Weekly Used Gun Review Ep. 49

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hello and welcome back i am chris with marksman shooting sports in westfield indiana and you are watching marksman tv welcome back to another weekly used gun review remember in these videos we take about eight used firearms that have come into the store and give you guys about a two to four minute review of each to give you an idea of some different stuff that is out there on the market remember the point of this video is strictly to be entertaining and educational i'm not making this video to sell anything to keep in accordance with youtube's policies anyway with all that out of the way let's go ahead and jump into it now all right this video is brought to you by our new website we buy guns.com if you're considering selling a firearm or firearms collection please consider logging on to our website at we buyguns.com create an account and submit your firearms for an offer request now we will get to those give you an offer which do come with a printable receipt which you can take with you to competing gun stores to try and leverage yourself a better deal if you're unable to get a better offer go ahead and sell it to us we do provide you with the shipping label and we do pay you with either a check or an ach direct deposit so again try and keep the process as simple as streamlined for you as possible go check us out at we buyguns.com getting into this video you guys know the format we start off with the most common to move through the least common as the video progresses starting us off is a springfield hellcat now the hellcat itself is not too uncommon they've been around since about 2019 but this particular package is the rdp the rapid defense package which is uncommon because it did just come out onto the market but if we look at essentially what the hellcat is i'm sure a lot of you guys have heard about them by now or even seen them in your local gun shop it is one of these sort of new micro wonder nines that has come out you know to be a competitor to things like the sig p365 the glock 43x of course now the shield plus so we've now moved into this sort of philosophy of a small micro concealed carry nine millimeter which would traditionally hold between about six to eight rounds is pretty standard for this package size what we were used to you know four or five six years ago um now we've gotten into being able to house you know anywhere from 10 to 15 rounds and such a small concealed carry package now the basic hellcat of course does not have this uh moderator compensator on it if you will or this optics plate you can get the osp version which is optics ready but this with the defense package of course comes with the hex optic which has a life of like 72 000 hours or something like that between battery replacement so it's about six or seven years of continual use and it does stay on so you do not need to engage that on off switch between sessions with the pistol or if you carry it as a defensive option of course you don't have to worry about having to activate that red dot to be able to use it which is really the philosophy behind things like this what this compensator out here of course keeps recoil low it is self-timing and as a patent-pending design feature from springfield armory uh the springfield hellcat in and of itself is a really really cool package again you get upwards of about 13 rounds in the magazine uh in such a small lightweight package now it's always been a little bit funny to me when it comes out to these sorts of things being able to get that capacity versus the size i would personally like to keep them as small as possible adding all this stuff onto it in my opinion sort of defeats the purpose of that a little bit but if you do like the advantages of having low recoil impulse so lower muzzle flip quicker follow-up shots or transitions between targets and of course being able to being able to use a nice red dot if you do have problems with using traditional three dot sights maybe your eyes are a little bit weak or something like that whatever makes you a better shooter it's always good to have those features on your handgun especially if you're using them in a defensive capacity so i can definitely see the advantages to something like this let's talk about the market uh the basic uh model of the hellcat would traditionally be between about 500 to 500 550 of course the market is up that's where we've had them in our store even with the market being crazy but i've seen people selling them six seven hundred dollars ish now in this package um with the rdp uh it is relatively new now it's actually kind of funny on this we had this exact one new in our inventory at 8 50 and uh it was sold and then the uh the previous owner decided to sell it back just i guess not necessarily their cup of tea or what they were necessarily looking for a really good customer of mine actually i sold it back and so on the used market i would say you know seven to 750 is probably fair right now of course they're in higher demand because they are new but anyway really really cool pistols definitely worth taking a look at if you're interested in this micro nine sort of high capacity hybrid um type of thing that's become popular right now especially if you like those added features so there is that one two started off for us the springfield hellcat rdp okay up next i have a couple very popular shotguns these are ithaca model 37s both 12 gauges down here i have the 37 feather light and up here i have a 37 deer slayer this one comes to us from a viewer in kansas and this one actually comes to us from a local customer so the ithaca model 37 the story here would actually begin in 1913 with john moses browning he would have developed a shotgun which would later