weekly reset, deep clean my apartment with me, chill day at home, lots of chatting and catching up!

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foreign [Music] [Music] hi you guys welcome back to a new Vlog on the channel it's been a while since I vlogged I kind of took the past week off I feel like this summer I've been like really chilling and not working as much as I usually do but I'm excited to be vlogging again today I have some breakfast I'm eating right now I made some chia pudding last night I'll show you guys how to make this later tonight because I think I'm gonna make another batch tonight but I love chia seed pudding it taste so good and it just has so many amazing benefits take a bite um so good then I'm also gonna take this little Juice shot that I got from Wegmans it's Ginger and turmeric I really want to make my own I think maybe next Vlog I'll make my own I've seen so many videos on people making their own wellness shots and it looks really easy so instead of spending like 13 for a box of these I should just make my own but cheers I love the taste of ginger and turmeric I love that cake okay guys so in today's Vlog I'm gonna do a weekly reset it's been a long time since I've done laundry and cleaned and done all that kind of stuff my bed sheets need to be changed desperately so we're gonna do that right now I'm just like having my coffee and breakfast I'm actually reading about the Titanic vessel or the submarine that went missing has anyone else been following up or keeping up with that story I'm pretty sure you have been because it's literally everywhere it's like a huge story so I woke up this morning reading it like it's my morning newspaper so I'm doing that and then I have a little bit of admin work I need to get done and answer some emails and I have a contract that I need to read so just getting all that stuff out of the way first and then I'm gonna get cleaning I need to do a deep clean of everything in the apartment the bathroom the bedroom kitchen living room everywhere so we're going to be very productive today and hopefully that gives you guys some motivation to be productive in your home as well and it's really gloomy which I'm actually happy about we like need the rain because it's been so hot and sunny and the air quality I'm checking the air quality every day because it's starting to get bad again I don't know why um I think there's a construction somewhere it's at 69 which is moderate pollution in this range May pose a moderate Health concern for a very small number of individuals people who are unusually sensitive to Ozone or particle pollution may experience respiratory symptoms well that's me because I have asthma so I'm gonna probably stay inside today usually when the air quality is bad which it's terrible how that's happening so often lately first because of the wildfires and now because of local factors yeah I guess I'm going to stay inside today and that's fine with me I will be productive I don't need to go out and go to the pool I've been going to the pool a lot which is I guess another reason why I haven't been working as much as I usually do because I'm just trying to relax by the pool but not today we're gonna be productive today [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you I got this new diffuser from vitrubi or vitrubi I'm not quite sure which is how to pronounce it and I feel like the camera's so far away I'm like trying to show you guys but yeah I've been needing a new diffuser for a while I don't have a good one and ever since the bad air quality started um and ever since I had like this sinus problem last week I was having serious sinus problems one of my friends told me that I should try using a diffuser and get like tea tree oil and a bunch of different um essential oils see that will help so I'm gonna light this light it like it's a candle I'm gonna um set this up why is this impossible to open I'm gonna just rip it whatever dude let me see package these things well oh it's tinier than I thought it would be that's cute I like that for some reason I thought it was gonna be like this tall but this is good this is nice and then this is in the white color or stone color but they have a lot of really pretty colors and it's kind of like a stone ceramic yeah oh it is stove here's an up close guys yeah yeah it's really nice so I'm gonna set this up right here we'll put this here to make the whole room smell good and then it has timers on the back you could do four hours or eight hours this is actually so small I don't know why I thought it was gonna be so big like it really doesn't hold that much water either um so the oils that I got I got three different ones I got peppermint because I heard that helps with sinuses and like also stomach and all that and then I got lemon and then I got this blend it's called Retreat a tropical getaway it has grapefruit eucalyptus palmarosa I also heard eucalyptus was good for sinuses so I think I might mix all of them together I might do like one drop of each definitely want the peppermint and the retreat one I also love their packaging