful you'll be able to kill one of these guys in one hit oh wait there's a tournament going on i kind of would like to participate to see like how strong am i at this point so let's let's check it out all right all right we're in the tournament me and this dude and that dude all right let's fight y'all boom this is the beginning of our new career i'm hoping i can do well oh we got one kill all right that was literally a fan i'm so sorry well all right that wasn't worth too much i didn't get any xp out of that so it wasn't too good across the hall is dummy stronger and you have to have 2 000 power to take out one of these guys i'm barely strong enough to do that we're a little bit further in how we do damage how we've done it now is we literally just walk and kill these things in one hit this is what i was thinking this is how you train later on in the game i'm kind of curious though now can we kill these stronger dummies because i've been killing the weak ones for kind of a while now so i'm just curious if we can even kill these the dummy strongers go and try it out we can at least do enough damage to take it out let's see how much are we gonna get for this i'm so curious four thousand what oh my god i'm gonna get so powerful from these guys because what will happen is your your power begins to compound so i'll kill it faster and faster the more power i get all right this is our goal right now get to five million power because once we can do that then we can fight the boss and then we can maybe get that pet and for some reason i think that the boss pet is what's gonna give us so much power that's at least what i'm aiming for i view one punch man as you have to have the strongest punch in the game all right that's why i'm starting with my power so right now we're about 300 000 so we still have a lot further to go literally a lot further but we're gonna get it don't worry what the some of these guys are not one punch man these guys are magicians you guys see that so there's two things in this game that you can buy that are insane to me look at this you can buy a rebirth and right now the game i'm playing right now is a two times event so like everything's half off and you get like twice as much and look at this 10 times rebirth for 1700 robux this will help me on my goal to being the one punch man oh my god am i being dumb probably but i'm doing it anyway because i really want those multipliers all right so now when i punch this guy i better get a ton literally how much do i get when i kill it kill one of these guys now 44 000 a punch oh literally does multiply it that hard that's insane literally i'm gonna be able to kill these guys so much faster look at this literally i'm gaining so much power from even just one kill the rebirths are where we gotta be in this game seriously oh my god i'm killing these dummies like instantly now those rebirths did everything for me oh my god so now our goal is to hit 5 million and i think i'm going to do it so fast cause getting 44 000 wait a minute this is the strongest 444 000 a kill i'd even know that these were a part of the game strongest is a thing apparently i'm getting 400 000 oh my god this is so good look at my hp go up it looks like i'm dying but it's actually because i'm gaining so much xp per kill that i'm literally gaining so much health dude we're already starting to kill these dummies insanely fast look at this we basically one hit we do one hit them now so does that mean we can already move on to this the metal dummy boss literally 200 000 power i can barely kill him that fast let's see how much we get from him i'm so curious come on give me that give me that xp boost 4.4 million power holy crap i'm up to 12 million i'm literally going so fast now joe you're strong enough no i no i ain't every kill is 4 million and that's insane because what i really need is enough to take out that boss over there who has 2 trillion health and literally he just like jumped off the world where did he just go so now the goal is to kill the metal dummy boss immediately and i basically am i'm doing so much damage to this thing man look how fast they die when i start punching literally wow everybody this is crazy literally a lot of games don't allow you to buy rebirths so when that happens i love to take that opportunity because that's just so rare that that even any game does that so i don't know i kind of want to do it again and literally keep building up our multipliers so fast man so much more entertaining this way and it's so much more fun to play this way i'm gonna do it right now before i even experience anything we're gonna do it again that's 5 000 robux spent on rebirths let's go ahead and keep trying this out now one kill is 12 million power oh my god literally i can't just kill this thing instantly dude wow we have 300 million power i literally don't know where that's gonna take us now literally there's a lot of people with billions of power so that's what makes me think that that's maybe not insane to have hundreds of million but you can see our rank now is b and our goal was to hit a during this video alright so now my next thought is how hard is it to get an actual rebirth because look at this i can get a new move now because i've been rebirthing but i'm very curious how do we rebirth so before we just get super op on one thing obviously we have other stats to train like if we do this we'll get our speed up the only thing that's weird is like this it doesn't get affected by a rebirth which is really weird i thought it would but it doesn't so these will work a little bit differently though because there's other zones for this what the literally heck is that what he's killed everyone in the game what the frick this item is so good now literally what this is way better than the dummies because now it's like three times what i have like it's going up i get more power per click every time i click this guys we're about to go over one billion strength there it is that was so fast that's kind of insane so i'm starting to kind of wonder now if you rebirth i don't think that you actually lose your speed or your meditation power so your speed all of those things are bound to you that's kind of cool all right we're doing pretty fast speeds now because we're up to a thousand you can see it's like if there was sprinting in this game that's about how fast i'm going i'm really hoping though that there is a sprint zone because i'm not gaining that fast dude i even decided to buy the game pass that does it and it's literally just not that good so that's why i'm wondering and i'm hoping that there is good dummies or something out here for me to gain good speeds because look at this heroes association i remember this from the anime that it's like their big castle that they all operate out of look at this the road kind of sucks going out there though the heck it's only broken the herds association is supposed to be like so rich i don't understand why the race is broken but all right guys the power scales actually go up i was looking for the next speed zone which i conveniently have found it's over there we're gonna go and look at it in a second but look at this the nature dummy i want to beat the heck out of this guy how much power are you gonna give