be known as the model of 1917. now at the time the winchester model 12 is very much the leader in this marketplace of the pump action shotgun we've talked about the winchester model 12 a couple of times in these videos but it was really known as the everyman's hunting or utilitarian shotgun they were not very expensive to produce they were known for being very rugged very reliable and they were affordable by most people so all the other manufacturers were trying to chase down and compete with the winchester model 12. now when browning would come up with the model 1917 remington would be given the rights for manufacturing of this shotgun now they would co-opt that shotgun with a company called patterson who would make some refinements to the model 1917 and then in 1919 the shotgun would be released now ithaca also wanted to come in with a shotgun and they definitely like the design features of the model 1917 and this was more in about the late 20s early 30s that they were looking at coming out with their own affordable economical pump action shotgun to enter into the marketplace with looking at the 1917 they realized that remington's patent on the design was going to run out in about 1933 so they had begun to get ready for production of this new shotgun which is actually first was named the ithaca model 1933. now they made a couple design changes to this the two basic ones is they changed the integration or how uh the design feature of the firing pin system as well as they changed it from a side eject shotgun to a bottom eject shotgun making it easier to produce less expensive to produce and actually reusable by both left and right handed shooters without having to come out with a different design pattern for a left-handed shooter now again they were gearing up to release the ithaca model 1933 which they were really excited about but then they realized that pedersen also had rights to the design as they definitely co-opted parts of the original 1917 design with remington and their patent didn't rent out until 1937 so they had to put the project on hold until 1937 and then in 1937 they came out with the ithaca model 1937 model night excuse me model 37. now it's also disappointing for them because just a few world war ii would kick off and then all domestic manufacturers here in the united states would have to cease production on most of their commercial lines of firearms and then take up production on war material and firearms so uh ithaca took part in the manufacture of the m3 grease gun the 1911 a1 pistols some ithaca model 37s were pushed into military service most traditionally the military surface shotguns of world war ii would be hold over model 1897's again from winchester but you did see some model 12s you did see some ithaca model 37s and later on you you would more commonly find a ithaca model 37 in places like vietnam uh during the vietnam war conflict uh but again winchester model 12 would be more prominent there as well but on the consumer market the ithaca model 37 has been a very big staple with many shooting enthusiasts and it was really taking off with a lot of popularity in the late 40s and through you know the 60s and 70s is where you would mostly see them a price on them was very very affordable again it was really meant to be an economical or an economic based shotgun where most working class individuals could afford them and using as a sporting or utility shotgun today on the market they are not that difficult to come by there are many different variations but in really good condition you typically find them in about the four to six hundred dollar range so while some variations of them are i would consider collectible um they don't they're not really up there hugely in price again because a lot of them were manufactured and they were not meant to be premium shotguns so again really really cool to see ithaca model 37s a lot of people really like them myself included so really happy to get those in i thank you again to the viewer in kansas and for our local customer for selling these to us all right up next is another popular pistol that a lot of people really enjoy this is a walther ppkks this one's specifically made by smith and wesson and we'll get a little bit into that in a minute and also we'll get into what the ppk s specifically is so the ppk was actually meant to be a slightly smaller variation of the famed walter pp which was gaining a popularity in germany in the inner war period in the 1930s now when you take the ppk you basically just hacked off a little bit on the front end and a little bit on the grip this is actually pp i'm sorry pp uh dimension frame so the frame here is a little bit longer which is what makes this the ppks the standard ppk would stop about maybe right here okay just making it a slightly smaller smaller package and the k was for criminal or criminal in german so police pistol criminal was the ppk or just police pistol for the model pp traditionally they would be most commonly found in 32 automatic 32 acp early ppks did also were chambered in 22 and in 380 but the traditional war or military uh or commercial ppks you would find through the 30s and 40s would be a 32 automatic now the german manufacturer ppks which you would commonly see as like officers sidearms or commercial pistols and they were really meant to be just that they were really meant to be commercial uh handguns throughout the 1930s would have a really nice high polish blue and sort of the marbled very thin contoured bakelite grips and those can be worth quite a bit of money in good condition today um when we get past world war ii manure in france would take up some production on the pp and then you would have companies like inner arms that would import uh german-made ppk's and pps and french-made pps into the