and their branding's so pretty oh my God it also has an optional LED light so that'll be so nice for the night time and it's made from a matte ceramic cover 500 square feet scenting capacity so perfect for apartments oh I'm so excited for this place to smell nice and clean and fresh and also for my sinuses to like somewhat clear up oh my God that smells so good of the peppermint mmm smells like candy canes I'll just do one drop of the lemon I will say though I'm not a huge fan of lemon scent it reminds me of like cleaner like Pine Sole for the floors or like uh what's that one that you use for the wood what's that spray called for the wood cleaner who is that cool it smells like that okay whoops we had to plug it in where's the plug oh there's a LED light I don't know if you guys can see let me bring this closer oh it has a dimmer like three different settings so that's the brightest medium lowest and off so I'll turn that on at night but let's actually just like turn it on for now I think I just press whoops let's press one of these oh oh there we go it's not like a manual turn on like I can't just turn it on because like what if I don't even want it on for four hours like what if I just want like it on for 30 minutes oh I guess you just press that okay well that's cool oh I like it very cute I'm gonna find another place to put this because I don't really like this cord just like uh hanging off the counter this way but for now this is okay um super cute oh my God it smells so good already the laundry has been piling up for like over a week now desperately need it to do it this is like absolutely ridiculous [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] we're taking a water break and refilling my new water mug that I just got it's a fake little Stanley Cup it's not actually Stanley Cup but it looks like what is this oh my God I have toothpaste on the side of it I was brushing my teeth this morning with it next to me this is just like a no branded uh mug that's similar to the Stanley Cup it literally feels and looks like a Stanley Cup granted I've never seen one in person but it's really good quality got this on Amazon for a little bit under 30 dollars so it was like almost half off here's my thing with the Stanley Cup this has like been my perspective on it for the longest time I told myself when these Stanley Cups were getting popular I told myself I did not did not need another type of water mug tumbler water bottle I have like three Hydro flasks I have like so many tumblers so I told myself I did not need a Stanley Cup at things like 40 something dollars and this is an unpopular opinion I just felt like there were too popular like everyone had one literally everywhere you went at the pool at work on the Metro like in the grocery store someone had a Stanley Cup and I just didn't really like that I didn't like how oversaturated it was but now having one that's like similar to it I understand like why it's very popular because I love the handle it's just so easy to carry with me when I go run my errands and it also fits in the cup holder in my car which none of my hydro flasks do so like I totally get the appeal but I didn't get it for a while I really did my best to like not be influenced into getting one um and I guess I kind of haven't really because I don't really care about like the brand name I just really like the functionality of it so this one is really amazing if you like me don't care for the brand name of a Stanley Cup this one is really great it again was like under thirty dollars super insulated my water stays cold for like day a whole day at a time so that's the main reason why I get water bottles like this is because I need my water to stay cold all day long I don't want to keep adding ice I don't want to drink any lukewarm water so I get it now I get it and honestly I love it because when I'm just like walking outside I could just like be lazy and carry it like this whereas with my Hydro Flask I would always like drop it that thing has so many dents on it my Hydro Flask because I always drop it because like the little tiny like handle that's like above it here it's like a little Loop and you carry it it's so hard to hold because my thing is like heavy that's a 40 ounce this is also 40 ounce so think of this but like with a little teeny tiny Loop up here and every time I hold it from the loop it's just too heavy because I have so much water in it so it just like Falls and makes a really loud oh my God the loudest most embarrassing noise yeah that's my tangent on Stanley Cup and every time I say that I just think of hockey because Stanley Cup is literally a trophy I think it's called Stanley tumbler but I hear some people say Stanley Cup I think Stanley Tumblr Stanley mug I think that's the proper way to say that I need to have another coffee fix this creamer from Starbucks well I got it at Target but it's Starbucks branded this creamer is my new favorite creamer because it is zero sugar I know creamers are not healthy I always try to look for like healthy alternatives but I think when I was in the store the