me dog guy 3.1 million is that more than what we're getting with our huge weight no oh my gosh this is so good in comparison to everything this thing is like literally so good because it works off the current amount of xp that you have so the more i get the more i gain right now i'm gaining so much 100 literally 130 million per click our goal and you can see it is to move up the leaderboard we've been doing it a lot just in this this guy literally just like get privacy i think he's literally throwing people away i don't even know what power he has i really don't need this much power whatsoever i literally almost have 20 billion which is so much literally i think i could kill like anyone in one punch already but now i want to test out our speed i want to go really fast and the only way to do that is through the speed pyramid or if i'm like this guy i'm literally just gliding on ice the ancient pyramid of two times speed gosh this looks cool what the cactus dummy 10 trillion power literally this is obviously the zone for gods literally a hundred trillion power what literally i didn't know it just gets this much higher oh my god all right so we're climbing the pyramid up into the two time zone this is the only way to get more speed and it's kind of annoying all right now we get eight speed per click literally barely an increase but we do what we can you know the only thing is this is a little bit different though because the speed from what i know it actually stays with you through the rebirth so you're kind of getting it up permanently which is all right with me dude i don't know what happened but did we get popular at one point because why are there so many people around me i feel like patrick when he came back to his rock who are all these people oh my god see this is what happens bro global disaster that's what happens when you got too many people near you man 3 000 speed has just been gotten and you can see it literally makes me so much faster than i used to be which is perfect because i've kind of been learning what i want to do in this game and there's only one boss and it's the crab-lonte right and he's right over here so literally all he really needs is to get up to 750 rebirths because that's what they recommend for this you can fight him at any point but it's that apparently he must be really really powerful so right now i'm gonna see if i can get my rebirth up to a crazy level to try to fight this boss power of roblox bless me this is literally gonna hurt my wallet so bad i'm gonna buy so many of these bulk deals and it better be worth it oh my god i actually don't even know if this is gonna be worth it every time i buy this this is roughly like twenty dollars being spent on this pass but i need it all right it is ten times in how many multipliers we have that's too many times all right i have to do it you can see i am now 200 stamina which means i'm 20 or 200 or i'm 100 rebirths okay i'm powerful bubble bubble we get so much we're literally getting about 12 billion power per click this is looking good for me the power of all these game passes put together is insane like i literally got to say it that's 1.7 billion now we're getting over 2 billion oh wait a minute i'm i actually oh i'm actually way off i'm getting literally like 150 million a click guys i'm skyrocketing to the top of the leaderboard literally i am now at the top that was insane that all just happened literally in like five seconds all from that game pass i now have one trillion power for some reason they don't show it as one trillion they show it as ten thousand billions which is actually a trillion so i don't understand why they show it that way guys from what it seems i don't even know if i can get more powerful than this it's not going up more it's literally capped and for what i remember that's actually how i have to get to rebirth so that's a little interesting that works that way guys this might be a boss battle that is insane i don't even know if there's gonna be a clip of this on youtube except for right here wait i literally have too much power are you serious that is a thing you can have too much power guys i broke one punch man crap um i just literally just had the rebirth just so i can go and try that battle again wow all right so for me though it's gonna be a lot faster starting this back off i actually think i might be able to get back to the top of the leaderboard using our weight you can see truly how this thing utilizes its power and it's so fast guys this is truly the coolest thing anyone's ever put in a simulator i don't know a lot of weapons don't work like this it's obviously way too op and it's very very uh pay to win but hey man i'm gonna enjoy the experience while i can all right you can see 31 million and we're going higher so much faster we have to actually really watch out though because otherwise we won't be able to get into here and it says 750 rebirths recommended and honestly i just completely disagree i mean like you really don't need that much we're already back up into the billions our our hp has barely come back to help us right now we're at 29 billion our goal is to not go over a trillion but as close as we can get because if we go over it we can't even fight them so here we go okay okay okay one more click there we go 963 billion power it's literally a ton i have to die because literally i need to get my health back all right a battle i'm so excited for here we go can we destroy craballante with the power we've gotten i'm not too sure my god what literally his first attack was it seen oh my god i did 112 billion damage barely survived that literally um someone else just went in there and attacked him too though so we got the boss tokens for it not bad however though i didn't get the pet and that's what i want all right here we go again we got some new moves so from what i remember he literally just jumps out and like tries to attack you immediately so i gotta block that actually it does so much he's got three trillion health rock boom that did 1 trillion damage to him oh my gosh all right i might be able to win this he's killing all my friends so i i can actually get some punches in that sounds really bad but like i mean boom die crab i'm trying to eat crab for dinner oh my god he's so low come on come on couple more volleys and he's done also just ended one of my friends let's go this is the boss pet that you get if you're successful no crab for me i'm starving guys this is one punch man simulator they said they're dropping tons of updates for this and i like the way they did it kind of like anime fighting simulator with just one punch man and they just went only with that i love the anime so i'm super excited hope you guys enjoyed today's video drop a like down below subscribe and i'll see you tomorrow for another roblox video see you later guys
Channel: Tofuu
Views: 2,355,318
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, tofuu, tofuu roblox, tofuu simulator, roblox spending robux, roblox saitama simulator, roblox one punch man, roblox one punch man simulator, roblox opm sim, roblox opm, tofuu rich and strong, roblox money strong
Id: 9N5FyN40_ww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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