united states now in our arms would co-op with a company called ranger to make the first domestic ppk's and then after that would end smith and wesson would license or have license production for the ppk from walter now on the commercial market smith wesson was not really deemed to be as high a quality as an actual german manufacturer ppk from walther or the rangers slash inner arms co-opted ppk's made domestically so most of the ppk collectors if we're talking post-war uh really wanted something either enter arms uh imported from germany or enter arms uh domestic distribution not so much credence was really given to the smith wesson manufacturer firearms now that has since changed a little bit and even these are climbing in value uh ppk's you typically find between about five to eight hundred dollars typically a pre-war or wartime uh ppk's would you know those can exceed a thousand plus you know in most cases um traditionally again the post-war ppk's are going to be found in 380 you can get the manufactured today and 22 long rifle and now walter themselves about a year ago started producing ppk's locally and those have a new price tag of between about eight and nine hundred dollars uh again so you're you're typically going to be between about five to eight hundred bucks for a ppk they are really really nice pistols of course the number one thing that has made this popular is the james bond series um and because of that there's a lot of people out there who definitely really like and enjoy these if we're talking about them from a practical concealed carry standpoint they are heavy for what they are and they do have a limited capacity of about seven rounds on the ppk ass that's what again has the pp frame or six rounds on the standard model ppk of 380. uh remember you can get an lcp or a bodyguard or a tcp with a six round capacity at about maybe twenty percent smaller or thirty percent smaller and at about half the weight so again from a practical uh carry standpoint not the most feasible so most people who are purchasing these in my experience or people who just want them as a range shooter or just sort of a nostalgic uh firearm that's something a little bit different to add to the collection either way there's always buyers on these they are awesome elegant looking handguns you see them all the time in movies uh and so they are just really cool but anyway there is that a smith and wesson manufactured walter ppks okay up next i have a very popular firearm this is a marlin model 1894 which comes to us from a viewer in michigan so thank you so much for sending this one along to us the 1894 the story here really begins back in about 1881 now if we remember at the end of the late 1800s the lever action repeating rifle was gaining with a lot of popularity really stemming off from the winchester model 1873. now of course winchester had popular and good selling models like the 1860 and that model 1868 prior to the 73 73 is where this concept really began to take off in popularity and then with bringing on with john browning with the 1886 and subsequent designs as well so by about the 1880s there's a lot of demand and also a lot of competition in the sphere so in 1881 marlin would come out with their first level lever action rifle which was a top eject like the traditional winchester firearms the first one was for large caliber black powder cartridges which were typically used for hunting now in about 1888 they would come out with a second model which was also the same as the 1881 with the top of jack the design features are very similar but it was designed for these smaller pistol pistol caliber cartridges predominantly those found to be chambered in the model 1873 by winchester so you have things like the 3220 the 3840 the 4440 and so on but again we're still on a top eject model now in 1889 i believe this was the first now uh lewis hepburn who was a attacker a gunsmith working with marlin i believe it was actually the 1888 model that he came on board was 1888 or the 1889 i'll have to double check that but he came on board with marlin and about that time and would be responsible for subsequent patent designs in their level action lineup in 1889 we see the first movement from the top eject to the side eject which you have here now this had a lot of popularity with people especially in colder climates as the top eject models would tend to have a propensity for freezing or not being as reliable in those sorts of conditions when you have a side eject lever action you also keep the firearm closed off from elements for the most part you also have four solid walls to your receiver making it a more durable action so this was actually revolutionary in the lever action sphere at the time and is predominantly seen on modern level guns like marlins and such today now in 1894 the kind of final design culminations by a lot of lever action aficionados would basically save by 1894 model which is this one everything has sort of come together into the ultimate final package for the marlin lever lineup and this is what you have they went to a two-piece firing pin a single piece trigger they had redesigned the round elevator inside the firearm so you would reduce your risk for jamming they simplify some of the design features and manufacturing processes while also making them stronger so you had a relatively affordable lever actual firearm which was really durable and also very reliable now this has actually been in production since its inception in 1894 which makes it one of the longest uh running production lever guns on the market uh now with remington's bankruptcy and everything i don't know if they're still currently manufacturing them currently at this exact moment but at least within the past couple years you could get them brand new now in the uh 