other day I just needed to grab something quick I didn't have time to go um to like Whole Foods or somewhere else to get a healthy creamer so I just grabbed this and I love the taste of it I just like how it's zero grams of sugar but it doesn't taste like it tastes like there's actually sugar in the creamer so here's my coffee of the day I don't add that much it's like a little splash and then my iced coffee is the LA colombe cold brew they were doing a buy one get one free at where was this I think it was it's either Whole Foods or Harris Teeter uh and yeah I was like heck yeah I'm gonna buy two of them well okay I am having such a clumsy day today I keep dropping things spilling things bumping into things and I came to the conclusion that I run into things all the time because I'm the type of person that is so clumsy I'm always running into things like running into doorknobs running to door frames um hitting my foot or my leg on chairs and like tables I've come to the conclusion that I'm probably doing all this because I don't wear my glasses inside I only wear my glasses when I'm watching TV or when I'm driving and that's pretty much it other than that I choose not to wear my glasses and I really can't see that well far away like I can see I can obviously see like objects and stuff I can see the camera I can see myself but it's like kind of blurry and I can't make out words so I need to like break that habit I just need to start wearing my glasses I just don't know why like I don't like having anything on my face I have contacts too and I hate wearing contacts because back in high school I had this traumatic experience where I accidentally scratched my cornea really hard taking my contact out and my eye was like bloody bloodshot red unable to open it for a week straight I had to wear like an eye patch for a couple days and I was so sensitive to like I also had to wear sunglasses indoors and I think this was during school it was my senior year of high school and I think I had to wear sunglasses in class everyone was like laughing at me asking what's wrong with me it was so embarrassing so I still wear contacts I have the dailies and I only wear them on special occasions like if I'm going to a wedding or a concert which I don't go to college but like if I'm going to like a sporting event somewhere where I have to sit somewhere and look far away and I don't want to like keep putting my glasses on and off I'll wear contacts but I never wear contacts inside the house um I don't know I need to find out a better system I have so many glasses and you guys see me wear glasses all the time but like I said I prefer not to just because I don't like anything any weight on my face but yeah I think that's why I keep running into the doors and like remember did you guys see that Vlog where I went to the pool is my pool Vlog and I had the grossest bruise on my leg literally the size no like bigger than my fist I swear the bruise was so big it took two weeks for it to finally start fading it away um and now it's like pretty much gone um but I bruise really easily I think I have like low iron and yeah I just have lots of issue I saw this Tick Tock today wait I have to go show you guys it's so funny okay so you know how there are red flags and green flags like when you meet someone or you're dating someone like you know like oh he's a red flag or she's a green flag like she's a good person now on social media there's this thing going around called beige Flags which is like neutral like it's not bad it's not good either but like it's kind of just like eh like weird so this Tick Tock right here he says my fiance's beige flag is that she is never at 100 health she's either got a slight headache is kind of tired has a little tickle in her throat feels a bit nauseous or has random pain somewhere on her body for no apparent reason that's literally me I cracked up when I saw that and I showed this to Anto because he's always saying like why are you always having like issues like I either have a headache a stomach ache anxiety like bruises everywhere I like had a cut on my thumb like a couple weeks ago and I swore I thought I had to go to the hospital to get stitches because it was bleeding and like it got infected oh my God so I always talk about my health and I'm also a hypochondriac so it's just hilarious like when I talk about these things with onto because he's like like something's always up like what's going on so I am so this girl here you can read it if you want is anyone else like this does anyone else feel like they're not at a hundred percent Health all the time there's always something it's definitely hormones I feel like for a woman there was the bad air quality on like the east coast and like the New York Region because of the Canada Wildfire last week or was it actually two weeks ago the air quality was just outrageously so polluted it was just so so unhealthy it was just very unsafe to be outside so I stayed inside for like maybe three days in a row I didn't go outside because I'm considered one of the people in the sensitive group like I have asthma