1960s the united states commercial market was seeing a lot of popularity or gaining interest with things like the 357 and the 44 magnum rounds so in the 1960s marlin would come out with a short action of the 1894 which is what this is and this one's chambered in 44 magnum uh and again they just continue to be very popular now if we're talking price point you have the jm stamped barrel manufacturer marlin kind of the true marlins as most people would call them which have the most value and then post jm stamp like would be this and more modern like remington era of marlin which are worth a little bit less so traditionally you know you're going to see these 1894s running between about 600 and way up from there depending on when it was made but something like this in this condition you're going to find probably right now in the market in the seven to 850 range respectively you know depending on condition and everything so anyway there is that one for you in 1894 always love to see these come in okay up next is a really cool rifle which comes to us from a viewer in north carolina so thank you so much for sending this one along to us this is a spanish fr8 the history with this would begin back in about the 1950s with an arms designer by the name of ludwig volgrimmler who is designing a firearm which would be adopted by the spaniards as the set me model c later by the germans as the model g3 by the bundesfare i have a very detailed video on this topic you can go back and watch it i think it's called the century c308 versus ptr 91 or something along those lines now at the time in the 1950s just prior to the cold war a lot of militaries around the world were trying to move from the traditional bolt action rifle which was found in use in most countries at the time the springfields the infields the mousers they wanted to move into something that was a little bit more modern and what they landed on was this concept of the battle rifle which was a magazine fed magazine detachable 308 typical 760x51 nato chambered round typically semi-automatic but fully automatic as well and you would get things like the g3 the set me c the fal which should be adopted the m14 which should start being adopted in about the 50s through the 60s now as spain was trying to gear up with this new weapon system they needed something that would be an ancillary fill in for things like civil defense civil guards ceremonial purposes training purposes so what they wanted was something that could be produced alongside the new battle rifle which could be used for those intended purposes and what they came up with was the fr7 and the fr-8 which you see here now in the spanish inventory at the time they had 1916 carbines mauser action as well as the 1943 carbines based on the model 98 gewehr the knight the mauser action as well now the fr-7s were a design change or i guess i should say a refurbishment built or a or a alteration made to their existing 1916s and those were on these small ring action receivers and then you had the conversions from their 1943 or from the model 98 mauser which was known as the large ring actions and those would be known as the fr8 which is this one here now they would all be chambered in the 762 nato just so that they could fire the same ammunition as the set me model c and there would be some design element changes that would give it more of a fit and feel similar enough to the semi-model c where it could be used again as a training implement so if you're familiar with the set me see this is a caulking tube that would be found on this let me see with the bayonet lug your barrels here your sight bases here on the set me see this is all virtually the same everything in this area except it's inverted where your caulking tube is on top of course your barrel is on bottom your site would be up here at the top and your bayonet lug is above the barrel so they basically took it they swapped it um also your siding system so you removed your traditional mauser sites and they put this sort of diopter i guess you would call it a ring site i've heard people call them different things barrel site i guess barrel sites are really found more on hk's but it's a rotating ring that changes basically four different aperture settings which again is similar of enough of a sight picture of your battle site i think 200 meters the set me c site does not work the same way it works on a paddle system which turns but the site picture is very much the same so the site functionality would be close enough it still uses about the bold action it is a mauser action of course because it's just converted mauser with a five round internal box magazine so a really really cool kind of a piece of uh cold war history even though not really designed to be a battle rifle uh or a combat weapon in any any means really meant more for training on the market today these are steadily climbing in value even though there's not really hugely a collector following on these things they do definitely have a lot of uh you know a lot of interest on the market i'm seeing them climb upwards over five hundred dollars so you know six seven hundred dollars and that range is pretty typical on these today um just like all surplus firearms of course as time goes on they go up and down you but if you're interested in sort of a cold war era history or spanish uh military history and arms collecting this is just a cool one to have and so there's always uh even though they again they aren't really that prominent in history they didn't serve that much use in history uh they still are desired by a lot of collectors i guess just because they're unique and interesting looking so anyway there is that the spanish fr8 okay up next is a really cool pistol which comes to us from a viewer in texas this is a smith and wesson model 4506 full size 45 acp single stack magazine double single action does have a magazine disconnect full steel frame and slide now these are the third generation firearms or third generation pistols from smith and wesson which would predate their polymer framed firearms that we know today these are really these are most prominently found in the 1990s and i was you know i personally had been growing up and getting interested in firearms through the 1990s you would see these sorts of things show up in movies typically carried by police officers and film you know things like that uh through 90s action movies and stuff like that so i've always had a huge interest in this series of firearm also there was a reality of police departments actually using things like this like the 40 06 california highway patrol surplus guns you could pick up or used to be able to pick up for a pretty reasonable price the 5906 the 5903 they came out with the aluminum frame like the 5903s uh you could usually pick those up as police surplus for not very much money three to four hundred dollars and the nine millimeter the 40 they were really really affordable now things like this one this particular model these are rain raising in popularity and in price they are not too common on the market and these you typically find between about 750 to 1000 depending on the condition and what it has and things like that now here's another 45 from this same sort of series this is a 45 16 this particular one a dash 2. so like this but more of a compact model again this one came to us from a viewer in texas this one was actually from a local seller so it did not come from the same source but just really really cool pistols i've always loved these they just feel great in the hand you really feel like you're holding a firearm recoil impulse on the miss light the triggers on these are excellent if we look at the double action trigger reset right there and that's not just very quick it's not just that one this one has a bob hammer on it so reset right there just really really great triggers out of the box really great feel to them i've always really liked these things uh this particular one you might be able to find between about five and six hundred dollars depending on what it's got condition and all that sort of thing so these are just really cool there's really not a whole lot to say about them they're not really hugely historic or have a huge amount of history behind them but you can find them in 45 10 millimeter a 49 millimeter and they came out in all different shapes sizes whether they're with a hammer with a bobbed hammer whether they're in the stainless finish or a blue finish so they just made a ton of different variations of these there are tables of them the model tables online and you can just see like if you added them all up there's like 30 or 40 different variations depending on the sizes and calibers and stuff so you could really get carried away collecting these they're just super cool i mean i see some variations of the third generation smith pistol come in you know pretty frequently depending on the caliber the size and stuff but these are just awesome love to have the opportunity to share them with you guys so there's those okay up next i have a very popular pistol which comes to us from a viewer in pennsylvania so thank you so much for sending this along to us many of you guys recognize that this is a magnum research desert eagle this one specifically is a mark 19 with the brush stainless chambered in 44 magnum now these are most commonly i guess the most commonly known i should say for the 50 action express designed by a gentleman of the name evan wilden the 50 ae was of action arms in 1988 now even though this popularized the round the first firearm to be chambered in the round was the auto mag amt auto mag in 50 ae which wink wink i have one of those actually coming so we'll have that in a future video the desert eagle would actually begin r d and manufacturing sort of the the patents would start being designed on especially for the operating system in the early 1980s now by about the late 18 i'm sorry 1980s this would start going into production magnum research would come up with the design elements of this most most importantly you had a very interesting operating system where you had a try a rotating locking lug system similar to like an ar-15 if you look at the bolt and it's a gas operated system not a gas blowback so this is actually more indicative of a rifle operating system than it is a handgun which again was designed for larger cartridges now uh magnum research would actually co-opt the final design uh details and decisions with imi israeli military industries in israel which would continue or begin production on this and stay as the primary producer of this firearm until 1995. now at that point magnum research would move production back to the united states in maine with a company called seiko and they would be the producers of this firearm until about 1998. when magnum research would go back to israel to the company now known as iwi israeli weapons industries and then they would produce it until it would be brought home again by magnum research and they would produce it at home in pillager minnesota which is where this one was manufactured now in 2010 magnum research would be purchased by car arms so even though the uh the brand still exists it is under new ownership car arms um so a lot of people you see these desert eagles you see them desert eagle magnum research imi iwi sega what does it all mean that's kind of the lineage for development and and uh production of these firearms these are not only chambered obviously in 50 ae uh very commonly you find them in 44 magnum and 357 as well and you can get conversion barrels to switch them