and all that so very bad for me so I stayed inside but for some reason I still got like a kind of sinus infection I had a sinus headache for like five days in a row the driest sinuses I've ever experienced in my life and I just know it was because of the air pollution I think because I went outside one of the days but like I was wearing a mask outside it's you know those masks don't really protect that great so basically I had a sinus headache for probably five days in a row that's really why I haven't vlogged much like I haven't posted a video I think in a week since my last video and it's because my sinuses were just so bad like guys I never get headaches so I just didn't know how to deal it's finally gone it went away like maybe two or three days ago and that was just again the worst pain I finally feel like I am healthy again like no more headaches no more excruciating bad bruises for now so we gotta just stay healthy taking a break from cleaning having my coffee and I'm watching shit's creek I am re-watching the show I watch this back in 2019 for the first time binge watched the whole show obsessed with it it's so funny if you've never seen it please go watch it it's on Hulu so I'm watching that it's been playing all day um with me cleaning and it's raining it's gonna be raining all week it's been raining since this morning and it's just so gross but yeah I'm waiting for the laundry my bed sheets are in the dryer I usually like swap the bed sheets like I will strip the bed sheets throw them in the wash and like put a new set on but the linen bed sheets that I have been loving I showed it a few Vlogs ago it's from metallic and it was my first time putting linen bed sheets on the bed and oh my God so obsessed it feels so good so instead of like swapping it out for my other set of bed sheets I wash them I'm drying them I'm gonna put the same sheets back on the bed because linen bed sheets you guys I recommend I will link the ones that I use it's been a really like gloomy kind of slow day I just really wanted to kind of be calm and not really have to work or be on my phone be on social media I really haven't been on my phone all day I just really wanted to breathe and like take a step back kind of reset my mind also when I do my weekly resets I not only reset my apartment that's mostly what I show but I also reset my mind and like my mentality my mindset and honestly I don't know what it is but I've been feeling kind of burnt out with work so I'm not posting Vlogs as often as I usually do like usually I post like three a week but I think now I'm doing like one to two a week which I know is not a lot but I'm just like allowing myself to give that time where I can kind of move slowly go at my own pace just do what feels right so I'm kind of considering this like a break I guess because coming at the end of June and July I have so many fun Vlogs planned we're going to be going to the beach it's going to be me and anto's eight year anniversary of dating so I have a lot of fun content planned around that but also like I literally the other day wrote a list of all of my content ideas and I actually asked you guys on Instagram as well what content you want to see also comment on this video down below your content requests and stuff you want to see this summer but I have so many ideas I just haven't implemented them yet but again that's kind of why I have kind of like slowed down with posting because I care more about quality than quantity I just think it's so much better to put out Vlogs that actually have value or that are yeah worth watching rather than just posting like every other day and posting things that people don't care about things that are boring and interesting you know what I mean okay I think my sheets are done so let's go finish my bed I need to also vacuum the like headboard because I'm noticing with the black like headboard covers there's a lot of dust that's Gathering since I used to have white headboard covers on my bed I could barely see the dust but now that I have black I'm seeing so much dust now and it's kind of grossing me out so I need to like vacuum like along uh the the base and also the headboard like just vacuum all along there so we're gonna do that and then put the bed sheets on foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you okay bathroom is all nice and squeaky clean I wanted to show you guys this new wall art that I got I used to have another art print here I moved that to the other bathroom I'll show you guys that in a minute but I got this from Burlington Coat Factory of all places I went there for the first time like last weekend and I kind of want to do a vlog where I like go in there and shop around and do like a little haul because I was really surprised at the good stuff they had on there for super cheap and I got this very interesting artwork it is like french fries on this really pretty pastel pink canvas and the Louis Vuitton sparkly black fries box I don't know I thought it was cute Anto actually was the one that convinced me to get it he thought it was super dope and it really does not