out this is the mark 19 so you have the rail sort of the latest design iteration of this with the more modern features like the rails the ports and things like that this is the stainless version on the market you're going to typically find these right now used between about sixteen hundred and maybe twenty two hundred dollars based on the condition what it comes with and all that sort of stuff um you can get older variations are gonna be less expensive than that on the new market again these still hover in around that price point so the pricing has not been affected very much they are still very expensive they always have been very expensive they are somewhat of a ranged novelty there is not a whole lot of real practical use for something this large and this heavy unless you're going to be doing large game hunting or something like that you can do that as well but they are undoubtedly really iconic really fun to shoot on the range i've shot a few of these in 50 and 44 magnum now they are just a blast a lot of fun to shoot and they have just been used ad nauseum in video games movies all sorts of pop culture references out there on them so they are a fun firearm to own and collect uh if you're willing to pay the price tag on them so anyway really really cool firearm thank you again to the gentleman in pennsylvania who sold this one to us happy to share it with you on the video desert eagle magnum research desert eagle mark 19. okay last but not least is a really cool carbine that comes to us from a viewer in south carolina this is a colt model 6450 nine millimeter carbine based off their ar-15 design now this was really intended to be the civilian version of the car-15 that i could have adopted for military service with a similar type of application these are used on either modified or loosely designed based on the uzi magazine 32 round capacity and you have a basic ar-15 lower with the three pin modification or this one's a two-pin modification on i guess the earlier ones were three uh for the insert for the magazine well adapter the ejector and all that sort of stuff that you're gonna find right up here on any type of nine millimeter ar-15 now it does work on a straight blowback design does not gas operate so it does not need a rotating bolt so just a fixed one piece bolt design and just very simple modification pencil profile barrel a2 flash hider a1 style upper receiver um very straightforward now there was a limited run of these roger super stock you also found these on some of the colt produced traditional 556 ar15s and these are a little bit uncommon uh but really cool nonetheless really really fun to shoot if you guys have never shot one this is uh also iconic this is sort of like a gas shield really more than it's meant to be a shuttle deflector modified cut uh injection port here so that that can fit on there really really cool really really fun now these would come out prior to the assault weapons ban i believe uh late 80s early 90s i couldn't find an exact manufacturer data when these actually hit the market but there were pre-banned manufacturer of these then there was ban era and about the 1990s prior to the ban though uh colt would machine off the bayonet lug so if you find it without a bayonet lug it's either and that's not necessarily a ban era but could also have been a pre-banned rifle if you see it with the bayonne outlet that's definitely a post span then there was le used for these you could find le restricted mark receivers on these as well this one i believe was made around 2010 or so so definitely a lot of interest in these not only from colt manufacture but a lot of people do their own nine millimeter ar15 uh builds at home so with the street blowback operation of this of course with the common and familiar manual of arms from the ar15 platform people do really enjoy putting these together so anyway really really cool product i definitely like to see stuff like this come in um the 9mm ar-15s especially from colt which is really the one to pioneer this concept and has obviously been doing it for the longest amount of time so just something a little bit unique and different a price point on the market of course if we're talking pre-banned ban era or postband the price is going to fluctuate um something like this and this condition and this one has like eight mags with it i mean you're probably looking at about fifteen hundred to two thousand on the current market you know depending on what the buyer is willing to pay uh so they're definitely uh like a lot of other things going way up in value whether it's just the natural increase in the value and demand of these sorts of things or it's because of the market being crazy with everything going on politically right now who knows but nonetheless still very very cool uh interesting carbines with a lot of interest interest and also a lot of interesting history so anyway gonna finish it up with that kind of quick overview of this carbine from colt but we're going to leave you guys off there and that'll be our number eight spot for you well that is all i have for you today on these thank you so much for stopping by and checking out this video if you enjoyed please let me know by hitting that like button please also consider subscribing to my channel and hit that bell notification button so you are aware when i am posting new content i'm going to leave you off with that i am chris with marksman shooting sports and we buy guns.com in westfield indiana you are watching marksman tv and i will see you next time
Channel: MarksmanTV
Views: 21,103
Rating: 4.9715304 out of 5
Id: voEL8DzLffY
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Length: 32min 5sec (1925 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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