match at all with the apartment with the aesthetic with the vibe with like just the overall I guess theme of my Decor but I just wanted something different and fun I don't know I just couldn't stop looking at it so I put it here in this corner this was like ten dollars so I was like why not this is the print that used to be in the other bathroom I moved it here I used to have another print here but um I love this so much better I just think it matches a lot better with like I don't know all the little black detailings I have in this bathroom so yeah just did a little Swip Swip Swap of the art art pieces I actually kind of wish this was bigger but I'm not going to just go and spend money on something I don't need so we'll just make do of what I have this is from I think this is from Society6 if I'm not mistaken or it could be from desenio from one of those I think it's from decennio okay so like I mentioned at the beginning of the Vlog I will show you guys how I make my chia seed pudding it's so easy it's literally three ingredients just your chia seeds and some type of milk of your choice I'm just gonna be using some almond milk and then I'm gonna be adding some raw honey to it to add a little bit of sweetness and that's it I'm gonna be putting it in this little jar I got this from at home these are actually for spices but it just is the perfect size for chia seed pudding and I like how it's nice and airtight with the lid so you want to use some type of glass jar or container that has an airtight lid and I'm gonna just mix it all together let it sit overnight in the fridge and that'll be my breakfast for the morning I actually need to pick up some more chia seeds I'm like running out but this will do for probably just one more I've been making them kind of in bulk like I've been making like two or three of them at a time to have them for for the week but I think this is only good for one more serving or maybe two more it might be good for two and it gets messy I always like end up spilling everywhere but I love cheesy pudding I just really honestly like the texture of it that's kind of what my favorite part is but it also tastes good you know when you mix in the honey and then the fruits that I add to it I kind of just like play it by ear I do like half and half portion of each add the honey to it like that and then mix it up it's very easy to make and it just tastes so amazing in the morning also these are great for if you're on the go in the morning okay just grab one and go kind of like a yogurt cup but I really don't like yogurt actually anymore I don't eat yogurt anymore I'm trying to stay away from dairy so I've been looking for like other Alternatives and cheesy pudding is like the perfect alternative along with overnight oats and that's all super easy so I'm gonna put this in the fridge and we'll enjoy the storm warning you can also like kind of shake it if the lid is tight enough so that nothing will fall out yeah I just give it like a little Shake too [Music] [Music] I'm getting ready for bed and I wanted to show you guys these new skin care wipes I've been using from Dr Dennis gross it's the universal daily peel wipes they come in this big pack of let's see I think 30 treatments basically it's these wipes and it's a two-step process the first one is to exfoliate and smooth your face and then the second one is an anti-aging neutralizer and it just helps give you you Flawless perfectly balanced smooth skin so I really just love how my skin kind of feels and looks after using it this is actually the second time I've done it so the first time I did this last night and I really love it and you can use this both morning and night I just use it at night I just feel like twice a day is a lot because it kind of stings a little bit so usually when like a product will sting your face like you need to like ease into it so I probably won't do this for another few days but really I don't know I love how it makes my skin feel it just helps make your skin glow it's an at-home peel so it's kind of like appealing facial all at home it has five ahas and bhas plus antioxidants and vitamins to lift away dead skin along with excess oil and impurities and improves uneven tone and texture literally just so many good benefits so I'm really loving these I'll link them in my description hey that's great finally in bed I don't know if the camera's focusing or not because my camera doesn't really do well in low lighting but yes finally in bed I'm so tired my cleaning days always wear me out so I'm going to end the Vlog here I hope you guys enjoyed this one good night thanks so much for watching I'll catch you guys in my next one foreign
Channel: Stephanie Rose
Views: 68,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sunday reset, cleaning vlog, day in the life, cleaning motivation, speed cleaning, productive day in my life, productivity motivation, lifestyle vlogger
Id: m5DwKeiYBKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 30sec (1950 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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